Exemple #1
        public void LoadSkin()
            if (!ThemeLoaded)
            _Theme.Color.Get(_PartyModeID, out Color);
            _Theme.SelColor.Get(_PartyModeID, out SelColor);

            X = _Theme.X;
            Y = _Theme.Y;
            if (!_ButtonText)
                Z = _Theme.Z;
            W            = _Theme.MaxWidth;
            H            = _Theme.FontHeight;
            _Align       = _Theme.Align;
            _ResizeAlign = _Theme.ResizeAlign;
            Font         = new CFont(_Theme.FontFamily, _Theme.FontStyle, _Theme.FontHeight);

            if (_Theme.Reflection.HasValue)
                _ReflectionSpace  = _Theme.Reflection.Value.Space;
                _ReflectionHeight = _Theme.Reflection.Value.Height;

            Text     = _Theme.Text;
            Selected = false;
Exemple #2
        //* -----------------------------------------------------------------------*
        /// <summary>文字を表示します。</summary>
        /// <param name="locate">基準カーソル位置。</param>
        /// <param name="hAlign">水平位置揃え情報。</param>
        /// <param name="color">文字色。</param>
        /// <param name="text">テキスト。</param>
        /// <returns>フォント オブジェクト。</returns>
        protected CFont print(Point locate, EAlign hAlign, Color color, string text)
            CFont result = danmaq.ball.misc.CMisc.create98Font(locate, hAlign, color, text);

Exemple #3
    public static List <Player.NPCinfo> GetNPCList(IntPtr hProcess)
        List <Player.NPCinfo> list = new List <Player.NPCinfo>();
        uint num = WinAPI.ReadProcessMemoryUint(hProcess, 10323344u);

        num = WinAPI.ReadProcessMemoryUint(hProcess, num + 2562484);
        num = WinAPI.ReadProcessMemoryUint(hProcess, num);
        for (int i = 0; i < 257; i++)
            uint   num2   = WinAPI.ReadProcessMemoryUint(hProcess, (uint)((int)num + i * 4));
            string text   = CFont.TCVN3ToUnicode(WinAPI.ReadProcessMemoryString(hProcess, num2 + 68, 44));
            uint   num3   = WinAPI.ReadProcessMemoryUint(hProcess, num2 + 4);
            uint   type   = WinAPI.ReadProcessMemoryUint(hProcess, num2 + 184);
            uint   status = WinAPI.ReadProcessMemoryUint(hProcess, num2 + 196);
            if (num3 != 0 && text != "")
                Player.NPCinfo nPCinfo = new Player.NPCinfo();
                nPCinfo.Name   = text;
                nPCinfo.id     = num3;
                nPCinfo.type   = type;
                nPCinfo.status = status;
        list.OrderBy((Player.NPCinfo x) => x.Name);
Exemple #4
        private void _UpdateTextPosition()
            if (!_PositionNeedsUpdate)

            _CalculatedFont      = new CFont(Font);
            _Rect                = MaxRect;
            _PositionNeedsUpdate = false;

            if (_Text == "")

            float      h      = _CalculatedFont.Height;
            float      y      = Y;
            RectangleF bounds = CBase.Fonts.GetTextBounds(this);

            if (W > 0f && bounds.Width > W && bounds.Width > 0f)
                float factor = W / bounds.Width;
                float step   = h * (1 - factor);
                h *= factor;
                switch (ResizeAlign)
                case EHAlignment.Top:
                    y += step * 0.25f;

                case EHAlignment.Center:
                    y += step * 0.50f;

                case EHAlignment.Bottom:
                    y += step * 0.75f;
                _CalculatedFont.Height = h;
                bounds = CBase.Fonts.GetTextBounds(this);

            float x = X;

            switch (Align)
            case EAlignment.Center:
                x = X - bounds.Width / 2;

            case EAlignment.Right:
                x = X - bounds.Width;

