/// <summary>Creates a new vector allocated in OpenCL Image2D object.</summary>
            /// <param name="Length">Vector length. For convenience some extra memory is allocated but calculations only go up to vector dimensions</param>
            public CLImgVector(int Length)
                //Stores length and computes number of necessary rows
                n = Length;
                //nRows = n/2^14 (4096 float4's) + 1 (at least one row)
                nRows = ((n - 1) >> 14) + 1;

                //y = n >> 12; //y = n / 2^12;
                //x = n & 0xfff; //x = n mod (2^12-1);

                if (CLCalc.CLAcceleration == CLCalc.CLAccelerationType.Unknown)
                    try { CLCalc.InitCL(); }

                //Allocates vector. Width = IMGWIDTH, Height = nRows, Total number of elements = 4*Width*Height
                VectorData = new float[IMGWIDTH * nRows * 4];
                if (CLCalc.CLAcceleration == CLCalc.CLAccelerationType.UsingCL)
                    CLVector = new CLCalc.Program.Image2D(VectorData, IMGWIDTH, nRows);
        /// <summary>Apply filter to an image</summary>
        /// <param name="id">Filter index, CLFilters[id], to apply</param>
        /// <param name="bmp">Bitmap to be processes</param>
        public static Bitmap ApplyFilter(int id, Bitmap bmp)
            //if (bmp.Width < 4096)
            //    CLCalc.Program.Image2D CLImgSrc = new CLCalc.Program.Image2D(bmp);
            //    CLCalc.Program.Image2D CLImgDst = new CLCalc.Program.Image2D(bmp);
            //    CLCalc.Program.MemoryObject[] args = new CLCalc.Program.MemoryObject[] { CLImgSrc, CLImgDst };

            //    CLFilters[id].FilterKernel.Execute(args, new int[] { bmp.Width - 7, bmp.Height - 7 });

            //    return CLImgDst.ReadBitmap();
            //Pictures can be too big; it's necessary to split
            List <Bitmap> bmps = MPOReader.SplitJPS(bmp);

            CLCalc.Program.Image2D        CLImgSrc0 = new CLCalc.Program.Image2D(bmps[0]);
            CLCalc.Program.Image2D        CLImgDst0 = new CLCalc.Program.Image2D(bmps[0]);
            CLCalc.Program.MemoryObject[] args0     = new CLCalc.Program.MemoryObject[] { CLImgSrc0, CLImgDst0 };

            CLFilters[id].FilterKernel.Execute(args0, new int[] { bmps[0].Width - 7, bmps[0].Height - 7 });

            CLCalc.Program.Image2D        CLImgSrc1 = new CLCalc.Program.Image2D(bmps[1]);
            CLCalc.Program.Image2D        CLImgDst1 = new CLCalc.Program.Image2D(bmps[1]);
            CLCalc.Program.MemoryObject[] args1     = new CLCalc.Program.MemoryObject[] { CLImgSrc1, CLImgDst1 };

            CLFilters[id].FilterKernel.Execute(args1, new int[] { bmps[1].Width - 7, bmps[1].Height - 7 });

            Bitmap bmpL = CLImgDst0.ReadBitmap();
            Bitmap bmpR = CLImgDst1.ReadBitmap();

            return(MPOReader.AssembleJPS(bmpL, bmpR));
            /// <summary>Constructor.</summary>
            /// <param name="N">NxN dimension of the matrix</param>
            /// <param name="nonZeroElemsPerRow">Maximum number of non-zero elements per row</param>
            public CLImgSparseMatrix(int N, int nonZeroElemsPerRow)
                elemsPerRow = nonZeroElemsPerRow - 1;
                elemsPerRow = (elemsPerRow >> 2) + 1;
                elemsPerRow = elemsPerRow << 2;

                numRows = N;

                nElems = numRows * elemsPerRow;

                if (CLCalc.CLAcceleration == CLCalc.CLAccelerationType.Unknown)
                    try { CLCalc.InitCL(); }

                //OpenCL image allocation
                int CLImgNumRows = ((nElems - 1) >> 14) + 1;

                MatrixData = new float[IMGWIDTH * CLImgNumRows * 4];
                Columns    = new int[IMGWIDTH * CLImgNumRows * 4];
                for (int i = 0; i < Columns.Length; i++)
                    Columns[i] = -1;

                if (CLCalc.CLAcceleration == CLCalc.CLAccelerationType.UsingCL)
                    CLMatrixData = new CLCalc.Program.Image2D(MatrixData, IMGWIDTH, CLImgNumRows);
                    CLColumns    = new CLCalc.Program.Image2D(Columns, IMGWIDTH, CLImgNumRows);
Exemple #4
        /// <summary>Classifies multiple samples stored in OpenCL memory</summary>
        /// <param name="Samples">Samples data to classify</param>
        /// <param name="svm">SVM to use as classifier</param>
        public static float[] MultiClassify(SVM svm, CLCalc.Program.Image2D Samples)
            float[] resp = new float[Samples.Height];


            if ((Samples.Width << 2) != svm.HostVLen[0])
                throw new Exception("Invalid Samples width, should be the same length of training features");

            if (svm.CLKernelValuesMultiClassify == null || svm.CLKernelValuesMultiClassify.OriginalVarLength != svm.alphaList.Count * Samples.Height)
                svm.CLKernelValuesMultiClassify = new CLCalc.Program.Variable(new float[svm.alphaList.Count * Samples.Height]);

            if (svm.CLAlphas == null || svm.CLAlphas.OriginalVarLength != svm.alphaList.Count)
                svm.CLAlphas = new CLCalc.Program.Variable(svm.alphaList.ToArray());

                float[] ys = new float[svm.TrainingSet.trainingArray.Count];
                for (int i = 0; i < ys.Length; i++)
                    ys[i] = svm.TrainingSet.trainingArray[i].y;

                svm.CLys = new CLCalc.Program.Variable(ys);
            if (svm.CLb == null)
                svm.CLb            = new CLCalc.Program.Variable(new float[] { svm.b });
                svm.CLQtdSupVecs   = new CLCalc.Program.Variable(new int[] { svm.alphaList.Count });
                CLMultiClassifSums = new CLCalc.Program.Variable(new float[Samples.Height]);

            if (CLMultiClassifSums.OriginalVarLength != Samples.Height)
                CLMultiClassifSums = new CLCalc.Program.Variable(new float[Samples.Height]);

            //svm.CLb.WriteToDevice(new float[] { svm.b });
            //svm.CLQtdSupVecs.WriteToDevice(new int[] { svm.alphaList.Count });

