public static async Task OnClientAuthenticationSession(PacketHandlerContext c)
            var request = CMSG_AUTH_SESSION.Read(c.Packet);
            var build   = (int)request.Build;

            if (c.Client.Build != build)
                c.Client.Log($"Expected build {c.Client.Build} but is {build}.", LogLevel.Warning);
                c.Client.Build = build;

            var session = c.AccountService.GetSession(request.Identifier);

            if (session is null)
                // return [SMSG_AUTH_RESPONSE, 21]
                throw new ArgumentException($"No user with name {request.Identifier} found in db.");

            ////: if server is full and NOT GM return [SMSG_AUTH_RESPONSE, 21]
            ////: if player is already connected return [SMSG_AUTH_RESPONSE, 13]

            using var sha = new SHA1CryptoServiceProvider();
            var calculatedDigest = sha.ComputeHash(
                .Concat(new byte[] { 0, 0, 0, 0 })

            if (!calculatedDigest.SequenceEqual(request.Digest))
                //return [SMSG_AUTH_RESPONSE, 21]
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Wrong digest SMSG_AUTH_RESPONSE");

            c.Client.HeaderCrypt = HeaderCryptFactory.Create(session.SessionKey, build);
            c.Client.Identifier  = request.Identifier;
            await c.Client.SendPacket(new SMSG_AUTH_RESPONSE(build));