public (bool success, string filePath) LoadFont(EmbeddedFont font) { try { var data = NSData.FromStream(font.ResourceStream); var provider = new CGDataProvider(data); var cGFont = CGFont.CreateFromProvider(provider); var name = cGFont.PostScriptName; if (CTFontManager.RegisterGraphicsFont(cGFont, out var error)) { return(true, name); } else //Lets check if the font is already registered { var uiFont = NSFont.FromFontName(name, 10); if (uiFont != null) { return(true, name); } } Debug.WriteLine(error.Description); } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.WriteLine(ex); } return(false, null); }
internal static void loadFontIfNeeded(string fontName) { string loadedFont; MaterialFontLoader.LoadedFonts.TryGetValue(fontName, out loadedFont); if ((loadedFont == null) && (UIFont.FromName(name: fontName, size: 1) == null)) { MaterialFontLoader.LoadedFonts[fontName] = fontName; var bundle = NSBundle.FromClass(new Class(typeof(MaterialFontLoader))); var identifier = bundle.BundleIdentifier; var fontURL = bundle.GetUrlForResource(name: fontName, fileExtension: "ttf", subdirectory: "Fonts/Roboto"); if (fontURL != null) { var data = NSData.FromUrl(fontURL); var provider = new CGDataProvider(data); var font = CGFont.CreateFromProvider(provider); NSError error; if (!CoreText.CTFontManager.RegisterGraphicsFont(font, out error)) { var errerrorDescription = error.Description; throw new Exception(error.Description); //new NSException(name: NSException.con, reason: error.Description, userInfo: error.UserInfo); } } } }
static UIFont LoadAndRegisterEmbeddedFont(string resourceId, nfloat size, Assembly assembly) { using (var stream = EmbeddedResourceCache.GetStream(resourceId, assembly)) { if (stream == null) { Console.WriteLine("Could not open Embedded Resource [" + resourceId + "]"); return(null); } var data = NSData.FromStream(stream); if (data == null) { Console.WriteLine("Could not retrieve data from Embedded Resource [" + resourceId + "]."); return(null); } var provider = new CGDataProvider(data); var font = CGFont.CreateFromProvider(provider); if (!CTFontManager.RegisterGraphicsFont(font, out NSError error)) { if (error.Code != 105) { Console.WriteLine("Could load but failed to register [" + resourceId + "] font. Error messages:"); Console.WriteLine("\tdescription: " + error.Description); throw new MissingMemberException("Failed to register [" + resourceId + "] font. Error messages in console."); } } _embeddedResourceFonts.Add(resourceId, font.PostScriptName); return(UIFont.FromName(font.PostScriptName, size)); } }
public IFont LoadFontFromPath(string path, float sizeInPoints, FontStyle style = FontStyle.Regular) { CGFont cgFont = _installedFonts.GetOrAdd(path, _ => { try { CGFont createdFont = CGFont.CreateFromProvider(new CGDataProvider(path)); NSError error; if (!CTFontManager.RegisterGraphicsFont(createdFont, out error)) { Debug.WriteLine($"Failed to load font from {path} (loading default font instead), error: {error.ToString()}"); return(null); } return(createdFont); } catch (ArgumentException e) { Debug.WriteLine($"Failed to load font from {path} (loading default font instead), exception: {e.ToString()}"); return(null); } }); if (cgFont == null) { return(LoadFont("Helvetica", sizeInPoints, style)); } CTFont font = new CTFont(cgFont, sizeInPoints, CGAffineTransform.MakeIdentity()); font = setFontStyle(font, sizeInPoints, style); return(new IOSFont(font, style, this)); }
private static UIFont GetFontFromFile(nfloat size, string file) { var fileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file); var fileExtension = Path.GetExtension(file)?.Replace(".", ""); var url = NSBundle .MainBundle .GetUrlForResource( name: fileName, fileExtension: fileExtension, subdirectory: "Fonts" ); if (url == null) { return(null); } var fontData = NSData.FromUrl(url); if (fontData == null) { return(null); } //iOS loads UIFonts based on the PostScriptName of the font file using (var fontProvider = new CGDataProvider(fontData)) { using (var font = CGFont.CreateFromProvider(fontProvider)) { return(font != null?UIFont.FromName(font.PostScriptName, size) : null); } } }
//We need to register fonts with iOS runtime //Take a look at following article for more details // protected override async Task InstallFonts(IEnumerable <CustomFont> fonts) { NSError error = null; foreach (var font in fonts) { //If font data is null we need to load it from a font file if (font.Data == null) { var fontFile = await FontFolder.GetFileAsync(font.File); using (var stream = await fontFile.OpenAsync(FileAccess.Read)) { font.Data = new byte[stream.Length]; await stream.ReadAsync(font.Data, 0, font.Data.Length); } } var fontData = NSData.FromArray(font.Data); using (CGDataProvider provider = new CGDataProvider(fontData)) { using (CGFont nativeFont = CGFont.CreateFromProvider(provider)) { CTFontManager.RegisterGraphicsFont(nativeFont, out error); if (error != null) { Console.WriteLine(error); } } } } }
