Exemple #1
    public static void Build()
        if (Directory.Exists(folderPath))
            Directory.Delete(folderPath, true);
        if (Directory.Exists(k_TmpPath))
            Directory.Delete(k_TmpPath, true);


        IBundleBuildParameters buildParams = new BundleBuildParameters(EditorUserBuildSettings.activeBuildTarget, BuildTargetGroup.Unknown, folderPath);

        buildParams.TempOutputFolder = k_TmpPath;

        IBundleBuildContent buildContent = new BundleBuildContent(ContentBuildInterface.GenerateAssetBundleBuilds());
        IBundleBuildResults results;

        List <IBuildTask> taskList = DefaultBuildTasks.Create(DefaultBuildTasks.Preset.AssetBundleBuiltInShaderExtraction) as List <IBuildTask>;

        taskList.Add(new RefreshAssetDatabase());
        taskList.Add(new CreateBuiltTimeReport());

        ReturnCode exitCode = ContentPipelineProfiled.BuildAssetBundles(buildParams, buildContent, out results, taskList, new Profiler("Total"));

        Debug.Log("Building completed with " + exitCode);
    /// <summary>
    /// SBP构建
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns>The build pipeline.</returns>
    ReturnCode ScriptableBuildPipeline()
        var buildContent = GetBundleContent();        //new BundleBuildContent(ContentBuildInterface.GenerateAssetBundleBuilds());
        var buildParams  = new BundleBuildParameters(settings.buildTarget, settings.buildGroup, settings.outputPath);

        if (settings.compressionType == CompressionType.None)
            buildParams.BundleCompression = BuildCompression.DefaultUncompressed;
        else if (settings.compressionType == CompressionType.Lzma)
            buildParams.BundleCompression = BuildCompression.DefaultLZMA;
        else if (settings.compressionType == CompressionType.Lz4 || settings.compressionType == CompressionType.Lz4HC)
            buildParams.BundleCompression = BuildCompression.DefaultLZ4;

        IBundleBuildResults results;
        ReturnCode          exitCode;

        exitCode = ContentPipeline.BuildAssetBundles(buildParams, buildContent, out results);

Exemple #3
        public static void Build(Setting setting)
            if (setting == null)

            var path = setting.BuildInfo.OutputPath;

            if (!Path.IsPathRooted(path))
                path = Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(Application.dataPath, "..", path));

            var buildContent = new BundleBuildContent(ContentBuildInterface.GenerateAssetBundleBuilds());
            var buildParam   = new BundleBuildParameters(setting.BuildInfo.Target, setting.BuildInfo.TargetGroup, path);

            buildParam.ScriptOptions     = ScriptCompilationOptions.None;
            buildParam.BundleCompression = UnityEngine.BuildCompression.LZ4;

            var settingContext = new LibCraftopiaSetting(setting);

            var tasks = BuildPipeline.CreatPipeline();

            var code = ContentPipeline.BuildAssetBundles(buildParam, buildContent, out var result, tasks, settingContext);

            if (code < 0)
                UnityEngine.Debug.LogError("Build failed");
    /// <summary>
    /// The BundleBuildContent class contains information about all of the Assets you want to build into the BuildMap
    /// Assets are referenced to by a GUID object, and the Addresses can be obtained and modified by using a GUID to
    /// refer to each asset and identify its Address
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="outputPath"></param>
    /// <param name="compressionMode"></param>
    /// <param name="buildTarget"></param>
    /// <param name="buildGroup"></param>
    /// <param name="results"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public static ReturnCode BuildAssetBundles(string outputPath, CompressionType compressionMode, BuildTarget buildTarget, BuildTargetGroup buildGroup, out IBundleBuildResults results)
        BundleBuildContent buildContent = new BundleBuildContent(ContentBuildInterface.GenerateAssetBundleBuilds());

        // Go through assets content and set their address to its filename
        for (int i = 0; i < buildContent.Assets.Count; ++i)
            GUID g = buildContent.Assets[i];
            // Get the current address as the full filepath and change it to just be the filename
            buildContent.Addresses[g] = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(buildContent.Addresses[g]);

        BundleBuildParameters buildParams = new BundleBuildParameters(buildTarget, buildGroup, outputPath);

        switch (compressionMode)
        case CompressionType.None:
            buildParams.BundleCompression = BuildCompression.Uncompressed;

        case CompressionType.Lz4:
            buildParams.BundleCompression = BuildCompression.LZ4;

            buildParams.BundleCompression = BuildCompression.LZMA;

        return(ContentPipeline.BuildAssetBundles(buildParams, buildContent, out results));
    public static void Build()

        if (Directory.Exists(folderPath))
            Directory.Delete(folderPath, true);
        if (Directory.Exists(k_TmpPath))
            Directory.Delete(k_TmpPath, true);


