public bool UpdateSiteMaintain(CMS_SysConfigModels model, ref string msg) { var result = true; using (var cxt = new CMS_Context()) { using (var beginTran = cxt.Database.BeginTransaction()) { try { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Id)) { var e = cxt.CMS_SysConfigs.Find(model.Id); if (e != null) { e.SiteContent = model.SiteContent; } } cxt.SaveChanges(); beginTran.Commit(); } catch (Exception ex) { msg = "Lỗi đường truyền mạng"; beginTran.Rollback(); result = false; } } } return(result); }
public bool DeleteImage(string Id, ref string msg) { NSLog.Logger.Info("ProductDeleteImage", Id); var result = true; try { using (var cxt = new CMS_Context()) { var e = cxt.CMS_ImagesLink.Find(Id); if (e != null) { msg = e.ImageURL; cxt.CMS_ImagesLink.Remove(e); cxt.SaveChanges(); } else { result = false; msg = "Vui lòng kiểm tra đường truyền"; } NSLog.Logger.Info("ResponseProductDeleteImage", new { result, msg }); } } catch (Exception ex) { result = false; msg = "Vui lòng kiểm tra đường truyền"; NSLog.Logger.Error("ErrorProductDeleteImage", ex); } return(result); }
public bool ChangeStatusDepositTransaction(List <CMS_DepositTransactionsModel> model, int Status) { var result = true; try { using (var cxt = new CMS_Context()) { var Ids = model.Select(x => x.Id).ToList(); var e = cxt.CMS_DepositTransactions.Where(x => Ids.Contains(x.Id)).ToList(); e.ForEach(x => { x.Status = Status; x.UpdatedDate = DateTime.Now; }); cxt.SaveChanges(); } } catch (Exception ex) { NSLog.Logger.Error("ChangeStatusDepositTransaction", ex); } return(result); }
public bool ChangeStatus(string ID, ref string msg) { var result = true; try { using (var cxt = new CMS_Context()) { var e = cxt.CMS_Account.Find(ID); if (e != null) { //if (!e.IsActive) //{ // var active = cxt.CMS_Account.Where(o=> o.IsActive).FirstOrDefault(); // if (active != null) // { // active.IsActive = false; // } // e.IsActive = !e.IsActive; //} e.IsActive = !e.IsActive; } cxt.SaveChanges(); } } catch (Exception ex) { msg = "Can't update status this account."; result = false; } return(result); }
public bool DeleteImage(string Id, ref string msg) { var result = true; try { using (var cxt = new CMS_Context()) { var e = cxt.CMS_Images.Find(Id); if (e != null) { msg = e.ImageURL; cxt.CMS_Images.Remove(e); cxt.SaveChanges(); } else { result = false; msg = "Vui lòng kiểm tra đường truyền"; } } } catch (Exception ex) { result = false; msg = "Vui lòng kiểm tra đường truyền"; } return(result); }
public bool ForgotPassword(string email, string newPassword, ref string msg) { var result = true; try { using (var cxt = new CMS_Context()) { var Cus = cxt.CMS_Customers.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Email == email && x.IsActive && x.IsActive); if (Cus != null) { Cus.Password = newPassword; Cus.UpdatedDate = DateTime.Now; cxt.SaveChanges(); } else { msg = "E-mail dose not exits"; result = false; } } } catch (Exception ex) { NSLog.Logger.Error("ForgotPassword", ex); result = false; } return(result); }
public bool Delete(string Id, string createdBy, ref string msg) { var result = true; try { using (var _db = new CMS_Context()) { var key = _db.CMS_KeyWord.Where(o => o.ID == Id).FirstOrDefault(); key.Status = (byte)Commons.EStatus.Deleted; key.UpdatedDate = DateTime.Now; key.UpdatedBy = createdBy; /* delete group key */ var listGroupKey = _db.CMS_R_GroupKey_KeyWord.Where(o => o.KeyWordID == Id).ToList(); listGroupKey.ForEach(o => { o.Status = (byte)Commons.EStatus.Deleted; o.UpdatedDate = DateTime.Now; o.UpdatedBy = createdBy; }); _db.SaveChanges(); } } catch (Exception ex) { msg = "Can't delete this key words."; result = false; } return(result); }
