/// <summary>
 /// Updates the album's details in the database
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="publicAlbum">PublicAlbum object being updated in the database</param>
 public static void UpdatePublicAlbum(Business.PublicAlbum publicAlbum)
         Control.ExecuteNonQuery("UpdatePublicAlbum", publicAlbum.GetParametersForStoredProcedure(true));
     catch (System.Exception e)
         throw new Exception.UpdateDbObjectException("Could not update public album", e);
 /// <summary>
 /// Adds the album's details to the database
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="publicAlbum">PublicAlbum object being added to the database</param>
 /// <returns>New unique identifier for the PublicAlbum, generated by the database</returns>
 public static Int16 AddPublicAlbum(Business.PublicAlbum publicAlbum)
         return((Int16)Control.ExecuteScalar("AddPublicAlbum", publicAlbum.GetParametersForStoredProcedure(false)));
     catch (System.Exception e)
         throw new Exception.AddDbObjectException("Could not add public album", e);