        IBundleBuildParameters buildParams = new BundleBuildParameters(EditorUserBuildSettings.activeBuildTarget, BuildTargetGroup.Unknown, folderPath);

        buildParams.TempOutputFolder = k_TmpPath;

        IBundleBuildContent buildContent = new BundleBuildContent(ContentBuildInterface.GenerateAssetBundleBuilds());
        IBundleBuildResults results;

        List <IBuildTask> taskList = DefaultBuildTasks.Create(DefaultBuildTasks.Preset.AssetBundleBuiltInShaderExtraction) as List <IBuildTask>;

        taskList.Add(new RefreshAssetDatabase());

        // we add a callback after generating information about how to build each bundle
        ContentPipeline.BuildCallbacks.PostPackingCallback += PostPackingCallback;

        ReturnCode exitCode = ContentPipeline.BuildAssetBundles(buildParams, buildContent, out results, taskList);

        Debug.Log("Building completed with " + exitCode);
 /// <summary>
 /// The cache server serving ScriptableBuildPipeline must be dedicated to the build process.
 /// Be sure to not mix the two. Due to how the cache server stores the data, data collisions are
 /// like and problems will occur
 /// see: https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/unity-cache-server
 /// </summary>
 public static void SetupBuildCacheServer(BundleBuildParameters buildParams)
     // setup to a cache server running locally with ip set to 8127
     // we can set the port when starting the cache server as showing in https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/unity-cache-server#usage with -p
     buildParams.UseCache        = true;
     buildParams.CacheServerHost = "";
     buildParams.CacheServerPort = 8127; // 8126 is default,
Exemple #7
        static ReturnCode WriteSceneBundles(BundleBuildParameters parameters, string[] scenes)
            var bundles = new AssetBundleBuild[1];

            bundles[0].assetBundleName = "scenes.bundle";
            bundles[0].assetNames      = scenes;

            var content = new BundleBuildContent(bundles);

            return(ContentPipeline.BuildAssetBundles(parameters, content, out var result));
        internal ReturnCode CreateCatalogBundle(string filepath, string jsonText, AddressablesDataBuilderInput builderInput)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(filepath) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(jsonText) || builderInput == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("Unable to create catalog bundle (null arguments).");

            // A bundle requires an actual asset
            var tempFolderName = "TempCatalogFolder";
            var tempFolderPath = Path.Combine(AddressableAssetSettingsDefaultObject.kDefaultConfigFolder, tempFolderName);
            var tempFilePath   = Path.Combine(tempFolderPath, Path.GetFileName(filepath).Replace(".bundle", ".json"));

            if (!WriteFile(tempFilePath, jsonText, builderInput.Registry))
                throw new Exception("An error occured during the creation of temporary files needed to bundle the content catalog.");


            var bundleBuildContent = new BundleBuildContent(new[]
                new AssetBundleBuild()
                    assetBundleName  = Path.GetFileName(filepath),
                    assetNames       = new[] { tempFilePath },
                    addressableNames = new string[0]

            var buildTasks = new List <IBuildTask>
                new CalculateAssetDependencyData(),
                new GenerateBundlePacking(),
                new GenerateBundleCommands(),
                new WriteSerializedFiles(),
                new ArchiveAndCompressBundles()

            var buildParams = new BundleBuildParameters(builderInput.Target, builderInput.TargetGroup, Path.GetDirectoryName(filepath));
            var retCode     = ContentPipeline.BuildAssetBundles(buildParams, bundleBuildContent, out IBundleBuildResults result, buildTasks);

            if (Directory.Exists(tempFolderPath))
                Directory.Delete(tempFolderPath, true);

            if (File.Exists(filepath))

Exemple #9
        /// <summary> 指定されたアセットバンドルをビルド </summary>
        public BuildResult Build(string outputPath, AssetBundleBuild[] buildMap)
            var buildTargetGroup = BuildPipeline.GetBuildTargetGroup(BuildTarget);

            var buildParams = new BundleBuildParameters(BuildTarget, buildTargetGroup, outputPath)
                BundleCompression = BuildCompression.LZ4,

            var buildContent = new BundleBuildContent(buildMap);

            var tasks = DefaultBuildTasks.Create(DefaultBuildTasks.Preset.AssetBundleBuiltInShaderExtraction);

            var exitCode = ContentPipeline.BuildAssetBundles(buildParams, buildContent, out var results, tasks);

            return(new BuildResult(exitCode, results));
Exemple #10
        static IBundleBuildParameters GetBuildParameters()
            if (Directory.Exists(k_FolderPath))
                Directory.Delete(k_FolderPath, true);
            if (Directory.Exists(k_TmpPath))
                Directory.Delete(k_TmpPath, true);


