Exemple #1
        // dirty as it only checks whether one contains a point of the other
        internal static bool CollideBoundingBoxPolygon(ICollidible boxCollidible, ICollidible polyCollidible, CollisionTypePolygon cTypePoly)
            // first check the bounding box of the polygon (for performance)
            CCRect box = ((CCNode)boxCollidible).BoundingBoxTransformedToWorld;

            if (box.IntersectsRect(((CCNode)polyCollidible).BoundingBoxTransformedToWorld))
                CCPoint[] boxPoints = Constants.CCRectPoints(box);
                // transform the polygon to match the positioning, rotation and scale of the node
                Polygon transformedPolygon = ((Polygon)cTypePoly.collisionPolygon.Clone());
                foreach (var point in boxPoints)
                    if (transformedPolygon.ContainsPoint(point))
                foreach (var point in transformedPolygon.Points)
                    if (box.ContainsPoint(point))
        //this method runs the game logic, such as ball physics, collision methods, etc
        void RunGameLogic(float frameTimeInSeconds)
            if (lives == 0)
                isGameOver = true;
            else if (p1Score == 72) //this is the maximum score possible for this level, thus is the victory condition
            ball.PositionY += ball.VelocityY * frameTimeInSeconds;     //moving the ball
            ballBoundingBox = ball.BoundingBoxTransformedToParent;     // bb for ball
            p1BoundingBox   = p1Paddle.BoundingBoxTransformedToParent; //bb for p1Paddle

            bool doesBallOverlapPaddle = ballBoundingBox.IntersectsRect(p1BoundingBox);

            //display score and lives

            //call handling brick collisions here
            HandleBrickCollisions(bricksBoundingBoxRow1, bricksRow1);
            HandleBrickCollisions(bricksBoundingBoxRow2, bricksRow2);
            HandleBrickCollisions(bricksBoundingBoxRow3, bricksRow3);
            HandleSilverBrickCollisions(bricksBoundingBoxRow4, bricksRow4);
            HandleBrickCollisions(bricksBoundingBoxRow5, bricksRow5);
            HandleSilverBrickCollisions(bricksBoundingBoxRow6, bricksRow6);
            //ball hitting paddle logic
            HandlePaddleCollisions(p1BoundingBox, ballBoundingBox, ball);
            //ball hitting wall logic
            HandleWallCollisions(ballBoundingBox, ball);
            debugLabel.Text = string.Format("Lives: {0} Score: {1}", lives, p1Score);
Exemple #3
        // GetRandomPosition - Old method - don't use
        // Parameters: CCsprite - size of the sprite to position
        // Returns: CCPoint - random point within the display field
//		CCPoint GetRandomPosition (CCSize spriteSize)
//		{
//			double rndX = CCRandom.NextDouble ();
//			double rndY = CCRandom.NextDouble ();
//			double randomX = (rndX > 0)
//				? rndX * VisibleBoundsWorldspace.Size.Width - spriteSize.Width / 2
//				: spriteSize.Width / 2;
//			if (randomX < (spriteSize.Width / 2))
//				randomX += spriteSize.Width;
//			double randomY = (rndY > 0)
//				? rndY * VisibleBoundsWorldspace.Size.Height - spriteSize.Height / 2
//				: spriteSize.Height / 2;
//			if (randomY < (spriteSize.Height / 2))
//				randomY += spriteSize.Height;
//			return new CCPoint ((float)randomX, (float)randomY);
//		}

        // GetSeparatingVector - Not being used
        // Parameters:	first - CCRect of the first object being compared
        //				second - CCRect of the second object being compared
        // Returns:		CCVector2 - vector to direction to move second object so it won't collide with first
        // Used to compare overlaping rectangles of two objects to determine if they collide or not.  If they do
        // return a vector to move the object so it won't overlap
        static CCVector2 GetSeparatingVector(CCRect first, CCRect second)
            CCVector2 separation = CCVector2.Zero;

            if (first.IntersectsRect(second))
                var  intersecionRect      = first.Intersection(second);
                bool separateHorizontally = intersecionRect.Size.Width < intersecionRect.Size.Height;

                if (separateHorizontally)
                    separation.X = intersecionRect.Size.Width;
                    if (first.Center.X < second.Center.X)
                        separation.X *= -1;
                    separation.Y = 0;
                    separation.X = 0;
                    separation.Y = intersecionRect.Size.Height;
                    if (first.Center.Y < second.Center.Y)
                        separation.Y *= -1;
Exemple #4
         * Determines if a given node's bounding box is in visible bounds
         * @return YES if it is in visible bounds

        public bool IsNodeVisible(CCNode node)
            CCPoint offset = ContentOffset;
            CCSize  size   = ViewSize;
            float   scale  = ZoomScale;

            var viewRect = new CCRect(-offset.X / scale, -offset.Y / scale, size.Width / scale, size.Height / scale);