            CLCalc.Program.MemoryObject[] args = new CLCalc.Program.MemoryObject[] { svm.CLTrainingFeatures, svm.CLQtdSupVecs, svm.CLXVecLen, Samples, svm.CLKernelValuesMultiClassify, svm.CLLambda };
            kernelComputeMultiKernelRBF.Execute(args, new int[] { svm.alphaList.Count, Samples.Height });


            args = new CLCalc.Program.MemoryObject[] { svm.CLAlphas, svm.CLQtdSupVecs, svm.CLXVecLen, svm.CLys, svm.CLKernelValuesMultiClassify, svm.CLb, CLMultiClassifSums };
            kernelSumKernels.Execute(args, Samples.Height);

        public Kernels(CLCalc.Program.Image2D CLGLRenderImage)
            this.CLimg = CLGLRenderImage;
            dimensions = new int[CLimg.Width * CLimg.Height];

            for (int y = 0; y < CLimg.Height; y++)
                CLY.VarSize += 100;

            for (int x = 0; x < CLimg.Width; x++)
                CLX.VarSize += dimensions[CLimg.Height - 1 + CLimg.Height * x];
                CLZ.VarSize += dimensions[CLimg.Height * x] = 240;
            CLDimensions = new CLCalc.Program.Variable(dimensions);
Exemple #6
        /// <summary>Initialize kernels</summary>
        private void InitKernels()
            if (kernelComputeHistograms == null || CLN == null)
                CLSrc src = new CLSrc();
                kernelComputeHistograms    = new CLCalc.Program.Kernel("ComputeHistogram");
                kernelConsolidateHist      = new CLCalc.Program.Kernel("ConsolidateHist");
                kernelPerformNormalization = new CLCalc.Program.Kernel("PerformNormalization");
                kernelComputeHue           = new CLCalc.Program.Kernel("ComputeHue");

                CLN      = new CLCalc.Program.Variable(new int[] { NLumIntens });
                CLWidth  = new CLCalc.Program.Variable(new int[] { bmp.Width });
                CLHeight = new CLCalc.Program.Variable(new int[] { bmp.Height });

                CLbmp    = new CLCalc.Program.Image2D(bmp);
                CLNewBmp = new CLCalc.Program.Image2D(bmp);
Exemple #7
        private List <Bitmap> CLHSL(Bitmap bmp)
            if (CLCalc.CLAcceleration == CLCalc.CLAccelerationType.Unknown)
            if (CLCalc.CLAcceleration != CLCalc.CLAccelerationType.UsingCL)


            if (CLBmpSaturation == null)
                CLBmpSaturation = new CLCalc.Program.Image2D(bmp);
                CLBmpIntens     = new CLCalc.Program.Image2D(bmp);

            if (CLbmp == null || CLbmp.Height != bmp.Height || CLbmp.Width != bmp.Width)
                CLbmp           = new CLCalc.Program.Image2D(bmp);
                CLNewBmp        = new CLCalc.Program.Image2D(bmp);
                CLBmpSaturation = new CLCalc.Program.Image2D(bmp);
                CLBmpIntens     = new CLCalc.Program.Image2D(bmp);
                CLN.WriteToDevice(new int[] { NLumIntens });
                CLWidth.WriteToDevice(new int[] { bmp.Width });
                CLHeight.WriteToDevice(new int[] { bmp.Height });

            kernelComputeHue.Execute(new CLCalc.Program.MemoryObject[] { CLbmp, CLNewBmp, CLBmpSaturation, CLBmpIntens }, new int[] { bmp.Width, bmp.Height });

            return(new List <Bitmap>()
                CLNewBmp.ReadBitmap(), CLBmpSaturation.ReadBitmap(), CLBmpIntens.ReadBitmap()
        /// <summary>Classifies a given set of Samples (image2d of floats) each one in a category. Each row of the image is a sample
        /// to be classified and the features should be stored in the columns. The number of columns Ncol = Nfeatures/4 since
        /// each pixel holds 4 floats</summary>
        /// <param name="Samples">Image2D containing samples to be classified</param>
        /// <param name="maxVals">Maximum values found</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public float[] Classify(CLCalc.Program.Image2D Samples, out float[] maxVals)
            maxVals = SVM.MultiClassify(SVMs[0], Samples);
            float[] classif = new float[maxVals.Length];
            for (int j = 0; j < maxVals.Length; j++)
                classif[j] = Classifications[0];

            for (int i = 1; i < SVMs.Count; i++)
                float[] m = SVM.MultiClassify(SVMs[i], Samples);
                for (int j = 0; j < maxVals.Length; j++)
                    if (m[j] > maxVals[j])
                        maxVals[j] = m[j];
                        classif[j] = Classifications[i];

Exemple #9
 public Kernels(CLCalc.Program.Image2D CLGLRenderImage)
            /// <summary>Creates a new vector allocated in OpenCL Image2D object.</summary>
            /// <param name="Length">Vector length. For convenience some extra memory is allocated but calculations only go up to vector dimensions</param>
            public CLImgVector(int Length)
                //Stores length and computes number of necessary rows
                n = Length;
                //nRows = n/2^14 (4096 float4's) + 1 (at least one row)
                nRows = ((n - 1) >> 14) + 1;

                //y = n >> 12; //y = n / 2^12;
                //x = n & 0xfff; //x = n mod (2^12-1);

                if (CLCalc.CLAcceleration == CLCalc.CLAccelerationType.Unknown)
                    try { CLCalc.InitCL(); }

                //Allocates vector. Width = IMGWIDTH, Height = nRows, Total number of elements = 4*Width*Height
                VectorData = new float[IMGWIDTH * nRows * 4];
                if (CLCalc.CLAcceleration == CLCalc.CLAccelerationType.UsingCL)
                    CLVector = new CLCalc.Program.Image2D(VectorData, IMGWIDTH, nRows);
            /// <summary>Constructor.</summary>
            /// <param name="N">NxN dimension of the matrix</param>
            /// <param name="nonZeroElemsPerRow">Maximum number of non-zero elements per row</param>
            public CLImgSparseMatrix(int N, int nonZeroElemsPerRow)
                elemsPerRow = nonZeroElemsPerRow - 1;
                elemsPerRow = (elemsPerRow >> 2) + 1;
                elemsPerRow = elemsPerRow << 2;

                numRows = N;

                nElems = numRows * elemsPerRow;

                if (CLCalc.CLAcceleration == CLCalc.CLAccelerationType.Unknown)
                    try { CLCalc.InitCL(); }

