public void NextTurn() { StopClock(); _isBreak = true; playerBlue.Stop(); playerRed.Stop(); if (GameObject.ReferenceEquals(_currentPlayer, playerBlue)) { _currentPlayer = playerRed; blueTankTurnIcon.gameObject.SetActive(false); redTankTurnIcon.gameObject.SetActive(true); } else { _currentPlayer = playerBlue; blueTankTurnIcon.gameObject.SetActive(true); redTankTurnIcon.gameObject.SetActive(false); }; playerBlue.Stop(); playerRed.Stop(); CLog.Info($"New Turn: {}"); StartCoroutine(startTurnAfterSeconds(2)); }
public void SV_ExecuteClientMessage(ClientNode cl, MsgPacket msg) { msg.Oob = false; int srvID = msg.ReadInt(); cl.messageAcknowledge = msg.ReadInt(); if(cl.messageAcknowledge < 0){ DropClient(cl,"illegible client message"); return; } cl.reliableAcknowledge = msg.ReadInt(); if(cl.reliableAcknowledge < cl.reliableSequence - CConstVar.MAX_RELIABLE_COMMANDS){ DropClient(cl,"illegible client message"); cl.reliableAcknowledge = cl.reliableSequence; return; } if(srvID != serverID ){ // if(serverID >= restartedServerId && srvID < serverID){ // CLog.Info("{0} : ignoring pre map_restart/ outdated client message",; if(cl.messageAcknowledge > cl.gamestateMessageNum){ SendClientGameState(cl); } return; } // } if(cl.oldServerTime > 0 && srvID == serverID){ CLog.Info("{0} ackownledged gamestate",; cl.oldServerTime = 0; } int c = 0; do{ c = msg.ReadByte(); if(c == (int)CLC_Cmd.EOF){ break; } if(c != (int)CLC_Cmd.ClientCommand){ break; } if(!ClientCommand(cl, msg)){ return; } if(cl.state == ClientState.ZOMBIE){ return; } }while(true); if(c == (int)CLC_Cmd.MOVE){ UserMove(cl,msg, true); }else if(c == (int)CLC_Cmd.MoveNoDelta){ UserMove(cl,msg,false); }else if(c != (int)CLC_Cmd.EOF){ CLog.Info("bad command type for client!!!!"); } }
//network层已经做了fragment的拆分处理 public void SendMsg(byte[] bytes, int length, IPEndPoint to) { if (CConstVar.ShowNet > 0) { CLog.Info("send msg, length {0}, to {1}", length, to); } if (to.Address == IPAddress.Broadcast) //直接发送数据 //Array.Copy(bytes,0,sendBuffer,0,length); { sendSocket.BeginSendTo(bytes, 0, length, SocketFlags.None, to, SendCallback, sendSocket); } else //这里也不需要进行处理 // sendSocket.SetSocketOption(SocketOptionLevel.Socket, SocketOptionName) // sendBuffer[0] = 0; // sendBuffer[1] = 0; // sendBuffer[2] = 0; // sendBuffer[3] = 1; //IP // Array.Copy(to.Address.GetAddressBytes(),0,sendBuffer,4, 4); // sendBuffer[8] = (byte)(CConstVar.Qport >> 8); //发送的是自己监听的端口 // sendBuffer[9] = (byte)(CConstVar.LocalPort); // Array.Copy(bytes,0,sendBuffer, 10, length); //前10个字节是保留的 // Array.Copy(bytes, sendBuffer, length); // sendSocket.BeginSendTo(sendBuffer, 0, length + 10, SocketFlags.None, to, SendCallback, sendSocket); { sendSocket.BeginSendTo(bytes, 0, length, SocketFlags.None, to, SendCallback, sendSocket); } }
private void CheckTimeouts(){ int droppoint = time - 1000 * CConstVar.SV_TimeOut; int zombiepoint = time - 1000 * CConstVar.SV_ZombieTime; for(int i = 0; i < CConstVar.MAX_CLIENTS; i++){ var cl = clients[i]; //在切换关卡的时候message time可能错乱 if(cl.lastPacketTime > time){ cl.lastPacketTime = time; } if(cl.state == ClientState.ZOMBIE && cl.lastPacketTime < zombiepoint){ // cl.state = ClientState.FREE; cl.Clear(); CLog.Info("Going from zombie to free for client {0}", i); continue; } if(cl.state >= ClientState.CONNECTED && cl.lastPacketTime < droppoint){ //等待几帧再断开,防止调试出现的等待 if(++cl.timeoutCount > 5){ DropClient(cl, "time out"); // cl.state = ClientState.FREE; } }else{ cl.timeoutCount = 0; } } }