public (bool success, string?filePath) LoadFont(EmbeddedFont font) { try { if (font.ResourceStream == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("ResourceStream was null."); } var data = NSData.FromStream(font.ResourceStream); var provider = new CGDataProvider(data); var cGFont = CGFont.CreateFromProvider(provider); var name = cGFont.PostScriptName; if (CTFontManager.RegisterGraphicsFont(cGFont, out var error)) { return(true, name); } var uiFont = UIFont.FromName(name, 10); if (uiFont != null) { return(true, name); } throw new NSErrorException(error); } catch (Exception ex) { _logger?.LogWarning(ex, "Unable register font {Font} with the system.", font.FontName); } return(false, null); }
private static CGFont _CreateLatinMathCg() { var manifestProvider = IosResourceProviders.Manifest(); byte[] buffer = manifestProvider.ManifestContents(LatinMathFontName + ".otf"); using (CGDataProvider fontDataProvider = new CGDataProvider(buffer)) { var r = CGFont.CreateFromProvider(fontDataProvider); return(r); } }
public string?LoadFont(EmbeddedFont font) { try { CGFont?cgFont; if (font.ResourceStream == null) { if (!System.IO.File.Exists(font.FontName)) { throw new InvalidOperationException("ResourceStream was null."); } var provider = new CGDataProvider(font.FontName); cgFont = CGFont.CreateFromProvider(provider); } else { var data = NSData.FromStream(font.ResourceStream); if (data == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Unable to load font stream data."); } var provider = new CGDataProvider(data); cgFont = CGFont.CreateFromProvider(provider); } if (cgFont == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Unable to load font from the stream."); } var name = cgFont.PostScriptName; if (CTFontManager.RegisterGraphicsFont(cgFont, out var error)) { return(name); } var uiFont = UIFont.FromName(name, 10); if (uiFont != null) { return(name); } throw new NSErrorException(error); } catch (Exception ex) { _serviceProvider?.CreateLogger <EmbeddedFontLoader>()?.LogWarning(ex, "Unable register font {Font} with the system.", font.FontName); } return(null); }
static AppleMathFont() { using var fontDataProvider = new CGDataProvider( Foundation.NSData.FromStream( new Resources.ManifestResourceProvider( System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly() ).ManifestStream(LatinMathFontName + ".otf") ) ); LatinMathCG = CGFont.CreateFromProvider(fontDataProvider); }
public static void LoadFont(string name, string format) { var bundle = NSBundle.FromClass(new Class(typeof(NBMaterialCircularActivityIndicator))); var fontURL = bundle.GetUrlForResource(name, format); var data = NSData.FromUrl(fontURL); var provider = new CGDataProvider(data); var font = CGFont.CreateFromProvider(provider); NSError error; if (!CTFontManager.RegisterGraphicsFont(font, out error)) { throw new NSErrorException(error); } }
public IFont LoadFontFromPath(string path, float sizeInPoints, FontStyle style = FontStyle.Regular) { CGFont cgFont = _installedFonts.GetOrAdd(path, _ => { CGFont createdFont = CGFont.CreateFromProvider(new CGDataProvider(path)); NSError error; if (!CTFontManager.RegisterGraphicsFont(createdFont, out error)) { Debug.WriteLine("Failed to load font from {0} (loading default font instead), error: {1}", path, error.ToString()); return null; } return createdFont; }); if (cgFont == null) return LoadFont("Helvetica", sizeInPoints, style); CTFont font = new CTFont(cgFont, sizeInPoints, CGAffineTransform.MakeIdentity()); font = setFontStyle(font, sizeInPoints, style); return new IOSFont(font, style); }
public (bool success, string filePath) LoadFont(EmbeddedFont font) { try { var data = NSData.FromStream(font.ResourceStream); var provider = new CGDataProvider(data); var cGFont = CGFont.CreateFromProvider(provider); if (CTFontManager.RegisterGraphicsFont(cGFont, out var error)) { return(true, null); } Debug.WriteLine(error.Description); } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.WriteLine(ex); } return(false, null); }