            IBundleBuildParameters buildParams = new BundleBuildParameters(EditorUserBuildSettings.activeBuildTarget, EditorUserBuildSettings.selectedBuildTargetGroup, k_FolderPath);

            buildParams.TempOutputFolder = k_TmpPath;
Exemple #11
        static ReturnCode WriteRenderPipelineBundles(BundleBuildParameters parameters)
            var srp = UnityEngine.Rendering.GraphicsSettings.defaultRenderPipeline;

            if (srp == null)

            var bundles = new AssetBundleBuild[1];

            bundles[0].assetBundleName  = "renderpipeline.bundle";
            bundles[0].assetNames       = new[] { AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(UnityEngine.Rendering.GraphicsSettings.defaultRenderPipeline) };
            bundles[0].addressableNames = new[] { "DefaultRenderPipeline" };

            var content = new BundleBuildContent(bundles);

            return(ContentPipeline.BuildAssetBundles(parameters, content, out var result));
Exemple #12
        static ReturnCode WriteResourcesBundles(BundleBuildParameters parameters)
            // Resources loading path handling has a few rules:
            // - Paths are relative to resources folder
            // - Paths are lowercase
            // - Paths have extensions removed
            // So "C:\Project\Assets\MyGame\Resources\SO\SomeAsset.asset" becomes "so\someAsset"
            // On the loading side, all paths passed in have ToLower() run on them.
            var assetPaths = GetResourcesAssetPaths();
            var bundles    = new AssetBundleBuild[]
                new AssetBundleBuild()
                    assetBundleName  = "resources.bundle",
                    assetNames       = assetPaths.Select(x => x.ToString()).ToArray(),
                    addressableNames = assetPaths.Select(x =>
                        const string k_Folder    = "/resources/";
                        const int k_FolderLength = 11;

                        // Hack for PostProcessing stack
                        var shader = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath <Shader>(x.ToString());
                        if (shader != null)

                        var path  = x.ChangeExtension("").ToString().ToLower();
                        var index = path.ToLower().LastIndexOf(k_Folder);
                        if (index > -1)
                            path = path.Substring(index + k_FolderLength);

            var content = new BundleBuildContent(bundles);

            return(ContentPipeline.BuildAssetBundles(parameters, content, out var result));
Exemple #13
        public static void Build()
            var Mods   = ModsEditor.GetMods();
            int length = Mods.Length;

            for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
                var ModInfo         = ModsEditor.GetModInfo(Mods[i]);
                var ModOutPutFolder = OutPutFolder + "/" + ModInfo.PackageName;

                using (StreamWriter sw = File.CreateText(ModOutPutFolder + "/" + ModInfo.PackageName + ".json"))

                var param = new BundleBuildParameters(BuildTarget.StandaloneWindows64, BuildTargetGroup.Standalone, ModOutPutFolder);
                param.BundleCompression = BuildCompression.LZ4;
                var content = new BundleBuildContent(new AssetBundleBuild[] { GetAllAssets(ModInfo, "winmod") });
                IBundleBuildResults results;
                ReturnCode code = ContentPipeline.BuildAssetBundles(param, content, out results);
                if (code != ReturnCode.Success)
                    if (code == ReturnCode.Canceled)
                    Debug.LogError("构建失败!错误原因:" + code.ToString());
    public static ReturnCode BuildAssetBundles(string outputPath, CompressionType compressionMode, BuildTarget buildTarget, BuildTargetGroup buildGroup, out IBundleBuildResults results)
        BundleBuildContent    buildContent = new BundleBuildContent(ContentBuildInterface.GenerateAssetBundleBuilds());
        BundleBuildParameters buildParams  = new BundleBuildParameters(buildTarget, buildGroup, outputPath);


        switch (compressionMode)
        case CompressionType.None:
            buildParams.BundleCompression = BuildCompression.Uncompressed;

        case CompressionType.Lz4:
            buildParams.BundleCompression = BuildCompression.LZ4;

            buildParams.BundleCompression = BuildCompression.LZMA;

