Exemple #1
    void ActivateBumpBoost(Player p)
        GameObject.Find("Console").GetComponent <Console>().UseConsole("Player " + p.id + " has acquired sensitive information. Bump boost enabled.");
        Bump bump = p.transform.GetComponentInChildren <Bump>();

        bump.superBump = true;
Exemple #2
    static ProjectedGameState GetNextGameStateFromMove(ScenarioState lastState, EntityData entity, Direction move)
        ScenarioState newState = lastState.DeepCopy();

        newState.lastGameState = lastState;
        EntityData entityCopy        = newState.GetAllEntities().Find(e => entity.ID == e.ID);
        Tile       currentEntityTile = BoardController.CurrentBoard.GetTileAtPosition(entityCopy.Position);

        Action stateAction = new Action(GenericMovementCard, entity, move, 1);

        // If entity can't move that direction, return state as-is.
        if (!currentEntityTile.ConnectsToNeighbor(move))
            return(new ProjectedGameState(entityCopy, newState, stateAction));

        Tile nextTile = currentEntityTile.GetDirectionalNeighbor(move);

        // If tile is empty, move entity there and return.
        if (!newState.IsTileOccupied(nextTile))
            entityCopy.SetPosition(nextTile.Position, newState);
            return(new ProjectedGameState(entityCopy, newState, stateAction));

        EntityData tileOccupant = newState.GetTileOccupant(nextTile.Position);

        ResolveBump(entity, tileOccupant, move, newState);

        Bump bump = new Bump(entityCopy, tileOccupant);

        return(new ProjectedGameState(entityCopy, newState, stateAction, bump));
Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Bump the page split index from zero to one to avoid infinite
        /// overflow when the first line is too large to fit on the
        /// page.
        /// </summary>
        public override Bump BumpPageSplitIndex()
            //	For most layouts the index to bump from is zero, but in a table
            //	the zero-th row is the first one after any header rows
            int bumpFrom = _headerRows;

            if (_subLayouts.Count <= bumpFrom)
            if (_pageSplitIndex > bumpFrom)

            Layout splitLayout = _subLayouts[_pageSplitIndex];
            Bump   bump        = splitLayout.BumpPageSplitIndex();

            if (bump == Bump.Impossible)
                //	Not able to bump the sublayout, but maybe we can bump ourself
                if (_subLayouts.Count > 1)
                    bump = Bump.Bumped;
 private void Awake()
     rb   = GetComponent <Rigidbody>();
     bump = GetComponent <Bump>();
     //float idealDrag = acceleration / maxVelocity;
     //rb.drag = idealDrag / (idealDrag * Time.fixedDeltaTime + 1);
     lastBumpTime = Time.time;
Exemple #5
    void ActivateBumpShield(Player p)
        GameObject.Find("Console").GetComponent <Console>().UseConsole("Player " + p.id + " has acquired sensitive information. Shield boost enabled.");
        Bump bump = p.transform.GetComponentInChildren <Bump>();

        bump.bumpShield = true;
        StartCoroutine(BumpShieldCoroutine(bumpShieldDuration, p));
    public void SpawnBump()
        // 用物件池管理器取得團塊的複製品
        Bump _clone = GameObjectPoolManager.GetUseableObject <Bump>("Bump");

        // 這裡先寫死,可以透過GameDataManager.LoadGameData(path)的方式取得靜態資料填入
        // 也可以透過GameResourceManager.LoadResource(path)的方式取得ScriptableObject取得靜態資料填入
        _clone.transform.position   = new Vector3(Random.Range(-10f, 10f), Random.Range(-10f, 10f));
        _clone.transform.localScale = Vector3.one;
Exemple #7
 /// <summary>
 /// The constructor.
 /// </summary>
 public Sensors(Robot _robot)
     : base(_robot)
     Bumps             = new Bump(_robot);
     Wheeldrops        = new Wheeldrop(_robot);
     Cliffs            = new Cliff(_robot);
     MotorOvercurrents = new MotorOvercurrent(_robot);
     DirtDetectors     = new DirtDetector(_robot);
     Buttons           = new Button(_robot);
 private void Awake()
     rb   = GetComponent <Rigidbody>();
     bump = GetComponentInChildren <Bump>();
     //float idealDrag = acceleration / maxVelocity;
     //rb.drag = idealDrag / (idealDrag * Time.fixedDeltaTime + 1);
     lastBumpTime      = Time.time - bumpCoolDown - 1f;
     basicAcceleration = acceleration;
     originalColor     = cooldown1.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().materials[1].GetColor("_EmissionColor");
        private Component GetBumperPosition(CompTimePair nextCTP)
            Vector2   cPos = StaticData.EngineManager.CookieRB.PositionXNACenter2D;
            int       cX   = (int)cPos.X;
            int       cY   = (int)cPos.Y;
            Component cAdd = new Rope(0, 0, 100);
            Vector3   vel  = StaticData.EngineManager.CookieRB.GetVelocity();
            int       dir  = 0;