public bool ChangePassword(CustomerChangePasswordModel model, ref string msg) { var result = true; try { using (var cxt = new CMS_Context()) { var Cus = cxt.CMS_Customers.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Email == model.Email && x.IsActive && (x.Password == model.LastPassword || x.Password2 == model.LastPassword)); if (Cus != null) { Cus.Password = model.Password; Cus.Password2 = model.Password2; Cus.UpdatedDate = DateTime.Now; cxt.SaveChanges(); } else { msg = "Last password incorrect"; result = false; } } } catch (Exception ex) { NSLog.Logger.Error("ChangePassword", ex); msg = "Last password incorrect"; result = false; } return(result); }
public bool Delete(string Id, ref string msg) { NSLog.Logger.Info("ReservationDelete", Id); var result = true; try { using (var cxt = new CMS_Context()) { var e = cxt.CMS_Reservation.Find(Id); if (e != null) { e.Status = (byte)Commons.EStatus.Deleted; cxt.SaveChanges(); } else { msg = "Unable to find Reservation."; result = false; } NSLog.Logger.Info("ResponseReservationDelete", new { result, msg }); } } catch (Exception ex) { msg = "Không thể xóa thể loại này"; result = false; NSLog.Logger.Error("ErrorReservationDelete", ex); } return(result); }
public bool Delete(string Id, ref string msg) { var result = true; using (var cxt = new CMS_Context()) { using (var trans = cxt.Database.BeginTransaction()) { try { var e = cxt.CMS_Companies.Find(Id); cxt.SaveChanges(); trans.Commit(); } catch (Exception ex) { result = false; msg = "Không thể xóa thể loại này"; trans.Rollback(); } finally { cxt.Dispose(); } } } return(result); }
public static void WriteLogs(string description, string jsonContent) { try { using (var _db = new CMS_Context()) { description = description.Length > 98 ? description.Substring(0, 95) + "\n..." : description; jsonContent = jsonContent.Length > 3999 ? jsonContent.Substring(0, 3995) + "\n..." : jsonContent; var logData = new CMS_Log() { ID = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), Decription = description, CreatedDate = DateTime.UtcNow.AddHours(7), JsonContent = jsonContent, }; _db.CMS_Log.Add(logData); _db.SaveChanges(); _db.Database.CommandTimeout = 500; /* delete log from 7 day ago */ _db.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand( "delete CMS_Log where CreatedDate < DATEADD(DAY,-7,getdate())" ); } } catch (Exception ex) { } }
public bool Delete(string Id, ref string msg) { NSLog.Logger.Info("CustomersDelete", Id); var result = true; try { using (var cxt = new CMS_Context()) { var e = cxt.CMS_Customer.Find(Id); if (e != null) { e.Status = (byte)Commons.EStatus.Deleted; cxt.SaveChanges(); } else { msg = "Unable to find data to delete."; result = false; } NSLog.Logger.Info("ResponseCustomersDelete", new { result, msg }); } } catch (Exception ex) { msg = "System Error."; result = false; NSLog.Logger.Error("ErrorCustomersDelete", ex); } return(result); }
public bool ChangAccDefault(string ID, ref string msg) { var result = true; try { using (var cxt = new CMS_Context()) { var e = cxt.CMS_Account.Find(ID); if (e != null) { var isDefault = cxt.CMS_Account.Where(o => o.IsDefault).FirstOrDefault(); if (isDefault != null) { isDefault.IsDefault = false; } e.IsDefault = !e.IsDefault; } cxt.SaveChanges(); } } catch (Exception ex) { msg = "Can't update this default account."; result = false; } return(result); }