        return(ContentPipeline.BuildAssetBundles(buildParams, buildContent, out results));
        // This function is responsible for providing all the subscenes to the build.
        // The way these files get generated is that we have a SceneWithBuildConfiguration file, (which is a bit of a hack to work around the inability for scriptable importers to take arguments, so
        // instead we create a different file that points to the scene we want to import, and points to the buildconfiguration we want to import it for).   The SubsceneImporter will import this file,
        // and it will make 3 (relevant) kind of files:
        // - headerfile
        // - entitybinaryformat file (the actual entities payloads)
        // - a SerializedFile that has an array of UnityEngine.Object PPtrs that are used by this entity file.
        // The first two we deal with very simply: they just need to be copied into the build, and we're done.
        // the third one, we will feed as input to the Scriptable build pipeline (which is actually about creating assetbundles), and create an assetbundle that
        // has all those objects in it that the 3rd file referred to.  We do this with a batch api, first we loop through all subscenes, and register with this batch
        // api which assetbundles we'd like to see produced, and then at the end, we say "okay make them please".  this assetbundle creation api has a caching system
        // that is separate from the assetpipeline caching system, so if all goes well, the call to produce these assetbundles will return very fast and did nothing.
        // The reason for the strange looking api, where a two callbacks get passed in is to make integration of the new incremental buildpipeline easier, as this code
        // needs to be compatible both with the current buildpipeline in the dots-repo, as well as with the incremental buildpipeline.  When that is merged, we can simplify this.
        public static void PrepareAdditionalFiles(GUID[] sceneGuids, ArtifactKey[] entitySceneArtifacts, BuildTarget target, Action <string, string> RegisterFileCopy, string outputStreamingAssetsDirectory, string buildWorkingDirectory)
            if (target == BuildTarget.NoTarget)
                throw new InvalidOperationException($"Invalid build target '{target.ToString()}'.");

            if (target != EditorUserBuildSettings.activeBuildTarget)
                throw new InvalidOperationException($"ActiveBuildTarget must be switched before the {nameof(SubSceneBuildCode)} runs.");

            Assert.AreEqual(sceneGuids.Length, entitySceneArtifacts.Length);

            var content             = new BundleBuildContent(new AssetBundleBuild[0]);
            var bundleNames         = new HashSet <string>();
            var subScenePaths       = new Dictionary <Hash128, string>();
            var dependencyInputData = new Dictionary <SceneSection, SectionDependencyInfo>();

            var    refExt    = EntityScenesPaths.GetExtension(EntityScenesPaths.PathType.EntitiesUnityObjectReferences);
            var    headerExt = EntityScenesPaths.GetExtension(EntityScenesPaths.PathType.EntitiesHeader);
            var    binaryExt = EntityScenesPaths.GetExtension(EntityScenesPaths.PathType.EntitiesBinary);
            string conversionLogExtension = EntityScenesPaths.GetExtension(EntityScenesPaths.PathType.EntitiesConversionLog);

            var group      = BuildPipeline.GetBuildTargetGroup(target);
            var parameters = new BundleBuildParameters(target, @group, buildWorkingDirectory)
                BundleCompression = BuildCompression.LZ4Runtime

            var artifactHashes = new UnityEngine.Hash128[entitySceneArtifacts.Length];

            AssetDatabaseCompatibility.ProduceArtifactsRefreshIfNecessary(entitySceneArtifacts, artifactHashes);

            for (int i = 0; i != entitySceneArtifacts.Length; i++)
                var sceneGuid            = sceneGuids[i];
                var sceneBuildConfigGuid = entitySceneArtifacts[i].guid;
                var artifactHash         = artifactHashes[i];

                bool foundEntityHeader = false;

                if (!artifactHash.isValid)
                    throw new Exception($"Building EntityScene artifact failed: '{AssetDatabaseCompatibility.GuidToPath(sceneGuid)}' ({sceneGuid}). There were exceptions during the entity scene imports.");

                AssetDatabaseCompatibility.GetArtifactPaths(artifactHash, out var artifactPaths);

                foreach (var artifactPath in artifactPaths)
                    //UnityEngine.Debug.Log($"guid: {sceneGuid} artifact: '{artifactPath}'");

                    //@TODO: This looks like a workaround. Whats going on here?
                    var ext = Path.GetExtension(artifactPath).Replace(".", "");

                    if (ext == conversionLogExtension)
                        var res = ConversionLogUtils.PrintConversionLogToUnityConsole(artifactPath);

                        if (res.HasException)
                            throw new Exception("Building entity scenes failed. There were exceptions during the entity scene imports.");
                    else if (ext == headerExt)
                        foundEntityHeader = true;

