Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        ///     Deletes an order line from the database.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void DeleteButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
                if (orderLineIdInput.Text.Equals(""))
                    MessageBox.Show("Please input the text box.");
                else if (!Regex.IsMatch(orderLineIdInput.Text, "^[0-9]*$"))
                    MessageBox.Show("Please input only numerical characters into the text box.");
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show("An error has occurred, please contact your administrator." + "\n\n" + "The error message is: " + "\n\n" + ex.ToString());

            OrderLineObject orderLine = businessLogicLayer.CheckOrderLinesByID(int.Parse(orderLineIdInput.Text));

                // Order Line Does not Exist
                if (!int.Parse(orderLineIdInput.Text).Equals(orderLine.order_line_id))
                    MessageBox.Show("The Order Line ID provided does not exist.");
                // Delete Order Line
                    orderLine = businessLogicLayer.DeleteCurrentOrderLine(int.Parse(orderLineIdInput.Text));
                    MessageBox.Show("The provided Order Line has been deleted from the system.");
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show("An error has occurred, please contact your administrator." + "\n\n" + "The error message is: " + "\n\n" + ex.ToString());
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        ///     Allocates an order line.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void AllocateButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
                if (orderLineIdInput.Text.Equals(""))
                    MessageBox.Show("Please input the text box.");
                else if (!Regex.IsMatch(orderLineIdInput.Text, "^[0-9]*$"))
                    MessageBox.Show("Please input only numerical characters into the text box.");
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show("An error has occurred, please contact your administrator." + "\n\n" + "The error message is: " + "\n\n" + ex.ToString());

            OrderLineObject orderLine = businessLogicLayer.CheckOrderLinesByID(int.Parse(orderLineIdInput.Text));

            // Get Order Line Order ID
            OrderLineObject orderLine1       = businessLogicLayer.GetOrderLineOrderID(int.Parse(orderLineIdInput.Text));
            int             orderLineOrderID = orderLine1.order_id;

            // Get Order Line Product ID - Order Line Object
            OrderLineObject orderline2         = businessLogicLayer.GetOrderLineProductIDAndTitleOLObj(int.Parse(orderLineIdInput.Text));
            int             orderLineProductID = orderline2.product_id;

            // Get Order Line Product ID - Product Object
            ProductObject product1 = businessLogicLayer.GetOrderLineProductIDAndTitlePrObj(int.Parse(orderLineIdInput.Text));
            string        orderLineProductTitle = product1.title;

            // Get Product ID from Stock where Product ID = Order Line Product ID
            StockObject stockObject    = businessLogicLayer.GetStockProductID(orderLineProductID);
            int         stockProductID = stockObject.product_id;

            // Get Order Account ID
            OrderObject order1         = businessLogicLayer.GetOrderAccountID(orderLineOrderID);
            int         orderAccountID = order1.account_id;

            // Get Order Warehouse ID
            OrderObject order2           = businessLogicLayer.GetOrderWarehouseID(orderLineOrderID);
            int         orderWarehouseID = order2.warehouse_id;

            // Get Account, Product And Warehouse IDs from Stock By Order AID Order Line PID And Order WID
            StockObject stockObject987 = businessLogicLayer.GetStockAccountProductAndWarehouseID(orderAccountID, orderLineProductID,
            int stockAccountID123   = stockObject987.account_id;
            int stockProductID123   = stockObject987.product_id;
            int stockWarehouseID123 = stockObject987.warehouse_id;

            // Get Nearest Available Stock - Stock Object
            StockObject stock1          = businessLogicLayer.GetAvailableStockStObj(orderLineProductID, orderAccountID, orderWarehouseID);
            int         stockID         = stock1.stock_id;
            int         stockLocationID = stock1.location_id;

            // Get Nearest Available Stock - Location Object
            LocationObject location1         = businessLogicLayer.GetAvailableStockLoObj(orderLineProductID, orderAccountID, orderWarehouseID);
            string         stockLocationCode = location1.location_code;