public void DestroyParticle(int particleID, bool immediately) { bool hasParticle = false; int count = particlesList.Count; for (int i = count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { ParticleItem item = particlesList[i]; if (item.particleID == particleID) { if (immediately) { particlesList.Remove(item); } else { item.toBeRemoved = true; } hasParticle = true; } } if (!hasParticle) { CLog.Info("Particle is not in the list"); } }
//处理广播消息等。 //第一个字节用来区分game channel的消息(-1表示connectionless数据,1表示有数据) //而在c#中并没有暴露底层的接口来支持显式发送oob,所以用第一位来表示是否是带外数据 protected void ConnectionlessPacket(IPEndPoint from, MsgPacket msg) { msg.BeginReadOOB(); msg.ReadInt(); //skip -1 //跳过前面的-1 string s = msg.ReadStringLine(); var cmd = CDataModel.CmdBuffer; cmd.TokenizeString(s, false); string c = cmd.Argv(0); CLog.Info("Client Packet {0} : {1}", from, c); if (c == "challengeResponse") { CDataModel.Connection.PacketChallengeResponse(from, msg); return; } //服务器连接 if (c == "connectResponse") { CDataModel.Connection.PacketConnectResponse(from, msg); return; } //服务器返回信息 if (c == "infoResponse") { CDataModel.GameState.ServerInfoPacket(from, msg); return; } if (c == "statusResponse") { CDataModel.GameState.ServerStatusResponse(from, msg); return; } if (c == "echo") { return; } if (c == "keyAuthorize") { return; } if (c == "getserversResponse") { CDataModel.GameState.ServerResponsePacket(from, msg, false); return; } if (c == "getserversExtResponse") { CDataModel.GameState.ServerResponsePacket(from, msg, true); return; } }
public void StartClock(int seconds) { clock = seconds; CLog.Info("Clock starts"); _clockIsRunning = true; StartCoroutine(countTime()); }
private void SendClientSnapshot(ClientNode client){ byte[] msg_buf = new byte[CConstVar.MAX_MSG_LEN]; //构建snapshot BuildClientSnapshot(client); //机器人有自己的构建方法,不需要发送 if(client.gEntity != null && (client.gEntity.r.svFlags & SVFlags.BOT) != SVFlags.NONE){ return; } //这里要默认开始压缩 MsgPacket msg = new MsgPacket(); msg.Oob = false; msg.AllowOverflow = true; //让客户端知道服务器已经收到的可靠消息。 msg.WriteInt(client.lastClientCommand); //发送任何可靠的服务器指令 UpdateServerCommandsToClient(client, msg); //发送所有的相应的entityState和playerState WriteSnapshotToClient(client, msg); if(msg.Overflowed){ CLog.Info("WARNING: msg overflowed for %s",; msg.Clear(); } SendMessageToClient(msg, client); }
private void MoveGun(float axisRatio) { if (IsMyTurn != true) { return; } CLog.Info($"Moving Gun with {axisRatio.ToString()} ratio"); gun.RotateGun(axisRatio); }
private void Move(float axisRatio) { if (IsMyTurn != true) { return; } CLog.Info($"Moving with {axisRatio.ToString()} ratio"); tank.Move(axisRatio); }
public MainWindow() { InitializeComponent(); this.Closed += MainWindow_Closed; CLog.Info("Info"); CLog.Warning(0, "Warning"); CLog.Error(1, "Error"); this.Content = CLog.Instance; }