                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(artifactPaths.FirstOrDefault(a => a.EndsWith(refExt))))
                            subScenePaths[sceneGuid] = artifactPath;
                            //if there are no reference bundles, then deduplication can be skipped
                            var destinationFile = EntityScenesPaths.RelativePathFolderFor(sceneGuid, EntityScenesPaths.PathType.EntitiesHeader, -1);
                            DoCopy(RegisterFileCopy, outputStreamingAssetsDirectory, artifactPath, destinationFile);
                    else if (ext == binaryExt)
                        var destinationFile = EntityScenesPaths.RelativePathFolderFor(sceneGuid, EntityScenesPaths.PathType.EntitiesBinary, EntityScenesPaths.GetSectionIndexFromPath(artifactPath));
                        DoCopy(RegisterFileCopy, outputStreamingAssetsDirectory, artifactPath, destinationFile);
                    else if (ext == refExt)
                        content.CustomAssets.Add(new CustomContent
                            Asset     = sceneBuildConfigGuid,
                            Processor = (guid, processor) =>
                                var sectionIndex = EntityScenesPaths.GetSectionIndexFromPath(artifactPath);
                                processor.GetObjectIdentifiersAndTypesForSerializedFile(artifactPath, out ObjectIdentifier[] objectIds, out Type[] types);
Exemple #16
        public static NPath BuildSlimGameManagers(BuildTarget target, string[] scenes, bool development, string typeDBDirectory)
            NPath tempPath;

            WriteManagerParameters mParams;
            WriteParameters        wParams;

            WriteCommand[] writeCommands;
            PreloadInfo    preloadInfo;

            // Setup
                tempPath = TempDataPath;

                //work around bug in unity's TypeDBHelper where it assumes Library/Type will exist
                new NPath("Library/Type").EnsureDirectoryExists();

                mParams = new WriteManagerParameters
                    settings = new UnityEditor.Build.Content.BuildSettings
                        target     = target,
                        group      = UnityEditor.BuildPipeline.GetBuildTargetGroup(target),
                        buildFlags = development ? ContentBuildFlags.DevelopmentBuild : ContentBuildFlags.None,
                        typeDB     = TypeDbHelper.GetForPlayer(typeDBDirectory)
                    globalUsage  = ContentBuildInterface.GetGlobalUsageFromGraphicsSettings(),
                    referenceMap = new BuildReferenceMap()

                wParams = new WriteParameters
                    settings     = mParams.settings,
                    globalUsage  = mParams.globalUsage,
                    referenceMap = mParams.referenceMap,
                    usageSet     = new BuildUsageTagSet()

                writeCommands = new[]
                    new WriteCommand
                        fileName         = "unity_builtin_extra",
                        internalName     = "Resources/unity_builtin_extra",
                        serializeObjects = new List <SerializationInfo>()
                    new WriteCommand
                        fileName         = "globalgamemanagers.assets",
                        internalName     = "globalgamemanagers.assets",
                        serializeObjects = new List <SerializationInfo>()

                preloadInfo = new PreloadInfo
                    preloadObjects = new List <ObjectIdentifier>()

            // Dependency Calculation
                var dependencyResults = ContentBuildInterface.CalculatePlayerDependenciesForGameManagers(mParams.settings, mParams.globalUsage, wParams.usageSet);

                var referencedObjects = dependencyResults.referencedObjects.ToArray();
                var types             = ContentBuildInterface.GetTypeForObjects(referencedObjects);

                for (int i = 0; i < referencedObjects.Length; i++)
                    if (referencedObjects[i].guid == k_UnityBuiltinResources)
                        // unity default resources contain scripts that need to be preloaded
                        if (types[i] == typeof(MonoScript))

                        // Prebuild player specific default resources file, don't remap local identifiers
                        mParams.referenceMap.AddMapping("Library/unity default resources", referencedObjects[i].localIdentifierInFile, referencedObjects[i]);
                    else if (referencedObjects[i].guid == k_UnityBuiltinExtraResources)
                        if (types[i] == typeof(Shader))
                            var command = writeCommands[0];
                            // Resources/unity_builtin_extra
                            // Don't remap local identifiers
                            var info = new SerializationInfo
                                serializationObject = referencedObjects[i],
                                serializationIndex  = referencedObjects[i].localIdentifierInFile

                            mParams.referenceMap.AddMapping(command.internalName, info.serializationIndex, info.serializationObject);
                            var command = writeCommands[1];
                            // globalgamemanagers.assets
                            // Squash / Remap local identifiers, starting at 2 (PreloadData 1)
                            var info = new SerializationInfo
                                serializationObject = referencedObjects[i],
                                serializationIndex  = command.serializeObjects.Count + 2

                            mParams.referenceMap.AddMapping(command.internalName, info.serializationIndex, info.serializationObject);
                    else if (types[i] == typeof(MonoScript))
                        //error because we can't support all the ggm features in slim builds
                        //error because we can't support all the ggm features in slim builds

            // Writing globalgamemanagers
                var writeResults = ContentBuildInterface.WriteGameManagersSerializedFile(tempPath.ToString(), mParams);
                //if (writeResults.serializedObjects.Count == 0) return "FAIL";