static void LoadFontFrom(string path) { try { CGDataProvider provider = new CGDataProvider(path); CGFont font = CGFont.CreateFromProvider(provider); if (font.NumberOfGlyphs > 0) { #if USE_WEAKREFERENCE cachedFont = new WeakHandle <CGFont> (font); #else cachedFont = font; #endif } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Failed to load font : " + ex); throw ex; } }
/// <summary> /// Init this instance to /// </summary> public static void Init() { NControl.Controls.FontLoader.LoadFonts(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies(), (fontName, s) => { var data = new byte[s.Length]; s.Read(data, 0, data.Length); var dataProvider = new CGDataProvider(data, 0, data.Length); var cgFont = CGFont.CreateFromProvider(dataProvider); NSError error; var registered = CTFontManager.RegisterGraphicsFont(cgFont, out error); if (!registered) { // If the error code is 105 then the font we are trying to register is already registered // We will not report this as an error. if (error.Code != 105) { throw new ArgumentException("Error registering: " + fontName + " (" + error.LocalizedDescription + ")"); } } }); }
void LoadFontFile(string fileName) { CTFont nativeFont; var dpiSize = 0; var ext = Path.GetExtension(fileName); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ext)) { if (nativeFontDescriptors == null) { nativeFontDescriptors = new Dictionary <string, CTFontDescriptor> (); } //Try loading from Bundle first var fontName = fileName.Substring(0, fileName.Length - ext.Length); var pathForResource = NSBundle.MainBundle.PathForResource(fontName, ext.Substring(1)); NSUrl url; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pathForResource)) { url = NSUrl.FromFilename(pathForResource); } else { url = NSUrl.FromFilename(fileName); } // We will not use CTFontManager.RegisterFontsForUrl (url, CTFontManagerScope.Process); // here. The reason is that there is no way we can be sure that the font can be created to // to identify the family name afterwards. So instead we will create a CGFont from a data provider. // create CTFont to obtain the CTFontDescriptor, store family name and font descriptor to be accessed // later. try { var dataProvider = new CGDataProvider(url.Path); var cgFont = CGFont.CreateFromProvider(dataProvider); try { nativeFont = new CTFont(cgFont, dpiSize, null); if (!nativeFontDescriptors.ContainsKey(nativeFont.FamilyName)) { nativeFontDescriptors.Add(nativeFont.FamilyName, nativeFont.GetFontDescriptor()); NSError error; var registered = CTFontManager.RegisterGraphicsFont(cgFont, out error); if (!registered) { // If the error code is 105 then the font we are trying to register is already registered // We will not report this as an error. if (error.Code != 105) { throw new ArgumentException("Error registering: " + Path.GetFileName(fileName)); } } } } catch { // note: MS throw the same exception FileNotFoundException if the file exists but isn't a valid font file throw new System.IO.FileNotFoundException(fileName); } } catch (Exception) { // note: MS throw the same exception FileNotFoundException if the file exists but isn't a valid font file throw new System.IO.FileNotFoundException(fileName); } } }
internal static UIFont EmbeddedFont(string resourceId, nfloat size, Assembly assembly = null) { if (resourceId == "STIXGeneral") { resourceId = "Forms9Patch.Resources.Fonts.STIXGeneral.otf"; } if (_embeddedResourceFonts.ContainsKey(resourceId)) { string family = _embeddedResourceFonts[resourceId]; return(UIFont.FromName(family, size)); } if (resourceId.Contains(".Resources.Fonts.")) { // it's an Embedded Resource if (!resourceId.ToLower().EndsWith(".ttf") && !resourceId.ToLower().EndsWith(".otf")) { throw new MissingMemberException("Embedded Font file names must end with \".ttf\" or \".otf\"."); } lock (_loadFontLock) { // what is the assembly? /* * var assemblyName = resourceId.Substring(0, resourceId.IndexOf(".Resources.Fonts.")); * //var assembly = System.Reflection.Assembly.Load (assemblyName); * var assembly = ReflectionExtensions.GetAssemblyByName(assemblyName); * if (assembly == null) * { * // try using the current application assembly instead (as is the case with Shared Applications) * assembly = ReflectionExtensions.GetAssemblyByName(assemblyName + ".Droid"); * //Console.WriteLine ("Assembly for Resource ID \"" + resourceID + "\" not found."); * //return null; * } */ // load it! using (var stream = EmbeddedResourceCache.GetStream(resourceId, assembly)) { if (stream == null) { Console.WriteLine("Could not open Embedded Resource [" + resourceId + "]"); return(null); } var data = NSData.FromStream(stream); if (data == null) { Console.WriteLine("Could not retrieve data from Embedded Resource [" + resourceId + "]."); return(null); } var provider = new CGDataProvider(data); var font = CGFont.CreateFromProvider(provider); if (!CTFontManager.RegisterGraphicsFont(font, out NSError error)) { if (error.Code != 105) { Console.WriteLine("Could load but failed to register [" + resourceId + "] font. Error messages:"); Console.WriteLine("\tdescription: " + error.Description); throw new MissingMemberException("Failed to register [" + resourceId + "] font. Error messages in console."); } } _embeddedResourceFonts.Add(resourceId, font.PostScriptName); return(UIFont.FromName(font.PostScriptName, size)); } } } return(null); }