public bool RemoveKeyFromGroup(string KeyId, string GroupKeyID, ref string msg) { var result = true; using (var _db = new CMS_Context()) { using (var trans = _db.Database.BeginTransaction()) { try { /* add new record */ var checkRemove = _db.CMS_R_GroupKey_KeyWord.Where(o => o.KeyWordID == KeyId && o.GroupKeyID == GroupKeyID).FirstOrDefault(); checkRemove.Status = (byte)Commons.EStatus.Deleted; checkRemove.UpdatedDate = DateTime.Now; _db.SaveChanges(); trans.Commit(); } catch (Exception ex) { msg = "Check connection, please!"; result = false; trans.Rollback(); } finally { _db.Dispose(); } } } return(result); }
public bool CheckOut(string OrderId, string createdUser) { var result = true; try { NSLog.Logger.Info("CheckOut_Request:", OrderId); using (var db = new CMS_Context()) { var Order = db.CMS_Order.Find(OrderId); if (Order != null) { Order.ReceiptNo = CommonHelper.GenerateReceiptNo(Order.StoreID, (byte)Commons.EStatus.Actived, (byte)Commons.EOrderType.Normal); Order.LastModified = DateTime.Now; Order.ModifiedUser = createdUser; Order.Cashier = createdUser; Order.ReceiptCreatedDate = DateTime.Now; db.SaveChanges(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { result = false; NSLog.Logger.Error("CheckOut_Order:", ex); } return(result); }
public bool InsertOrUpdate(CMS_PolicyModels model, ref string msg) { var result = true; using (var cxt = new CMS_Context()) { using (var trans = cxt.Database.BeginTransaction()) { try { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Id)) { } else { } cxt.SaveChanges(); trans.Commit(); } catch (Exception) { result = false; msg = "Vui lòng kiểm tra đường truyền"; trans.Rollback(); } finally { cxt.Dispose(); } } } return(result); }
public bool CreateOrUpdate(CMS_SimsModels model, ref string msg) { var result = true; using (var cxt = new CMS_Context()) { using (var trans = cxt.Database.BeginTransaction()) { try { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Id)) { var _Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); var e = new CMS_Sims { Id = _Id, OperatorName = model.OperatorName, SimName = model.SimName, SimNumber = model.SimNumber, Status = model.Status, IsActive = model.IsActive, UpdatedBy = model.UpdatedBy, UpdatedDate = DateTime.Now, CreatedBy = model.CreatedBy, CreatedDate = DateTime.Now }; cxt.CMS_Sims.Add(e); } else { var e = cxt.CMS_Sims.Find(model.Id); if (e != null) { e.OperatorName = model.OperatorName; e.SimName = model.SimName; e.SimNumber = model.SimNumber; e.Status = model.Status; e.IsActive = model.IsActive; e.UpdatedDate = DateTime.Now; e.UpdatedBy = model.UpdatedBy; } } cxt.SaveChanges(); trans.Commit(); } catch (Exception ex) { msg = "Vui lòng kiểm tra đường truyền"; result = false; trans.Rollback(); } finally { cxt.Dispose(); } } } return(result); }
public bool CreateOrUpdate(CMS_NewsModels model, ref string msg) { var Result = true; using (var cxt = new CMS_Context()) { using (var trans = cxt.Database.BeginTransaction()) { try { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Id)) { var _Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); var e = new CMS_News { Id = _Id, Title = model.Title, Short_Description = model.Short_Description, ImageURL = model.ImageURL, CreatedBy = model.CreatedBy, CreatedDate = DateTime.Now, Description = model.Description, UpdatedBy = model.UpdatedBy, UpdatedDate = DateTime.Now, IsActive = model.IsActive }; cxt.CMS_News.Add(e); } else { var e = cxt.CMS_News.Find(model.Id); if (e != null) { e.Title = model.Title; e.Short_Description = model.Short_Description; e.ImageURL = model.ImageURL; e.Description = model.Description; e.UpdatedBy = model.UpdatedBy; e.UpdatedDate = DateTime.Now; e.IsActive = model.IsActive; } } cxt.SaveChanges(); trans.Commit(); } catch (Exception) { Result = false; msg = "Vui lòng kiểm tra đường truyền"; trans.Rollback(); } finally { cxt.Dispose(); } } } return(Result); }
