private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Append("All molecule files (*.mol, *.sdf, *.cml)|*.mol;*.sdf;*.cml"); sb.Append("|CML molecule files (*.cml)|*.cml"); sb.Append("|MDL molecule files (*.mol, *.sdf)|*.mol;*.sdf"); openFileDialog1.FileName = "*.*"; openFileDialog1.Filter = sb.ToString(); DialogResult dr = openFileDialog1.ShowDialog(); if (dr == DialogResult.OK) { string fileType = Path.GetExtension(openFileDialog1.FileName).ToLower(); string filename = Path.GetFileName(openFileDialog1.FileName); string mol = File.ReadAllText(openFileDialog1.FileName); string cml = ""; CMLConverter cmlConvertor = new CMLConverter(); SdFileConverter sdFileConverter = new SdFileConverter(); Model model = null; switch (fileType) { case ".mol": case ".sdf": model = sdFileConverter.Import(mol); model.RefreshMolecules(); model.Relabel(); cml = cmlConvertor.Export(model); //model.DumpModel("After Import"); break; case ".cml": case ".xml": model = cmlConvertor.Import(mol); model.RefreshMolecules(); model.Relabel(); cml = cmlConvertor.Export(model); break; } this.Text = filename; this.display1.Chemistry = cml; } }
private void Redo_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string module = $"{_product}.{_class}.{MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name}()"; try { Model m = _redoStack.Pop(); Debug.WriteLine( $"Popped F: {m.ConciseFormula} BL: {m.MeanBondLength.ToString("#,##0.00")} from Redo Stack"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_lastCml)) { CMLConverter cc = new CMLConverter(); var clone = cc.Import(_lastCml); _lastCml = cc.Export(m); Debug.WriteLine( $"Pushing F: {clone.ConciseFormula} BL: {clone.MeanBondLength.ToString("#,##0.00")} onto Undo Stack"); _undoStack.Push(clone); } ShowChemistry($"Redo -> {m.ConciseFormula}", m); } catch (Exception exception) { _telemetry.Write(module, "Exception", $"Exception: {exception.Message}"); _telemetry.Write(module, "Exception(Data)", $"Exception: {exception}"); MessageBox.Show(exception.StackTrace, exception.Message); } }
private void ExportAs_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (lastModel != null) { string result = string.Empty; switch (ExportAs.SelectedIndex) { case 1: var cmlConverter = new CMLConverter(); result = cmlConverter.Export(lastModel); break; case 2: var sdFileConverter = new SdFileConverter(); result = sdFileConverter.Export(lastModel); break; case 3: var jsonConverter = new JSONConverter(); result = jsonConverter.Export(lastModel); break; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(result)) { //Clipboard.SetText(result); //MessageBox.Show("Last loaded model exported to clipboard as CML"); textBox1.Text = result + Environment.NewLine; } } ExportAs.SelectedIndex = 0; LoadStructure.Focus(); }
private void HandleChangedCml(string cml, string captionPrefix) { var cc = new CMLConverter(); if (_lastCml != EmptyCml) { var clone = cc.Import(_lastCml); Debug.WriteLine( $"Pushing F: {clone.ConciseFormula} BL: {clone.MeanBondLength.ToString("#,##0.00")} onto Stack"); _undoStack.Push(clone); } Model m = cc.Import(cml); m.Relabel(true); m.EnsureBondLength(20, false); _lastCml = cc.Export(m); // Cause re-read of settings (in case they have changed) _editorOptions = new AcmeOptions(null); SetDisplayOptions(); RedoStack.SetOptions(_editorOptions); UndoStack.SetOptions(_editorOptions); ShowChemistry($"{captionPrefix} {m.ConciseFormula}", m); }
private void OnWpfButtonClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { string module = $"{_product}.{_class}.{MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name}()"; WpfEventArgs args = (WpfEventArgs)e; if (args.Button.ToUpper().Equals("OK")) { DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; CMLConverter cc = new CMLConverter(); JSONConverter jc = new JSONConverter(); Model.Model model = jc.Import(args.OutputValue); OutputValue = cc.Export(model); } if (args.Button.ToUpper().Equals("CANCEL")) { DialogResult = DialogResult.Cancel; OutputValue = ""; } WpfChemDoodle editor = elementHost1.Child as WpfChemDoodle; if (editor != null) { editor.OnButtonClick -= OnWpfButtonClick; editor = null; } Hide(); }
