public void SolveContinuumCrowdsForTile(CC_Tile tile, List <Location> goal)
        f = tile.f;
        C = tile.C;
        g = tile.g;

        N = f.GetLength(0);
        M = f.GetLength(1);

        if (N == 0 || M == 0)
            Debug.Log("Eikonal Solver initiated with 0-dimension");

        Phi = new float[N, M];

        dPhi     = new Vector2[N, M];
        velocity = new Vector2[N, M];

        accepted  = new bool[N, M];
        this.goal = new bool[N, M];

        considered = new FastPriorityQueue <FastLocation>(N * M);

        neighbor = new FastLocation(0, 0);

    // 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
    // 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
    public void drawRhoOnTile(Location l)
        CC_Tile cct = getLocalTile(l);

        NavSystem.S._DEBUG_VISUAL_plotTileFields(new Vector2(cct.myLoc.x, cct.myLoc.y), cct.rho);
//		NavSystem.S.theMapAnalyzer.printOutMatrix (cct.f);
Exemple #3
    private bool initiateTiles(List <MapTile> tiles)
        if (tiles.Count == 0)
            throw new NavSystemException("CCDynamicGlobalFields: No Tiles");

        tileSize = tiles[0].TileSize;
        // instantiate all our tiles
        for (int i = 0; i < tiles.Count; i++)
            // create a new tile based on this location
            var cct = new CC_Tile(tiles[i]);
            // save the tile
            _tiles.Add(cct.Corner, cct);

        // initialize some tile values
        foreach (CC_Tile cct in _tiles.Values)
            // initialize the cost and speed field
            // store the current data in memory

    private void writeDataToPoint_vAve(int xGlobal, int yGlobal, Vector2 val)
        Location l = new Location((int)Math.Floor(((double)xGlobal) / ((double)tileSize)),
                                  (int)Math.Floor(((double)yGlobal) / ((double)tileSize)));
        CC_Tile localTile = getLocalTile(l);
        int     xTile     = xGlobal - l.x * tileSize;
        int     yTile     = yGlobal - l.y * tileSize;

        _tiles [localTile.myLoc].writeData_vAve(xTile, yTile, val);
    private void writeDataToPoint_gP(int xGlobal, int yGlobal, float val)
        Location l = new Location((int)Math.Floor(((double)xGlobal) / ((double)tileSize)),
                                  (int)Math.Floor(((double)yGlobal) / ((double)tileSize)));
        CC_Tile localTile = getLocalTile(l);
        int     xTile     = xGlobal - l.x * tileSize;
        int     yTile     = yGlobal - l.y * tileSize;

        localTile.writeData_gP(xTile, yTile, val);
        _tiles [localTile.myLoc] = localTile;
    private Vector4 readDataFromPoint_C(int xGlobal, int yGlobal)
        Location l = new Location((int)Math.Floor(((double)xGlobal) / ((double)tileSize)),
                                  (int)Math.Floor(((double)yGlobal) / ((double)tileSize)));
        CC_Tile localTile = getLocalTile(l);
        int     xTile     = xGlobal - l.x * tileSize;
        int     yTile     = yGlobal - l.y * tileSize;
        Vector4 f         = localTile.readData_C(xTile, yTile);

 private void computeSpeedField(CC_Tile cct)
     for (int n = 0; n < tileSize; n++)
         for (int m = 0; m < tileSize; m++)
             for (int d = 0; d < DIR_ENWS.Length; d++)
                 cct.f [n, m] [d] = computeSpeedFieldPoint(n, m, cct, DIR_ENWS [d]);
Exemple #8
 private void computeSpeedField(CC_Tile cct)
     for (int n = 0; n < tileSize; n++)
         for (int m = 0; m < tileSize; m++)
             for (int d = 0; d < CCValues.S.ENSW.Length; d++)
                 cct.f[n, m][d] = computeSpeedFieldPoint(n, m, cct, CCValues.S.ENSW[d]);
 private void computeCostField(CC_Tile cct)
     for (int n = 0; n < tileSize; n++)
         for (int m = 0; m < tileSize; m++)
             for (int d = 0; d < DIR_ENWS.Length; d++)
                 cct.C [n, m] [d] = computeCostFieldValue(n, m, d, DIR_ENWS [d], cct);
Exemple #10
 private void computeCostField(CC_Tile cct)
     for (int n = 0; n < tileSize; n++)
         for (int m = 0; m < tileSize; m++)
             for (int d = 0; d < CCValues.S.ENSW.Length; d++)
                 cct.C[n, m][d] = computeCostFieldValue(n, m, d, CCValues.S.ENSW[d], cct);
Exemple #11
    private float computeSpeedFieldPoint(int tileX, int tileY, CC_Tile cct, Vector2 direction)
        int xLocalInto = tileX + (int)direction.x;
        int yLocalInto = tileY + (int)direction.y;