            if (!_isDirRandomized)
                dir = Int32.Parse(nextCTP.Args[1]);
                dir = _rand.Next(4);

            int defX = cX - (int)StaticData.BumpHalfSize.X;
            int defY = cY - (int)StaticData.BumpHalfSize.Y;
            int X = 0, Y = 0;
            int diffS     = 20;
            int diff      = 35;
            int diffYLean = 40;
            int diffXLean = 40;

            switch ((Direction)dir)
            case Direction.East:
                X = defX;
                Y = vel.Y > 0 ? cY - diff : cY + diff;

            case Direction.SouthEast:
                X = vel.X > 0 ? defX + diffS : defX - diffS;
                Y = vel.Y > 0 ? cY + diffYLean : cY - diffYLean;

            case Direction.South:
                X = defX;
                Y = vel.Y > 0 ? cY + diff : cY - (int)(2 * StaticData.BumpHalfSize.Y) - diff;

            case Direction.SouthWest:
                X = vel.X > 0 ? defX + diffS : defX - diffS;
                Y = vel.Y > 0 ? cY + diffYLean : cY - diffYLean;

                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();

            cAdd = new Bump(X, Y, (Direction)dir);
Exemple #10
    void createBump()
        bumpTimer = bumpCooldown;
        playSound("bump", bumpMagnitude);
        if (readyIcon != null)
        Vector3 bumpLocation = new Vector3(transform.position.x, -0.6f, transform.position.z);
        Bump    bump         = Instantiate(bumpPrefab, bumpLocation, Quaternion.identity);

        bump.playerNum     = playerNum;
        bump.bumpMagnitude = bumpMagnitude;
        bump.bumpScale     = bumpScale;
 void Start()
     lightStart           = pLight.intensity;
     gm                   = FindObjectOfType <GameManager> ();
     rb                   = GetComponent <Rigidbody2D> ();
     accel                = gm.accel;
     topSpeed             = gm.topSpeed;
     jumpPower            = gm.jumpPower;
     doubleClickThreshold = gm.doubleClickThreshold;
     numJumps             = gm.numJumps;
     moveDownAccel        = gm.moveDownAccel;
     moveDownTopSpeed     = gm.moveDownTopSpeed;
     chargeRate           = gm.chargeRate;
     maxCharge            = gm.maxCharge;
     bump                 = GetComponentInChildren <Bump>();
Exemple #12
    public static string NextSemVer(this GitVersion version, Bump bump)
        switch (bump)
        case Bump.Major:
            return(string.Format("{0}.0.0", version.Major + 1));

        case Bump.Minor:
            return(string.Format("{0}.{1}.0", version.Major, version.Minor + 1));

        case Bump.Patch:
            return(string.Format("{0}.{1}.{2}", version.Major, version.Minor, version.Patch + 1));

            throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(bump), bump, null);
Exemple #13
 public override int GetHashCode()
         (RGBA.GetHashCode() ^
          RepeatU.GetHashCode() ^
          RepeatV.GetHashCode() ^
          OffsetU.GetHashCode() ^
          OffsetV.GetHashCode() ^
          Rotation.GetHashCode() ^
          Glow.GetHashCode() ^
          Bump.GetHashCode() ^
          Shiny.GetHashCode() ^
          Fullbright.GetHashCode() ^
          MediaFlags.GetHashCode() ^
          TexMapType.GetHashCode() ^
Exemple #14
        public void CheckHeroPosition(object sender, EventArgs args)
            var nextHeroStep  = ((IHero)sender).NextPosition;
            var stepOnBoarder =
                Borders.Where(x => x.GetType().Name == "Line").Any(y => ((Line)y).Contains(nextHeroStep));