public void PacketConnectResponse(IPEndPoint from, MsgPacket msg) { int chNum; if (state >= ConnectionState.CONNECTED) { CLog.Info("Dup connect recieved. Ignored."); return; } // if(state != ConnectionState.CHALLENGING) // { // CLog.Info("connectResponse packet while not connecting. Ignored."); // return; // } string p = CDataModel.CmdBuffer.Argv(2); int tmpPort = from.Port; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p)) { from.Port = System.Convert.ToInt32(p); } if (!from.Equals(serverAddress)) { CLog.Info("connectResponse from wrong address. Ignored."); return; } string c = CDataModel.CmdBuffer.Argv(1); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(c)) { chNum = Convert.ToInt32(c); } else { CLog.Info("Bad connectResponse recieved. Ignored."); return; } if (chNum != challenge) { CLog.Info("ConnectionResponse with bad challenge received. Ignored."); return; } string id = CDataModel.CmdBuffer.Argv(3); var cla = CDataModel.GameState.ClActive; // if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(id)){ // cla.serverID = Convert.ToInt32(id); // } NetChanSetup(NetSrc.CLIENT, from, tmpPort, challenge); state = ConnectionState.CONNECTED; lastPacketSentTime = -9999; //立即发送第一个数据包 }
public void AddThinkerModifier(BaseModifier modifier) { if (!updateModifiers.Contains(modifier)) { updateModifiers.Add(modifier); } else { CLog.Info("There is a same thinker modifier: %s", modifier.ToString()); } }
public void UnRegisterModifier(BaseModifier modifier) { if (updateModifiers.Contains(modifier)) { updateModifiers.Add(modifier); } else { CLog.Info("There is not the thinker modifier: %s", modifier.ToString()); } }
/*----------- lua调用C#的接口 ----------*/ public Component getComponent(string objPath, string typeName) { var trans = transform.Find(objPath); if (trans == null) { CLog.Info("transform is null"); return(null); } return(trans.GetComponent(typeName)); }
public static void Prefix(ExileController __instance) { if (__instance.exiled != null) { if (Helper.isJester(__instance.exiled.PlayerId)) { CLog.Info("Jester Voted Out"); __instance.completeString = __instance.exiled.PlayerName + " was the Jester"; ShipStatus.RpcEndGame(GameOverReason.HumansByVote, false); } } }
/* ----------------UDP START--------------------- */ public void PacketEvent(MsgPacket packet, IPEndPoint from) { var connection = CDataModel.Connection; // if(Server.Instance.ServerRunning){ // Server.Instance.SV_PacketPrcess(packet, from); // }else{ connection.lastPacketTime = CDataModel.GameState.realTime; if (packet.CurSize >= 4 && packet.ReadFirstInt() == -1) { ConnectionlessPacket(from, packet); return; } if (connection.state < ConnectionState.CONNECTED) { return; } if (packet.CurSize < 4) { CLog.Info("{0}: wrong packet", from.Address); return; } var netChan = CDataModel.Connection.NetChan; if (!from.Address.Equals(connection.NetChan.remoteAddress.Address) || from.Port != netChan.qport) { CLog.Info("{0}: sequenced packet without connection", from); return; } if (!NetChanProcess(ref netChan, packet)) { return; } //可靠消息和不可靠消息的头是不同的 int headerBytes = packet.CurPos; //记录最后接收到的消息,这样它可以在客户端信息中返回,允许服务器检测丢失的gamestate connection.serverMessageSequence = packet.ReadFirstInt(); connection.lastPacketTime = CDataModel.GameState.time; ParseMessage(packet); //在解析完packet之后,不知道是否能保存demo message if (connection.demoRecording && !connection.demoWaiting) { WriteDemoMessage(packet, headerBytes); } // } }