private void ProcessResponse(HttpWebResponse response) { LabelInfo.Text = ""; // read data via the response stream using (Stream resStream = response.GetResponseStream()) { if (resStream != null) { StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(resStream); string temp = sr.ReadToEnd(); CMLConverter cmlConverter = new CMLConverter(); Model.Model model = cmlConverter.Import(temp); if (model.MeanBondLength < Core.Helpers.Constants.MinimumBondLength - Core.Helpers.Constants.BondLengthTolerance || model.MeanBondLength > Core.Helpers.Constants.MaximumBondLength + Core.Helpers.Constants.BondLengthTolerance) { model.ScaleToAverageBondLength(Core.Helpers.Constants.StandardBondLength); } Cml = cmlConverter.Export(model); display1.Chemistry = Cml; ImportButton.Enabled = true; } } }
private void EditLabelsHost_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e) { if (!_closedInCode) { if (elementHost1.Child is LabelsEditor editor) { if (editor.IsDirty) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.AppendLine("Do you wish to save your changes?"); sb.AppendLine(" Click 'Yes' to save your changes and exit."); sb.AppendLine(" Click 'No' to discard your changes and exit."); sb.AppendLine(" Click 'Cancel' to return to the form."); DialogResult dr = UserInteractions.AskUserYesNoCancel(sb.ToString()); switch (dr) { case DialogResult.Cancel: e.Cancel = true; break; case DialogResult.Yes: var cmlConvertor = new CMLConverter(); Cml = cmlConvertor.Export(editor.EditedModel); DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; break; case DialogResult.No: DialogResult = DialogResult.Cancel; break; } } } } }
private void EditorHost_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e) { if (DialogResult != DialogResult.OK && e.CloseReason == CloseReason.UserClosing) { if (elementHost1.Child is CmlEditor editor && editor.IsDirty) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.AppendLine("Do you wish to save your changes?"); sb.AppendLine(" Click 'Yes' to save your changes and exit."); sb.AppendLine(" Click 'No' to discard your changes and exit."); sb.AppendLine(" Click 'Cancel' to return to the form."); DialogResult dr = UserInteractions.AskUserYesNoCancel(sb.ToString()); switch (dr) { case DialogResult.Cancel: e.Cancel = true; break; case DialogResult.Yes: DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; CMLConverter cc = new CMLConverter(); OutputValue = cc.Export(editor.EditedModel); Hide(); break; case DialogResult.No: break; } } } }
private void Save_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { CMLConverter cc = new CMLConverter(); DialogResult = DialogResult.Cancel; switch (_editorType) { case "ACME": if (elementHost1.Child is Editor acmeEditor && acmeEditor.IsDirty) { DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; var model = acmeEditor.EditedModel; model.RescaleForCml(); // Replace any temporary Ids which are Guids model.ReLabelGuids(); OutputValue = cc.Export(model); } break; case "LABELS": if (elementHost1.Child is LabelsEditor labelsEditor && labelsEditor.IsDirty) { DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; OutputValue = cc.Export(labelsEditor.EditedModel); } break; default: if (elementHost1.Child is CmlEditor cmlEditor && cmlEditor.IsDirty) { DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; OutputValue = cc.Export(cmlEditor.EditedModel); } break; } Hide(); }
private void SaveStructure_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string module = $"{_product}.{_class}.{MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name}()"; try { CMLConverter cmlConverter = new CMLConverter(); Model m = cmlConverter.Import(_lastCml); m.CustomXmlPartGuid = ""; string filter = "CML molecule files (*.cml, *.xml)|*.cml;*.xml|MDL molecule files (*.mol, *.sdf)|*.mol;*.sdf"; using (SaveFileDialog sfd = new SaveFileDialog { Filter = filter }) { DialogResult dr = sfd.ShowDialog(); if (dr == DialogResult.OK) { FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(sfd.FileName); _telemetry.Write(module, "Information", $"Exporting to '{fi.Name}'"); string fileType = Path.GetExtension(sfd.FileName).ToLower(); switch (fileType) { case ".cml": case ".xml": string temp = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>" + Environment.NewLine + cmlConverter.Export(m); File.WriteAllText(sfd.FileName, temp); break; case ".mol": case ".sdf": // double before = m.MeanBondLength; // Set bond length to 1.54 angstroms (Å) m.ScaleToAverageBondLength(1.54); double after = m.MeanBondLength; _telemetry.Write(module, "Information", $"Structure rescaled from {before.ToString("#0.00")} to {after.ToString("#0.00")}"); SdFileConverter converter = new SdFileConverter(); File.WriteAllText(sfd.FileName, converter.Export(m)); break; } } } } catch (Exception exception) { _telemetry.Write(module, "Exception", $"Exception: {exception.Message}"); _telemetry.Write(module, "Exception(Data)", $"Exception: {exception}"); MessageBox.Show(exception.StackTrace, exception.Message); } }
