/// <summary>
    /// Retrieves the ticket price for each ticket type from the database based on the eventID
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="type">String storing the type of ticket - adult or child</param>
    /// <returns>String storing the price for either an adult ticket or child ticket</returns>
    /// Created by: Olivia Johnson 11-18-12
    private String getTicketPrice(String type)
        BusinessTier bt = new BusinessTier();

        if (eventType == "Dinner")
            if (type == "child")
                return bt.getDinnerDetails(Session["eventID"].ToString()).Tables[1].Rows[0][12].ToString();
                return bt.getDinnerDetails(Session["eventID"].ToString()).Tables[1].Rows[0][13].ToString();
            if (type == "child")
                return bt.getRunDetails(Session["eventID"].ToString()).Tables[1].Rows[0][12].ToString();
                return bt.getRunDetails(Session["eventID"].ToString()).Tables[1].Rows[0][13].ToString();
    /// <summary>
    /// Confirms the transaction in the database and displays the transaction info
    /// </summary>
    /// Creator: Olivia Johnson 11-28-12
    private void dinnerConfirmation()
        BusinessTier bt = new BusinessTier();
        DataSet ds = new DataSet();
        Decimal childCost = 0;
        Decimal adultCost = 0;
        int numOfAdults = 0;
        int numOfChildren = 0;

            ds = bt.confirmDinnerPayment(customerInfo);

            numOfChildren = Convert.ToInt16(ds.Tables[1].Rows[0][5].ToString());
            numOfAdults = Convert.ToInt16(ds.Tables[1].Rows[0][6].ToString());
            childCost = Convert.ToDecimal(bt.getDinnerDetails(eventID).Tables[1].Rows[0][12].ToString());
            adultCost = Convert.ToDecimal(bt.getDinnerDetails(eventID).Tables[1].Rows[0][13].ToString());

            lblticketType1.Text = "Child Dinner Ticket x" + numOfChildren;
            lblprice1.Text = (numOfChildren * childCost).ToString("C");
            lblticketType2.Text = "Adult Dinner Ticket x" + numOfAdults;
            lblprice2.Text = (numOfAdults * adultCost).ToString("C");
            lbltotalCost.Text = ((numOfAdults * adultCost) + (numOfChildren * childCost)).ToString("C");

            sendConfirmationEmail("Dinner Event", ds.Tables[1].Rows[0][0].ToString(), ds.Tables[1].Rows[0][3].ToString());
        catch (Exception ex)
    /// <summary>
    /// This method runs as the page is loaded. The event information that is displayed is based on the 
    /// query string "eventID".
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="sender"></param>
    /// <param name="e"></param>
    /// Aaron Copeland - 11/19/2012
    /// Tested by Aaron Copeland - 11/28/2012
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (Request["eventID"] == null)  // Go to events main page
                Response.Redirect("Events.aspx", false);

                String eventID = Request.QueryString["eventID"];
                BusinessTier bt = new BusinessTier();

                // get the details for the Dinner Event
                DataSet ds = bt.getDinnerDetails(eventID);

                // Calculates The Participants
                DataSet ds2 = bt.getMaxDinnerParticipants(eventID);
                DataSet ds3 = bt.getDinnerParticipants(eventID);

                // Prints out any errors
                String errorString = "";

                checkDSErrorTable(ds, errorString);
                checkDSErrorTable(ds2, errorString);
                checkDSErrorTable(ds3, errorString);

                lblError.Text = errorString;

                // populate the information on the page

                // calculates the number of participants
                calculateParticipants(ds2, ds3);

                GoogleMap.LoadAddress(ds.Tables[1].Rows[0][15].ToString() + " " + ds.Tables[1].Rows[0][16].ToString() + " " + ds.Tables[1].Rows[0][17].ToString() + " " + ds.Tables[1].Rows[0][18].ToString());
        catch (Exception ex)