public static BusinessOrder CreateBusinessOrder() { var billingAddress = new BusinessBillingAddress( new BusinessReceiver("JEHO Consulting AB", "Josef Ottosson"), "Josef Ottosson", "Vägen 123", "12345", "Stockholm", "Sverige"); var shippingAddress = new BusinessShippingAddress( new BusinessReceiver("JEHO Consulting AB", "Josef Ottosson"), "Company B", "Sveavägen 123", "12345", "Stockholm", "Sverige"); var businessOrder = new BusinessOrder( 2000, billingAddress, shippingAddress, new BusinessCustomer("1", "JEHO Consulting AB", "559164-7150"), new OrderDetails(new List <OrderRow> { new OrderRow("Apple iPad Pro 11", "APLIPPRO11", 1, 10000m, 25) })); return(businessOrder); }
public List <ModelViewPrices> GetListPrices(ModelViewUserG objCred) { var NegocioUsuario = new BusinessUsers(); var dataUsuario = NegocioUsuario.GetUserByToken(objCred.TokenUser); if (objCred.TokenApp != GlobalConfiguration.TokenWEB) { if (objCred.TokenApp != GlobalConfiguration.TokenMobile) { throw new Exception("TokenInvalid"); } } if (dataUsuario == null) { throw new Exception("UserPasswordInvalid"); } List <int> lst = new List <int>(); if (objCred.ProductID == 0) { lst = new BusinessOrder().GetListByProductID(dataUsuario.UserID, objCred.Date.Value); return(new RepositoryPrice().GetListPrice(lst, null)); } else { lst.Add(objCred.ProductID); return(new RepositoryPrice().GetListPrice(lst, null)); } }
public void TestBusinessOrderSettersAndGetters(int id) { BusinessOrder order = new BusinessOrder(); order.Id = id; Assert.Equal(id, order.Id); }
/// <summary>组装货物vo</summary> private BusinessGoodsVo BuildGoodsVo(BusinessOrder order, double id, int type) { return(new BusinessGoodsVo() { id = id, baseId = order.goods_id, priceBuy = order.buy_price_ok, priceSell = order.sell_price_ok, count = type == 1 ? order.sell_count_max : order.buy_count_max }); }
/// <summary> /// Creates an order /// </summary> /// <param name="bOrder"> /// The BusinessOrder which contains all the necessary information to create an order such as /// line items and updated inventory /// </param> public static void CreateOrder(BusinessOrder bOrder) { Log.Information($"Called the Data Access method to create an order with business order {bOrder}"); using var context = new TThreeTeasContext(SQLOptions.options); Orders additionalOrder = new Orders() { LocationId = bOrder.StoreLocation.Id, CustomerId = bOrder.Customer.Id, OrderTime = bOrder.OrderTime }; context.Orders.Add(additionalOrder); context.SaveChanges(); Log.Information($"Saved the additional order to the database"); List <LineItem> additionalLineItems = new List <LineItem>(); foreach (KeyValuePair <BusinessProduct, int> lineItem in bOrder.LineItems) { LineItem additionalLineItem = new LineItem() { OrdersId = additionalOrder.Id, ProductId = lineItem.Key.Id, Quantity = lineItem.Value }; additionalLineItems.Add(additionalLineItem); } foreach (LineItem additionalLineItem in additionalLineItems) { context.LineItem.Add(additionalLineItem); } context.SaveChanges(); Log.Information($"Saved the additional line items to the database"); List <Inventory> updatedInventories = new List <Inventory>(); foreach (KeyValuePair <BusinessProduct, int> inventory in bOrder.StoreLocation.inventory) { Inventory updatedInventory = new Inventory() { LocationId = bOrder.StoreLocation.Id, ProductId = inventory.Key.Id, Stock = inventory.Value }; updatedInventories.Add(updatedInventory); } foreach (Inventory updatedInventory in updatedInventories) { context.Inventory.Update(updatedInventory); } context.SaveChanges(); Log.Information($"Saved the updated inventories to the database"); }
public virtual void SaveBusinessOrder(int businessId, int orderId) { using (var context = new JPNFinalProjectContext()) { BusinessOrder entity = new BusinessOrder() { BusinessId = businessId, OrderId = orderId }; context.BusinessOrder.Add(entity); context.SaveChanges(); } }
/// <summary>组装订单数据</summary> private void GetOrder(int goodsid, Int64 goodsmainid, BusinessOrder order, int sellprice, Int64 carmainid, int buyprice) { order.car_mainid = carmainid; order.goods_main_id = goodsmainid; order.goods_id = goodsid; order.sell_price_ok = sellprice; order.buy_price_ok = buyprice; order.count = 0; order.isbargain = false; order.buy_bargain = 0; order.sell_bargain = 0; }
/// <summary>组装跑商货物实体</summary> private tg_goods_business BuildEntity(BusinessOrder order, int numb, Int64 userid) { return(new tg_goods_business() { goods_id = order.goods_id, cid = order.car_mainid, goods_number = numb, price = order.buy_price_ok, ting_id = order.ting_base_id, user_id = userid }); }
public async Task <IHttpActionResult> DeleteBusinessOrder(int id) { BusinessOrder businessOrder = await db.BusinessOrders.FindAsync(id); if (businessOrder == null) { return(NotFound()); } db.BusinessOrders.Remove(businessOrder); await db.SaveChangesAsync(); return(Ok(businessOrder)); }
/// <summary> /// Submits an order to the system /// </summary> /// <param name="businessOrder">The order that was submitted to the context</param> /// <returns></returns> public async Task <BusinessOrder> submitOrderAsync(BusinessOrder businessOrder) { Order order = await _context.Orders.Where(o => o.OrderId == businessOrder.OrderId).FirstOrDefaultAsync(); if (order != null && order.OrderDate == null) { order.OrderDate = DateTime.Now.ToString(); _context.Update(order); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); businessOrder.OrderDate = order.OrderDate; return(businessOrder); } return(null); }