private void Save_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; _closedInCode = true; if (elementHost1.Child is LabelsEditor editor) { CMLConverter cc = new CMLConverter(); DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; Cml = cc.Export(editor.EditedModel); Hide(); } }
private void ImportStructure() { string module = $"{_product}.{_class}.{MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name}()"; if (_lastModel != null) { using (new WaitCursor()) { CMLConverter conv = new CMLConverter(); double before = _lastModel.MeanBondLength; _lastModel.ScaleToAverageBondLength(Core.Helpers.Constants.StandardBondLength); double after = _lastModel.MeanBondLength; Telemetry.Write(module, "Information", $"Structure rescaled from {before.ToString("#0.00")} to {after.ToString("#0.00")}"); _lastModel.Relabel(true); var expModel = _lastModel; using (new WaitCursor()) { if (expModel.Molecules.Values.Any()) { var mol = expModel.Molecules.Values.First(); mol.Names.Clear(); if (_allResults.IupacNames != null) { foreach (var di in _allResults.IupacNames) { var cn = new TextualProperty(); cn.Value =; cn.FullType = "chebi:Iupac"; mol.Names.Add(cn); } } if (_allResults.Synonyms != null) { foreach (var di in _allResults.Synonyms) { var cn = new TextualProperty(); cn.Value =; cn.FullType = "chebi:Synonym"; mol.Names.Add(cn); } } Cml = conv.Export(expModel); } } } } }
// Called by ImportCml(), ImportCml() private long AddChemistry(SQLiteConnection conn, Model model, string chemistryName, string formula) { string module = $"{_product}.{_class}.{MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name}()"; try { long lastId; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); model.RemoveExplicitHydrogens(); Byte[] blob = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(_cmlConverter.Export(model, true)); //Byte[] blob = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(_sdFileConverter.Export(model)); sb.AppendLine("INSERT INTO GALLERY"); sb.AppendLine(" (Chemistry, Name, Formula)"); sb.AppendLine("VALUES"); sb.AppendLine(" (@blob, @name, @formula)"); SQLiteCommand command = new SQLiteCommand(sb.ToString(), conn); command.Parameters.Add("@blob", DbType.Binary, blob.Length).Value = blob; command.Parameters.Add("@name", DbType.String, chemistryName.Length).Value = chemistryName; command.Parameters.Add("@formula", DbType.String, formula.Length).Value = formula; command.ExecuteNonQuery(); string sql = "SELECT last_insert_rowid()"; SQLiteCommand cmd = new SQLiteCommand(sql, conn); lastId = (Int64)cmd.ExecuteScalar(); return(lastId); } catch (Exception ex) { using (var form = new ReportError(Globals.Chem4WordV3.Telemetry, Globals.Chem4WordV3.WordTopLeft, module, ex)) { form.ShowDialog(); } return(-1); } }
public void RefreshPanels() { RefreshFormulaePanel(); RefreshNamesPanel(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_cml)) { Model.Model model = new Model.Model(); model.Molecules.Add(Molecule); CMLConverter cmlConverter = new CMLConverter(); _cml = cmlConverter.Export(model); display1.Chemistry = _cml; } }
private void Save_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { CMLConverter cc = new CMLConverter(); DialogResult = DialogResult.Cancel; if (elementHost1.Child is CmlEditor editor && editor.IsDirty) { DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; OutputValue = cc.Export(editor.EditedModel); } Hide(); }