            // Get Order Line Quantity
            OrderLineObject orderLine3        = businessLogicLayer.GetOrderLineQuantity(int.Parse(orderLineIdInput.Text));
            int             orderLineQuantity = orderLine3.quantity;

            // Get Stock Quantity by Stock ID
            StockObject stock4        = businessLogicLayer.GetStockQuantityByID(stockID);
            int         stockQuantity = stock4.quantity;

            // Get Stock Account ID, Product ID And Warehouse ID By Stock ID
            StockObject stockWhatever    = businessLogicLayer.GetStockAccountProductAndWarehouseIDByStockID(stockID);
            int         stockAccountID   = stockWhatever.account_id;
            int         stockProductID2  = stockWhatever.product_id;
            int         stockWarehouseID = stockWhatever.warehouse_id;

            // Get Stock Sum By Product ID
            int stockSum = 0;

            if (!(stockAccountID.Equals(0) && stockProductID2.Equals(0) && stockWarehouseID.Equals(0)))
                StockObject stock5 = businessLogicLayer.GetStockSumByProductID(stockAccountID, stockProductID2, stockWarehouseID);
                stockSum = stock5.quantity;

                // Order Line Does not Exist
                if (!int.Parse(orderLineIdInput.Text).Equals(orderLine.order_line_id))
                    MessageBox.Show("The Order Line ID provided does not exist.");
                // Product Not in Stock
                else if (!orderLineProductID.Equals(stockProductID))
                    MessageBox.Show("The Product pertaining to that Order Line ID is not in Stock.");
                // Account, Product and Warehouse do not match in Stock
                else if (!(orderAccountID.Equals(stockAccountID123) && orderLineProductID.Equals(stockProductID123) && orderWarehouseID.Equals(stockWarehouseID123)))
                    MessageBox.Show("The Order Line Provided does not have a matching Account, Product and Warehouse in Stock.");
                // Not Enough Stock
                else if (stockSum < orderLineQuantity)
                    MessageBox.Show("There is not enough Stock of the Product pertaining to that Order Line ID to fully allocate the Order Line.");
                    // Implement if time permits
                    // If stock matches exact then go to that one (i.e. 50 to 50 or 25 to 25) instead of just nearest - Change query used and more if statements
                    if (orderLineQuantity > stockQuantity)
                        int orderLineQuantityRemaining = 0;
                        while (orderLineQuantityRemaining < orderLineQuantity)
                            // Get Nearest Available Stock - Stock ID & Location ID
                            StockObject stock123           = businessLogicLayer.GetAvailableStockStObj(orderLineProductID, orderAccountID, orderWarehouseID);
                            int         stockID2           = stock123.stock_id;
                            int         stockLocationID123 = stock123.location_id;

                            // Get Nearest Available Stock - Location Code
                            LocationObject location123        = businessLogicLayer.GetAvailableStockLoObj(orderLineProductID, orderAccountID, orderWarehouseID);
                            string         stockLocationCode2 = location123.location_code;

                            // Get Stock Quantity by Stock ID
                            StockObject stock12345        = businessLogicLayer.GetStockQuantityByID(stockID2);
                            int         stockQuantityTest = stock12345.quantity;

                            // Nearest Available Stock - Set Availability Status to False - Locking it in for this order
                            StockObject stock1234 = businessLogicLayer.SetAvailabilityFalse(stockID2);

                            if (stockQuantityTest < orderLineQuantity - orderLineQuantityRemaining)
                                // Generate Pick
                                PickObject pickTest = businessLogicLayer.GeneratePick(orderLineOrderID, int.Parse(orderLineIdInput.Text), stockLocationID123, stockLocationCode2,
                                                                                      orderLineProductID, orderLineProductTitle, stockQuantityTest);