            _Rect = new SRectF(x, y, bounds.Width, bounds.Height, Z);
Exemple #5
     * Select a font.
     * @param font The pointer of the font to use.
    internal static void Font_Select(CFont f)
        if (f == null)

        g_fontCurrent = f;
Exemple #6
    internal static bool Font_Init()
        g_fontIntro = Font_LoadFile("INTRO.FNT");
        g_fontNew6p = (g_config.language == (byte)Language.GERMAN) && File_Exists("new6pg.fnt")
            ? Font_LoadFile("new6pg.fnt")
            : Font_LoadFile("new6p.fnt");
        g_fontNew8p = Font_LoadFile("new8p.fnt");

        return(g_fontNew8p != null);
Exemple #7
        private void BtnGeneration_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            char[] text = EInkLib.Charset.Content;
            //char[] text = new char[] { '电'};
            var  path     = MakeDir();
            int  fontSize = (int)NudFontSize.Value;
            Font font     = new Font("微软雅黑", fontSize, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);

            CFont.WriteFont(text, text.Length, fontSize, path, font, GetBpp());
Exemple #8
 public static void Chat(IntPtr hWnd, string text)
     text = CFont.UnicodeToTCVN3(text);
     char[] array = text.ToCharArray();
     foreach (char lParam in array)
         WinAPI.SendMessage(hWnd, Msg, 1014, lParam);
     WinAPI.SendMessage(hWnd, Msg, 1015, 1);
Exemple #9
    static void Font_Unload(CFont f)
        byte i;

        for (i = 0; i < f.count; i++)
            f.chars[i].data = null; //free(f->chars[i].data);
        f.chars = null;             //free(f->chars);
        //f = null; //free(f);
Exemple #10
        //* -----------------------------------------------------------------------*
        /// <summary>よゆ風固定ピッチフォントを生成します。</summary>
        /// <param name="locate">基準カーソル位置。</param>
        /// <param name="hAlign">水平位置揃え情報。</param>
        /// <param name="color">文字色。</param>
        /// <param name="text">テキスト。</param>
        /// <returns>フォント オブジェクト。</returns>
        public static CFont create98Font(Point locate, EAlign hAlign, Color color, string text)
            CFont result = new CFont(CONTENT.texFont98, text);

            result.alignHorizontal = hAlign;
            result.alignVertical   = EAlign.LeftTop;
            result.color           = color;
            result.pos             = new Vector2(locate.X * 8, locate.Y * 16);
            result.sprite          = CGame.sprite;
            result.isDrawShadow    = false;
Exemple #11
        public static Font ToFont(this CFont font)
            FontStyle style = FontStyle.Regular;

            if (font.Bold)
                style |= FontStyle.Bold;
            if (font.Italic)
                style |= FontStyle.Italic;

            return(new Font(font.Family, (float)font.Size, style, (GraphicsUnit)font.Unit));
Exemple #12
        /// <summary>
        ///     Draws a text
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="text">The text to be drawn</param>
        /// <param name="font">The texts font</param>
        /// <param name="x">The texts x-position</param>
        /// <param name="y">The texts y-position</param>
        /// <param name="z">The texts z-position</param>
        /// <param name="color">The text color</param>
        public static void DrawText(string text, CFont font, float x, float y, float z, SColorF color, bool allMonitors = true)
            if (font.Height <= 0f || text == "")

            CFontStyle fontStyle = _GetFontStyle(font);

            float dx = x;

            foreach (char chr in text)
                fontStyle.DrawGlyph(chr, font.Height, dx, y, z, color, allMonitors);
                dx += fontStyle.GetWidth(chr, font.Height);
Exemple #13
        public static void DrawTextReflection(string text, CFont font, float x, float y, float z, SColorF color, float rspace, float rheight)
            if (font.Height <= 0f || text == "")

            CFontStyle fontStyle = _GetFontStyle(font);

            float dx = x;

            foreach (char chr in text)
                fontStyle.DrawGlyphReflection(chr, font.Height, dx, y, z, color, rspace, rheight);
                dx += fontStyle.GetWidth(chr, font.Height);
        static void Main()
            const byte BPP = 4;
            //const Int32 MAX_WIDTH = 1872/2;//电脑屏幕分辨率没那么高,折一半
            //const Int32 MAX_HEIGHT = 1404/2;//电脑屏幕分辨率没那么高,折一半
            const Int32 MAX_WIDTH  = 1872 * 2 / 3; //电脑屏幕分辨率没那么高,折一半
            const Int32 MAX_HEIGHT = 1404 * 2 / 3; //电脑屏幕分辨率没那么高,折一半