public string Insert(ModelViewLog model) { if (model.TokenApp != GlobalConfiguration.TokenWEB) { if (model.TokenApp != GlobalConfiguration.TokenMobile) { throw new Exception("TokenInvalid"); } } var User = new BusinessUsers().GetUserByToken(model.TokenUser); List <string> token = new List <string>(); foreach (var item in model.Detail) { var Ods = new BusinessOrder().GetByOrderID(item.OrderID); EntityLogMobile data = new EntityLogMobile() { PK_LogMobileID = 0, FK_OrderID = Ods == null ? 0 : Ods.PK_OrderID, FK_UserID = User.UserID, UserName = User.UserName, Name = User.Name, OrderID = item.OrderID, Module = item.Module, Message = item.Message, InnerException = item.InnerException, StackTrace = item.StackTrace, SignType = item.SignType, Battery = item.Battery, SignPercentage = item.SignPercentage, ConnectionType = item.ConnectionType, version = item.version, MobileModel = item.MobileModel, MobileStorage = item.MobileStorage, Type = item.Type, Date = DateTime.Parse(item.Date), Status = true, CreateDate = DateTime.UtcNow, ModifyDate = DateTime.UtcNow }; data = new RepositoryLogMobile().Insert(data); token.Add(item.TokenLog); } string TokenLog = string.Join(",", token); return(TokenLog); }
public void Insert(int FK_OrderID, int FK_StatusVisitID, int FK_StatusOrderID, double?LatitudeAddress, double?LogitudeAddress) { int?causeID = null; var NegocioOrder = new BusinessOrder(); var order = NegocioOrder.GetByID(FK_OrderID); if (order != null) { causeID = order.PreOrder != true ? null : (int?)47; } var objRepository = new RepositoryVisit(); EntityVisit data = new EntityVisit() { PK_VisitID = 0, FK_OrderID = FK_OrderID, FK_StatusVisitID = FK_StatusVisitID, FK_StatusOrderID = FK_StatusOrderID, FK_CauseOrderID = causeID, SequenceVisit = null, StartVisitDate = null, EndVisitDate = null, StartOrderDate = null, EndOrderDate = null, StartServiceDate = null, EndServiceDate = null, LatitudeAddress = Convert.ToSingle(LatitudeAddress), LogitudeAddress = Convert.ToSingle(LogitudeAddress), LatitudeStartVisit = null, LogitudeStartVisit = null, LatitudeEndVisit = null, LogitudeEndVisit = null, LatitudeStartOrder = null, LogitudeStartOrder = null, LatitudeEndOrder = null, LogitudeEndOrder = null, DurationVisit = null, DurationOrder = null, DurationExecute = null, DurationTransport = null, NoteVisit = "", NoteOrder = "", Status = true, CreateDate = DateTime.Now, ModifyDate = DateTime.UtcNow }; data = objRepository.Insert(data); }
/// <summary>保存购买的货物数据</summary> private tg_goods_business BuyGoodsSave(tg_goods_business gb, BusinessOrder order, Int64 userid) { if (gb == null) //之前没有购买此货物 { gb = BuildEntity(order, order.count, userid); gb.Insert(); } else { var totalmoney = gb.goods_number * gb.price + order.GetTotalBuy(); //买货物总消费 gb.goods_number += order.count; gb.price = Convert.ToInt32(totalmoney / gb.goods_number); //买货物的价格为平均价 gb.Update(); } return(gb); }
/// <summary>验证町中是否已有改货物。已有的货物价格减半</summary> public void CheckGoodsPrice(BusinessOrder order) { var base_ting = Variable.BASE_TING.FirstOrDefault(q => == order.ting_base_id); if (base_ting == null) { return; } var listgoods = base_ting.goods.Split(',').ToList(); if (!listgoods.Contains(order.goods_id.ToString())) { return; } //order.sell_price = Convert.ToInt32(order.sell_price * 0.5); order.sell_price_ok = Convert.ToInt32(order.sell_price_ok * 0.5); }
public async Task <IHttpActionResult> PostBusinessOrder(BusinessOrder businessOrder) { Book book = await db.Books.FindAsync(businessOrder.BookId); book.ResidueNumber = book.ResidueNumber - 1; book.BorrowNumber = book.BorrowNumber + 1; if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(BadRequest(ModelState)); } //更新书籍信息 db.Entry(book).State = EntityState.Modified; //插入订单数据 db.BusinessOrders.Add(businessOrder); await db.SaveChangesAsync(); return(CreatedAtRoute("DefaultApi", new { id = businessOrder.Id }, businessOrder)); }
public void RegisterEvidence(ModelViewOrderEvidenceUpload data) { var dataODS = new BusinessOrder().GetByOrderID(data.OrderID); if (!Directory.Exists(Path.Combine(GlobalConfiguration.LocateEvidence, dataODS.FK_ModuleID.ToString()))) { Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(GlobalConfiguration.LocateEvidence, dataODS.FK_ModuleID.ToString())); } string filePath = Path.Combine(GlobalConfiguration.LocateEvidence, dataODS.FK_ModuleID.ToString(), data.FileName); string relativePath = Path.Combine(GlobalConfiguration.LocateEvidenceRelative, dataODS.FK_ModuleID.ToString(), data.FileName); var bytes = Convert.FromBase64String(data.Content); using (var imageFile = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Create)) { imageFile.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length); imageFile.Flush(); } int MonitorID = 0; var dataMonitor = new BusinessMonitor().GetByOrderID(dataODS.PK_OrderID); //.GetAll().Where(p => p.OrderID == dataODS.PK_OrderID).Single(); if (dataMonitor != null) { MonitorID = dataMonitor.VisitID; } if (!Exists(data.OrderID, data.TypeEvidence, relativePath)) { Insert(new EntityOrderEvidence() { EvidenceID = 0, OrderID = dataODS.PK_OrderID, MonitorOrdersID = MonitorID, TypeEvidence = data.TypeEvidence, URLEvidence = relativePath, Status = true, CreateDate = DateTime.UtcNow, ModifyDate = DateTime.UtcNow }); } }