public bool CreateOrUpdate(CMS_APIModels model, ref string Id, ref string msg) { var result = true; using (var cxt = new CMS_Context()) { using (var beginTran = cxt.Database.BeginTransaction()) { try { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Id)) { var _Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); var e = new CMS_API() { APIName = model.APIName, LinkAPI = model.LinkAPI, APIType = model.APIType, Description = model.Description, CreatedBy = model.CreatedBy, CreatedDate = DateTime.Now, IsActive = model.IsActive, UpdatedBy = model.UpdatedBy, UpdatedDate = DateTime.Now, Id = _Id }; Id = _Id; cxt.CMS_API.Add(e); } else { var e = cxt.CMS_API.Find(model.Id); if (e != null) { e.APIName = model.APIName; e.LinkAPI = model.LinkAPI; e.APIType = model.APIType; e.Description = model.Description; e.IsActive = model.IsActive; e.UpdatedBy = model.UpdatedBy; e.UpdatedDate = DateTime.Now; } } cxt.SaveChanges(); beginTran.Commit(); } catch (Exception ex) { msg = "Lỗi đường truyền mạng"; beginTran.Rollback(); result = false; } } } return(result); }
public bool InsertFromExcel(CMS_MarketingModels model, ref string msg) { var result = true; using (var cxt = new CMS_Context()) { using (var trans = cxt.Database.BeginTransaction()) { try { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Id)) { var _Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); model.Id = _Id; var e = new CMS_Marketing { Id = _Id, CustomerId = model.CustomerId, CustomerName = model.CustomerName, OperatorName = model.OperatorName, RunTime = model.RunTime.Value, SendFrom = model.SendFrom, SendTo = model.SendTo, SMSContent = model.SMSContent, SMSPrice = model.SMSPrice, SMSType = model.SMSType, Status = model.Status, TimeInput = model.TimeInput, IsActive = model.IsActive, SMSRate = model.SMSRate, UpdatedBy = model.UpdatedBy, UpdatedDate = DateTime.Now, CreatedBy = model.CreatedBy, CreatedDate = DateTime.Now, }; cxt.CMS_Marketing.Add(e); var customer = cxt.CMS_Customers.Where(x => x.Id.Equals(model.CustomerId)).FirstOrDefault(); customer.TotalCredit = customer.TotalCredit - model.SMSPrice; } cxt.SaveChanges(); trans.Commit(); } catch (Exception ex) { msg = "Vui lòng kiểm tra đường truyền"; result = false; trans.Rollback(); } finally { cxt.Dispose(); } } } return(result); }
public bool ForgotPassword(string email, ref string msg) { NSLog.Logger.Info("CustomerForgotPassword", email); var result = false; try { using (var cxt = new CMS_Context()) { var emp = cxt.CMS_Customer.Where(o => o.Email.ToLower().Trim() == email.ToLower().Trim() && o.Status == (byte)Commons.EStatus.Actived).FirstOrDefault(); if (emp != null) { if (emp.IsActive ?? true) { string newPass = CommonHelper.GenerateCode(1, new List <string>(), 8).FirstOrDefault(); CommonHelper.SendContentMail(email, "New password: "******"", "[Lamode Beauté Home Spa] Forgot password"); emp.Password = CommonHelper.Encrypt(newPass); emp.LastModified = DateTime.Now; if (cxt.SaveChanges() > 0) { result = true; } else { msg = "Unable to change password."; } } else { msg = "This customer is inactive. Please contact your administrator for more support."; } } else { msg = "Email is not exist."; } NSLog.Logger.Info("ResponseCustomerForgotPassword", new { result, msg }); } } catch (Exception ex) { msg = "System Error."; result = false; NSLog.Logger.Error("ErrorCustomerForgotPassword", ex); } return(result); }