        int xGlobalInto = cct.Corner.x * tileSize + xLocalInto;
        int yGlobalInto = cct.Corner.y * tileSize + yLocalInto;

        // otherwise, run the speed field calculation
        float ff, ft, fv;

        float r;

        // test to see if the point we're looking INTO is in another tile, and if so, pull it
        if (xLocalInto < 0 || xLocalInto > tileSize - 1 || yLocalInto < 0 || yLocalInto > tileSize - 1)
            // if we're looking off the map, dont store this value
            if (!isPointValid(xGlobalInto, yGlobalInto))
            r = readDataFromPoint_rho(xGlobalInto, yGlobalInto);
            r = cct.rho[xLocalInto, yLocalInto];

        // test the density INTO WHICH we move:
        if (r < CCValues.S.f_rhoMin)
            // rho < rho_min calc
            ft = computeTopographicalSpeed(readDataFromPoint_dh(xGlobalInto, yGlobalInto), direction);
            ff = ft;
        else if (r > CCValues.S.f_rhoMax)
            // rho > rho_max calc
            fv = computeFlowSpeed(xGlobalInto, yGlobalInto, direction);
            ff = fv;
            // rho in-between calc
            fv = computeFlowSpeed(xGlobalInto, yGlobalInto, direction);
            ft = computeTopographicalSpeed(readDataFromPoint_dh(xGlobalInto, yGlobalInto), direction);
            ff = ft + (r - CCValues.S.f_rhoMin) / (CCValues.S.f_rhoMax - CCValues.S.f_rhoMin) * (fv - ft);
        ff = Mathf.Clamp(ff, CCValues.S.f_speedMin, CCValues.S.f_speedMax);
        return(Math.Max(CCValues.S.f_speedMin, ff));
    // IMPORTANT: in this function call, x and y are LOCAL to the tile
    private float computeSpeedFieldPoint(int tileX, int tileY, CC_Tile cct, Vector2 direction)
        int xLocalInto = tileX + (int)direction.x;
        int yLocalInto = tileY + (int)direction.y;

        int xGlobalInto = cct.myLoc.x * tileSize + xLocalInto;
        int yGlobalInto = cct.myLoc.y * tileSize + yLocalInto;

        // otherwise, run the speed field calculation
        float ff = 0, ft = 0, fv = 0;
        float r;

        // test to see if the point we're looking INTO is in another tile, and if so, pull it
        if ((xLocalInto < 0) || (xLocalInto > tileSize - 1) || (yLocalInto < 0) || (yLocalInto > tileSize - 1))
            // if we're looking off the map, dont store this value
            if (!isPointValid(xGlobalInto, yGlobalInto))
            r = readDataFromPoint_rho(xGlobalInto, yGlobalInto);
            r = cct.rho [xLocalInto, yLocalInto];

        // test the density INTO WHICH we move:
        if (r < CCvals.f_rhoMin)                                        // rho < rho_min calc
            ft = computeTopographicalSpeed(tileX, tileY, theMapData.getHeightGradientMap(tileX, tileY), direction);
            ff = ft;
        else if (r > CCvals.f_rhoMax)                           // rho > rho_max calc
            fv = computeFlowSpeed(xGlobalInto, yGlobalInto, direction);
            ff = fv;
        else                                                            // rho in-between calc
            fv = computeFlowSpeed(xGlobalInto, yGlobalInto, direction);
            ft = computeTopographicalSpeed(tileX, tileY, theMapData.getHeightGradientMap(tileX, tileY), direction);
            ff = ft + (r - CCvals.f_rhoMin) / (CCvals.f_rhoMax - CCvals.f_rhoMin) * (fv - ft);