                //OpenCL image allocation
                int CLImgNumRows = ((nElems - 1) >> 14) + 1;
                MatrixData = new float[IMGWIDTH * CLImgNumRows * 4];
                Columns = new int[IMGWIDTH * CLImgNumRows * 4];
                for (int i = 0; i < Columns.Length; i++) Columns[i] = -1;

                if (CLCalc.CLAcceleration == CLCalc.CLAccelerationType.UsingCL)
                    CLMatrixData = new CLCalc.Program.Image2D(MatrixData, IMGWIDTH, CLImgNumRows);
                    CLColumns = new CLCalc.Program.Image2D(Columns, IMGWIDTH, CLImgNumRows);
 public void SetDynamicImage(CLCalc.Program.Image2D image)
     this.image = image;
     this.dynamicVisible = true;
        public void Initialize(BaseCameraApplication capture)
            DepthCameraFrame frame = capture.GetDevices()[0].GetDepthImage();
                StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(new MemoryStream(Perceptual.Foundation.Properties.Resources.AdaptiveTemporalFilter));
                string text = reader.ReadToEnd();
                CLCalc.Program.Compile(capture.GetPrimaryDevice().GetPreprocessCode() + "\n#define HISTORY_SIZE " + historySize + "\n" + text);

            catch (Exception ex)
                System.Console.WriteLine("Could not find AdaptiveTemporalFilter.cl");
            historyIndex = new CLCalc.Program.Value<int>(historySize - 1);
            updateBuffer = new CLCalc.Program.Kernel("UpdateFilter");
            copyToTemporalBuffer = new CLCalc.Program.Kernel("CopyToTemporalBuffer");
            depthBuffer = CLCalc.Program.Variable.Create(new ComputeBuffer<float>(CLCalc.Program.Context, ComputeMemoryFlags.ReadWrite, 4 * frame.Width * frame.Height));
            depthCopyBuffer = new CLCalc.Program.Variable(new float[4 * frame.Width * frame.Height]);
            depthTemporalBuffer = CLCalc.Program.Variable.Create(new ComputeBuffer<float>(CLCalc.Program.Context, ComputeMemoryFlags.ReadWrite, historySize * 4 * frame.Width * frame.Height));

            depthImage = new CLCalc.Program.Image2D(new float[frame.Height * frame.Width * 4], frame.Width, frame.Height);
            uvImage = new CLCalc.Program.Image2D(new float[frame.Height * frame.Width * 4], frame.Width, frame.Height);

            kernelErodeFilter = new CLCalc.Program.Kernel("ErodeFilter");
            kernelDilateFilter = new CLCalc.Program.Kernel("DilateFilter");
            kernelCopyImage = new CLCalc.Program.Kernel("CopyImage");

            kernelCopyBuffer = new CLCalc.Program.Kernel("CopyDepth");
            kernelMedianFilter1 = new CLCalc.Program.Kernel("SmallFilter");
            kernelMedianFilter2 = new CLCalc.Program.Kernel("LargeFilter");
 public void SetDynamicImage(CLCalc.Program.Image2D image, int textureId)
     this.textureId = textureId;
     this.image = image;
     this.dynamicVisible = true;
Exemple #15
        /// <summary>Shades a bitmap</summary>
        /// <param name="bmp">Bitmap to shade</param>
        /// <param name="bmp">Actually render?</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public void Shade(Bitmap bmp, PictureBox pb, bool doRender)
            Bitmap   bmp2 = new Bitmap(bmp.Width, bmp.Height);
            Graphics g    = Graphics.FromImage(bmp2);

            g.DrawImage(bmp, 0, 0, bmp.Width, bmp.Height);

            //draws points onto thresholded bitmap
            for (int i = 0; i < Colors.Count; i++)
                if (Points[i].Count > 1)
                    g.DrawLines(new Pen(Color.Black, 2), Points[i].ToArray());

            #region Initializations
            if (CLbmpSrc == null || CLbmpSrc.Width != bmp.Width || CLbmpSrc.Height != bmp.Height)
                CLbmpSrc     = new CLCalc.Program.Image2D(bmp2);
                CLbmpThresh  = new CLCalc.Program.Image2D(bmp);
                CLthreshInfo = new CLCalc.Program.Variable(typeof(byte), bmp.Width * bmp.Height);
                CLbmpStroke  = new CLCalc.Program.Image2D(bmp);
                CLbmpDists   = new CLCalc.Program.Image2D(bmp);

                CLimgFinal1 = new CLCalc.Program.Image2D(new Bitmap(bmp2.Width, bmp2.Height));
                CLimgFinal2 = new CLCalc.Program.Image2D(new Bitmap(bmp2.Width, bmp2.Height));

                CLTotalPixWeight = new CLCalc.Program.Variable(typeof(float), bmp.Width * bmp.Height);
                lastPixWeight    = new float[bmp.Width * bmp.Height];
                CLWeight         = new CLCalc.Program.Variable(typeof(float), bmp.Width * bmp.Height);
                lastImage        = new Bitmap(bmp.Width, bmp.Height);
                CLimgFinal1.WriteBitmap(new Bitmap(bmp2.Width, bmp2.Height));
                CLimgFinal2.WriteBitmap(new Bitmap(bmp2.Width, bmp2.Height));
                kernelinitTotalWeight.Execute(new CLCalc.Program.MemoryObject[] { CLTotalPixWeight }, new int[] { CLbmpSrc.Width, CLbmpSrc.Height });

            System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch sw   = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();
            System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch swCL = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();

            //computes threshold
            kernelThreshold.Execute(new CLCalc.Program.MemoryObject[] { CLcfgVars, CLbmpSrc, CLthreshInfo, CLbmpThresh }, new int[] { bmp.Width, bmp.Height });

            if (!doRender)

            //Reuse last render?
            if (ReUseLastRender)
                lastRenderedIdx = 0;

            //generates images for points
            for (int i = lastRenderedIdx; i < Colors.Count; i++)
                Bitmap bmpStroke = new Bitmap(bmp.Width, bmp.Height);

                if (Points[i].Count > 1)
                    if (DistanceMaps[i] == null)
                        Graphics g2 = Graphics.FromImage(bmpStroke);
                        g2.DrawLines(new Pen(Colors[i], 2), Points[i].ToArray());


                        int[] changed = new int[] { 0 };
                        changed[0] = 1;
                        kernelinitWeight.Execute(new CLCalc.Program.MemoryObject[] { CLWeight }, new int[] { CLbmpSrc.Width, CLbmpSrc.Height });

                        int n = 0;
                        while (changed[0] > 0 && n < MAXPROPAGITERS)
                            changed[0] = 0;
                            kernelPropagateDist.Execute(new CLCalc.Program.MemoryObject[] { CLchanged, CLbmpStroke, CLthreshInfo, CLWeight, CLbmpDists },
                                                        new int[] { CLbmpSrc.Width, CLbmpSrc.Height });


                        DistanceMaps[i] = new float[CLWeight.OriginalVarLength];