                                // Update Stock Quantity - stockQuantity
                                StockObject stockTest = businessLogicLayer.UpdateStockQuantity(stockQuantityTest, stockID2);
                                // Generate Pick
                                PickObject pickTest123 = businessLogicLayer.GeneratePick(orderLineOrderID, int.Parse(orderLineIdInput.Text), stockLocationID123, stockLocationCode2,
                                                                                         orderLineProductID, orderLineProductTitle, orderLineQuantity - orderLineQuantityRemaining);

                                // Update Stock Quantity - orderLineQuantity - orderLineQuantityRemaining
                                StockObject stockTest2 = businessLogicLayer.UpdateStockQuantity(orderLineQuantity - orderLineQuantityRemaining, stockID2);

                            // Nearest Available Stock - Set Availability Status to True - Opening it up for future orders
                            StockObject stock12345678      = businessLogicLayer.GetStockQuantityByID(stockID2);
                            int         stockQuantityTest2 = stock12345678.quantity;
                            if (stockQuantityTest2 > 0)
                                StockObject stock6 = businessLogicLayer.SetAvailabilityTrue(stockID2);

                            // Update Location 'allocated' if Stock Availability Status equals 0 (By Stock ID)
                            StockObject stockWhat = businessLogicLayer.GetStockAvailabilityStatus(stockID2);
                            bool        stockAvailabilityStatus = stockWhat.availability_status;
                            if (stockAvailabilityStatus.Equals(false))
                                LocationObject location2 = businessLogicLayer.SetLocationAllocatedFalse(stockLocationID123);
                                MessageBox.Show("All Stock from Location ID: " + stockLocationID123 + " has been taken and as such, it has been set to Available again.");

                            // Get Pick Quantity by Order Line ID + Set orderLineQuantityRemaining = pickQuantity
                            PickObject pickTest2    = businessLogicLayer.GetPickQuantityByOrderLineID(int.Parse(orderLineIdInput.Text));
                            int        pickQuantity = pickTest2.quantity;
                            orderLineQuantityRemaining = pickQuantity;

                        // Update Orders Status to Allocated (if Order Line Quantity matches that of Pick Quantity where Order Line Matches)
                        OrderLineObject orderLine123       = businessLogicLayer.GetOrderLineQuantityByOLIDAndOID(orderLineOrderID, orderLineOrderID);
                        int             orderLineQuantity2 = orderLine123.quantity;

                        PickObject pickTest3     = businessLogicLayer.GetPickQuantityByOrderID(orderLineOrderID);
                        int        pickQuantity2 = pickTest3.quantity;

                        if (pickQuantity2.Equals(orderLineQuantity2))
                            OrderObject order3 = businessLogicLayer.SetOrderStatusAllocated(orderLineOrderID);
                            MessageBox.Show("All Order Lines belonging to Order: " + orderLineOrderID + " have now been Allocated.");

                        // Message Box
                        MessageBox.Show("Order Line: " + orderLineIdInput.Text + " has been allocated. \n\nA pick has been created, please see the Picks table for more information.");
                        // Set Nearest Available Stock - Availability Status to false - Locking it in for this order
                        StockObject stock2 = businessLogicLayer.SetAvailabilityFalse(stockID);

                        // Generate Pick
                        PickObject pick1 = businessLogicLayer.GeneratePick(orderLineOrderID, int.Parse(orderLineIdInput.Text), stockLocationID, stockLocationCode,
                                                                           orderLineProductID, orderLineProductTitle, orderLineQuantity);

                        // Update Stock Quantity - orderLineQuantity
                        StockObject stock3 = businessLogicLayer.UpdateStockQuantity(orderLineQuantity, stockID);

                        // Nearest Available Stock - Set Availability Status to True - Opening it up for future orders
                        StockObject stock12345     = businessLogicLayer.GetStockQuantityByID(stockID);
                        int         stockQuantity2 = stock12345.quantity;
                        if (stockQuantity2 != 0)
                            StockObject stock6 = businessLogicLayer.SetAvailabilityTrue(stockID);