private TransResult Unpack8583() { var ret = TransResult.E_RECV_FAIL; try { var RecvData = new byte[recvLen - headLen]; RecvData = UnpackHead(); byte[] len8583 = new byte[2]; Array.Copy(RecvData, len8583, 2); int lenthOf8583 = len8583[0] * 256 + len8583[1]; if (lenthOf8583 != 0) { var RecvBytes = new byte[RecvData.Length - headLen_8583]; //包体数据 Array.Copy(RecvData, headLen_8583, RecvBytes, 0, RecvData.Length - headLen_8583); var headBytes = new byte[headLen_8583]; Array.Copy(RecvData, headBytes, headLen_8583); //包头数据 //解包 ret = TransResult.E_UNPACKET_FAIL; FrontBytes = headBytes; HandleFrontBytes(headBytes); //根据报文头来判断是否要下载密钥 RecvPackage.ParseBuffer(RecvBytes, SendPackage.ExistValue(0)); var nRet = UnPackFix(); if (!mInvokeSetResult) { throw new Exception("should invoke SetRespInfo() in UnPackFix()"); } mInvokeSetResult = false; ret = nRet ? TransResult.E_SUCC : TransResult.E_HOST_FAIL; CLog.Info(RecvPackage.GetLogText()); } else { ret = TransResult.E_HOST_FAIL; } if (recvLen > headLen + lenthOf8583 + 2) { byte[] jsonByte = new byte[recvLen - headLen - lenthOf8583 - 2]; Array.Copy(RecvData, lenthOf8583 + 2, jsonByte, 0, jsonByte.Length); var strJson = Encoding.Default.GetString(jsonByte); RecvPackageJson = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <CommunicateInfo>(strJson); } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error(GetType().Name, ex); } return(ret); }
private void SendCallback(IAsyncResult ar) { int count = sendSocket.EndSendTo(ar); if (count > 0) { CLog.Info("Send Packet Finish. length: {0}, rmeote addr:{1}", count, recvSocket.RemoteEndPoint); } else { CLog.Info("send zero bytes"); } }
public void NetChanTransmitNextFrame(ref NetChan netChan) { MsgPacket send = new MsgPacket(); send.Oob = true; byte[] send_buf = new byte[CConstVar.PACKET_MAX_LEN]; int fragmentLength = 0; int outgoingSequence = netChan.outgoingSequence | CConstVar.FRAGMENT_BIT; send.WriteInt(outgoingSequence); //如果是客户端就发送qport if (netChan.src == NetSrc.CLIENT) { send.WriteInt(CConstVar.Qport); } send.WriteInt(CheckSum(netChan.challenge, netChan.outgoingSequence)); fragmentLength = CConstVar.FRAGMENT_SIZE; if (netChan.unsentFragmentStart + fragmentLength > netChan.unsentLength) { fragmentLength = netChan.unsentLength - netChan.unsentFragmentStart; } send.WriteShort((short)netChan.unsentFragmentStart); send.WriteShort((short)fragmentLength); send.WriteBufferData(netChan.unsentBuffer, -1, fragmentLength, netChan.unsentFragmentStart); //发送数据 SendPacket(netChan.src, send.CurSize, send.Data, netChan.remoteAddress); //存储发送的时间和大小 netChan.lastSentTime = CDataModel.InputEvent.Milliseconds(); netChan.lastSentSize = send.CurSize; if (CConstVar.ShowPacket > 0) { CLog.Info("%s send %d : s=%d fragment=%d,%d", netChan.src, send.CurSize, netChan.outgoingSequence, netChan.unsentFragmentStart, fragmentLength); } netChan.unsentFragmentStart += fragmentLength; //现在的情况有点戏剧,因为一个packet如果刚好是fragment的长度 //那还需要发送第二个packet(长度为0),这样另外一端就知道是否有更多的packet。 if (netChan.unsentFragmentStart == netChan.unsentLength && CConstVar.FRAGMENT_SIZE != fragmentLength) { netChan.outgoingSequence++; netChan.unsentFragments = false; } }
//发送的data数据是压缩过的,所以这里oob是true,不进行压缩 public void NetChanTransmit(ref NetChan netChan, int length, byte[] data) { MsgPacket send = new MsgPacket(); byte[] sendBuf = new byte[CConstVar.PACKET_MAX_LEN]; if (length > CConstVar.PACKET_MAX_LEN) { CLog.Info("Netchan transmit overflow, length = {0}", length); } netChan.unsentFragmentStart = 0; //fragment large reliable messages if (length >= CConstVar.FRAGMENT_SIZE) { netChan.unsentFragments = true; netChan.unsentLength = length; Array.Copy(data, 0, netChan.unsentBuffer, 0, length); //只发送第一帧的数据 NetChanTransmitNextFrame(ref netChan); } send.Oob = true; //写入packet header send.WriteInt(netChan.outgoingSequence); //发送qport if (netChan.src == NetSrc.CLIENT) //客户端发送到服务器需要qport { send.WriteShort((short)CConstVar.Qport); //这里qport跟本地监听端口一致 } send.WriteInt(CheckSum(netChan.challenge, netChan.outgoingSequence)); //checksum netChan.outgoingSequence++; send.WriteData(data, length); //data的数据写入到packet中 //发送数据 SendPacket(netChan.src, send.CurSize, send.Data, netChan.remoteAddress); //存储这个包发送的时间和大小。 