                    //composes total weight
                    CLcolor.WriteToDevice(new float[] { (float)Colors[i].B, (float)Colors[i].G, (float)Colors[i].R });

                    kernelAddToTotalWeight.Execute(new CLCalc.Program.MemoryObject[] { CLTotalPixWeight, CLWeight, CLcolor, CLimgFinal1, CLimgFinal2, CLthreshInfo }, new int[] { CLbmpSrc.Width, CLbmpSrc.Height });
                    //swaps final images - result is always on CLimgFinal1
                    CLCalc.Program.Image2D temp = CLimgFinal1;
                    CLimgFinal1 = CLimgFinal2;
                    CLimgFinal2 = temp;

                    if (pb != null)
                        pb.Image = GetRenderedImage();

            lastRenderedIdx = Colors.Count;
            //saves total pixel weight and final image
            if (lastImage != null)
            lastImage = CLimgFinal1.ReadBitmap();
Exemple #16
        /// <summary>Specific function when SVM contains only one object, such as faces</summary>
        /// <param name="bmp">Next frame to process</param>
        public List <int> FindSingleObj(Bitmap bmp)
            //System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch sw = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch(), sw2 = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();

            if (SVM == null)

            if (imgWidth != bmp.Width || imgHeight != bmp.Height)
                imgWidth    = bmp.Width;
                imgHeight   = bmp.Height;
                SubFramePos = 0;

                List <int> subFrames = new List <int>();
                ComputeSubFrames(0, 0, bmp.Width, bmp.Height, subFrames);
                SubFrames = subFrames.ToArray();

                SubFeatures = new float[(SubFrames.Length / 3) * 364];

                if (CLCalc.CLAcceleration == CLCalc.CLAccelerationType.UsingCL)
                    CLSubFrames   = new CLCalc.Program.Variable(SubFrames);
                    CLSubFeatures = new CLCalc.Program.Image2D(SubFeatures, 91, SubFrames.Length / 3);
                    CLBmp         = new CLCalc.Program.Image2D(bmp);
                    //CLBmpTemp = new CLCalc.Program.Image2D(bmp);
                    CLBmpPrev = new CLCalc.Program.Image2D(bmp);

            //Swaps current and previous bitmap pointers
            CLCalc.Program.Image2D temp = CLBmp;
            CLBmp     = CLBmpPrev;
            CLBmpPrev = temp;

            //Computes frame difference

            //Replaces subFrames based on moving regions
            for (int k = 0; k < MovingRegionBoxes.Count >> 2; k++)
                List <int> sframes = new List <int>();
                int        ind     = 4 * k;
                ComputeSubFrames(MovingRegionBoxes[ind] << 3, MovingRegionBoxes[ind + 2] << 3, MovingRegionBoxes[ind + 1] << 3, MovingRegionBoxes[ind + 3] << 3, sframes);

                for (int p = 0; p < sframes.Count; p += 3)
                    SubFrames[SubFramePos]     = sframes[p];
                    SubFrames[SubFramePos + 1] = sframes[p + 1];
                    SubFrames[SubFramePos + 2] = sframes[p + 2];

                    SubFramePos += 3; if (SubFramePos > SubFrames.Length - 1)
                        SubFramePos = 0;


            ////Segments skin
            //kernelSegregateSkin.Execute(new CLCalc.Program.MemoryObject[] { CLBmpTemp, CLBmp }, new int[] { bmp.Width, bmp.Height });

            //Extract features using OpenCL
            CLCalc.Program.MemoryObject[] args = new CLCalc.Program.MemoryObject[] { CLSubFrames, CLSubFeatures, CLBmp };
            kernelExtractFeatures.Execute(args, SubFrames.Length / 3);

            #region No OpenCL
            //float[] testSubFeats = new float[364 * (SubFrames.Length / 3)];

            //Extract features without OpenCL
            //ExtractFeatures(SubFrames, SubFeatures, bmp);

            float[] maxvals = OpenCLTemplate.MachineLearning.SVM.MultiClassify(SVM.SVMs[0], CLSubFeatures);
            //SVM.Classify(CLSubFeatures, out maxvals);

            List <int>   FacesPos = new List <int>();
            List <float> MaxVals  = new List <float>();

            //Goes in decreasing window size order
            for (int kk = Config.WINDOWSIZES.Length - 1; kk >= 0; kk--)
                for (int i = maxvals.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    if (SubFrames[3 * i + 2] == Config.WINDOWSIZES[kk] && maxvals[i] > Config.REQCERTAINTY)
                        //Checks if a face already has been found in that region
                        bool contido = false;

                        int i3   = 3 * i;
                        int kmax = FacesPos.Count / 3;
                        for (int k = 0; k < kmax; k++)
                            int k3 = 3 * k;

                            if (
                                (FacesPos[k3] <= SubFrames[i3] && SubFrames[i3] <= FacesPos[k3] + FacesPos[k3 + 2] &&
                                 FacesPos[k3 + 1] <= SubFrames[i3 + 1] && SubFrames[i3 + 1] <= FacesPos[k3 + 1] + FacesPos[k3 + 2]) ||

                                (FacesPos[k3] <= SubFrames[i3] + SubFrames[i3 + 2] && SubFrames[i3] + SubFrames[i3 + 2] <= FacesPos[k3] + FacesPos[k3 + 2] &&
                                 FacesPos[k3 + 1] <= SubFrames[i3 + 1] + SubFrames[i3 + 2] && SubFrames[i3 + 1] + SubFrames[i3 + 2] <= FacesPos[k3 + 1] + FacesPos[k3 + 2]) ||

                                (FacesPos[k3] <= SubFrames[i3] && SubFrames[i3] <= FacesPos[k3] + FacesPos[k3 + 2] &&
                                 FacesPos[k3 + 1] <= SubFrames[i3 + 1] + SubFrames[i3 + 2] && SubFrames[i3 + 1] + SubFrames[i3 + 2] <= FacesPos[k3 + 1] + FacesPos[k3 + 2]) ||

                                (FacesPos[k3] <= SubFrames[i3] + SubFrames[i3 + 2] && SubFrames[i3] + SubFrames[i3 + 2] <= FacesPos[k3] + FacesPos[k3 + 2] &&
                                 FacesPos[k3 + 1] <= SubFrames[i3 + 1] && SubFrames[i3 + 1] <= FacesPos[k3 + 1] + FacesPos[k3 + 2])

                                contido = true;

                                //Replaces if better
                                if (maxvals[i] > MaxVals[k] && SubFrames[3 * i + 2] == FacesPos[3 * k + 2])
                                    FacesPos[k3]     = SubFrames[i3];
                                    FacesPos[k3 + 1] = SubFrames[i3 + 1];
                                    FacesPos[k3 + 2] = SubFrames[i3 + 2];
                                    MaxVals[k]       = maxvals[i];

                                k = FacesPos.Count;