public async Task <IHttpActionResult> PutBusinessOrder(int id, BusinessOrder businessOrder) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(BadRequest(ModelState)); } if (id != businessOrder.Id) { return(BadRequest()); } if (businessOrder.OrderState == "finished") { Book book = await db.Books.FindAsync(businessOrder.BookId); book.ResidueNumber = book.ResidueNumber + 1; book.BorrowNumber = book.BorrowNumber - 1; //更新书籍信息 db.Entry(book).State = EntityState.Modified; } //更新订单信息 db.Entry(businessOrder).State = EntityState.Modified; try { await db.SaveChangesAsync(); } catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException) { if (!BusinessOrderExists(id)) { return(NotFound()); } else { throw; } } return(StatusCode(HttpStatusCode.NoContent)); }
public BusinessOrderResponseDto Create(BusinessOrder order) { var billingAddress = new BusinessAddressBillingResponseDto( order.Billing.Receiver.CompanyName, order.Billing.Receiver.Reference, order.Billing.CareOf, order.Billing.City, order.Billing.Street, order.Billing.Zip, order.Billing.Country); var shippingAddress = order.Shipping != null ? new BusinessAddressShippingResponseDto( order.Shipping.Receiver.CompanyName, order.Shipping.Receiver.Reference, order.Shipping.CareOf, order.Shipping.City, order.Shipping.Street, order.Shipping.Zip, order.Shipping.Country) : null; var orderDetailsResponseDto = new OrderDetailsResponseDto( order.OrderDetails.TotalPrice, order.OrderDetails.OrderRows.Select(x => new OrderRowResponseDto( x.Name, x.ProductId, x.Quantity, x.Price, x.Vat, x.VatPercentage )) ); return(new BusinessOrderResponseDto( order.Id, new BusinessAddressResponseDto( billingAddress, shippingAddress ), new BusinessCustomerResponseDto(order.Customer.Id, order.Customer.CompanyName, order.Customer.OrganizationalNumber), orderDetailsResponseDto)); }
/// <summary> /// Handles displaying the details of an order - the location, the customer, and each of its /// line items. /// </summary> private static void HandleRequestDisplayDetailsOfOrder() { Console.WriteLine("[?] What is the order ID"); string inputOrderId = Console.ReadLine(); Log.Information($"User entered '{inputOrderId}' for order id"); if (!Int32.TryParse(inputOrderId, out int orderId)) { throw new FormatException("[!] Input for order ID is not an integer"); } BusinessOrder order = OrderData.GetOrderWithId(orderId); if (order is null) { throw new BusinessOrderException($"[!] Order {orderId} does not exist in the database"); } Console.WriteLine($"{order}\n"); }
/// <summary>出售货物时检查买卖类型任务</summary> /// <param name="user_id">玩家编号</param> /// <param name="order">货物实体</param> public void CheckWorkTaskSell(Int64 user_id, BusinessOrder order) { var _task = tg_task.GetWorkUnBusinessTask(user_id); if (_task == null) { return; } //解析 var entity = (new Share.TGTask()).Ananalyze(_task.task_step_data); if (entity == null) { return; } //判断是否是任务出售町 if (entity.ting != order.current_ting_base_id || entity.goods != order.goods_id) { return; } var _c = order.count + entity.count; if ( > _c) { entity.count = _c; } else { entity.count =; _task.task_state = (int)TaskStateType.TYPE_REWARD; } var step_data = entity.GetBusinessStepData(); _task.task_step_data = step_data; _task.Save(); //任务推送 (new Work()).AdvancedWorkPush(user_id, _task); }
public static void Assert(BusinessOrder businessOrder, BusinessOrderResponseDto result) { result.OrderId.ShouldBe(businessOrder.Id); result.Type.ShouldBe(businessOrder.Type); result.Address.Billing.Reference.ShouldBe(businessOrder.Billing.Receiver.Reference); result.Address.Billing.CompanyName.ShouldBe(businessOrder.Billing.Receiver.CompanyName); result.Address.Billing.CareOf.ShouldBe(businessOrder.Billing.CareOf); result.Address.Billing.City.ShouldBe(businessOrder.Billing.City); result.Address.Billing.Country.ShouldBe(businessOrder.Billing.Country); result.Address.Billing.Street.ShouldBe(businessOrder.Billing.Street); result.Address.Billing.Zip.ShouldBe(businessOrder.Billing.Zip); result.Address.Shipping.Reference.ShouldBe(businessOrder.Shipping.Receiver.Reference); result.Address.Shipping.CompanyName.ShouldBe(businessOrder.Shipping.Receiver.CompanyName); result.Address.Shipping.CareOf.ShouldBe(businessOrder.Shipping.CareOf); result.Address.Shipping.City.ShouldBe(businessOrder.Shipping.City); result.Address.Shipping.Country.ShouldBe(businessOrder.Shipping.Country); result.Address.Shipping.Street.ShouldBe(businessOrder.Shipping.Street); result.Address.Shipping.Zip.ShouldBe(businessOrder.Shipping.Zip); result.OrderDetails.TotalPrice.ShouldBe(businessOrder.OrderDetails.TotalPrice); result.OrderDetails.OrderRows.Count().ShouldBe(businessOrder.OrderDetails.OrderRows.Count); foreach (var row in businessOrder.OrderDetails.OrderRows) { result.OrderDetails.OrderRows.ShouldContain( x => x.Name == row.Name && x.ProductId == row.ProductId && x.Price == row.Price && x.VatPercentage == row.VatPercentage && x.Vat == row.Vat && x.Quantity == row.Quantity); } result.OrderDetails.OrderRows.First().Name.ShouldBe(businessOrder.OrderDetails.OrderRows.First().Name); result.OrderDetails.OrderRows.First().ProductId.ShouldBe(businessOrder.OrderDetails.OrderRows.First().ProductId); result.OrderDetails.OrderRows.First().Price.ShouldBe(businessOrder.OrderDetails.OrderRows.First().Price); result.OrderDetails.OrderRows.First().Vat.ShouldBe(businessOrder.OrderDetails.OrderRows.First().Vat); result.OrderDetails.OrderRows.First().VatPercentage.ShouldBe(businessOrder.OrderDetails.OrderRows.First().VatPercentage); result.Customer.Id.ShouldBe(businessOrder.Customer.Id); result.Customer.Name.ShouldBe(businessOrder.Customer.CompanyName); result.Customer.OrganizationalNumber.ShouldBe(businessOrder.Customer.OrganizationalNumber); }