netChan.lastSentTime = CDataModel.InputEvent.Milliseconds(); netChan.lastSentSize = send.CurSize; if (CConstVar.ShowPacket > 0) { CLog.Info("{0} send {1} : outgoSeq = {2} incomSeq = {3}", netChan.src, send.CurSize, netChan.outgoingSequence - 1, netChan.incomingSequence); } }
public void RegisterEvent(AbilityEventType eType, BaseAction action) { if (!eventActions.ContainsKey(eType)) { eventActions.Add(eType, new List <BaseAction>()); } if (!eventActions[eType].Contains(action)) { eventActions[eType].Add(action); } else { CLog.Info("There is same action with the event type: %s", action.ToString()); } }
public bool GetSnapshot(int snapshotNum, SnapShot snapshot) { ClientSnapshot clSnapshot; int i, count; if (snapshotNum > clientActive.snap.messageNum) { CLog.Error("GetSnapshot: snapshotNum > gamestate.snap.messageNum"); } if (clientActive.snap.messageNum - snapshotNum >= CConstVar.PACKET_BACKUP) { return(false); } clSnapshot = clientActive.snapshots[snapshotNum & CConstVar.PACKET_MASK]; if (!clSnapshot.valid) { return(false); } //如果当前帧的entities超出了环形缓冲,我们不能返回它 if (clientActive.parseEntitiesIndex - clSnapshot.parseEntitiesIndex >= CConstVar.MAX_PARSE_ENTITIES) { return(false); } //写入snapshot snapshot.snapFlags = clSnapshot.snapFlags; snapshot.serverCommandSequence = clSnapshot.serverCommandNum; =; snapshot.serverTime = clSnapshot.serverTime; snapshot.playerState = clSnapshot.playerState; count = clSnapshot.numEntities; if (count > CConstVar.MAX_ENTITIES_IN_SNAPSHOT) { CLog.Info("GetSnapshot: truncated %d entities to %d", count, CConstVar.MAX_ENTITIES_IN_SNAPSHOT); count = CConstVar.MAX_ENTITIES_IN_SNAPSHOT; } snapshot.numEntities = count; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { snapshot.entities[i] = clientActive.parseEntities[(clSnapshot.parseEntitiesIndex + i) & (CConstVar.MAX_PARSE_ENTITIES - 1)]; } return(true); }
private void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D other) { Player player = other.GetComponentInParent <Player>(); if (player != null) { CLog.Info("Hit Player!"); missileAnimatior.SetTrigger("MissileHit"); player.Health -= 1; } else { CLog.Info($"Missed! Hitted {}"); missileAnimatior.SetTrigger("MissileMiss"); } missileRigidbody.Sleep(); }
private void Fire(double fireTime) { if (IsMyTurn != true) { return; } if (fireTime == .0f) { CLog.Info($"Loading gun"); gun.Load(); return; } CLog.Info($"Fired after loading {fireTime.ToString()}s"); gun.Fire((float)fireTime); GameMaster.instance.NextTurn(); }
public void ChangeTrackingProjectileSpeed(BaseAbility ability, int speed) { bool hasAbility = false; int count = projectiles.Count; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (projectiles[i].Ability == ability) { projectiles[i].MoveSpeed = speed; hasAbility = true; } } if (!hasAbility) { CLog.Info("there is not a projectile associated with the ability"); } }