                        if (!contido)
                            FacesPos.Add(SubFrames[3 * i]);
                            FacesPos.Add(SubFrames[3 * i + 1]);
                            FacesPos.Add(SubFrames[3 * i + 2]);

            Random rnd = new Random();

            //Updates frame search region
            if (MovingRegionBoxes.Count > 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < maxvals.Length; i++)
                    if (maxvals[i] > Config.REFINEUNCERTAINTY)
                        int i3 = 3 * i;

                        List <int> sframes = new List <int>();
                        int        cx      = SubFrames[i3] + (SubFrames[i3 + 2] >> 1) + rnd.Next(7) - 3;
                        int        cy      = SubFrames[i3 + 1] + (SubFrames[i3 + 2] >> 1) + rnd.Next(7) - 3;

                        int bigwSize = Config.WINDOWSIZES[Config.WINDOWSIZES.Length - 1];

                            ComputeSubFrames(cx - (bigwSize >> 1), cy - (bigwSize >> 1), cx + (bigwSize >> 1), cy + (bigwSize >> 1), sframes);

                            for (int p = 0; p < sframes.Count; p += 3)
                                SubFrames[SubFramePos]     = sframes[p];
                                SubFrames[SubFramePos + 1] = sframes[p + 1];
                                SubFrames[SubFramePos + 2] = sframes[p + 2];

                                SubFramePos += 3; if (SubFramePos > SubFrames.Length - 1)
                                    SubFramePos = 0;

        public ImageColorMixer(int xpos, int ypos, int width, int height)
            this.xpos = xpos;
            this.ypos = ypos;
            this.width = width;
            this.height = height;
            this.scrollWidth = width / 2 - 40;

            this.controlXpos = xpos + scrollWidth + 40;
            hueScroll = new ImageScrollButton("Hue", xpos, ypos, scrollWidth, 20, 0, 1.0f);

            saturationScroll = new ImageScrollButton("Saturation", xpos, ypos + 30, scrollWidth, 20, 0, 1.0f);
            valueScroll = new ImageScrollButton("Brightness", xpos, ypos + 60, scrollWidth, 20, 0, 1.0f);
            hueImage = new CLCalc.Program.Image2D(hueBuffer = new float[scrollWidth * 4], scrollWidth, 1);
            saturationImage = new CLCalc.Program.Image2D(saturationBuffer = new float[scrollWidth * 4], scrollWidth, 1);
            valueImage = new CLCalc.Program.Image2D(valueBuffer = new float[scrollWidth * 4], scrollWidth, 1);
            mixedImage = new CLCalc.Program.Image2D(mixedBuffer = new float[scrollWidth * 4], scrollWidth, 1);
            controlColors = CLCalc.Program.Variable.Create(new ComputeBuffer<float>(CLCalc.Program.Context, ComputeMemoryFlags.ReadWrite, controlColorsBuffer = new float[4 * NUM_CONTROL_PTS]));
            controlAmps = CLCalc.Program.Variable.Create(new ComputeBuffer<float>(CLCalc.Program.Context, ComputeMemoryFlags.ReadWrite, controlAmpsBuffer = new float[NUM_CONTROL_PTS]));
            mixedColor = new ImageButton("Mixture", false, controlXpos, ypos + 90, scrollWidth, 20);
            chosenColor = new ImageButton("Chosen", false, xpos, ypos + 90, scrollWidth, 20);

            controlPoints = new ImageButton[NUM_CONTROL_PTS];
            stems = new ImageButton[NUM_CONTROL_PTS];
            controlPointsBorder = new ImageButton[NUM_CONTROL_PTS];
            Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap(20, 20);
            using (Graphics gfx = Graphics.FromImage(bitmap))
                gfx.Clear(Color.FromArgb(0, 0, 0, 0));
                gfx.SmoothingMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.SmoothingMode.AntiAlias;
                gfx.FillEllipse(new SolidBrush(Color.White), 1, 1, 17, 17);

            float4 currentColor = HSVtoRGB(new float4(hueScroll.GetValue(), saturationScroll.GetValue(), valueScroll.GetValue(), 1.0f));
            colorIndex = NUM_CONTROL_PTS / 2;
            for (int i = 0; i < NUM_CONTROL_PTS; i++)
                controlPoints[i] = new ImageButton("control_" + i, bitmap, true, (int)(controlXpos + (i + 0.5f) * (scrollWidth) / (float)NUM_CONTROL_PTS), ypos + ((i == colorIndex) ? 50 : 70), 20, 20);
                controlPointsBorder[i] = new ImageButton("control_" + i, new Bitmap(20, 20), false, (int)(controlXpos + i * (scrollWidth) / (float)NUM_CONTROL_PTS), ypos + 70, 20, 20);
                controlPoints[i].SetDragBoundingBox(controlXpos - 10, ypos, controlXpos + scrollWidth - 10, ypos + 70);
                stems[i] = new ImageButton("stem_" + i, false, (int)(controlXpos + i * (scrollWidth) / (float)NUM_CONTROL_PTS), 90, 2, 20);
                controlPoints[i].SetForegroundColor(HSVtoRGB(new float4(i / (float)(NUM_CONTROL_PTS), saturationScroll.GetValue(), valueScroll.GetValue(), 1.0f)));
Exemple #18
        /// <summary>Writes Training Set into device memory</summary>
        private void WriteToDevice()
            //Vector length
            if (HostVLen == null)
                HostVLen    = new int[1];
                HostVLen[0] = (1 + ((TrainingSet.trainingArray[0].xVector.Length - 1) >> 2)) << 2;

            //Populates OpenCL buffer
            if (TrainingFeatures == null) // || TrainingFeatures.Length != TrainingSet.getN * HostVLen[0])
                TrainingFeatures = new float[TrainingSet.getN * HostVLen[0]];

            for (int i = 0; i < TrainingSet.getN; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < TrainingSet.trainingArray[0].xVector.Length; j++)
                    TrainingFeatures[j + i * HostVLen[0]] = TrainingSet.trainingArray[i].xVector[j];

            if (CLCalc.CLAcceleration != CLCalc.CLAccelerationType.UsingCL)
            lock (CLResource)
                //Writes to OpenCL memory
                //if (CLTrainingFeatures != null) CLTrainingFeatures.Dispose();
                if (CLTrainingFeatures == null || CLTrainingFeatures.OriginalVarLength != TrainingFeatures.Length)
                    if (CLTrainingFeatures != null)
                    CLTrainingFeatures = new CLCalc.Program.Variable(TrainingFeatures);

                //if (CLXVecLen != null) CLXVecLen.Dispose();
                if (CLXVecLen == null)
                    CLXVecLen = new CLCalc.Program.Variable(HostVLen);