/// <summary> /// Retrieves the BusinessOrder with the given order id /// </summary> /// <param name="orderId">The id of the order</param> /// <returns>The BusinessOrder object with the given order id</returns> public static BusinessOrder GetOrderWithId(int orderId) { Log.Information($"Called the Data Access method to get the order with order id {orderId}"); using var context = new TThreeTeasContext(SQLOptions.options); Orders order = context.Orders.FirstOrDefault(o => o.Id == orderId); if (order is null) { return(null); } BusinessLocation bLocation = LocationData.GetLocationWithId(order.LocationId); BusinessCustomer bCustomer = CustomerData.GetCustomerWithId(order.CustomerId); BusinessOrder bOrder = new BusinessOrder { Id = order.Id, StoreLocation = bLocation, Customer = bCustomer, OrderTime = order.OrderTime }; Dictionary <BusinessProduct, int> lineItems = new Dictionary <BusinessProduct, int>(); foreach (LineItem item in context.LineItem.Where(l => l.OrdersId == order.Id).ToList()) { Product product = context.Product.Where(p => p.Id == item.ProductId).FirstOrDefault(); BusinessProduct bProduct = new BusinessProduct() { Id = product.Id, Name = product.Name, Price = product.Price }; lineItems.Add(bProduct, item.Quantity); } bOrder.AddLineItems(lineItems); return(bOrder); }
/// <summary> /// Updates the context inventory with information from an incoming order item /// </summary> /// <param name="businessOrder">The order that contains the order item</param> /// <param name="businessOrderItem">The order item to be added to the order</param> /// <returns>A representation of the updated order</returns> public async Task <BusinessOrder> updateOrderAsync(BusinessOrder businessOrder, BusinessOrderItem businessOrderItem) { Order order = await _context.Orders.Include(o => o.OrderItems) .Where(o => o.OrderId == businessOrder.OrderId) .FirstOrDefaultAsync(); Inventory inventory = await _context.Inventories.Include(i => i.Product) .Where(i => i.Product.ProductId == businessOrderItem.Product.ProductId) .FirstOrDefaultAsync(); OrderItem orderItem; if (businessOrderItem.OrderItemId == -1) { orderItem = new OrderItem { Quantity = businessOrderItem.Quantity, Order = order, Product = await _context.Products.Where(p => p.ProductId == businessOrderItem.Product.ProductId).FirstOrDefaultAsync(), }; order.OrderItems.Add(orderItem); businessOrder.OrderItems.Add(businessOrderItem); _context.Add(orderItem); } else { orderItem = await _context.OrderItems.Where(oi => oi.OrderItemId == businessOrderItem.OrderItemId).FirstOrDefaultAsync(); orderItem.Quantity += businessOrderItem.Quantity; _context.Update(orderItem); } inventory.Quantity -= businessOrderItem.Quantity; order.Total = businessOrder.Total; _context.Update(order); _context.Update(inventory); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); return(businessOrder); }
public string SetRefQuotation(ModelViewUserG objCred, ModelViewBilling obj) { var objRepository = new RepositoryOrder(); var NegocioOrden = new BusinessOrder(); var objAlerta = new BusinessNotification(); var NegocioUsuario = new BusinessUsers(); var NegocioCliente = new BusinessClient(); var NegocioBase = new BusinessInstalledBase(); var NegocioProducto = new BusinessProduct(); var NegocioFallas = new BusinessCodeFailure(); var NegocioBOM = new BusinessBuildOfMaterial(); var NegocioCotizacion = new BusinessQuotation(); var NegocioCotizacionDetalle = new BusinessRefsellDetail(); var NegocioCFP = new BusinessCodeFailureByProduct(); var NegocioCF = new BusinessCodeFailure(); var NegocioLugarCompra = new BusinessShopPlace(); var NegocioEmpleado = new BusinessEmployee(); var NegocioMonitor = new BusinessVisit(); var NegocioHistorico = new BusinessHistory(); var NegocioGarantia = new BusinessGuaranty(); var NegocioPayment = new BusinessPayment(); var NegocioInvoice = new BusinessInvoice(); var NegocioRefsell = new BusinessRefsell(); var dataUsuario = NegocioUsuario.GetUserByToken(objCred.TokenUser); if (objCred.TokenApp != GlobalConfiguration.TokenWEB) { if (objCred.TokenApp != GlobalConfiguration.TokenMobile) { throw new Exception("TokenInvalid"); } } if (dataUsuario == null) { throw new Exception("UserPasswordInvalid"); } var empleado = NegocioEmpleado.GetByUserID(dataUsuario.UserID); var orden = NegocioOrden.GetByOrderID(obj.ODS); var cliente = NegocioCliente.GetByID(orden.FK_ClientID); var lugarcompra = NegocioLugarCompra.GetByShopPlaceID(obj.FK_ShopPlaceID.Value); var pro = NegocioProducto.GetByID(obj.FK_ProductID.Value); SpreadsheetInfo.SetLicense("EQU2-3K5L-UZDC-SDYN"); string Origin = GlobalConfiguration.MabeAttachmentsLocal + "FormatoVentaRefacciones.xlsx"; List <string> result = obj.EMails.Split(new char[] { ';' }).ToList(); ExcelFile ef = ExcelFile.Load(Origin); ExcelWorksheet ws = ef.Worksheets[0]; string Folio = ""; ws.Cells["L7"].Value = obj.ODS; ws.Cells["L9"].Value = cliente.ClientID; ws.Cells["L11"].Value = cliente.FirstName.ToUpper() + " " + cliente.LastName.ToUpper(); ws.Cells["L13"].Value = pro.Model + " / " + pro.ProductName.ToUpper(); ws.Cells["U13"].Value = DateTime.Today.