public void CmlImportExportNested() { CMLConverter mc = new CMLConverter(); Model model_1 = mc.Import(ResourceHelper.GetStringResource("NestedMolecules.xml")); // Basic Sanity Checks Assert.True(model_1.Molecules.Count == 1, $"Expected 1 Molecule; Got {model_1.Molecules.Count}"); // Check molecule m0 has 4 child molecules and no atoms Molecule molecule_1 = model_1.Molecules.Values.First(); Assert.True(molecule_1.Molecules.Count == 4, $"Expected 4 Molecule; Got {molecule_1.Molecules.Count}"); Assert.True(molecule_1.Atoms.Count == 0, $"Expected 0 Atoms; Got {molecule_1.Atoms.Count}"); // Check molecule m2 has no child molecules and 6 atoms molecule_1 = model_1.Molecules.Values.First().Molecules.Values.ToList()[1]; Assert.True(molecule_1.Molecules.Count == 0, $"Expected 0 Molecule; Got {molecule_1.Molecules.Count}"); Assert.True(molecule_1.Atoms.Count == 6, $"Expected 6 Atoms; Got {molecule_1.Atoms.Count}"); // Check molecule m1 has 1 child molecules and no atoms molecule_1 = model_1.Molecules.Values.First().Molecules.Values.First(); Assert.True(molecule_1.Molecules.Count == 1, $"Expected 1 Molecule; Got {molecule_1.Molecules.Count}"); Assert.True(molecule_1.Atoms.Count == 0, $"Expected 0 Atoms; Got {molecule_1.Atoms.Count}"); // Check molecule m5 has 1 child molecules and 6 atoms molecule_1 = model_1.Molecules.Values.First().Molecules.Values.First().Molecules.Values.First(); Assert.True(molecule_1.Molecules.Count == 0, $"Expected 0 Molecule; Got {molecule_1.Molecules.Count}"); Assert.True(molecule_1.Atoms.Count == 6, $"Expected 6 Atoms; Got {molecule_1.Atoms.Count}"); var exported = mc.Export(model_1); Model model_2 = mc.Import(exported); // Basic Sanity Checks Assert.True(model_2.Molecules.Count == 1, $"Expected 1 Molecule; Got {model_2.Molecules.Count}"); // Check molecule m0 has 4 child molecules and no atoms Molecule molecule_2 = model_2.Molecules.Values.First(); Assert.True(molecule_2.Molecules.Count == 4, $"Expected 4 Molecule; Got {molecule_2.Molecules.Count}"); Assert.True(molecule_2.Atoms.Count == 0, $"Expected 0 Atoms; Got {molecule_2.Atoms.Count}"); // Check molecule m2 has no child molecules and 6 atoms molecule_2 = model_2.Molecules.Values.First().Molecules.Values.ToList()[1]; Assert.True(molecule_2.Molecules.Count == 0, $"Expected 0 Molecule; Got {molecule_2.Molecules.Count}"); Assert.True(molecule_2.Atoms.Count == 6, $"Expected 6 Atoms; Got {molecule_2.Atoms.Count}"); // Check molecule m1 has 1 child molecules and no atoms molecule_2 = model_2.Molecules.Values.First().Molecules.Values.First(); Assert.True(molecule_2.Molecules.Count == 1, $"Expected 1 Molecule; Got {molecule_2.Molecules.Count}"); Assert.True(molecule_2.Atoms.Count == 0, $"Expected 0 Atoms; Got {molecule_2.Atoms.Count}"); // Check molecule m5 has 1 child molecules and 6 atoms molecule_2 = model_2.Molecules.Values.First().Molecules.Values.First().Molecules.Values.First(); Assert.True(molecule_2.Molecules.Count == 0, $"Expected 0 Molecule; Got {molecule_2.Molecules.Count}"); Assert.True(molecule_2.Atoms.Count == 6, $"Expected 6 Atoms; Got {molecule_2.Atoms.Count}"); }
private void EditWithAcme_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { #if !DEBUG string module = $"{_product}.{_class}.{MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name}()"; try { #endif if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_lastCml)) { using (EditorHost editorHost = new EditorHost(_lastCml, "ACME")) { editorHost.ShowDialog(this); if (editorHost.DialogResult == DialogResult.OK) { CMLConverter cc = new CMLConverter(); var clone = cc.Import(_lastCml); Debug.WriteLine( $"Pushing F: {clone.ConciseFormula} BL: {clone.MeanBondLength.ToString("#,##0.00")} onto Stack"); _undoStack.Push(clone); Model m = cc.Import(editorHost.OutputValue); m.Relabel(true); _lastCml = cc.Export(m); // Cause re-read of settings (in case they have changed) _editorOptions = new AcmeOptions(null); SetDisplayOptions(); RedoStack.SetOptions(_editorOptions); UndoStack.SetOptions(_editorOptions); ShowChemistry($"Edited {m.ConciseFormula}", m); } } TopMost = true; TopMost = false; Activate(); } #if !DEBUG } catch (Exception exception) { _telemetry.Write(module, "Exception", $"Exception: {exception.Message}"); _telemetry.Write(module, "Exception(Data)", $"Exception: {exception}"); MessageBox.Show(exception.StackTrace, exception.Message); } #endif }
private void Save_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string module = $"{_product}.{_class}.{MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name}()"; CMLConverter cc = new CMLConverter(); DialogResult = DialogResult.Cancel; if (elementHost1.Child is Chem4Word.ACME.Editor editor && editor.IsDirty) { DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; OutputValue = cc.Export(editor.EditedModel); } Telemetry.Write(module, "Verbose", $"Result: {DialogResult}"); Hide(); }