            // Writing globalgamemanagers.assets
                wParams.writeCommand = writeCommands[1];
                wParams.preloadInfo  = preloadInfo;
                var writeResults = ContentBuildInterface.WriteSerializedFile(tempPath.ToString(), wParams);
                //if (writeResults.serializedObjects.Count == 0) return "FAIL";

            // Writing unity_builtin_extra"
                wParams.writeCommand = writeCommands[0];
                wParams.preloadInfo  = null;

                // unity_builtin_extras requires absolutepath writing, so fixup the internalName and referenceMap for this
                wParams.writeCommand.internalName = tempPath.Combine(wParams.writeCommand.internalName).MakeAbsolute().ToString();
                wParams.referenceMap.AddMappings(wParams.writeCommand.internalName, wParams.writeCommand.serializeObjects.ToArray(), true);

                var writeResults = ContentBuildInterface.WriteSerializedFile(tempPath.Combine("Resources").ToString(), wParams);
                //if (writeResults.serializedObjects.Count == 0) return "FAIL";

                var parameters = new BundleBuildParameters(mParams.settings.target, mParams.settings.group, TempStreamingAssetsPath.ToString());
                parameters.BundleCompression = UnityEngine.BuildCompression.Uncompressed;
                parameters.ScriptInfo        = mParams.settings.typeDB;

                // Writing scenes.bundle
                    WriteSceneBundles(parameters, scenes);
                    //if (???) return "FAIL";

                // Writing resources.bundle
                    //if (???) return "FAIL";

                    //if (???) return "FAIL";

Exemple #17
        // This function is responsible for providing all the subscenes to the build.
        // The way these files get generated is that we have a SceneWithBuildConfiguration file, (which is a bit of a hack to work around the inability for scriptable importers to take arguments, so
        // instead we create a different file that points to the scene we want to import, and points to the buildconfiguration we want to import it for).   The SubsceneImporter will import this file,
        // and it will make 3 (relevant) kind of files:
        // - headerfile
        // - entitybinaryformat file (the actual entities payloads)
        // - a SerializedFile that has an array of UnityEngine.Object PPtrs that are used by this entity file.
        // The first two we deal with very simply: they just need to be copied into the build, and we're done.
        // the third one, we will feed as input to the Scriptable build pipeline (which is actually about creating assetbundles), and create an assetbundle that
        // has all those objects in it that the 3rd file referred to.  We do this with a batch api, first we loop through all subscenes, and register with this batch
        // api which assetbundles we'd like to see produced, and then at the end, we say "okay make them please".  this assetbundle creation api has a caching system
        // that is separate from the assetpipeline caching system, so if all goes well, the call to produce these assetbundles will return very fast and did nothing.
        // The reason for the strange looking api, where a two callbacks get passed in is to make integration of the new incremental buildpipeline easier, as this code
        // needs to be compatible both with the current buildpipeline in the dots-repo, as well as with the incremental buildpipeline.  When that is merged, we can simplify this.
        public static void PrepareAdditionalFiles(string buildConfigurationGuid, string[] scenePathsForBuild, BuildTarget target, Action <string, string> RegisterFileCopy, string outputStreamingAssetsDirectory, string buildWorkingDirectory)
            if (target == BuildTarget.NoTarget)
                throw new InvalidOperationException($"Invalid build target '{target.ToString()}'.");

            if (target != EditorUserBuildSettings.activeBuildTarget)
                throw new InvalidOperationException($"ActiveBuildTarget must be switched before the {nameof(SubSceneBuildCode)} runs.");

            var content             = new BundleBuildContent(new AssetBundleBuild[0]);
            var bundleNames         = new HashSet <string>();
            var subSceneGuids       = scenePathsForBuild.SelectMany(scenePath => SceneMetaDataImporter.GetSubSceneGuids(AssetDatabase.AssetPathToGUID(scenePath))).Distinct().ToList();
            var subScenePaths       = new Dictionary <Hash128, string>();
            var dependencyInputData = new Dictionary <SceneSection, SectionDependencyInfo>();
            var refExt    = EntityScenesPaths.GetExtension(EntityScenesPaths.PathType.EntitiesUnityObjectReferences);
            var headerExt = EntityScenesPaths.GetExtension(EntityScenesPaths.PathType.EntitiesHeader);
            var binaryExt = EntityScenesPaths.GetExtension(EntityScenesPaths.PathType.EntitiesBinary);

            var group      = BuildPipeline.GetBuildTargetGroup(target);
            var parameters = new BundleBuildParameters(target, @group, buildWorkingDirectory)
                BundleCompression = BuildCompression.LZ4Runtime

            var requiresRefresh       = false;
            var sceneBuildConfigGuids = new NativeArray <GUID>(subSceneGuids.Count, Allocator.TempJob);

            for (int i = 0; i != sceneBuildConfigGuids.Length; i++)
                sceneBuildConfigGuids[i] = SceneWithBuildConfigurationGUIDs.EnsureExistsFor(subSceneGuids[i], new Hash128(buildConfigurationGuid), out var thisRequiresRefresh);
                requiresRefresh         |= thisRequiresRefresh;
            if (requiresRefresh)

            var artifactHashes = new NativeArray <UnityEngine.Hash128>(subSceneGuids.Count, Allocator.TempJob);