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy"); ws.Cells["L80"].Value = obj.ODS; int cantidad = 30; int cantidad1 = 31; foreach (var jko in obj.BillingDetails) { if (jko.SparePartsDescription.EndsWith("-R")) { Folio = jko.SparePartsDescription; ws.Cells["L6"].Value = Folio; ws.Cells["L79"].Value = Folio; } else { if (cantidad == 60) { cantidad = 85; cantidad1 = 86; } var bom = NegocioBOM.GetByID(jko.ProductID); if (bom != null) { ws.Cells["L" + cantidad1.ToString()].Value = bom.SparePartsID; ws.Cells["L" + cantidad.ToString()].Value = bom.SparePartDescription; } else { ws.Cells["L" + cantidad1.ToString()].Value = jko.RefManID; ws.Cells["L" + cantidad.ToString()].Value = jko.SparePartsDescription; } ws.Cells["J" + cantidad.ToString()].Value = jko.Quantity; ws.Cells["T" + cantidad.ToString()].Value = Convert.ToDouble(jko.Price); ws.Cells["V" + cantidad.ToString()].Value = Convert.ToDouble(jko.Totals); cantidad = cantidad + 3; cantidad1 = cantidad1 + 3; } } double subtotal = Convert.ToDouble(obj.SubTotal.Substring(1)); double iva = Convert.ToDouble(obj.IVA.Substring(1)); double total = Convert.ToDouble(obj.Total.Substring(1)); double subtotalref = subtotal; string totalletras = NegocioOrden.enletras(total.ToString()); ws.Cells["M16"].Value = subtotalref; ws.Cells["M17"].Value = subtotal; ws.Cells["M18"].Value = iva; ws.Cells["U17"].Value = total; ws.Cells["M19"].Value = totalletras; string file = "Cotización_" + Folio + ".pdf"; string quotion = "CotizacionesRefaccion_" + DateTime.Today.ToString("yyyyMMdd"); string Destiny = GlobalConfiguration.MabeAttachmentsLocal + quotion + "/" + file; if (obj.BillingDetails.Count < 11) { ws.NamedRanges.SetPrintArea(ws.Cells.GetSubrange("J1", "W74")); } string Cotizaciones = new DirectoryInfo(GlobalConfiguration.MabeAttachmentsLocal).ToString() + quotion; if (!(Directory.Exists(Cotizaciones))) { Directory.CreateDirectory(Cotizaciones); } ef.Save(Destiny); string URL = GlobalConfiguration.urlRequest + "Content/Attachments/" + quotion + "/" + file; var cotizacion = NegocioCotizacion.GetByOrderFolio(orden.PK_OrderID, Folio); var Payment = NegocioPayment.GetPolicyPayment(orden.PK_OrderID, Folio); var Invoice = NegocioInvoice.GetPolicyInvoice(orden.PK_OrderID, Folio); var LsVenta = NegocioRefsell.GetByFolio(orden.PK_OrderID, Folio); if (obj.EMails != "") { if (cotizacion == null) { cotizacion = NegocioCotizacion.Insert(orden.PK_OrderID, subtotal.ToString(), iva.ToString(), total.ToString(), Folio, URL, obj.EstimatedTipe, empleado[0].PK_EmployeeID); } else { cotizacion.Folio = Folio; cotizacion.IVA = iva.ToString(); cotizacion.SubTotal = subtotal.ToString(); cotizacion.Total = total.ToString(); cotizacion.URL = URL; cotizacion.ModifyDate = DateTime.UtcNow; cotizacion.TypeQuotation = obj.EstimatedTipe; cotizacion.FK_EmployeeID = empleado[0].PK_EmployeeID; NegocioCotizacion.Update(cotizacion); } string sb = File.ReadAllText(GlobalConfiguration.LocateBodyMail + "NotificationCotizacion.txt"); string lugCom = obj.ShopDate != null ? obj.ShopDate : ""; sb = sb.Replace("#%Nombre%#", cliente.FirstName + " " + cliente.LastName); sb = sb.Replace("#%OrderID%#", obj.ODS); sb = sb.Replace("#%Folio%#", Folio); sb = sb.Replace("#%Modelo%#", pro.Model); sb = sb.Replace("#%Descripcion%#", pro.ProductName.ToUpper()); sb = sb.Replace("#%Serie%#", obj.SerialNumber); sb = sb.Replace("#%Fecha%#", lugCom); sb = sb.Replace("#%Lugar%#", lugarcompra.ShopPlace1); //objAlerta.SendMails(result, "Cotización ServiPlus", sb.ToString(), Destiny); objAlerta.SendMailExchange(GlobalConfiguration.exchangeUserCotiza, GlobalConfiguration.exchangePwdCotiza, result, "Cotización ServiPlus", sb.ToString(), Destiny); } else { if (LsVenta.PK_RefSellID == 0) { if (cotizacion == null) { cotizacion = NegocioCotizacion.Insert(orden.PK_OrderID, subtotal.ToString(), iva.ToString(), total.ToString(), Folio, URL, obj.EstimatedTipe, empleado[0].PK_EmployeeID); } else { cotizacion.Folio = Folio; cotizacion.IVA = iva.ToString(); cotizacion.SubTotal = subtotal.ToString(); cotizacion.Total = total.ToString(); cotizacion.URL = URL; cotizacion.ModifyDate = DateTime.UtcNow; cotizacion.TypeQuotation = obj.EstimatedTipe; cotizacion.FK_EmployeeID = empleado[0].PK_EmployeeID; NegocioCotizacion.Update(cotizacion); } var NewRefSell = new EntityRefSell(); var NuevaVenta = new EntityRefSell(); NewRefSell.FK_OrderID = orden.PK_OrderID; NewRefSell.FK_ClientID = cliente.PK_ClientID; NewRefSell.FK_EmployeeID = empleado[0].PK_EmployeeID; NewRefSell.FK_PaymentID = Payment.PK_PaymentID; NewRefSell.FK_Invoice_ID = Invoice.InvoicingID; NewRefSell.FK_ProductID = obj.FK_ProductID.Value; NewRefSell.FK_ShopPlace = obj.FK_ShopPlaceID.Value; NewRefSell.FK_QuotationID = cotizacion.PK_QuotationID; NewRefSell.IDRefSell = Folio; NuevaVenta = NegocioRefsell.Insert(NewRefSell); } else { LsVenta.FK_OrderID = orden.PK_OrderID; LsVenta.FK_ClientID = cliente.PK_ClientID; LsVenta.FK_EmployeeID = empleado[0].PK_EmployeeID; LsVenta.FK_PaymentID = Payment.PK_PaymentID; LsVenta.FK_Invoice_ID = Invoice.InvoicingID; LsVenta.FK_QuotationID = LsVenta.FK_QuotationID; LsVenta.FK_ProductID = obj.FK_ProductID.Value; LsVenta.FK_ShopPlace = obj.FK_ShopPlaceID.Value; NegocioRefsell.Update(LsVenta); if (cotizacion == null) { cotizacion = NegocioCotizacion.Insert(orden.PK_OrderID, subtotal.ToString(), iva.ToString(), total.ToString(), Folio, URL, obj.EstimatedTipe, empleado[0].PK_EmployeeID); } else { cotizacion.Folio = Folio; cotizacion.IVA = iva.ToString(); cotizacion.SubTotal = subtotal.ToString(); cotizacion.Total = total.ToString(); cotizacion.URL = URL; cotizacion.ModifyDate = DateTime.UtcNow; cotizacion.TypeQuotation = obj.EstimatedTipe; cotizacion.FK_EmployeeID = empleado[0].PK_EmployeeID; NegocioCotizacion.Update(cotizacion); } } string[] lstADR = { "T002", "T012", "T024" }; foreach (var jko in obj.BillingDetails) { string ADRAnt = ""; int ADRCount = 0; bool AddFlete = false; if (jko.SparePartsDescription != Folio) { switch (jko.SparePartsDescription) { case "Fletes": { var DetailCotation2 = NegocioCotizacionDetalle.GetList(cotizacion.PK_QuotationID); foreach (var items in DetailCotation2) { if (lstADR.Contains(items.Origen)) { if (ADRAnt != items.Origen) { ADRAnt = items.Origen; ADRCount++; if (ADRCount < 3) { AddFlete = true; } else { AddFlete = false; } } if (AddFlete) { items.Flete = true; items.CostoFlete = jko.Price; NegocioCotizacionDetalle.Update(items); AddFlete = false; } } } } break; default: var newDetailquotion = NegocioCotizacionDetalle.GetDetail(cotizacion.PK_QuotationID, jko.ProductID); if (newDetailquotion == null) { NegocioCotizacionDetalle.Insert(cotizacion.PK_QuotationID, jko.ProductID, jko.Quantity.ToString(), jko.RefManID, jko.Origins, jko.Price); } break; } } } var Refacciones = new BusinessMabe().Orden_Venta(obj.ODS, obj.ServiceTypes, Folio); } return(obj.ODS); }