public DialogResult Edit() { string module = $"{_product}.{_class}.{MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name}()"; DialogResult result = DialogResult.Cancel; try { Telemetry.Write(module, "Verbose", "Called"); if (HasSettings) { LoadSettings(); } CMLConverter cmlConverter = new CMLConverter(); Model.Model model = cmlConverter.Import(Cml); JSONConverter jsonConverter = new JSONConverter(); string json = jsonConverter.Export(model); ChemDoodleWeb cdwEditor = new ChemDoodleWeb(); cdwEditor.TopLeft = TopLeft; cdwEditor.Telemetry = Telemetry; cdwEditor.ProductAppDataPath = ProductAppDataPath; cdwEditor.UserOptions = _editorOptions; cdwEditor.Before_JSON = json; cdwEditor.IsSingleMolecule = model.Molecules.Count == 1; cdwEditor.AverageBondLength = model.MeanBondLength; result = cdwEditor.ShowDialog(); if (result == DialogResult.OK) { Properties = new Dictionary <string, string>(); Properties.Add("Before_Formula", cdwEditor.Before_Formula); Properties.Add("After_Formula", cdwEditor.After_Formula); json = cdwEditor.After_JSON; cdwEditor.Close(); model = jsonConverter.Import(json); Cml = cmlConverter.Export(model); } } catch (Exception ex) { new ReportError(Telemetry, TopLeft, module, ex).ShowDialog(); } return(result); }
private string CmlFromBytes(byte[] byteArray, long id) { string cml = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(byteArray); CMLConverter cc = new CMLConverter(); Model.Model m = cc.Import(cml); double before = m.MeanBondLength; if (before < Constants.MinimumBondLength - Constants.BondLengthTolerance || before > Constants.MaximumBondLength + Constants.BondLengthTolerance) { m.ScaleToAverageBondLength(Constants.StandardBondLength); double after = m.MeanBondLength; Debug.WriteLine($"Structure Id: {id} rescaled from {before.ToString("#0.00")} to {after.ToString("#0.00")}"); } return(cc.Export(m)); }
private void EditLabels_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string module = $"{_product}.{_class}.{MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name}()"; #if !DEBUG try #endif { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_lastCml)) { using (EditorHost editorHost = new EditorHost(_lastCml, "LABELS")) { editorHost.ShowDialog(this); if (editorHost.DialogResult == DialogResult.OK) { CMLConverter cc = new CMLConverter(); var clone = cc.Import(_lastCml); Debug.WriteLine( $"Pushing F: {clone.ConciseFormula} BL: {clone.MeanBondLength.ToString("#,##0.00")} onto Stack"); _undoStack.Push(clone); Model m = cc.Import(editorHost.OutputValue); m.Relabel(true); _lastCml = cc.Export(m); ShowChemistry($"Edited {m.ConciseFormula}", m); } } TopMost = true; TopMost = false; Activate(); } } #if !DEBUG catch (Exception exception) { _telemetry.Write(module, "Exception", $"Exception: {exception.Message}"); _telemetry.Write(module, "Exception(Data)", $"Exception: {exception}"); MessageBox.Show(exception.StackTrace, exception.Message); } #endif }
private void ImportStructure() { string module = $"{_product}.{_class}.{MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name}()"; using (new WaitCursor()) { CMLConverter conv = new CMLConverter(); var expModel = (Model.Model)display1.Chemistry; double before = expModel.MeanBondLength; expModel.ScaleToAverageBondLength(Core.Helpers.Constants.StandardBondLength); double after = expModel.MeanBondLength; Telemetry.Write(module, "Information", $"Structure rescaled from {before.ToString("#0.00")} to {after.ToString("#0.00")}"); expModel.Relabel(); using (new WaitCursor()) { expModel.Molecules[0].ChemicalNames.Clear(); if (_allResults.IupacNames != null) { foreach (var di in _allResults.IupacNames) { var cn = new Model.ChemicalName(); cn.Name =; cn.DictRef = "chebi:Iupac"; expModel.Molecules[0].ChemicalNames.Add(cn); } } if (_allResults.Synonyms != null) { foreach (var di in _allResults.Synonyms) { var cn = new Model.ChemicalName(); cn.Name =; cn.DictRef = "chebi:Synonym"; expModel.Molecules[0].ChemicalNames.Add(cn); } } Cml = conv.Export(expModel); } } }