        //this method runs the game logic, such as ball physics, collision methods, etc
        void RunGameLogic(float frameTimeInSeconds)
            if (lives == 0)
                isGameOver = true;
                GameOver(isGameOver, bounds);
            else if (p1Score == 69) //this is the maximum score possible for this level, thus is the victory condition
            ball.PositionY += ball.VelocityY * frameTimeInSeconds;
            ballBoundingBox = ball.BoundingBoxTransformedToParent;     // bb for ball
            p1BoundingBox   = p1Paddle.BoundingBoxTransformedToParent; //bb for p1Paddle

            bool doesBallOverlapPaddle = ballBoundingBox.IntersectsRect(p1BoundingBox);

            //display score and lives

            //call handling brick collisions here
            //since there are many rows, requires many calls to the HandleBrickCollisions method
            HandleBrickCollisions(bricksBoundingBoxRow1, bricksRow1);
            HandleBrickCollisions(bricksBoundingBoxRow2, bricksRow2);
            HandleBrickCollisions(bricksBoundingBoxRow3, bricksRow3);
            HandleBrickCollisions(bricksBoundingBoxRow4, bricksRow4);
            HandleBrickCollisions(bricksBoundingBoxRow5, bricksRow5);
            HandleBrickCollisions(bricksBoundingBoxRow6, bricksRow6);
            HandleBrickCollisions(bricksBoundingBoxRow7, bricksRow7);
            HandleBrickCollisions(bricksBoundingBoxRow8, bricksRow8);
            HandleBrickCollisions(bricksBoundingBoxRow9, bricksRow9);
            HandleBrickCollisions(bricksBoundingBoxRow10, bricksRow10);
            HandleBrickCollisions(bricksBoundingBoxRow11, bricksRow11);
            HandleBrickCollisions(bricksBoundingBoxRow12, bricksRow12);
            HandleBrickCollisions(bricksBoundingBoxRow13, bricksRow13);
            HandleBrickCollisions(bricksBoundingBoxRow14, bricksRow14);
            HandleBrickCollisions(bricksBoundingBoxRow15, bricksRow15);
            HandleBrickCollisions(bricksBoundingBoxRow16, bricksRow16);
            HandleBrickCollisions(bricksBoundingBoxRow17, bricksRow17);
            HandleBrickCollisions(bricksBoundingBoxRow18, bricksRow18);
            HandleBrickCollisions(bricksBoundingBoxRow19, bricksRow19);
            HandleBrickCollisions(bricksBoundingBoxRow20, bricksRow20);
            HandleBrickCollisions(bricksBoundingBoxRow21, bricksRow21);
            HandleBrickCollisions(bricksBoundingBoxRow22, bricksRow22);

            //ball hitting paddle logic
            HandlePaddleCollisions(p1BoundingBox, ballBoundingBox, ball);
            //ball hitting wall logic
            HandleWallCollisions(ballBoundingBox, ball);
            //update score and lives in real time
            debugLabel.Text = string.Format("Lives: {0} Score: {1}", lives, p1Score);
        //end reference HandleTouchesMoved
        //method to handle what occurs when the ball collides with a brick
        //the brick will be destroyed on collision and the ball's y velocity gets inverted
        void HandleBrickCollisions(List <CCRect> rects, List <RedBrick> bricks)
            for (int i = 0; i < rects.Count; i++)
                bool doesBallOverlapBrick = ballBoundingBox.IntersectsRect(rects[i]);
                if (doesBallOverlapBrick)
                    ball.VelocityY *= -1;
                    p1Score        += 1;
                    if (bricks[i].IsHit())
                        rects[i] = new CCRect(); //this essentially destroys the CCRect

                    if (hitCount >= 2)
                        ball.VelocityY *= -1;
                        hitCount        = 0;
        //handle what occurs when the ball hits the paddle (invert ball yVelocity)
        void HandlePaddleCollisions(CCRect paddleBox, CCRect ballBox, Ball ballRep)
            bool doesBallOverlapPaddle = ballBox.IntersectsRect(paddleBox);
            bool isMovingDown          = ballRep.VelocityY < 0;

            if (doesBallOverlapPaddle && isMovingDown)
                //invert velocity
                ballRep.VelocityY *= -1;
                //assign a value to the x velocity. Keeping constant speed
                const float minXVelocity = -300;
                const float maxXVelocity = 300;
                ballRep.VelocityX = CCRandom.GetRandomFloat(minXVelocity, maxXVelocity); // randomizes the xVelocity
                //reset hit counter whenever the ball hits anything that isn't a brick
                hitCount = 0;
Exemple #8
		* Determines if a given node's bounding box is in visible bounds
		* @return YES if it is in visible bounds

		public bool IsNodeVisible(CCNode node)
			CCPoint offset = ContentOffset;
			CCSize size = ViewSize;
			float scale = ZoomScale;

			var viewRect = new CCRect(-offset.X / scale, -offset.Y / scale, size.Width / scale, size.Height / scale);

			return viewRect.IntersectsRect(node.BoundingBox);
Exemple #9
 bool Intersects(CCRect first, RectWithDirection second)
Exemple #10
        internal void Salvage()
            State = WreckageState.SALVAGING;
            var mAircraft  = MiddleAircraft;
            var totalScale = mAircraft.GetTotalScale();

            mAircraft.Visible = false;
            List <Part> totalparts = mAircraft.TotalParts;