public List <ModelViewSerialNumber> GetListModel(ModelViewUserG objCred) { var NegocioBase = new BusinessInstalledBase(); var NegocioUsuario = new BusinessUsers(); var NegocioOrdenes = new BusinessOrder(); var NegocioValidacionSN = new BusinessValidationsSerialNumber(); var NegocioEmpleado = new BusinessEmployee(); var user = NegocioUsuario.GetUserByToken(objCred.TokenUser); var empleado = NegocioEmpleado.GetByUserID(user.UserID); var ordenes = NegocioOrdenes.GetAll().Where(p => empleado.Select(q => q.PK_EmployeeID).ToList <int>().Contains(p.FK_EmployeeID.Value) && p.OrderExecuteDate >= objCred.Date); var prod = NegocioBase.GetAll(); var SerialNumber = GetAll(); var Validation = NegocioValidacionSN.GetAll(); if (objCred.ProductID == 0) { var modelos = (from c in ordenes join p in prod on c.FK_InstalledBaseID equals p.PK_InstalledBaseID select p.FK_ProductID).Distinct().ToList(); modelos = modelos.Where(x => x != null).ToList(); var lt = (from c in SerialNumber join p in Validation on c.PK_ModelSerialNumberID equals p.FK_ModelSerialNumberID select new ModelViewSerialNumber() { ModelSerialNumberID = c.PK_ModelSerialNumberID, ProductID = c.FK_ProducID, Model = c.Model, ValidationFormatID = c.ValidationFormatID, ValidDate = c.ValidDate, InitialDate = c.InitialDate != null ? c.InitialDate.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") : "", EndDate = c.EndDate != null ? c.EndDate.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") : "", ValidationsSerialNumberID = p.PK_ValidationsSerialNumberID, ValidationName = p.ValidationName, InitialPosition = p.InitialPosition, FinalPosition = p.FinalPosition, Allowed = p.Allowed, RankID = p.RankID }).ToList(); return((from c in modelos join p in lt on c equals p.ProductID select p).ToList()); } else { return((from c in SerialNumber.Where(p => p.FK_ProducID == objCred.ProductID) join p in Validation on c.PK_ModelSerialNumberID equals p.FK_ModelSerialNumberID select new ModelViewSerialNumber() { ModelSerialNumberID = c.PK_ModelSerialNumberID, ProductID = c.FK_ProducID, Model = c.Model, ValidationFormatID = c.ValidationFormatID, ValidDate = c.ValidDate, InitialDate = c.InitialDate != null ? c.InitialDate.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") : "", EndDate = c.EndDate != null ? c.EndDate.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") : "", ValidationsSerialNumberID = p.PK_ValidationsSerialNumberID, ValidationName = p.ValidationName, InitialPosition = p.InitialPosition, FinalPosition = p.FinalPosition, Allowed = p.Allowed, RankID = p.RankID }).ToList()); } //return lt; }
public static ModelViewResultREST SetPayment(ModelViewPayment model) { try { var dataUsuario = new BusinessUsers().GetUserByToken(model.TokenUser); if (model.TokenApp != GlobalConfiguration.TokenWEB) { if (model.TokenApp != GlobalConfiguration.TokenMobile) { throw new Exception("TokenInvalid"); } } if (dataUsuario == null) { throw new Exception("UserPasswordInvalid"); } var orden = new BusinessOrder().GetByOrderID(model.OrderID); var payment = new BusinessPayment().GetPolicyPayment(orden.PK_OrderID, model.Folio); if (payment.OrderID == null) { new BusinessPayment().Insert(new entities.Entity.Operation.EntityPayment() { PK_PaymentID = 0, FK_OrderID = new BusinessOrder().GetByOrderID(model.OrderID).PK_OrderID, AuthorizationPayment = model.AuthorizationPayment, DatePayment = Convert.ToDateTime(model.DatePayment), MountPayment = model.MountPayment, TypePaymentID = model.TypePaymentID, Status = true, CreateDate = DateTime.UtcNow, ModifyDate = DateTime.UtcNow, Folio = model.Folio, Fk_TypeQuotation = model.EstimatedType }); } else { new BusinessPayment().Update(new entities.Entity.Operation.EntityPayment() { PK_PaymentID = payment.PK_PaymentID, FK_OrderID = new BusinessOrder().GetByOrderID(model.OrderID).PK_OrderID, AuthorizationPayment = model.AuthorizationPayment, DatePayment = Convert.ToDateTime(model.DatePayment), MountPayment = model.MountPayment, TypePaymentID = model.TypePaymentID, Status = true, CreateDate = DateTime.UtcNow, ModifyDate = DateTime.UtcNow, Folio = model.Folio, Fk_TypeQuotation = model.EstimatedType }); } return(new ModelViewResultREST() { Result = "Success" }); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