public void CreateFromProvider() { Assert.Null(CGFont.CreateFromProvider(null), "CreateFromProvider"); }
string LoadFontFile(string fileName) { CTFont nativeFont; var dpiSize = 0; var ext = Path.GetExtension(fileName); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ext)) { if (nativeFontDescriptors == null) { nativeFontDescriptors = new Dictionary <string, string> (); } string fd = null; if (nativeFontDescriptors.TryGetValue(fileName, out fd)) { return(fd); } // We will not use CTFontManager.RegisterFontsForUrl (url, CTFontManagerScope.Process); // here. The reason is that there is no way we can be sure that the font can be created to // to identify the family name afterwards. So instead we will create a CGFont from a data provider. // create CTFont to obtain the CTFontDescriptor, store family name and font descriptor to be accessed // later. try { var dataProvider = GetFontDataProvider(fileName); var cgFont = CGFont.CreateFromProvider(dataProvider); try { nativeFont = new CTFont(cgFont, dpiSize, null); if (!nativeFontDescriptors.ContainsKey(fileName)) { nativeFontDescriptors.Add(fileName, nativeFont.PostScriptName); NSError error; var registered = CTFontManager.RegisterGraphicsFont(cgFont, out error); if (!registered) { // If the error code is 105 then the font we are trying to register is already registered // We will not report this as an error. if (error.Code != 105) { throw new ArgumentException("Error registering: " + Path.GetFileName(fileName)); } } } return(nativeFont.PostScriptName); } catch { // note: MS throw the same exception FileNotFoundException if the file exists but isn't a valid font file throw new System.IO.FileNotFoundException(fileName); } } catch (Exception) { // note: MS throw the same exception FileNotFoundException if the file exists but isn't a valid font file throw new System.IO.FileNotFoundException(fileName); } } return(fileName); }
static internal CTFont CreateFont(string familyName, float emSize, FontStyle style, byte gdiCharSet, bool gdiVerticalFont) { if (emSize <= 0) { throw new ArgumentException("emSize is less than or equal to 0, evaluates to infinity, or is not a valid number.", "emSize"); } CTFont nativeFont; // convert to 96 Dpi to be consistent with Windows var dpiSize = emSize * dpiScale; var ext = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(familyName); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ext) && ext.ToLower() == ".ttf") { var fontName = familyName.Substring(0, familyName.Length - ext.Length); var path = CCApplication.SharedApplication.Game.Content.RootDirectory + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + fontName; var pathForResource = NSBundle.MainBundle.PathForResource(path, ext.Substring(1)); try { var dataProvider = new CGDataProvider(pathForResource); var cgFont = CGFont.CreateFromProvider(dataProvider); try { nativeFont = new CTFont(cgFont, dpiSize, null); } catch { nativeFont = new CTFont("Helvetica", dpiSize); } } catch (Exception) { try { nativeFont = new CTFont(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(familyName), dpiSize); } catch { nativeFont = new CTFont("Helvetica", dpiSize); } CCLog.Log(string.Format("Could not load font: {0} so will use default {1}.", familyName, nativeFont.DisplayName)); } } else { try { nativeFont = new CTFont(familyName, dpiSize); } catch { nativeFont = new CTFont("Helvetica", dpiSize); } } CTFontSymbolicTraits tMask = CTFontSymbolicTraits.None; if ((style & FontStyle.Bold) == FontStyle.Bold) { tMask |= CTFontSymbolicTraits.Bold; } if ((style & FontStyle.Italic) == FontStyle.Italic) { tMask |= CTFontSymbolicTraits.Italic; } strikeThrough = (style & FontStyle.Strikeout) == FontStyle.Strikeout; underLine = (style & FontStyle.Underline) == FontStyle.Underline; var nativeFont2 = nativeFont.WithSymbolicTraits(dpiSize, tMask, tMask); if (nativeFont2 != null) { nativeFont = nativeFont2; } return(nativeFont); }