public FooterMessage() { Awake(); /* * Collecting information from other scripts to write in the footer message */ player = GameObject.Find("Player"); //GameObject TimerObject = GameObject.Find ("Timer"); /* * Player performances changes on each game */ // if (player != null) { //pointsSystem Scorer = player.GetComponent<pointsSystem>(); CBGame Scorer = GameObject.Find("GameLogic").GetComponent <CBGame> (); //placeholder, change it with the scipt where the score is kept if (Scorer == null) { score = 1; //Scorer.points; //zero score won't show footer info on web portal playerPerformance = "Good"; // Resume the performace gameLength = 1000; } else { //gameLength = (int) Scorer.duration * 1000; //score = Scorer.score; //GameObject.Find ("GameOverPanel").GetComponent<GameOverPanel> ().score; playerPerformance = ((score < 50) ? "Good" : "Great!"); // Resume the performace GameObject gop = GameObject.Find("GameOverPanel"); if (gop != null) { playerNotes = gop.GetComponent <GameOverPanel> ().notes.text; } } } // if (TimerObject != null) { //egGame Timer = null; //placeholder, change it with the scipt where the game time is kept //if (Timer != null) { // We transform the game lenght to milliseconds /*gameLength = Int32.Parse(Timer.gameLengthInMinutes)*60000; * gameLength += Int32.Parse(Timer.gameLengthInSeconds)*1000;*/ // gameLength = (int)((RangeParameter)ParameterHandler.Instance.AllParameters[0].GetParameter(egParameterStrings.PHASE_TIMER)).Value * 60 * 1000; } } GetSkeletonData(); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { game = GameObject.Find("GameLogic").GetComponent <CBGame> (); enabled = true; }