            CG.Init(EInkRender.GetValidFontSize, EInkRender.DrawText, EInkRender.MeasureText);
            CUIApp.Init(BPP, MAX_WIDTH, MAX_HEIGHT, 6.227f, 4.67f);

            Application.Run(new MainForm());
            //Application.Run(new FontForm());
Exemple #15
        public static void DrawText(string text, CFont font, float x, float y, float z, SColorF color, float begin, float end)
            if (font.Height <= 0f || text == "")

            float w = GetTextWidth(text, font);

            if (w <= 0f)

            float xStart = x + w * begin;
            float xEnd   = x + w * end;
            float xCur   = x;

            CFontStyle fontStyle = _GetFontStyle(font);

            foreach (char chr in text)
                float w2 = fontStyle.GetWidth(chr, font.Height);
                float b  = (xStart - xCur) / w2;

                if (b < 1f)
                    if (b < 0f)
                        b = 0f;
                    float e = (xEnd - xCur) / w2;
                    if (e > 0f)
                        if (e > 1f)
                            e = 1f;
                        fontStyle.DrawGlyph(chr, font.Height, xCur, y, z, color, b, e);
                xCur += w2;
Exemple #16
    public static void KsTui(Client client)
        Player player = client.player;
        uint   num    = WinAPI.ReadProcessMemoryUint(player.HProcess, 10323344u);

        num = WinAPI.ReadProcessMemoryUint(player.HProcess, num + 2562484);
        num = WinAPI.ReadProcessMemoryUint(player.HProcess, num);
        for (int i = 0; i < 257; i++)
            uint   num2  = WinAPI.ReadProcessMemoryUint(player.HProcess, (uint)((int)num + i * 4));
            string text  = CFont.TCVN3ToUnicode(WinAPI.ReadProcessMemoryString(player.HProcess, num2 + 68, 44));
            uint   npcId = WinAPI.ReadProcessMemoryUint(player.HProcess, num2 + 4);
            uint   num3  = WinAPI.ReadProcessMemoryUint(player.HProcess, num2 + 196);
            if (text.Contains("Túi trái cây") && num3 != 0 && num3 != 5)
                HookCall.ClickNpc(player.hWnd, npcId, player.Address);
Exemple #17
        private static CFontStyle _GetFontStyle(CFont font)
            int index = _GetFontIndex(font.Name);

            switch (font.Style)
            case EStyle.Normal:

            case EStyle.Italic:

            case EStyle.Bold:

            case EStyle.BoldItalic:
            throw new ArgumentException("Invalid Style: " + font.Style);
Exemple #18
    public static List <Player.Item> GetItemListChest(IntPtr hProcess)
        List <Player.Item> list = new List <Player.Item>();
        uint num = WinAPI.ReadProcessMemoryUint(hProcess, 268655096u);

        num = WinAPI.ReadProcessMemoryUint(hProcess, num + 28);
        num = WinAPI.ReadProcessMemoryUint(hProcess, num + 40);
        num = WinAPI.ReadProcessMemoryUint(hProcess, num + 748);
        num = WinAPI.ReadProcessMemoryUint(hProcess, num + 8);
        uint num2 = WinAPI.ReadProcessMemoryUint(hProcess, 8837316u);

        num2 = WinAPI.ReadProcessMemoryUint(hProcess, num2 + 2562524);
        num2 = WinAPI.ReadProcessMemoryUint(hProcess, num2);
        int num3 = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < 257; i++)
            uint   num4 = WinAPI.ReadProcessMemoryUint(hProcess, (uint)((int)(num + 1152) + i * 4));
            uint   num5 = WinAPI.ReadProcessMemoryUint(hProcess, (uint)((int)num2 + i * 4));
            string text = CFont.TCVN3ToUnicode(WinAPI.ReadProcessMemoryString(hProcess, num5 + 2420, 44));
            uint   num6 = WinAPI.ReadProcessMemoryUint(hProcess, num2 + 4);
            if (num6 != 0 && text != "")
                byte[] value = WinAPI.ReadProcessMemoryArrBytes(hProcess, (uint)((int)num + (1152 + num3 * 20)), 20);
                int    num7  = BitConverter.ToInt32(value, 4);
                int    type  = BitConverter.ToInt32(value, 8);
                int    cot   = BitConverter.ToInt32(value, 12);
                int    hang  = BitConverter.ToInt32(value, 16);
                Player.Item item = new Player.Item();
                item.Name = text;
                item.id   = num6;
                item.cot  = (uint)cot;
                item.hang = (uint)hang;
                item.type = (uint)type;
        return(list.OrderBy((Player.Item z) => z.Name).ToList());
        //* ────________________________________*
        //* methods ───────────────────────────────-*