public List <ModelViewFolios> GetLastFolio(ModelViewUserG objCred) { var NegocioPoliza = new BusinessPolicy(); var NegocioRef = new BusinessRefsell(); var NegocioOrden = new BusinessOrder(); var NegocioUsuario = new BusinessUsers(); var NegocioEmpleado = new BusinessEmployee(); var dataUsuario = NegocioUsuario.GetUserByToken(objCred.TokenUser); if (objCred.TokenApp != GlobalConfiguration.TokenWEB) { if (objCred.TokenApp != GlobalConfiguration.TokenMobile) { throw new Exception("TokenInvalid"); } } if (dataUsuario == null) { throw new Exception("UserPasswordInvalid"); } DateTime date = objCred.Date.Value; List <ModelViewFolios> x = new List <ModelViewFolios>(); var Empleado2 = NegocioEmpleado.GetEmployeUser(dataUsuario.UserID); var Empleado = Empleado2[0]; int Conteo; List <EntityQuotation> Cotizaciones; List <EntityPolicy> Polizas; List <EntityRefSell> Refacciones; string Tipo; int count = 1; while (count < 4) { switch (count) { case 1: Tipo = "Cotizacion"; Conteo = GetByEmpoyeeDate(Empleado.PK_EmployeeID, date).Count; Cotizaciones = GetByEmpoyeeDate(Empleado.PK_EmployeeID, date); var LastFolio = Cotizaciones.Count is 0 ? "": Cotizaciones[0].Folio; x.Add(new ModelViewFolios(Tipo, Conteo, LastFolio)); count++; break; case 2: Tipo = "Polizas"; Conteo = NegocioPoliza.GetByEmpoyeeDate(Empleado.PK_EmployeeID, date).Count; Polizas = NegocioPoliza.GetByEmpoyeeDate(Empleado.PK_EmployeeID, date); LastFolio = Polizas.Count is 0 ? "" : Polizas[0].IDPolicy; x.Add(new ModelViewFolios(Tipo, Conteo, LastFolio)); count++; break; case 3: Tipo = "Refacciones"; Conteo = NegocioRef.GetByEmpoyeeDate(Empleado.PK_EmployeeID, date).Count; Refacciones = NegocioRef.GetByEmpoyeeDate(Empleado.PK_EmployeeID, date); LastFolio = Refacciones.Count is 0 ? "" : Refacciones[0].IDRefSell; x.Add(new ModelViewFolios(Tipo, Conteo, LastFolio)); count++; break; default: count++; break; } } return(x); }
public string CreateReceipt(ModelViewUserG objCred, ModelViewReceiptRef obj) { var objRepository = new RepositoryOrder(); var NegocioOrden = new BusinessOrder(); var objAlerta = new BusinessNotification(); var NegocioUsuario = new BusinessUsers(); var NegocioCliente = new BusinessClient(); var NegocioContrato = new BusinessContrat(); var NegocioEmpleado = new BusinessEmployee(); var NegocioBOM = new BusinessBuildOfMaterial(); var dataUsuario = NegocioUsuario.GetUserByToken(objCred.TokenUser); if (objCred.TokenApp != GlobalConfiguration.TokenWEB) { if (objCred.TokenApp != GlobalConfiguration.TokenMobile) { throw new Exception("TokenInvalid"); } } if (dataUsuario == null) { throw new Exception("UserPasswordInvalid"); } var empleado = NegocioEmpleado.GetByUserID(dataUsuario.UserID); var orden = NegocioOrden.GetByOrderID(obj.FK_OrderID); var cliente = NegocioCliente.GetByID(orden.FK_ClientID); SpreadsheetInfo.SetLicense("EQU2-3K5L-UZDC-SDYN"); string Origin = GlobalConfiguration.MabeAttachmentsLocal + "FormatoReciboRef.xlsx"; List <string> result = obj.EMails.Split(new char[] { ';' }).ToList(); ExcelFile ef = ExcelFile.Load(Origin); ExcelWorksheet ws = ef.Worksheets[0]; ws.Cells["W9"].Value = obj.Folio; ws.Cells["W12"].Value = DateTime.Today.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy"); ws.Cells["L18"].Value = cliente.FirstName.ToUpper(); ws.Cells["P18"].Value = cliente.LastName.ToUpper(); ws.Cells["L21"].Value = cliente.PhoneNumber1; ws.Cells["T21"].Value = cliente.PhoneNumber2; ws.Cells["M23"].Value = cliente.Email; int cantidad = 29; foreach (var jko in obj.SpareParts) { if (cantidad == 60) { cantidad = 85; } ////var bom = NegocioBOM.GetByID(jko.ProductID); //if (bom != null) //{ // ws.Cells["L" + cantidad1.ToString()].Value = bom.SparePartsID; // ws.Cells["L" + cantidad.ToString()].Value = bom.SparePartDescription; //} else { ws.Cells["K" + cantidad.ToString()].Value = jko.RefManID; ws.Cells["M" + cantidad.ToString()].Value = jko.SparePartsDescription; } ws.Cells["R" + cantidad.ToString()].Value = jko.Quantity; ws.Cells["U" + cantidad.ToString()].Value = Convert.ToDouble(jko.Price); ws.Cells["W" + cantidad.ToString()].Value = Convert.ToDouble(jko.Totals); cantidad = cantidad + 1; } double subtotal = Convert.ToDouble(obj.SubTotal); double iva = Convert.ToDouble(obj.IVA); double total = Convert.ToDouble(obj.Total); double subtotalref = subtotal; string totalletras = NegocioOrden.enletras(total.ToString()); ws.Cells["W41"].Value = subtotalref; ws.Cells["W42"].Value = iva; ws.Cells["W43"].Value = total; string file = "ReciboRef" + obj.Folio + ".pdf"; string quotion = "RecibosRefaccion_" + DateTime.Today.ToString("yyyyMMdd"); string Destiny = GlobalConfiguration.MabeAttachmentsLocal + quotion + "/" + file; if (obj.SpareParts.Count < 11) { ws.NamedRanges.SetPrintArea(ws.Cells.GetSubrange("J1", "X54")); } string Cotizaciones = new DirectoryInfo(GlobalConfiguration.MabeAttachmentsLocal).ToString() + quotion; if (!(Directory.Exists(Cotizaciones))) { Directory.CreateDirectory(Cotizaciones); } ef.Save(Destiny); string URL = GlobalConfiguration.urlRequest + "Content/Attachments/" + quotion + "/" + file; var Recibo = NegocioContrato.GetByOrderFolio(orden.PK_OrderID, obj.Folio); if (obj.EMails != "") { if (Recibo == null) { Recibo = NegocioContrato.Insert(orden.PK_OrderID, obj.Folio, URL); } else { Recibo.Fk_OrderID = orden.PK_OrderID; Recibo.Folio = obj.Folio; Recibo.Ruta = URL; NegocioContrato.Update(Recibo); } string sb = File.ReadAllText(GlobalConfiguration.LocateBodyMail + "MaiReciboRef.txt"); sb = sb.Replace("#%Nombre%#", cliente.FirstName + " " + cliente.LastName); sb = sb.Replace("#%Folio%#", obj.Folio); objAlerta.SendMailExchange(GlobalConfiguration.exchangeUserCotiza, GlobalConfiguration.exchangePwdCotiza, result, "Recibo Refacciones", sb.ToString(), Destiny); return(URL); } else { string Tipo = "Recibo"; var EnvioSMS = SendNotification(obj.PhoneNumber, Tipo, URL); return(EnvioSMS); } }