                HostSample = new float[HostVLen[0]];
                //if (CLSample != null) CLSample.Dispose();
                if (CLSample == null)
                    CLSample = new CLCalc.Program.Image2D(HostSample, HostVLen[0] >> 2, 1);

                //if (CLKernelValues != null) CLKernelValues.Dispose();
                if (CLKernelValues == null || CLKernelValues.OriginalVarLength != TrainingSet.getN)
                    CLKernelValues = new CLCalc.Program.Variable(new float[TrainingSet.getN]);
                    CLKernelValues.WriteToDevice(new float[TrainingSet.getN]);

                //if (CLLambda != null) CLLambda.Dispose();
                if (CLLambda == null)
                    CLLambda = new CLCalc.Program.Variable(new float[] { this.ProblemCfg.lambda });
                    CLLambda.WriteToDevice(new float[] { this.ProblemCfg.lambda });
Exemple #19
        /// <summary>Writes Training Set into device memory</summary>
        private void WriteToDevice()
            //Vector length
            if (HostVLen == null)
                HostVLen = new int[1];
                HostVLen[0] = (1 + ((TrainingSet.trainingArray[0].xVector.Length - 1) >> 2)) << 2;

            //Populates OpenCL buffer
            if (TrainingFeatures == null) // || TrainingFeatures.Length != TrainingSet.getN * HostVLen[0])
                TrainingFeatures = new float[TrainingSet.getN * HostVLen[0]];

            for (int i = 0; i < TrainingSet.getN; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < TrainingSet.trainingArray[0].xVector.Length; j++)
                    TrainingFeatures[j + i * HostVLen[0]] = TrainingSet.trainingArray[i].xVector[j];

            if (CLCalc.CLAcceleration != CLCalc.CLAccelerationType.UsingCL) return;
            lock (CLResource)
                //Writes to OpenCL memory
                //if (CLTrainingFeatures != null) CLTrainingFeatures.Dispose();
                if (CLTrainingFeatures == null || CLTrainingFeatures.OriginalVarLength != TrainingFeatures.Length)
                    if (CLTrainingFeatures != null)
                    CLTrainingFeatures = new CLCalc.Program.Variable(TrainingFeatures);
                else CLTrainingFeatures.WriteToDevice(TrainingFeatures);

                //if (CLXVecLen != null) CLXVecLen.Dispose();
                if (CLXVecLen == null) CLXVecLen = new CLCalc.Program.Variable(HostVLen);
                else CLXVecLen.WriteToDevice(HostVLen);

                HostSample = new float[HostVLen[0]];
                //if (CLSample != null) CLSample.Dispose();
                if (CLSample == null) CLSample = new CLCalc.Program.Image2D(HostSample, HostVLen[0] >> 2, 1);
                else CLSample.WriteToDevice(HostSample);

                //if (CLKernelValues != null) CLKernelValues.Dispose();
                if (CLKernelValues == null || CLKernelValues.OriginalVarLength != TrainingSet.getN) CLKernelValues = new CLCalc.Program.Variable(new float[TrainingSet.getN]);
                else CLKernelValues.WriteToDevice(new float[TrainingSet.getN]);

                //if (CLLambda != null) CLLambda.Dispose();
                if (CLLambda == null)
                    CLLambda = new CLCalc.Program.Variable(new float[] { this.ProblemCfg.lambda });
                else CLLambda.WriteToDevice(new float[] { this.ProblemCfg.lambda });
 public void Process(BaseCameraApplication capture)
     DepthCameraFrame depthFrame = capture.GetDevices()[0].GetDepthImage();
     TextureMapFrame textureFrame = capture.GetDevices()[0].GetTextureImage();
     this.rgbImage = (CLCalc.Program.Image2D)capture.GetDevices()[0].GetColorImage().GetMemoryObject();
     kernelCopyImage.Execute(new CLCalc.Program.MemoryObject[] { depthFrame.GetMemoryObject(), textureFrame.GetMemoryObject(), uvImage, depthImage }, new int[] { depthFrame.Width, depthFrame.Height });
Exemple #21
        /// <summary>Equalizes image histogram using OpenCL</summary>
        private void CLEqualizeHistogram(ref Bitmap bmp)
            if (CLCalc.CLAcceleration == CLCalc.CLAccelerationType.Unknown)
            if (CLCalc.CLAcceleration != CLCalc.CLAccelerationType.UsingCL)

            float[] PartialHistograms = new float[NLumIntens * bmp.Width];
            float[] histLuminance     = new float[NLumIntens];

            if (kernelComputeHistograms == null || CLN == null || CLHistogram == null)
                CLHistogram         = new CLCalc.Program.Variable(histLuminance);
                CLPartialHistograms = new CLCalc.Program.Variable(PartialHistograms);

            System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch swTotal               = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();
            System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch swCopyBmp             = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();
            System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch swRescaling           = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();
            System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch swComputeHistPartial  = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();
            System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch swComputeHistConsolid = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();
            System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch swHistIntegral        = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();


            if (CLbmp == null || CLbmp.Height != bmp.Height || CLbmp.Width != bmp.Width)
                CLbmp               = new CLCalc.Program.Image2D(bmp);
                CLNewBmp            = new CLCalc.Program.Image2D(bmp);
                CLPartialHistograms = new CLCalc.Program.Variable(PartialHistograms);
                CLN.WriteToDevice(new int[] { NLumIntens });
                CLWidth.WriteToDevice(new int[] { bmp.Width });
                CLHeight.WriteToDevice(new int[] { bmp.Height });


            //Partial histograms
            CLCalc.Program.MemoryObject[] args = new CLCalc.Program.MemoryObject[] { CLbmp, CLPartialHistograms, CLHeight, CLN };

            kernelComputeHistograms.Execute(args, bmp.Width);


            args = new CLCalc.Program.MemoryObject[] { CLPartialHistograms, CLHistogram, CLHeight, CLN };
            kernelConsolidateHist.Execute(args, NLumIntens);



            //Perform histogram integration - better performance in CPU
            //Compute histogram integrals in-place
            for (int i = 1; i < NLumIntens; i++)
                histLuminance[i] += histLuminance[i - 1];

            float scale = 0.9f / histLuminance[NLumIntens - 1];

            //Scales histograms
            for (int i = 0; i < NLumIntens; i++)
                histLuminance[i] *= scale;