        //* -----------------------------------------------------------------------*
        /// <summary>初期化処理を実行します。</summary>
        protected override void initialize()
            CGame          game   = CGame.instance;
            CSpriteManager sprite = CGame.sprite;

            SpriteFont font = CONTENT.texFont98;

            for (int i = hudStates.Length; --i >= 0;)
                CFont hud = new CFont(font);
                hud.nextState = hudStates[i];
                hud.pos       = pos[i];
                hud.sprite    = sprite;
                hud.layer     = 0;
                hud.alignHorizontal = EAlign.LeftTop;
                hud.alignVertical   = EAlign.LeftTop;
                new CDrawableGameComponent(game, hud, true);
            new CDrawableGameComponent(game, new CEntity(CStateFPSCalculator.instance), true);
            CGuideWrapper.instance.NotificationPosition = NotificationPosition.Center;
Exemple #20
        public CText(CText text)
            _PartyModeID   = text._PartyModeID;
            _TranslationID = text._TranslationID;

            MaxRect = text.MaxRect;
            _Rect   = text._Rect;
            _PositionNeedsUpdate = false;
            _Align       = text._Align;
            _ResizeAlign = text._ResizeAlign;
            Font         = new CFont(text.Font); //Use setter to set observer

            Color             = text.Color;
            SelColor          = text.SelColor;
            _ReflectionSpace  = text._ReflectionSpace;
            _ReflectionHeight = text._ReflectionHeight;

            Text    = text.Text;
            Visible = text.Visible;
            Alpha   = text.Alpha;

            _EditMode = text._EditMode;
Exemple #21
 /// <summary>
 ///     Draws a black text
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="text">The text to be drawn</param>
 /// <param name="font">The texts font</param>
 /// <param name="x">The texts x-position</param>
 /// <param name="y">The texts y-position</param>
 /// <param name="z">The texts z-position</param>
 public static void DrawText(string text, CFont font, float x, float y, float z)
     DrawText(text, font, x, y, z, new SColorF(0f, 0f, 0f, 1f));
Exemple #22
        public static float GetTextWidth(string text, CFont font)
            CFontStyle fontStyle = _GetFontStyle(font);

            return(text.Sum(chr => fontStyle.GetWidth(chr, font.Height)));
Exemple #23
        public static float GetTextHeight(string text, CFont font)
            CFontStyle fontStyle = _GetFontStyle(font);

            return(text == "" ? 0 : text.Select(chr => fontStyle.GetHeight(chr, font.Height)).Max());
Exemple #24
 public static SColorF GetOutlineColor(CFont font)
Exemple #25
    public static List <Player.Item> GetItemList(IntPtr hProcess)
        List <Player.Item> list = new List <Player.Item>();
        uint num  = AddressItemLocation(hProcess);
        uint num2 = WinAPI.ReadProcessMemoryUint(hProcess, 8837316u);