        return(Math.Max(CCvals.f_speedMin, ff));
    // average velocity fields will just iterate over each tile, since information
    // doesnt 'bleed' into or out from nearby tiles
    private void computeAverageVelocityField(CC_Tile cct)
        for (int n = 0; n < tileSize; n++)
            for (int m = 0; m < tileSize; m++)
                Vector2 v = cct.vAve [n, m];
                float   r = cct.rho [n, m];

                if (r != 0)
                    v /= r;
                cct.vAve [n, m] = v;
    // ******************************************************************************************
    //              functions used for reading and writing to tiles
    // ******************************************************************************************
    private CC_Tile getLocalTile(Location l)
        if (current_Tile_Loc == l)

        if (_tiles.ContainsKey(l))
            current_Tile     = _tiles [l];
            current_Tile_Loc = current_Tile.myLoc;
            return(new CC_Tile(0, l));
    public bool initiateTiles()
        // take map dimensions
        // if tileSize and map dimensions dont fit perfectly, drop a flag
        // otherwise, create all the tiles

        // make sure the map dimensions are divisible by tileSize
        if ((((float)_mapX) % ((float)tileSize) != 0) ||
            (((float)_mapY) % ((float)tileSize) != 0))
            // this should NEVER HAPPEN, so send an error if it does
            Location loc;

            int numTilesX = _mapX / tileSize;
            int numTilesY = _mapY / tileSize;

            // instantiate all our tiles
            for (int x = 0; x < numTilesX; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < numTilesY; y++)
                    // create a new tile based on this location
                    loc = new Location(x, y);
                    CC_Tile cct = new CC_Tile(tileSize, loc);
                    _tiles.Add(loc, cct);

            if (_tiles.Keys.Count > 0)
                current_Tile     = _tiles[new Location(0, 0)];
                current_Tile_Loc = current_Tile.myLoc;

    private float computeCostFieldValue(int tileX, int tileY, int d, Vector2 direction, CC_Tile cct)
        int xLocalInto = tileX + (int)direction.x;
        int yLocalInto = tileY + (int)direction.y;

        int xGlobalInto = cct.myLoc.x * tileSize + xLocalInto;
        int yGlobalInto = cct.myLoc.y * tileSize + yLocalInto;

        // if we're looking in an invalid direction, dont store this value
        if (cct.f [tileX, tileY] [d] == 0)
        else if (!isPointValid(xGlobalInto, yGlobalInto))

        // test to see if the point we're looking INTO is in a DIFFERENT tile, and if so, pull it
        float gP;

        if ((xLocalInto < 0) || (xLocalInto > tileSize - 1) || (yLocalInto < 0) || (yLocalInto > tileSize - 1))
            gP = readDataFromPoint_gP(xGlobalInto, yGlobalInto);
            gP = cct.gP [xLocalInto, yLocalInto];
        float cost = (cct.f [tileX, tileY] [d] * CCvals.C_alpha + CCvals.C_beta + gP * CCvals.C_gamma) / cct.f [tileX, tileY] [d];

Exemple #17
    private float computeCostFieldValue(int tileX, int tileY, int d, Vector2 direction, CC_Tile cct)
        int xLocalInto = tileX + (int)direction.x;
        int yLocalInto = tileY + (int)direction.y;

        int xGlobalInto = cct.Corner.x * tileSize + xLocalInto;
        int yGlobalInto = cct.Corner.y * tileSize + yLocalInto;

        // if we're looking in an invalid direction, dont store this value
        if (cct.f[tileX, tileY][d] == 0 || !isPointValid(xLocalInto, yLocalInto))

        // initialize g as the map discomfort data value
        float g = readDataFromPoint_g(xGlobalInto, yGlobalInto);

        // test to see if the point we're looking INTO is in a DIFFERENT tile, and if so, pull it
        if (xLocalInto < 0 || xLocalInto > tileSize - 1 ||
            yLocalInto < 0 || yLocalInto > tileSize - 1
            g += readDataFromPoint_g(xGlobalInto, yGlobalInto);
            g += cct.g[xLocalInto, yLocalInto];

        // clamp g to make sure it's not > 1
        if (g > 1)
            g = 1;
        else if (g < 0)
            g = 0;

        // compute the cost weighted by our coefficients
        var   f    = cct.f[tileX, tileY][d];
        float cost = CCValues.S.C_alpha
                     + CCValues.S.C_beta * 1 / f
                     + CCValues.S.C_gamma * g / f;