            AssetDatabaseCompatibility.ProduceArtifactsRefreshIfNecessary(sceneBuildConfigGuids, typeof(SubSceneImporter), artifactHashes);

            for (int i = 0; i != sceneBuildConfigGuids.Length; i++)
                var sceneGuid            = subSceneGuids[i];
                var sceneBuildConfigGuid = sceneBuildConfigGuids[i];
                var artifactHash         = artifactHashes[i];

                bool foundEntityHeader = false;
                AssetDatabaseCompatibility.GetArtifactPaths(artifactHash, out var artifactPaths);
                foreach (var artifactPath in artifactPaths)
                    //@TODO: This looks like a workaround. Whats going on here?
                    var ext = Path.GetExtension(artifactPath).Replace(".", "");
                    if (ext == headerExt)
                        foundEntityHeader = true;

                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(artifactPaths.FirstOrDefault(a => a.EndsWith(refExt))))
                            subScenePaths[sceneGuid] = artifactPath;
                            //if there are no reference bundles, then deduplication can be skipped
                            var destinationFile = EntityScenesPaths.RelativePathFolderFor(sceneGuid, EntityScenesPaths.PathType.EntitiesHeader, -1);
                            DoCopy(RegisterFileCopy, outputStreamingAssetsDirectory, artifactPath, destinationFile);
                    else if (ext == binaryExt)
                        var destinationFile = EntityScenesPaths.RelativePathFolderFor(sceneGuid, EntityScenesPaths.PathType.EntitiesBinary, EntityScenesPaths.GetSectionIndexFromPath(artifactPath));
                        DoCopy(RegisterFileCopy, outputStreamingAssetsDirectory, artifactPath, destinationFile);

                    if (ext == refExt)
                        content.CustomAssets.Add(new CustomContent
                            Asset     = sceneBuildConfigGuid,
                            Processor = (guid, processor) =>
                                var sectionIndex = EntityScenesPaths.GetSectionIndexFromPath(artifactPath);
                                processor.GetObjectIdentifiersAndTypesForSerializedFile(artifactPath, out ObjectIdentifier[] objectIds, out Type[] types);
Exemple #18
        internal void BuildGroup(ABGroup group)
            if (Settings == null)
                throw new FileNotFoundException("Setttings not found", "ABSettings.asset");
            if (group == null)
                throw new NullReferenceException("SimpleGroupAssetBundles is null");
            string           buildPath        = string.Empty;
            string           localLoadPath    = string.Empty;
            string           remoteLoadPath   = string.Empty;
            BuildTarget      buildTarget      = BuildTarget.StandaloneWindows;
            BuildTargetGroup buildTargetGroup = BuildTargetGroup.Standalone;

            if (group.IsCustomSettings)
                buildPath        = group.BuildPath;
                localLoadPath    = group.LocalLoadPath;
                remoteLoadPath   = group.RemoteLoadPath;
                buildTarget      = group.BuildTarget;
                buildTargetGroup = group.BuildTargetGroup;
                buildPath        = $"{Settings.BuildPath}/{group.BuildPath}";
                localLoadPath    = $"{Settings.LocalLoadPath}/{group.LocalLoadPath}";
                remoteLoadPath   = $"{Settings.RemoteLoadPath}/{group.RemoteLoadPath}";
                buildTarget      = Settings.BuildTarget;
                buildTargetGroup = Settings.BuildTargetGroup;
            if (buildPath.IndexOfAny(Path.GetInvalidPathChars()) != -1)
                throw new DirectoryNotFoundException("BuildPath invalid chars");
            if (localLoadPath.IndexOfAny(Path.GetInvalidPathChars()) != -1)
                throw new DirectoryNotFoundException("LocalLoadPath invalid chars");
            if (remoteLoadPath.IndexOfAny(Path.GetInvalidPathChars()) != -1)
                throw new DirectoryNotFoundException("LocalLoadPath invalid chars");
            if (group.BundleBuilds == null || group.BundleBuilds.Count() <= 0)
                Debug.LogWarning($"Бандлы для билда группы {group.Name} являются null или их нет. Билд этой группы не будет производиться");
            if (!Directory.Exists(buildPath))
                catch (IOException ex)
                    throw ex;
                    throw new IOException("Путь билда указывает на файл");
                catch (NotSupportedException ex)
                    throw ex;
                    throw new NotSupportedException("Путь билда содержит двоеточие (:), которое не является частью метки");
            _currentManifest                = new ABManifest();
            _currentManifest.Name           = group.Name;
            _currentManifest.Version        = group.Version;
            _currentManifest.LocalLoadPath  = localLoadPath;
            _currentManifest.RemoteLoadPath = remoteLoadPath;
            foreach (var item in group.BundleBuilds)
                _currentManifest.Bundles.Add(new BundleInfo {
                    Name = item.assetBundleName
            var parameters = new BundleBuildParameters(buildTarget, buildTargetGroup, buildPath);