public List <ModelViewFailures> GetListCodeFailure(ModelViewUserG objCred) { var NegocioUsuario = new BusinessUsers(); var dataUsuario = NegocioUsuario.GetUserByToken(objCred.TokenUser); if (objCred.TokenApp != GlobalConfiguration.TokenWEB) { if (objCred.TokenApp != GlobalConfiguration.TokenMobile) { throw new Exception("TokenInvalid"); } } if (dataUsuario == null) { throw new Exception("UserPasswordInvalid"); } var NegocioOrdenes = new BusinessOrder(); var NegocioEmpleado = new BusinessEmployee(); var NegocioCodigoFalla = new BusinessCodeFailure(); var NegocioBase = new BusinessInstalledBase(); var codefailure = NegocioCodigoFalla.GetAll(); var empleado = NegocioEmpleado.GetByUserID(dataUsuario.UserID); if (objCred.ProductID == 0) { //var ordenes = NegocioOrdenes.GetAll().Where(p => empleado.Select(q => q.PK_EmployeeID).ToArray<int>().Contains(p.FK_EmployeeID.Value) && p.OrderExecuteDate >= objCred.Date.Value.Date); //var prod = NegocioBase.GetAll(); //var modelos = (from c in ordenes // join p in prod on c.FK_InstalledBaseID equals p.PK_InstalledBaseID // select p.FK_ProductID).Distinct().ToList(); //modelos = modelos.Where(x => x != null).ToList(); var ordenes = NegocioOrdenes.GetAll(empleado.Select(q => q.PK_EmployeeID).ToList(), objCred.Date.Value, false); List <int> baseInstalada = ordenes.Select(p => p.FK_InstalledBaseID).ToList(); var modelos = NegocioBase.GetAllByBI(baseInstalada).Select(p => p.FK_ProductID).Distinct(); modelos = modelos.Where(x => x != null).ToList(); List <int> modelo = modelos.Where(x => x != null).Cast <int>().ToList(); var codfallas = new List <ModelViewFailures>(); foreach (var item in modelos) { var x = (from c in GetByProductID(item.Value) join p in codefailure on c.FK_CodeFailureID equals p.PK_CodeFailureID select new ModelViewFailures() { CodeFailureID = p.PK_CodeFailureID, ProductID = c.FK_ProductID, CodeFailure = p.CodeFailure1, Failure = p.Failure, Complexity = c.Complexity.GetValueOrDefault(), Status = c.Status }).ToList(); codfallas.AddRange(x); } return(codfallas); //return (from c in modelos // join p in GetAll() on c equals p.FK_ProductID // join d in codefailure on p.FK_CodeFailureID equals d.PK_CodeFailureID // select new ModelViewFailures() // { // CodeFailureID = p.FK_CodeFailureID, // ProductID = p.FK_ProductID, // CodeFailure = d.CodeFailure1, // Failure = d.Failure, // Complexity = p.Complexity.GetValueOrDefault(), // Status = p.Status // }).ToList(); } else { return((from c in GetByProductID(objCred.ProductID) join p in codefailure on c.FK_CodeFailureID equals p.PK_CodeFailureID select new ModelViewFailures() { CodeFailureID = p.PK_CodeFailureID, ProductID = c.FK_ProductID, CodeFailure = p.CodeFailure1, Failure = p.Failure, Complexity = c.Complexity.GetValueOrDefault(), Status = c.Status }).ToList()); } }
//public List<ModelViewSpareParts> GetListSparePartsComplete(ModelViewUserG objCred) //{ // return new RepositoryBuildOfMaterial().GetList(objCred); //} public List <ModelViewSpareParts> GetListSpareParts(ModelViewUserG objCred) { var NegocioBase = new BusinessInstalledBase(); var NegocioUsuario = new BusinessUsers(); var NegocioOrdenes = new BusinessOrder(); var NegocioEmpleado = new BusinessEmployee(); var NegocioManoObra = new BusinessWorkforce(); var user = NegocioUsuario.GetUserByToken(objCred.TokenUser); var empleado = NegocioEmpleado.GetByUserID(user.UserID); var lista = new List <ModelViewSpareParts>(); if (objCred.ProductID == 0) { //var ordenes1 = NegocioOrdenes.GetAll().Where(p => empleado.Select(q => q.PK_EmployeeID).ToArray<int>().Contains(p.FK_EmployeeID.Value) && p.OrderExecuteDate >= objCred.Date); var ordenes = NegocioOrdenes.GetAll(empleado.Select(q => q.PK_EmployeeID).ToList(), objCred.Date.Value, false); List <int> baseInstalada = ordenes.Select(p => p.FK_InstalledBaseID).ToList(); //var prod = NegocioBase.GetAll(); //var modelos = (from c in ordenes // join p in prod on c.FK_InstalledBaseID equals p.PK_InstalledBaseID // select p.FK_ProductID).Distinct(); var modelos = NegocioBase.GetAllByBI(baseInstalada).Select(p => p.FK_ProductID).Distinct(); modelos = modelos.Where(x => x != null).ToList(); List <int> modelo = modelos.Where(x => x != null).Cast <int>().ToList(); lista = GetListSparePartsByModel(modelo); //lista = (from c in modelos // join p in GetAll() on c equals p.FK_ProductID // select new ModelViewSpareParts() // { // BuildOfMaterialsID = p.PK_BuildOfMaterialsID, // ProductID = p.FK_ProductID, // Model = p.Model, // SparePartsID = p.SparePartsID, // Quantity = p.Quantity, // SpartePartDescription = p.SparePartDescription, // StatusBOM = p.StatusBOM, // Status = p.Status // }).ToList<ModelViewSpareParts>(); } else { lista = GetAll().Where(p => p.FK_ProductID == objCred.ProductID).Select(p => new ModelViewSpareParts() { BuildOfMaterialsID = p.PK_BuildOfMaterialsID, ProductID = p.FK_ProductID, Model = p.Model, SparePartsID = p.SparePartsID, Quantity = p.Quantity, SpartePartDescription = p.SparePartDescription, StatusBOM = p.StatusBOM, Status = p.Status }).ToList <ModelViewSpareParts>(); } var demo2 = NegocioManoObra.GetAll().Where(p => p.WorkforceID == "8011161600000031").Select(p => new ModelViewSpareParts { BuildOfMaterialsID = 0, ProductID = 0, Model = "", SparePartsID = p.WorkforceID, Quantity = 1, SpartePartDescription = p.Description, StatusBOM = "", Status = p.Status, }).First(); var demo3 = NegocioManoObra.GetAll().Where(p => p.WorkforceID == "8011161600000032").Select(p => new ModelViewSpareParts { BuildOfMaterialsID = 0, ProductID = 0, Model = "", SparePartsID = p.WorkforceID, Quantity = 1, SpartePartDescription = p.Description, StatusBOM = "", Status = p.Status, }).First(); lista.Add(demo2); lista.Add(demo3); return(lista); }