            //Writes histogram integral

            //Computes equalized image
            args = new CLCalc.Program.MemoryObject[] { CLbmp, CLNewBmp, CLHistogram, CLN };
            kernelPerformNormalization.Execute(args, new int [] { bmp.Width, bmp.Height });

            bmp = CLNewBmp.ReadBitmap();

        public void Process(BaseCameraApplication capture)
            DepthCameraFrame depthFrame = capture.GetDevices()[0].GetDepthImage();
            TextureMapFrame textureFrame = capture.GetDevices()[0].GetTextureImage();
            CLCalc.Program.MemoryObject input = depthFrame.GetMemoryObject();
            CLCalc.Program.MemoryObject output = depthBuffer;
            CLCalc.Program.MemoryObject tmp;

            this.rgbImage = (CLCalc.Program.Image2D)capture.GetDevices()[0].GetColorImage().GetMemoryObject();
            kernelCopyBuffer.Execute(new CLCalc.Program.MemoryObject[] { input, depthCopyBuffer }, new int[] { depthFrame.Width * depthFrame.Height });

            for (int cycle = 0; cycle < smoothIterations; cycle++)
                kernelMedianFilter1.Execute(new CLCalc.Program.MemoryObject[] { input, output }, new int[] { depthFrame.Width, depthFrame.Height });
                tmp = input;
                input = output;
                output = tmp;
            if (input != depthFrame.GetMemoryObject())
                System.Console.WriteLine("Wrong Buffer!");

            input = depthCopyBuffer;
            output = depthBuffer;

            for (int cycle = 0; cycle < smoothIterations2; cycle++)
                kernelMedianFilter2.Execute(new CLCalc.Program.MemoryObject[] { input, output }, new int[] { depthFrame.Width, depthFrame.Height });
                tmp = input;
                input = output;
                output = tmp;

            for (int cycle = 0; cycle < erodeIterations; cycle++)
                kernelErodeFilter.Execute(new CLCalc.Program.MemoryObject[] { input, output }, new int[] { depthFrame.Width, depthFrame.Height });
                tmp = input;
                input = output;
                output = tmp;

            for (int cycle = 0; cycle < dilateIterations; cycle++)
                kernelDilateFilter.Execute(new CLCalc.Program.MemoryObject[] { input, output }, new int[] { depthFrame.Width, depthFrame.Height });
                tmp = input;
                input = output;
                output = tmp;

            if (input != depthCopyBuffer)
                System.Console.WriteLine("Wrong Buffer!");
            if (once)
                copyToTemporalBuffer.Execute(new CLCalc.Program.MemoryObject[] {historyIndex, depthCopyBuffer, depthFrame.GetMemoryObject(), depthTemporalBuffer }, new int[] { depthFrame.Width * depthFrame.Height });
                updateBuffer.Execute(new CLCalc.Program.MemoryObject[] { historyIndex,depthCopyBuffer, depthFrame.GetMemoryObject(), depthTemporalBuffer }, new int[] { depthFrame.Width * depthFrame.Height });
            if (historyIndex.value < 0)
                historyIndex.value = historySize - 1;
                once = false;
            kernelCopyImage.Execute(new CLCalc.Program.MemoryObject[] { depthFrame.GetMemoryObject(), textureFrame.GetMemoryObject(), uvImage, depthImage }, new int[] { depthFrame.Width, depthFrame.Height });
        /// <summary>Specific function when SVM contains only one object, such as faces</summary>
        /// <param name="bmp">Next frame to process</param>
        public List<int> FindSingleObj(Bitmap bmp)
            //System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch sw = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch(), sw2 = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();

            if (SVM == null) return null;

            if (imgWidth != bmp.Width || imgHeight != bmp.Height)
                imgWidth = bmp.Width;
                imgHeight = bmp.Height;
                SubFramePos = 0;

                List<int> subFrames = new List<int>();
                ComputeSubFrames(0, 0, bmp.Width, bmp.Height, subFrames);
                SubFrames = subFrames.ToArray();

                SubFeatures = new float[(SubFrames.Length / 3) * 364];

                if (CLCalc.CLAcceleration == CLCalc.CLAccelerationType.UsingCL)
                    CLSubFrames = new CLCalc.Program.Variable(SubFrames);
                    CLSubFeatures = new CLCalc.Program.Image2D(SubFeatures, 91, SubFrames.Length / 3);
                    CLBmp = new CLCalc.Program.Image2D(bmp);
                    //CLBmpTemp = new CLCalc.Program.Image2D(bmp);
                    CLBmpPrev = new CLCalc.Program.Image2D(bmp);

            //Swaps current and previous bitmap pointers
            CLCalc.Program.Image2D temp = CLBmp;
            CLBmp = CLBmpPrev;
            CLBmpPrev = temp;

            //Computes frame difference

            //Replaces subFrames based on moving regions
            for (int k = 0; k < MovingRegionBoxes.Count >> 2; k++)
                List<int> sframes = new List<int>();
                int ind = 4 * k;
                ComputeSubFrames(MovingRegionBoxes[ind] << 3, MovingRegionBoxes[ind + 2] << 3, MovingRegionBoxes[ind + 1] << 3, MovingRegionBoxes[ind + 3] << 3, sframes);

                for (int p = 0; p < sframes.Count; p += 3)
                    SubFrames[SubFramePos] = sframes[p];
                    SubFrames[SubFramePos + 1] = sframes[p + 1];
                    SubFrames[SubFramePos + 2] = sframes[p + 2];

                    SubFramePos += 3; if (SubFramePos > SubFrames.Length - 1) SubFramePos = 0;


            ////Segments skin
            //kernelSegregateSkin.Execute(new CLCalc.Program.MemoryObject[] { CLBmpTemp, CLBmp }, new int[] { bmp.Width, bmp.Height });

            //Extract features using OpenCL
            CLCalc.Program.MemoryObject[] args = new CLCalc.Program.MemoryObject[] { CLSubFrames, CLSubFeatures, CLBmp };
            kernelExtractFeatures.Execute(args, SubFrames.Length / 3);

            #region No OpenCL
            //float[] testSubFeats = new float[364 * (SubFrames.Length / 3)];

            //Extract features without OpenCL
            //ExtractFeatures(SubFrames, SubFeatures, bmp);

            float[] maxvals = OpenCLTemplate.MachineLearning.SVM.MultiClassify(SVM.SVMs[0], CLSubFeatures);
            //SVM.Classify(CLSubFeatures, out maxvals);

            List<int> FacesPos = new List<int>();
            List<float> MaxVals = new List<float>();

            //Goes in decreasing window size order
            for (int kk = Config.WINDOWSIZES.Length - 1; kk >= 0; kk--)
                for (int i = maxvals.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)

                    if (SubFrames[3 * i + 2] == Config.WINDOWSIZES[kk] && maxvals[i] > Config.REQCERTAINTY)
                        //Checks if a face already has been found in that region
                        bool contido = false;

                        int i3 = 3 * i;
                        int kmax = FacesPos.Count / 3;
                        for (int k = 0; k < kmax; k++)
                            int k3 = 3 * k;