        num2 = WinAPI.ReadProcessMemoryUint(hProcess, num2 + 2562524);
        num2 = WinAPI.ReadProcessMemoryUint(hProcess, num2);
        int num3 = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < 257; i++)
            uint   num4    = (uint)(i * 4);
            uint   num5    = WinAPI.ReadProcessMemoryUint(hProcess, num2 + num4);
            byte[] value   = WinAPI.ReadProcessMemoryArrBytes(hProcess, num5 + 130, 216);
            string text    = CFont.TCVN3ToUnicode(WinAPI.ReadProcessMemoryString(hProcess, num5 + 2420, 44));
            uint   num6    = WinAPI.ReadProcessMemoryUint(hProcess, num5 + 4);
            uint   num7    = WinAPI.ReadProcessMemoryUint(hProcess, num5 + 8);
            uint   soluong = WinAPI.ReadProcessMemoryUint(hProcess, num5 + 48);
            if (num6 == 0 || !(text != ""))
            int type;
            int cot;
            int hang;
            while (true)
                byte[] value2 = WinAPI.ReadProcessMemoryArrBytes(hProcess, (uint)((int)num + (1152 + num3 * 20)), 20);
                int    num8   = BitConverter.ToInt32(value2, 4);
                type = BitConverter.ToInt32(value2, 8);
                cot  = BitConverter.ToInt32(value2, 12);
                hang = BitConverter.ToInt32(value2, 16);
                if (num8 == num7)
            num3 = 0;
            byte[]      array = WinAPI.ReadProcessMemoryArrBytes(hProcess, num5 + 1240, 8);
            Player.Item item  = new Player.Item();
            item.Name        = text.TrimEnd().Replace("ThiƠt", "Thiết");
            item.id          = num6;
            item.cot         = (uint)cot;
            item.hang        = (uint)hang;
            item.type        = (uint)type;
            item.soluong     = soluong;
            item.MTdong1     = array[0].ToString();
            item.MTdong2     = array[1].ToString();
            item.MTdong3     = array[2].ToString();
            item.MTdong4     = array[3].ToString();
            item.phuluc      = array[4].ToString();
            item.thanh       = array[5].ToString();
            item.offset      = num4;
            item.itemdong1   = BitConverter.ToInt32(value, 6);
            item.itemdong2   = BitConverter.ToInt32(value, 42);
            item.itemdong3   = BitConverter.ToInt32(value, 78);
            item.itemdong4   = BitConverter.ToInt32(value, 114);
            item.itemdong5   = BitConverter.ToInt32(value, 150);
            item.itemdong6   = BitConverter.ToInt32(value, 186);
            item.itemdong1_O = BitConverter.ToInt32(value, 0);
            item.itemdong2_O = BitConverter.ToInt32(value, 36);
            item.itemdong3_O = BitConverter.ToInt32(value, 72);
            item.itemdong4_O = BitConverter.ToInt32(value, 108);
            item.itemdong5_O = BitConverter.ToInt32(value, 144);
            item.itemdong6_O = BitConverter.ToInt32(value, 180);
        return(list.OrderBy((Player.Item z) => z.Name).ToList());
Exemple #26
 public static float GetOutlineSize(CFont font)
Exemple #27
 public static Font GetSystemFont(CFont font)
Exemple #28
 internal static void Font_Uninit()
     Font_Unload(g_fontIntro); g_fontIntro = null;
     Font_Unload(g_fontNew6p); g_fontNew6p = null;
     Font_Unload(g_fontNew8p); g_fontNew8p = null;
Exemple #29
     * Load a font file.
     * @param filename The name of the font file.
     * @return The pointer of the allocated memory where the file has been read.
    static CFont Font_LoadFile(string filename)
        byte[] buf;
        CFont  f;
        byte   i;
        ushort start;
        ushort dataStart;
        ushort widthList;
        ushort lineList;

        if (!File_Exists(filename))

        buf = File_ReadWholeFile(filename);

        if (buf[2] != 0x00 || buf[3] != 0x05)
            //buf = null; //free(buf);

        f          = new CFont(); //(Font*) calloc(1, sizeof(Font));
        start      = Read_LE_UInt16(buf.AsSpan(4));
        dataStart  = Read_LE_UInt16(buf.AsSpan(6));
        widthList  = Read_LE_UInt16(buf.AsSpan(8));
        lineList   = Read_LE_UInt16(buf.AsSpan(12));
        f.height   = buf[start + 4];
        f.maxWidth = buf[start + 5];
        f.count    = (byte)(Read_LE_UInt16(buf.AsSpan(10)) - widthList);
        f.chars    = new FontChar[f.count]; //(FontChar*) calloc(f->count, sizeof(FontChar));
        for (i = 0; i < f.chars.Length; i++)
            f.chars[i] = new FontChar();

        for (i = 0; i < f.count; i++)
            var    fc = f.chars[i];
            ushort dataOffset;
            byte   x;
            byte   y;