public bool DeleteAndRemoveDB(string Id, ref string msg) { var result = true; try { using (var _db = new CMS_Context()) { _db.Database.CommandTimeout = 500; /* remove list group key*/ var listGroupKey = _db.CMS_R_GroupKey_KeyWord.Where(o => o.KeyWordID == Id).ToList(); /* remove list Key pin */ var listKeyPin = _db.CMS_R_KeyWord_Pin.Where(o => o.KeyWordID == Id).ToList(); _db.CMS_R_GroupKey_KeyWord.RemoveRange(listGroupKey); _db.CMS_R_KeyWord_Pin.RemoveRange(listKeyPin); _db.SaveChanges(); /* remove list pin */ var listPinID = _db.CMS_R_KeyWord_Pin.Select(o => o.PinID).ToList(); var listPin = _db.CMS_Pin.Where(o => !listPinID.Contains(o.ID)).ToList(); /* remove key */ var key = _db.CMS_KeyWord.Where(o => o.ID == Id).FirstOrDefault(); _db.CMS_Pin.RemoveRange(listPin); _db.CMS_KeyWord.Remove(key); _db.SaveChanges(); } } catch (Exception ex) { msg = "Can't delete this key words."; result = false; } return(result); }
public bool AddKeyToGroup(string KeyId, string GroupKeyID, ref string msg) { var result = true; using (var _db = new CMS_Context()) { using (var trans = _db.Database.BeginTransaction()) { try { /* add new record */ var checkExist = _db.CMS_R_GroupKey_KeyWord.Where(o => o.KeyWordID == KeyId && o.GroupKeyID == GroupKeyID).FirstOrDefault(); if (checkExist != null) { if (checkExist.Status != (byte)Commons.EStatus.Active) { checkExist.Status = (byte)Commons.EStatus.Active; checkExist.UpdatedDate = DateTime.Now; } } else /* add new */ { var newGroupKey = new CMS_R_GroupKey_KeyWord() { ID = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), GroupKeyID = GroupKeyID, KeyWordID = KeyId, Status = (byte)Commons.EStatus.Active, CreatedDate = DateTime.Now, UpdatedDate = DateTime.Now, }; _db.CMS_R_GroupKey_KeyWord.Add(newGroupKey); } _db.SaveChanges(); trans.Commit(); } catch (Exception ex) { msg = "Check connection, please!"; result = false; trans.Rollback(); } finally { _db.Dispose(); } } } return(result); }
public bool InsertOrUpdate(CMS_PolicyModels model, ref string msg) { var result = true; using (var cxt = new CMS_Context()) { using (var trans = cxt.Database.BeginTransaction()) { try { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Id)) { var e = new CMS_Policy { Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), CreatedBy = model.CreatedBy, CreatedDate = DateTime.Now, Description = model.Description, IsActive = model.IsActive, UpdatedBy = model.UpdatedBy, UpdatedDate = DateTime.Now }; cxt.CMS_Policys.Add(e); } else { var e = cxt.CMS_Policys.Find(model.Id); e.CreatedBy = model.CreatedBy; e.Description = model.Description; e.IsActive = model.IsActive; e.UpdatedBy = model.UpdatedBy; e.UpdatedDate = DateTime.Now; } cxt.SaveChanges(); trans.Commit(); } catch (Exception) { result = false; msg = "Vui lòng kiểm tra đường truyền"; trans.Rollback(); } finally { cxt.Dispose(); } } } return(result); }
public bool CreateDepositTransaction(List <CMS_DepositTransactionsModel> model, ref string msg, List <string> lstID = null) { var result = true; try { using (var cxt = new CMS_Context()) { var es = new List <CMS_DepositTransactions>(); foreach (var item in model) { var e = new CMS_DepositTransactions { Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), CreatedDate = DateTime.Now, CustomerId = item.CustomerId, CustomerName = item.CustomerName, ExchangeRate = item.ExchangeRate, CreatedBy = item.CustomerId, IsActive = true, PackageId = item.PackageId, PackageName = item.PackageName, PackagePrice = item.PackagePrice, PackageSMS = item.PackageSMS, PayCoin = item.PayCoin, PaymentMethodId = item.PaymentMethodId, PaymentMethodName = item.PaymentMethodName, SMSPrice = item.SMSPrice, UpdatedDate = DateTime.Now, WalletMoney = item.WalletMoney, Status = (int)Commons.DepositStatus.WaitingPay, DepositNo = item.DepositNo }; es.Add(e); } cxt.CMS_DepositTransactions.AddRange(es); cxt.SaveChanges(); msg = "Create deposite order successful"; } } catch (Exception ex) { result = false; msg = "Create deposite order not successful"; NSLog.Logger.Error("CreateDepositTransaction", ex); } return(result); }