private GameEntity Spawn() { GameEntity e = null; int i = 0; for (int force = 0; force < 2; force++) { e = gEntities[CConstVar.MAX_CLIENTS]; //遍历所有的entity,但是找不到一个可用的 for (i = CConstVar.MAX_CLIENTS; i < numEntities; i++) { e = gEntities[CConstVar.MAX_CLIENTS + i]; if (e.inuse) { continue; } if (force == 0 && (e.freeTime > startTime + 2000) && (time - e.freeTime < 1000)) { continue; } InitGEntity(e); return(e); } if (i != CConstVar.MAX_GENTITIES) { break; } } if (i == CConstVar.ENTITYNUM_MAX_NORMAL) { for (i = 0; i < CConstVar.MAX_GENTITIES; i++) { CLog.Info("gEntity name: {0}", gEntities[i].classname); } CLog.Error("Spawn: no free entities"); } numEntities++; Server.Instance.SetGEntsNum(numEntities); InitGEntity(e); return(e); }
public void PacketChallengeResponse(IPEndPoint from, MsgPacket msg) { if (CDataModel.Connection.state == ConnectionState.CONNECTING) { CLog.Info("Unwanted challenge response recieved. Ignored."); return; } // int ch = 0; // int ver = 0; var cmd = CDataModel.CmdBuffer; var userinfo = cmd.Argv(2); var port = CUtils.GetValueForKey(userinfo, "port"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(port)) { netChan.qport = from.Port = System.Convert.ToInt32(port); } // string c = cmd.Argv(1); // if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(c)) // { // ch = Convert.ToInt32(c); // } // string sver = cmd.Argv(3); // if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sver)){ // ver = Convert.ToInt32(sver); // } // if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(c) || ch != challenge) // { // CLog.Info("Bad challenge for challengeResponse. Ignored."); // return; // } //发送challenge response,而不是challenge request packets challenge = Convert.ToInt32(cmd.Argv(1)); netChan.challenge = challenge; state = ConnectionState.CHALLENGING; connectPacketCount = 0; connectTime = -99999; //使用这个地址作为新的服务器地址。这允许服务器代理处理到多个服务器的连接 serverAddress = from; }
public void SV_ConnectionlessPacket(IPEndPoint from, MsgPacket packet) { packet.BeginReadOOB(); packet.ReadInt(); //skip -1 marker // if(packet.ReadChars(7, 4) == "connect") // { // HuffmanMsg.Decompress(packet, 12); // } string s = packet.ReadStringLine(); var cmd = CDataModel.CmdBuffer; cmd.TokenizeString(s, false); string c = cmd.Argv(0); CLog.Info("SV received packet {0} : {1}", from, c); int cport = 0; switch(c) { case "getstatus": SVCStatus(from); break; case "getinfo": //带上客户端的端口号 cport = Convert.ToInt32(cmd.Argv(2)); if(cport > 0) from.Port = cport; SVCInfo(from); break; case "getchallenge": SVCGetChallenge(from); break; case "connect": DirectConnect(from); break; case "rcon": RemoteCommand(from, packet); break; case "disconnect": break; default: CLog.Info("bad connectionless packet from {0}: {1}", from, s); break; } }
private SnapShot ReadNextSnapshot() { bool r; SnapShot dest; if (latestSnapshotNum > processedSnapshotNum + 1000) { CLog.Info("ReadNextSnapshot: way out of range. %d > %d", latestSnapshotNum, processedSnapshotNum); } while (processedSnapshotNum < latestSnapshotNum) { if (snap == activeSnapshots[0]) { dest = activeSnapshots[1]; } else { dest = activeSnapshots[0]; } processedSnapshotNum++; // dest = new SnapShot(); r = GetSnapshot(processedSnapshotNum, dest); if (snap != null && r && dest.serverTime == snap.serverTime) { } //如果成功,就返回 if (r) { AddLagometerSnapshotInfo(dest); return(dest); } // AddLagometerSnapshotInfo(null); } return(null); }