            fc.width       = buf[widthList + i];
            fc.unusedLines = buf[lineList + i * 2];
            fc.usedLines   = buf[lineList + i * 2 + 1];

            dataOffset = Read_LE_UInt16(buf.AsSpan(dataStart + i * 2));
            if (dataOffset == 0)

            fc.data = new byte[fc.usedLines * fc.width]; //(uint8*) malloc(fc->usedLines* fc->width);

            for (y = 0; y < fc.usedLines; y++)
                for (x = 0; x < fc.width; x++)
                    var data = buf[dataOffset + y * ((fc.width + 1) / 2) + x / 2];
                    if (x % 2 != 0)
                        data >>= 4;
                    fc.data[y * fc.width + x] = (byte)(data & 0xF);

        //buf = null; //free(buf);

Exemple #30
        private unsafe void BtnRender_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int fontSize = (int)NudFontSize.Value;

            Bitmap image = new Bitmap(Picture.Width, Picture.Height, System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb);

            Picture.Image = image;
            Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(image);

            var text = string.Intern(Txt.Text);//弄成常量
            //var text = Charset.Content;
            CFontInfo fontInfo;

            CG.GetValidFontSize((int)NudFontSize.Value, out fontInfo);
            CBitmap bitmap;

            CGraphicInits.InitBitmap(out bitmap, CPixelFormat.Format8bppIndexed, image.Width, image.Height);
            CTextInfo textInfo = new CTextInfo()
                Start  = 0,
                End    = text.Length,
                Length = text.Length

            textInfo.Text = Utils.ToCharPointer(text);
            var modifyRect = new CRect();
            var rect       = new CRect()
                MinX = 0, MinY = 0, MaxX = 400, MaxY = 300

            CG.DrawText(ref bitmap, textInfo, fontInfo, rect, new CPoint()
                X = 0, Y = 0
            }, out modifyRect);
            EInkRender.DrawToBitmap(ref image, bitmap, rect);

            //FontMargin margin = new FontMargin();
            //margin.PageMarginLeft = 12;
            //margin.PageMarginRight = margin.PageMarginLeft;
            //margin.PageMarginTop = margin.PageMarginLeft;
            //margin.PageMarginRight = margin.PageMarginLeft;
            //margin.LineMarginTop = 4;
            //margin.LineMarginBottom = 2;
            //margin.MarginLeft = -2;
            //margin.MarginRight = -1;
            //margin.MarginTop = 0;
            //margin.MarginBottom = 0;
            //margin.ParagraphFirstLineMarginLeft = (short)((info.Width + margin.MarginLeft + margin.MarginRight) * 2);//空2个字符

            //int startX = margin.PageMarginLeft + margin.MarginLeft;
            //int x = startX + margin.ParagraphFirstLineMarginLeft;
            //int y = margin.PageMarginTop + margin.MarginTop;
            //FontBitmap matrix;
            //int maxX = bitmap.Width - margin.PageMarginRight - margin.MarginRight - 1;
            //int maxY = bitmap.Height - margin.PageMarginBottom - margin.LineMarginBottom - margin.MarginBottom - 1;
            //int lineHeight = info.Height + margin.LineMarginTop + margin.LineMarginBottom + margin.MarginTop + margin.MarginBottom;
            //for (int i = 0; i < text.Length; i++)
            //    var character = text[i];
            //    //强制换行
            //    if (character == '\n' || (character == '\r' && i < text.Length - 1) && character == '\n')
            //    {
            //        x = startX + margin.ParagraphFirstLineMarginLeft;
            //        y += lineHeight;
            //        //跳过\n
            //        if (character == '\r')
            //        {
            //            i++;
            //        }
            //        continue;
            //    }

            //    if (Fonts.ePageGetFontMatrix(character, fontSize, out matrix))
            //    {
            //        int width = info.Width;
            //        //新起一行
            //        if (x + width > maxX)
            //        {
            //            x = startX;
            //            y += lineHeight;
            //        }
            //        if (y > maxY)
            //        {
            //            break;
            //        }
            //        Fonts.ePageDrawFontMatrix(bitmap, x, y, matrix, info);

            //        x += width + margin.MarginLeft + margin.MarginRight;
            //    }