                        // Update Location 'allocated' to false if Stock Availability Status equals 0 (empty)
                        StockObject stockWhat = businessLogicLayer.GetStockAvailabilityStatus(stockID);
                        bool        stockAvailabilityStatus = stockWhat.availability_status;
                        if (stockAvailabilityStatus.Equals(false))
                            LocationObject location2 = businessLogicLayer.SetLocationAllocatedFalse(stockLocationID);
                            MessageBox.Show("All Stock from Location ID: " + stockLocationID + " has been taken and as such, it has been set to Available again.");

                        // Update Orders Status to Allocated (if Order Line Quantity matches that of Pick Quantity where Order Line Matches)
                        OrderLineObject orderLine123       = businessLogicLayer.GetOrderLineQuantityByOLIDAndOID(orderLineOrderID, orderLineOrderID);
                        int             orderLineQuantity2 = orderLine123.quantity;

                        PickObject pickTest3     = businessLogicLayer.GetPickQuantityByOrderID(orderLineOrderID);
                        int        pickQuantity2 = pickTest3.quantity;

                        if (pickQuantity2.Equals(orderLineQuantity2))
                            OrderObject order3 = businessLogicLayer.SetOrderStatusAllocated(orderLineOrderID);
                            MessageBox.Show("All Order Lines belonging to Order: " + orderLineOrderID + " have now been Allocated.");

                        // Message Box
                        MessageBox.Show("Order Line: " + orderLineIdInput.Text + " has been allocated. \n\nA pick has been created, please see the Picks table for more information.");
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show("An error has occurred, please contact your administrator." + "\n\n" + "The error message is: " + "\n\n" + ex.ToString());
        /// <summary>
        ///     Edits an order line in the database.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void EditButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
                if (currentOrderLineIdInput.Text.Equals("") || newOrderIdInput.Text.Equals("") || newProductIdInput.Text.Equals("") || newQuantityInput.Text.Equals(""))
                    MessageBox.Show("Please input all text boxes.");
                else if ((!Regex.IsMatch(currentOrderLineIdInput.Text, "^[0-9]*$")) || (!Regex.IsMatch(newOrderIdInput.Text, "^[0-9]*$")) ||
                         (!Regex.IsMatch(newProductIdInput.Text, "^[0-9]*$")) || (!Regex.IsMatch(newQuantityInput.Text, "^[0-9]*$")))
                    MessageBox.Show("Please input only numerical characters into all text boxes.");
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show("An error has occurred, please contact your administrator." + "\n\n" + "The error message is: " + "\n\n" + ex.ToString());

            OrderLineObject orderLine;
            OrderLineObject orderLineCurrent = businessLogicLayer.CheckOrderLinesByID(int.Parse(currentOrderLineIdInput.Text));
            OrderObject     order            = businessLogicLayer.CheckOrdersByID(int.Parse(newOrderIdInput.Text));
            ProductObject   product          = businessLogicLayer.CheckProductsByID(int.Parse(newProductIdInput.Text));

                if (!int.Parse(currentOrderLineIdInput.Text).Equals(orderLineCurrent.order_line_id))
                    MessageBox.Show("The Current Order Line ID provided does not exist.");
                else if (!int.Parse(newOrderIdInput.Text).Equals(order.order_id))
                    MessageBox.Show("The New Order ID provided does not exist.");
                else if (!int.Parse(newProductIdInput.Text).Equals(product.product_id))
                    MessageBox.Show("The New Product ID provided does not exist.");
                    orderLine = businessLogicLayer.EditCurrentOrderLine(int.Parse(newOrderIdInput.Text), int.Parse(newProductIdInput.Text), int.Parse(newQuantityInput.Text),
                    MessageBox.Show("The provided Order Line has been updated.");
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show("An error has occurred, please contact your administrator." + "\n\n" + "The error message is: " + "\n\n" + ex.ToString());