            // unmount and disassemble
            mAircraft.Body = null;
            foreach (var part in totalparts)
                foreach (var singlePart in totalparts)
                    if (singlePart.Flipped)
                // repair the part fully
            // choose the parts that will be salvaged
            SalvagedParts = new List <Part>();
            // how many?
            var rng          = new Random();
            int salvageCount = (int)(GetWreckPercentile(mAircraft) * totalparts.Count());

            if (salvageCount != totalparts.Count() && rng.NextDouble() <= (GetWreckPercentile(mAircraft) * totalparts.Count()) % 1)
            // choose random parts
            for (int i = 0; i < salvageCount; i++)
                var index = rng.Next(totalparts.Count());
            float delay    = SalvagedParts.Count * SalvagedParts.Count * 150 + 100;
            float delaySec = delay / 1000;

            // vibrate
            if (Constants.oS != Constants.OS.WINDOWS)
                Vibration.Vibrate(delay * 0.015f);
            // visualize
            var     boundsCenter = VisibleBoundsWorldspace.Center;
            CCPoint pointIn      = boundsCenter + new CCPoint(0, VisibleBoundsWorldspace.Size.Height * 0.6f);
            var     width        = VisibleBoundsWorldspace.Size.Width / 3;
            float   inMoveTime   = 1f;
            Dictionary <Part, CCPoint> destinations = new Dictionary <Part, CCPoint>();

            foreach (var part in SalvagedParts)
                part.Visible = true;
                AddChild(part, -10);
                part.AnchorPoint = CCPoint.AnchorMiddle;
                var rotation = new CCRepeatForever(new CCRotateBy(1, rng.Next(20, 30) * 0.5f));
                rotation.Tag = RotationTag;
                // find a free spot
                part.Scale = totalScale;
                const float BORDER   = 32f;
                bool        notFound = true;
                // first try to find a free space where the part can rotate without touching anything
                for (int tries = 0; tries < 40 && notFound; tries++)
                    destinations[part] = Constants.RandomPointBoxnear(boundsCenter, width, rng);
                    // check whether the space is free
                    part.Position = destinations[part];
                    CCRect bbox = part.BoundingBoxTransformedToWorld;
                    // construct a bounding square
                    float size = bbox.Size.Height > bbox.Size.Width ? bbox.Size.Height : bbox.Size.Width;
                    bbox = new CCRect(bbox.Center.X - size / 2, bbox.Center.Y - size / 2, size, size);
                    // add a bit of padding
                    CCRect box = new CCRect(bbox.MinX - BORDER, bbox.MinY - BORDER, bbox.Size.Width + 2 * BORDER, bbox.Size.Height + 2 * BORDER);
                    notFound = false;
                    foreach (var otherPart in SalvagedParts)
                        if (otherPart == part)
                        if (box.IntersectsRect(otherPart.BoundingBoxTransformedToWorld))
                            notFound = true;
                // if this failed try to find a free space where the parts at least do not touch in starting configuration
                for (int tries = 0; tries < 40 && notFound; tries++)
                    destinations[part] = Constants.RandomPointBoxnear(boundsCenter, width, rng);
                    // check whether the space is free
                    part.Position = destinations[part];
                    CCRect bbox = part.BoundingBoxTransformedToWorld;
                    // add a bit of padding
                    CCRect box = new CCRect(bbox.MinX - BORDER, bbox.MinY - BORDER, bbox.Size.Width + 2 * BORDER, bbox.Size.Height + 2 * BORDER);
                    notFound = false;
                    foreach (var otherPart in SalvagedParts)
                        if (otherPart == part)
                        if (box.IntersectsRect(otherPart.BoundingBoxTransformedToWorld))
                            notFound = true;
            foreach (var part in SalvagedParts)
                part.Position = pointIn;
                part.AddAction(new CCSequence(new CCDelayTime(delaySec), new CCEaseOut(new CCMoveTo(inMoveTime, destinations[part]), 2f)));
            // count down the percentage
            float   startP       = GetWreckPercentile(mAircraft);
            CCLabel percentLabel = GetPercentLabel(mAircraft);

            AddAction(new CCSequence(new CCEaseIn(new CCCallFiniteTimeFunc(delaySec, (progress, duration) => { SetWreckPercentile(mAircraft, startP * (1 - progress)); }), 4f), new CCCallFunc(() => { percentLabel.Visible = false; })));
            // if no parts could be salvaged end the salvaged state immediately
            if (!SalvagedParts.Any())
                AddAction(new CCSequence(new CCDelayTime(delaySec + inMoveTime), new CCCallFunc(() => { State = WreckageState.SALVAGED; EndSalvage(); })));
                AddAction(new CCSequence(new CCDelayTime(delaySec + inMoveTime), new CCCallFunc(() => { State = WreckageState.SALVAGED; })));