/// <summary>
 /// Constructor
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="scrollView">The scroll view host.</param>
 /// <param name="selectionStrategy">The selection strategy to use.</param>
 public ButtonGrid(ScrollView scrollView, ButtonGridSelectionStrategy selectionStrategy)
     : this(scrollView, selectionStrategy, new ButtonGridGridLayout(), null, CreateDefaultCaptionFactory(scrollView))
 /// <summary>
 /// This function only exists to allow the subclasses of ButtonGrid for common strategies to actually be able to set
 /// their strategy. This should not (and can't) be called from other classes. If you do need to use ButtonGrid raw
 /// externally to this library just favor object composition to get your grid setup correctly. If you do make a new subclass
 /// of ButtonGrid, pass null for the strategy in the base call and then call this method as soon as possible.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="selectionStrategy"></param>
 protected internal void _workaroundSetSelectionStrategy(ButtonGridSelectionStrategy selectionStrategy)
     this.selectionStrategy = selectionStrategy;
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="scrollView">The scroll view host.</param>
        /// <param name="selectionStrategy">The selection strategy to use.</param>
        /// <param name="layoutEngine">The Layout to use.</param>
        /// <param name="itemComparer">A comparison instance.</param>
        /// <param name="captionFactory">The factory to use to make captions.</param>
        public ButtonGrid(ScrollView scrollView, ButtonGridSelectionStrategy selectionStrategy, ButtonGridLayout layoutEngine, IComparer <ButtonGridItem> itemComparer, ButtonGridCaptionFactory captionFactory)
            this.selectionStrategy = selectionStrategy;
            NonEmptyGroupCount     = 0;

            String read;
            bool   boolValue;
            int    intValue;

            SuppressLayout = false;

            this.scrollView = scrollView;
            scrollView.CanvasPositionChanged += scrollView_CanvasPositionChanged;
            this.itemComparer = itemComparer;
            this.layoutEngine = layoutEngine;

            //Try to get properties from the widget itself.
            read = scrollView.getUserString("ItemHeight");
            if (read != null && NumberParser.TryParse(read, out intValue))
                ItemHeight = ScaleHelper.Scaled(intValue);
                ItemHeight = ScaleHelper.Scaled(122);

            read = scrollView.getUserString("ItemWidth");
            if (read != null && NumberParser.TryParse(read, out intValue))
                ItemWidth = ScaleHelper.Scaled(intValue);
                ItemWidth = ScaleHelper.Scaled(122);

            ButtonSkin = scrollView.getUserString("ButtonSkin");
            if (ButtonSkin == null || ButtonSkin == String.Empty)
                ButtonSkin = "ButtonGridButton";

            read = scrollView.getUserString("ShowGroupCaptions");
            if (read != null && bool.TryParse(read, out boolValue))
                ShowGroupCaptions = boolValue;
                ShowGroupCaptions = true;

            read = scrollView.getUserString("ItemPaddingX");
            if (read != null && NumberParser.TryParse(read, out intValue))
                layoutEngine.ItemPaddingX = ScaleHelper.Scaled(intValue);

            read = scrollView.getUserString("ItemPaddingY");
            if (read != null && NumberParser.TryParse(read, out intValue))
                layoutEngine.ItemPaddingY = ScaleHelper.Scaled(intValue);

            read = scrollView.getUserString("GroupPaddingY");
            if (read != null && NumberParser.TryParse(read, out intValue))
                layoutEngine.GroupPaddingY = ScaleHelper.Scaled(intValue);

            read = scrollView.getUserString("Center");
            if (read != null && bool.TryParse(read, out boolValue))
                layoutEngine.Center = boolValue;

            this.CaptionFactory = captionFactory;