private void EditorHost_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e) { string module = $"{_product}.{_class}.{MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name}()"; if (DialogResult != DialogResult.OK && e.CloseReason == CloseReason.UserClosing) { if (elementHost1.Child is Chem4Word.ACME.Editor editor && editor.IsDirty) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.AppendLine("Do you wish to save your changes?"); sb.AppendLine(" Click 'Yes' to save your changes and exit."); sb.AppendLine(" Click 'No' to discard your changes and exit."); sb.AppendLine(" Click 'Cancel' to return to the form."); DialogResult dr = UserInteractions.AskUserYesNoCancel(sb.ToString()); switch (dr) { case DialogResult.Cancel: e.Cancel = true; break; case DialogResult.Yes: DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; var model = editor.EditedModel; model.RescaleForCml(); // Replace any temporary Ids which are Guids model.ReLabelGuids(); CMLConverter cc = new CMLConverter(); OutputValue = cc.Export(model); Telemetry.Write(module, "Verbose", $"Result: {DialogResult}"); Hide(); editor = null; break; case DialogResult.No: Telemetry.Write(module, "Verbose", $"Result: {DialogResult}"); editor = null; break; } } } }
private void ImportStructure() { string module = $"{_product}.{_class}.{MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name}()"; using (new WaitCursor()) { CMLConverter conv = new CMLConverter(); var expModel = _lastModel; expModel.Relabel(true); using (new WaitCursor()) { expModel.Molecules.Values.First().Names.Clear(); if (_allResults.IupacNames != null) { foreach (var di in _allResults.IupacNames) { var cn = new TextualProperty(); cn.Value =; cn.FullType = "chebi:Iupac"; expModel.Molecules.Values.First().Names.Add(cn); } } if (_allResults.Synonyms != null) { foreach (var di in _allResults.Synonyms) { var cn = new TextualProperty(); cn.Value =; cn.FullType = "chebi:Synonym"; expModel.Molecules.Values.First().Names.Add(cn); } } Cml = conv.Export(expModel); } } }
public DialogResult Edit() { DialogResult result = DialogResult.Cancel; string module = $"{_product}.{_class}.{MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name}()"; try { Telemetry.Write(module, "Verbose", "Called"); if (HasSettings) { LoadSettings(); } // Strip off Formulae and ChemicalNames as we don't edit them here CMLConverter cmlConverter = new CMLConverter(); Model.Model model = cmlConverter.Import(Cml); foreach (Molecule molecule in model.Molecules) { molecule.ChemicalNames.Clear(); molecule.Formulas.Clear(); molecule.ConciseFormula = ""; } EditorHost host = new EditorHost(cmlConverter.Export(model)); host.TopLeft = TopLeft; host.ShowDialog(); result = host.Result; Cml = host.OutputValue; host.Close(); host.Dispose(); } catch (Exception ex) { new ReportError(Telemetry, TopLeft, module, ex).ShowDialog(); } return(result); }
private void btnConvertModel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { TextBoxFormat format = GetTextBoxFormat(txtStructure); switch (format) { case TextBoxFormat.Json: JSONConverter converter1 = new JSONConverter(); Model model1 = converter1.Import((object)txtStructure.Text); model1.RebuildMolecules(); model1.Relabel(); model1.CustomXmlPartGuid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"); CMLConverter converter2 = new CMLConverter(); txtStructure.Text = converter2.Export(model1); break; case TextBoxFormat.Cml: CMLConverter converter3 = new CMLConverter(); Model model2 = converter3.Import((object)txtStructure.Text); model2.RebuildMolecules(); model2.Relabel(); JSONConverter converter4 = new JSONConverter(); txtStructure.Text = converter4.Export(model2); break; case TextBoxFormat.MolFile: SdFileConverter converter5 = new SdFileConverter(); Model model3 = converter5.Import((object)txtStructure.Text); model3.RebuildMolecules(); model3.Relabel(); CMLConverter converter6 = new CMLConverter(); txtStructure.Text = converter6.Export(model3); break; } EnableButtons(); }
private void OnSaveClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { string module = $"{_product}.{_class}.{MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name}()"; Globals.Chem4WordV3.Telemetry.Write(module, "Action", "Triggered"); try { if (CanSave()) { Cml = _cmlConvertor.Export(_model); DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; } else { UserInteractions.InformUser("Can't save because at least one user defined label contains an error"); } } catch (Exception ex) { new ReportError(Globals.Chem4WordV3.Telemetry, Globals.Chem4WordV3.WordTopLeft, module, ex).ShowDialog(); } }