                            if (
                                (FacesPos[k3] <= SubFrames[i3] && SubFrames[i3] <= FacesPos[k3] + FacesPos[k3 + 2] &&
                                FacesPos[k3 + 1] <= SubFrames[i3 + 1] && SubFrames[i3 + 1] <= FacesPos[k3 + 1] + FacesPos[k3 + 2]) ||

                                (FacesPos[k3] <= SubFrames[i3] + SubFrames[i3 + 2] && SubFrames[i3] + SubFrames[i3 + 2] <= FacesPos[k3] + FacesPos[k3 + 2] &&
                                FacesPos[k3 + 1] <= SubFrames[i3 + 1] + SubFrames[i3 + 2] && SubFrames[i3 + 1] + SubFrames[i3 + 2] <= FacesPos[k3 + 1] + FacesPos[k3 + 2]) ||

                                (FacesPos[k3] <= SubFrames[i3] && SubFrames[i3] <= FacesPos[k3] + FacesPos[k3 + 2] &&
                                FacesPos[k3 + 1] <= SubFrames[i3 + 1] + SubFrames[i3 + 2] && SubFrames[i3 + 1] + SubFrames[i3 + 2] <= FacesPos[k3 + 1] + FacesPos[k3 + 2]) ||

                                (FacesPos[k3] <= SubFrames[i3] + SubFrames[i3 + 2] && SubFrames[i3] + SubFrames[i3 + 2] <= FacesPos[k3] + FacesPos[k3 + 2] &&
                                FacesPos[k3 + 1] <= SubFrames[i3 + 1] && SubFrames[i3 + 1] <= FacesPos[k3 + 1] + FacesPos[k3 + 2])

                                contido = true;

                                //Replaces if better
                                if (maxvals[i] > MaxVals[k] && SubFrames[3 * i + 2] == FacesPos[3 * k + 2])
                                    FacesPos[k3] = SubFrames[i3];
                                    FacesPos[k3 + 1] = SubFrames[i3 + 1];
                                    FacesPos[k3 + 2] = SubFrames[i3 + 2];
                                    MaxVals[k] = maxvals[i];

                                k = FacesPos.Count;

                        if (!contido)
                            FacesPos.Add(SubFrames[3 * i]);
                            FacesPos.Add(SubFrames[3 * i + 1]);
                            FacesPos.Add(SubFrames[3 * i + 2]);

            Random rnd = new Random();

            //Updates frame search region
            if (MovingRegionBoxes.Count > 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < maxvals.Length; i++)
                    if (maxvals[i] > Config.REFINEUNCERTAINTY)
                        int i3 = 3 * i;

                        List<int> sframes = new List<int>();
                        int cx = SubFrames[i3] + (SubFrames[i3 + 2] >> 1) + rnd.Next(7) - 3;
                        int cy = SubFrames[i3 + 1] + (SubFrames[i3 + 2] >> 1) + rnd.Next(7) - 3;

                        int bigwSize = Config.WINDOWSIZES[Config.WINDOWSIZES.Length - 1];

                            ComputeSubFrames(cx - (bigwSize >> 1), cy - (bigwSize >> 1), cx + (bigwSize >> 1), cy + (bigwSize >> 1), sframes);

                            for (int p = 0; p < sframes.Count; p += 3)
                                SubFrames[SubFramePos] = sframes[p];
                                SubFrames[SubFramePos + 1] = sframes[p + 1];
                                SubFrames[SubFramePos + 2] = sframes[p + 2];

                                SubFramePos += 3; if (SubFramePos > SubFrames.Length - 1) SubFramePos = 0;

            return FacesPos;
Exemple #24
        public static float[] CLFastTrack(Bitmap bmp, float threshold)
            swIntegrate.Reset(); swBacktrack.Reset(); swSmooth.Reset();

            int W = bmp.Width;
            int H = bmp.Height;

            CLthresh.WriteToDevice(new float[] { threshold });
            CLpenalties.WriteToDevice(new float[] { distancePenalty, changePenalty });
            CLDim.WriteToDevice(new int[] { W, H });

            if (CLimg == null || CLimg.Width != W || CLimg.Height != H)
                CLimg = new CLCalc.Program.Image2D(bmp);

            float[] intM = new float[W * H]; //intM[x,y] = intM[y + H*x]
            if (CLintM == null || CLintM.OriginalVarLength != W * H)
                CLintM = new CLCalc.Program.Variable(intM);

            //initialize integration - copy first column
            kernelinitIntM.Execute(new CLCalc.Program.MemoryObject[] { CLimg, CLintM, CLthresh }, H);

            //perform integration
            CLx.WriteToDevice(new int[] { 0 });
            for (int x = 1; x < W; x++)
                //CLx.WriteToDevice(new int[] { x });
                kernelincCounter.Execute(new CLCalc.Program.MemoryObject[] { CLx }, 1);
                kernelintM.Execute(new CLCalc.Program.MemoryObject[] { CLimg, CLintM, CLthresh, CLx, CLpenalties }, H);


            int[] path = new int[W];
            if (CLPath == null || CLPath.OriginalVarLength != W)
                CLPath = new CLCalc.Program.Variable(path);
            kernelBackTrack.Execute(new CLCalc.Program.MemoryObject[] { CLintM, CLPath, CLDim }, 1);


            //int idMax = 0;
            //float valMax = intM[H*(W - 1)];

            ////find most amplified path
            //for (int y = 0; y < H; y++)
            //    if (valMax < intM[H*(W - 1) + y])
            //    {
            //        valMax = intM[H* (W - 1) + y];
            //        idMax = y;
            //    }

            ////backtrack path which was used
            //int[] path = new int[W];
            //path[W - 1] = idMax;

            //for (int x = W - 2; x >= 0; x--)
            //    int y = path[x + 1];

            //    float maxv = -1e8f;
            //    int idv = -1;

            //    for (int k = -PIXELSTOSEARCH; k <= PIXELSTOSEARCH; k++)
            //    {
            //        if (y + k >= 0 && y + k < H)
            //        {
            //            if (intM[H*x + y + k] > maxv)
            //            {
            //                maxv = intM[H*x + y + k];
            //                idv = y + k;
            //            }
            //        }
            //    }

            //    path[x] = idv;



            //integrate path
            float[] pathInt    = new float[W];
            float[] smoothPath = new float[W];
            pathInt[0] = path[0];
            for (int j = 1; j < W; j++)
                pathInt[j] = pathInt[j - 1] + path[j];

            //smooth path
            for (int j = 0; j < W; j++)
                int idxP0 = j - smoothWindowSize;
                int idxPf = j + smoothWindowSize;
                if (idxP0 < 0)
                    idxP0 = 0;
                if (idxPf > W - 1)
                    idxPf = W - 1;
                smoothPath[j] = (pathInt[idxPf] - pathInt[idxP0]) / (float)(idxPf - idxP0);
