Exemple #1
		} // Phase2Parser constructor
	// Parse a program from the input stream, given the FunctionInfo
	// object for the program's root scope.
	public void ParseProgram(FunctionInfo info)
		CGFuncInfo cgFuncInfo = gen.NewFuncInfo(info);
		curCGFuncInfo = cgFuncInfo;
		gen.EmitMainFunction(ParseSourceElements(info, cgFuncInfo));
		Trace.Assert(curCGFuncInfo == cgFuncInfo);
		Trace.Assert(loops.Count == 0);
		Trace.Assert(withs.Count == 0);
		curCGFuncInfo = null;
		} // ParseProgram
Exemple #2
		} // ParseProgram
	// Parse a SourceElements (i.e. the main program, or a function body)
	// and return the generated code.
	private StmtFrag ParseSourceElements( FunctionInfo info,
										  CGFuncInfo cgFuncInfo )
		SrcLoc loc;
		loc.lineNum     = 1;
		loc.colNum      = 1;
		loc.absPosition = 0;
		loc.len         = 1;
		StmtFrag frag = gen.NewStmtFrag(loc);
		while (!tok.atEnd && !tok.PeekOp("}"))
			if (tok.TryMatchKeyword("function"))
				ParseFunction(info.GetNextChild(), false);
		return frag;
		} // ParseSourceElements
Exemple #3
		} // ParseSourceElements
	// Parse a FunctionDeclaration or FunctionExpression.  The "function"
	// keyword should already have been matched.
	private void ParseFunction(FunctionInfo info, bool isExpression)
		// Save the current loop and with stacks.  OPTIMIZATION: don't need to
		// do this if the stack was empty.
		Stack savedLoops = loops;
		loops = new Stack();
		Stack savedWiths = withs;
		withs = new Stack();
		CGFuncInfo savedCGFuncInfo = curCGFuncInfo;
		CGFuncInfo cgFuncInfo = gen.NewFuncInfo(info);
		curCGFuncInfo = cgFuncInfo;
		string functionName = null;
		if (isExpression)
			tok.TryMatchID(out functionName);
			functionName = tok.MatchID();
		// Scan to the end of the parameter list.  We don't bother parsing
		// it in detail, as this was done during the first phase.
		while (!tok.TryMatchOp(")"))
		StmtFrag body = ParseSourceElements(info, cgFuncInfo);
		gen.EmitFunction(info, body);
		Trace.Assert(loops.Count == 0);
		Trace.Assert(withs.Count == 0);
		Trace.Assert(curCGFuncInfo == cgFuncInfo);
		loops = savedLoops;
		withs = savedWiths;
		curCGFuncInfo = savedCGFuncInfo;
		} // ParseFunction
Exemple #4
		} // NewLabeledStmtInfo
	// Return a new WithInfo object.
	public WithInfo NewWithInfo(CGFuncInfo cgFuncInfo, SrcLoc loc)
		return new CSharpWithInfo((CSharpGenFuncInfo)cgFuncInfo, loc);
		} // NewWithInfo
Exemple #5
		} // NewLoopInfo
	// Return a new LoopInfo object for a labeled non-iteration statement
	// with the given label set.  isSwitch should be true if the statement
	// was a switch statement; in this case, if the statement had no labels,
	// the labels parameter can be null.
	public LoopInfo NewLabeledStmtInfo( CGFuncInfo cgFuncInfo, SrcLoc loc,
										StringCollection labels,
										bool isSwitch )
		Trace.Assert(labels != null || isSwitch);
		return new CSharpLoopInfo( (CSharpGenFuncInfo)cgFuncInfo, loc, labels,
								   false, isSwitch );
		} // NewLabeledStmtInfo
Exemple #6
		} // NewStmtFrag
	// Return a new LoopInfo object for an iteratiion statement with the
	// given label set.  The labels parameter can be null if there were no
	// labels.
	public LoopInfo NewLoopInfo( CGFuncInfo cgFuncInfo, SrcLoc loc,
								 StringCollection labels )
		return new CSharpLoopInfo( (CSharpGenFuncInfo)cgFuncInfo, loc, labels,
								   true, false );
		} // NewLoopInfo