public static void DoUpgrade(Word.Document doc) { string module = $"{_product}.{_class}.{MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name}()"; int sel = doc.Application.Selection.Range.Start; Globals.Chem4WordV3.DisableDocumentEvents(doc); try { string extension = doc.FullName.Split('.').Last(); string guid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"); string timestamp = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd-HHmmss", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); string destination = Path.Combine(Globals.Chem4WordV3.AddInInfo.ProductAppDataPath, "Backups", $"Chem4Word-{timestamp}-{guid}.{extension}"); File.Copy(doc.FullName, destination); } catch (Exception ex) { // Nothing much we can do here :-( Debug.WriteLine(ex.Message); } List <UpgradeTarget> targets = CollectData(doc); int upgradedCCs = 0; int upgradedXml = 0; foreach (var target in targets) { if (target.ContentControls.Count > 0) { upgradedXml++; upgradedCCs += target.ContentControls.Count; } foreach (var cci in target.ContentControls) { foreach (Word.ContentControl cc in doc.ContentControls) { if (cc.ID.Equals(cci.Id)) { if (cci.Type.Equals("2D")) { cc.LockContents = false; cc.Title = Constants.ContentControlTitle; cc.Tag = target.Model.CustomXmlPartGuid; cc.LockContents = true; } else { cc.LockContents = false; cc.Range.Delete(); int start = cc.Range.Start; cc.Delete(); doc.Application.Selection.SetRange(start - 1, start - 1); bool isFormula = false; string source; string text = CustomRibbon.GetInlineText(target.Model, cci.Type, ref isFormula, out source); Word.ContentControl ccn = CustomRibbon.Insert1D(doc.Application, doc, text, isFormula, $"{cci.Type}:{target.Model.CustomXmlPartGuid}"); ccn.LockContents = true; } } } } CMLConverter converter = new CMLConverter(); CustomXMLPart cxml = doc.CustomXMLParts.SelectByID(target.CxmlPartId); cxml.Delete(); doc.CustomXMLParts.Add(converter.Export(target.Model)); } EraseChemistryZones(doc); Globals.Chem4WordV3.EnableDocumentEvents(doc); doc.Application.Selection.SetRange(sel, sel); if (upgradedCCs + upgradedXml > 0) { Globals.Chem4WordV3.Telemetry.Write(module, "Information", $"Upgraded {upgradedCCs} Chemistry Objects for {upgradedXml} Structures"); UserInteractions.AlertUser($"Upgrade Completed{Environment.NewLine}{Environment.NewLine}Upgraded {upgradedCCs} Chemistry Objects for {upgradedXml} Structures"); } }
private void ExportFromLibrary_OnClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { string module = $"{_product}.{_class}.{MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name}()"; Globals.Chem4WordV3.Telemetry.Write(module, "Action", "Triggered"); try { string exportFolder = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments); VistaFolderBrowserDialog browser = new VistaFolderBrowserDialog(); browser.Description = "Select a folder to export your Library's structures as cml files"; browser.UseDescriptionForTitle = true; browser.RootFolder = Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop; browser.ShowNewFolderButton = false; browser.SelectedPath = exportFolder; Forms.DialogResult dr = browser.ShowDialog(); if (dr == Forms.DialogResult.OK) { exportFolder = browser.SelectedPath; if (Directory.Exists(exportFolder)) { Forms.DialogResult doExport = Forms.DialogResult.Yes; string[] existingCmlFiles = Directory.GetFiles(exportFolder, "*.cml"); if (existingCmlFiles.Length > 0) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.AppendLine($"This folder contains {existingCmlFiles.Length} cml files."); sb.AppendLine("Do you wish to continue?"); doExport = UserInteractions.AskUserYesNo(sb.ToString(), Forms.MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button2); } if (doExport == Forms.DialogResult.Yes) { Database.Library lib = new Database.Library(); int exported = 0; int progress = 0; List <ChemistryDTO> dto = lib.GetAllChemistry(null); int total = dto.Count; if (total > 0) { ProgressBar.Maximum = dto.Count; ProgressBar.Minimum = 0; ProgressBarHolder.