public bool ChangeStatus(CMS_DepositTransactionsModel model, string userId) { var result = true; try { using (var cxt = new CMS_Context()) { using (var trans = cxt.Database.BeginTransaction()) { try { var e = cxt.CMS_DepositTransactions.Where(x => x.Id.Equals(model.Id)).ToList(); e.ForEach(x => { x.Status = model.Status; x.UpdatedDate = DateTime.Now; x.UpdatedBy = userId; }); var c = cxt.CMS_Customers.Where(x => x.Id.Equals(model.CustomerId)).FirstOrDefault(); if (c != null) { c.TotalCredit += model.PackageSMS;// change after confirm c.UpdatedBy = userId; c.UpdatedDate = DateTime.Now; } cxt.SaveChanges(); trans.Commit(); } catch (Exception ex) { NSLog.Logger.Error("ChangeStatusDepositTransaction", ex); trans.Rollback(); } finally { cxt.Dispose(); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { NSLog.Logger.Error("ChangeStatusDepositTransaction", ex); } return(result); }
public bool UpdateSMSStatus(string id, int status, ref string msg) { var result = true; using (var cxt = new CMS_Context()) { using (var trans = cxt.Database.BeginTransaction()) { try { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(id)) { var e = cxt.CMS_Marketing.Find(id); if (e != null) { e.Status = status; e.UpdatedDate = DateTime.Now; e.UpdatedBy = "GSM"; if (status.Equals((int)Commons.SMSStatus.Fail)) { var customer = cxt.CMS_Customers.Where(x => x.Id.Equals(e.CustomerId)).FirstOrDefault(); customer.TotalCredit = customer.TotalCredit + e.SMSPrice; } } } cxt.SaveChanges(); trans.Commit(); NSLog.Logger.Info("Update Status SMS success: " + id + "==" + status); } catch (Exception ex) { msg = "Vui lòng kiểm tra đường truyền"; result = false; NSLog.Logger.Error("Update Status SMS " + id + " :", ex); trans.Rollback(); } finally { cxt.Dispose(); } } } return(result); }
public bool Delete(string Id, ref string msg) { NSLog.Logger.Info("CateDelete", Id); var result = true; try { using (var cxt = new CMS_Context()) { var e = cxt.CMS_Categories.Find(Id); if (e != null) { var isExistProduct = cxt.CMS_Products.Where(o => o.CategoryID == Id && o.Status != (byte)Commons.EStatus.Deleted).Count() > 0; if (!isExistProduct) { e.Status = (byte)Commons.EStatus.Deleted; cxt.SaveChanges(); } else { result = false; msg = "Have product in this cate, unable to delete cate."; } } else { msg = "Unable to find cate."; result = false; } NSLog.Logger.Info("ResponseCateDelete", new { result, msg }); } } catch (Exception ex) { msg = "Không thể xóa thể loại này"; result = false; NSLog.Logger.Error("ErrorCateDelete", ex); } return(result); }
public bool Delete(string Id, ref string msg) { var result = true; try { using (var cxt = new CMS_Context()) { var e = cxt.CMS_Account.Find(Id); cxt.CMS_Account.Remove(e); cxt.SaveChanges(); } } catch (Exception ex) { msg = "Can't delete this account."; result = false; } return(result); }
public bool Delete(string Id, ref string msg) { var result = true; try { using (var cxt = new CMS_Context()) { var e = cxt.CMS_Employees.Find(Id); cxt.CMS_Employees.Remove(e); cxt.SaveChanges(); } } catch (Exception ex) { msg = "Không thể xóa nhân viên này"; result = false; } return(result); }