            parameters.BundleCompression = group.Compression;
            var buildContent = new BundleBuildContent(group.BundleBuilds);

            foreach (var item in buildContent.Assets)
                _currentManifest.Assets.Add(new AssetInfo()
                    Name = buildContent.Addresses[item],
                    Path = AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(item.ToString())
            foreach (var item in buildContent.Scenes)
                _currentManifest.Scenes.Add(new AssetInfo()
                    Name = buildContent.Addresses[item],
                    Path = AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(item.ToString())
            IBundleBuildResults results;
            var returnCode = ContentPipeline.BuildAssetBundles(parameters, buildContent, out results, new[] { new ArchiveAndCompressBundles() });

            if (returnCode == ReturnCode.Success)
                string jsonContent = JsonUtility.ToJson(_currentManifest);
                using (var sw = File.CreateText(Path.Combine(buildPath, $"manifest-{group.Name}.json")))
Exemple #19
        public static void BuildAll()
            var Mods   = ModsEditor.GetMods();
            int length = Mods.Length;

            for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
                var ModInfo         = ModsEditor.GetModInfo(Mods[i]);
                var ModOutPutFolder = OutPutFolder + "/" + ModInfo.PackageName;
                var param = new BundleBuildParameters(BuildTarget.StandaloneWindows64, BuildTargetGroup.Standalone, ModOutPutFolder);
                param.BundleCompression = BuildCompression.LZ4;
                var content = new BundleBuildContent(new AssetBundleBuild[] { GetAllAssets(ModInfo, "winmod") });
                IBundleBuildResults results;
                ReturnCode code = ContentPipeline.BuildAssetBundles(param, content, out results);
                if (code != ReturnCode.Success)
                    if (code == ReturnCode.Canceled)
                    Debug.LogError("构建失败!错误原因:" + code.ToString());

                param.Target = BuildTarget.StandaloneOSX;
                content = new BundleBuildContent(new AssetBundleBuild[] { GetAllAssets(ModInfo, "osxmod") });
                results = null;
                code = ContentPipeline.BuildAssetBundles(param, content, out results);
                if (code != ReturnCode.Success)
                    if (code == ReturnCode.Canceled)
                    Debug.LogError("构建失败!错误原因:" + code.ToString());

                param.Target = BuildTarget.StandaloneLinux64;
                content = new BundleBuildContent(new AssetBundleBuild[] { GetAllAssets(ModInfo, "linuxmod") });
                results = null;
                code = ContentPipeline.BuildAssetBundles(param, content, out results);
                if (code != ReturnCode.Success)
                    if (code == ReturnCode.Canceled)
                    Debug.LogError("构建失败!错误原因:" + code.ToString());

                param.Target = BuildTarget.Android;
                param.Group  = BuildTargetGroup.Android;
                content = new BundleBuildContent(new AssetBundleBuild[] { GetAllAssets(ModInfo, "androidmod") });
                results = null;
                code = ContentPipeline.BuildAssetBundles(param, content, out results);
                if (code != ReturnCode.Success)
                    if (code == ReturnCode.Canceled)
                    Debug.LogError("构建失败!错误原因:" + code.ToString());

                param.Target = BuildTarget.iOS;
                param.Group  = BuildTargetGroup.iOS;
                content = new BundleBuildContent(new AssetBundleBuild[] { GetAllAssets(ModInfo, "iosmod") });
                results = null;
                code = ContentPipeline.BuildAssetBundles(param, content, out results);
                if (code != ReturnCode.Success)
                    if (code == ReturnCode.Canceled)
                    Debug.LogError("构建失败!错误原因:" + code.ToString());

                ModInfo = ModsEditor.GetModInfo(Mods[i]);//由于构建后资源会被释放,这里需要重载
                using (FileStream fs = File.Create(ModOutPutFolder + "/" + ModInfo.PackageName + ".json"))
                    StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(fs);