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; SetButtonState(false); var converter = new CMLConverter(); foreach (var obj in dto) { progress++; ShowProgress(progress, $"Structure #{obj.Id} [{progress}/{total}]"); var filename = Path.Combine(browser.SelectedPath, $"Chem4Word-{obj.Id:000000000}.cml"); Model model = converter.Import(obj.Cml); var outcome = model.EnsureBondLength(Globals.Chem4WordV3.SystemOptions.BondLength, false); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(outcome)) { Globals.Chem4WordV3.Telemetry.Write(module, "Information", outcome); } File.WriteAllText(filename, converter.Export(model)); exported++; } } ProgressBarHolder.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; SetButtonState(true); if (exported > 0) { UserInteractions.InformUser($"Exported {exported} structures to {browser.SelectedPath}"); } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { ProgressBarHolder.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; SetButtonState(true); new ReportError(Globals.Chem4WordV3.Telemetry, TopLeft, module, ex).ShowDialog(); } }
public static void DoUpgrade(Word.Document doc) { string module = $"{_product}.{_class}.{MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name}()"; int sel = doc.Application.Selection.Range.Start; Globals.Chem4WordV3.DisableDocumentEvents(doc); try { string extension = doc.FullName.Split('.').Last(); string guid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"); string timestamp = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd-HHmmss", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); string destination = Path.Combine(Globals.Chem4WordV3.AddInInfo.ProductAppDataPath, "Backups", $"Chem4Word-{timestamp}-{guid}.{extension}"); File.Copy(doc.FullName, destination); } catch (Exception ex) { // Nothing much we can do here :-( Debug.WriteLine(ex.Message); } Dictionary <string, CustomXMLPart> customXmlParts = new Dictionary <string, CustomXMLPart>(); List <UpgradeTarget> targets = CollectData(doc); int upgradedCCs = 0; int upgradedXml = 0; foreach (var target in targets) { if (target.ContentControls.Count > 0) { upgradedXml++; upgradedCCs += target.ContentControls.Count; } foreach (var cci in target.ContentControls) { foreach (Word.ContentControl cc in doc.ContentControls) { if (cc.ID.Equals(cci.Id)) { int start; bool isFormula; string source; string text; switch (cci.Type) { case "2D": cc.LockContents = false; cc.Title = Constants.ContentControlTitle; cc.Tag = target.Model.CustomXmlPartGuid; cc.LockContents = true; // ToDo: Regenerate converted 2D structures break; case "new": cc.LockContents = false; cc.Range.Delete(); start = cc.Range.Start; cc.Delete(); doc.Application.Selection.SetRange(start - 1, start - 1); var model = new Model.Model(); var molecule = new Molecule(); molecule.ChemicalNames.Add(new ChemicalName { Id = "m1.n1", Name = cci.Text, DictRef = Constants.Chem4WordUserSynonym }); model.Molecules.Add(molecule); model.CustomXmlPartGuid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"); var cmlConvertor = new CMLConverter(); doc.CustomXMLParts.Add(cmlConvertor.Export(model)); Word.ContentControl ccn = doc.ContentControls.Add(Word.WdContentControlType.wdContentControlRichText, ref _missing); ChemistryHelper.Insert1D(ccn, cci.Text, false, $"m1.n1:{model.CustomXmlPartGuid}"); ccn.LockContents = true; break; default: cc.LockContents = false; cc.Range.Delete(); start = cc.Range.Start; cc.Delete(); doc.Application.Selection.SetRange(start - 1, start - 1); isFormula = false; text = ChemistryHelper.GetInlineText(target.Model, cci.Type, ref isFormula, out source); Word.ContentControl ccr = doc.ContentControls.Add(Word.WdContentControlType.wdContentControlRichText, ref _missing); ChemistryHelper.Insert1D(ccr, text, isFormula, $"{cci.Type}:{target.Model.CustomXmlPartGuid}"); ccr.LockContents = true; break; } } } } CMLConverter converter = new CMLConverter(); CustomXMLPart cxml = doc.CustomXMLParts.SelectByID(target.CxmlPartId); if (customXmlParts.ContainsKey(cxml.Id)) { customXmlParts.Add(cxml.Id, cxml); } doc.CustomXMLParts.Add(converter.Export(target.Model)); } EraseChemistryZones(doc); foreach (var kvp in customXmlParts.ToList()) { kvp.Value.Delete(); } Globals.Chem4WordV3.EnableDocumentEvents(doc); doc.Application.Selection.SetRange(sel, sel); if (upgradedCCs + upgradedXml > 0) { Globals.Chem4WordV3.Telemetry.Write(module, "Information", $"Upgraded {upgradedCCs} Chemistry Objects for {upgradedXml} Structures"); UserInteractions.AlertUser($"Upgrade Completed{Environment.NewLine}{Environment.NewLine}Upgraded {upgradedCCs} Chemistry Objects for {upgradedXml} Structures"); } }