            if (!stepOnBoarder)
                Bump?.Invoke(this, new BooleanEventArgs {
                    ok = false
            Bump?.Invoke(this, new BooleanEventArgs {
                ok = true
Exemple #15
 public void setupPlayer(int i, bool isTitle)
     rigidbody   = GetComponent <Rigidbody>();
     audioSource = GetComponent <AudioSource>();
     // bumpReadyIcon = GameManager.Instance.bumpReadyIcon;
     if (bumpPrefab == null)
         bumpPrefab = GameManager.Instance.bumpPrefab;
     playerNum  = i;
     playerName = gameObject.name.Replace("(Clone)", "");
     // print(playerName);
     // if(isTitle){
     //  foreach(Renderer m in GetComponentsInChildren<Renderer>())
     //      m.material = titleMaterial;	//TODO: replace with all white texture rather than material?
     //  playerColor = Color.white;}
     title = isTitle;
        static void AddSteepBump(Offset point, LinkedListNode <Field> currentField, List <Bump> steepBumps)
            Field value = currentField.Value;

            value.steep.far = point;
            value.steepBump = new Bump()
                location = point, parent = value.steepBump
            // Now look through the list of shallow bumps and see if any of them are below the line.
            for (Bump currentBump = value.shallowBump; currentBump != null; currentBump = currentBump.parent)
                if (value.steep.isBelow(currentBump.location))
                    value.steep.near = currentBump.location;
            currentField.Value = value;
        static void AddShallowBump(Offset point, LinkedListNode <Field> currentField, List <Bump> shallowBumps)
            Field value = currentField.Value;

            value.shallow.far = point;
            value.shallowBump = new Bump()
                location = point, parent = value.shallowBump

            Bump currentBump = value.steepBump;

            while (currentBump != null)
                if (value.shallow.isAbove(currentBump.location))
                    value.shallow.near = currentBump.location;
                currentBump = currentBump.parent;
            currentField.Value = value;
 private void SetComponentUsageFromActions(Component component)
     if (component is Bump)
         Bump b = (Bump)component;
         foreach (BumpRigid bumpRigid in CollidedBumps)
             if (b.X == bumpRigid.PositionXNA.X && b.Y == bumpRigid.PositionXNA.Y)
                 if (!ComponentsHasActions.Contains(component))
         List <Action> properActions = GetActionsAccordingToComponent(component);
         foreach (Action action in properActions)
             if (IsActionOnComponent(component, action))
                 if (!ComponentsHasActions.Contains(component))
Exemple #19
        /// <summary>
        /// Bump the page split index from zero to one to avoid infinite
        /// overflow when the first sublayout is too large to fit on the
        /// page.
        /// </summary>
        public override Bump BumpPageSplitIndex()
            if (_subLayouts.Count == 0)
            //	Note that a table row's own page split index is always zero

            //	A table row's sublayouts are arranged horizontally, not vertically,
            //	and so bumping is different here. We bump every cell.
            List <Bump> bumps = new List <Bump>();

            foreach (Layout cell in _subLayouts)
                Bump bump = cell.BumpPageSplitIndex();

            //	Return the most serious of the individual cell bump results. For
            //	example, if two cells bumped ok but one was impossible, then
            //	treat that as it being impossible to bump this row.
            if (bumps.Contains(Bump.Impossible))
            if (bumps.Contains(Bump.Bumped))
            if (bumps.Contains(Bump.Unnecessary))

        private PageLayout ApplyPageBreak()
            //	Collapse any space layouts at the top of the page. Space layouts are
            //	intended to provide space _between_ layouts and thus are not appropriate
            //	at the top of a page. We collapse top space after drafting so that we know
            //	where the space layouts fall on this page, but before applying the next
            //	page break because lower layouts might now fit on this page.

            PageDisposition disposition = AssessPageBreak(_bodyBox);

            //	Avoid infinite overflow. If any layout starts at the top of the page and
            //	is longer than the page, then it will return disposition overflow or split
            //	and its page split index will be zero. Splitting at index zero is the same
            //	thing as overflowing. Overflowing a full page will cause this page to move
            //	all of its content onto a new page, leaving itself empty, and this will lead
            //	to infinite overflow. So just stop the overflow right now. This will give us
            //	an oversized page, but that's better than making a report with an infinite
            //	number of empty pages. (In the current implementation, AssessPageBreak here on
            //	a page layout will never return overflow because SetPageSplitIndex always
            //	converts overflow to split, and then because a page can split it doesn't convert
            //	it back to overflow. But for semantic clarity we still check for overflow here.)
            if ((disposition == PageDisposition.Overflow)
                (disposition == PageDisposition.Split && _pageSplitIndex == 0))
                //	If we can split as requested then do so. Otherwise bump the page split
                //	index from zero to one - this will leave the oversized layout on this
                //	page but overflow subsequent layouts to the next. If it's not possible
                //	to bump the index then return an empty page to stop the overflow.
                Bump bump = BumpPageSplitIndex();
                switch (bump)
                case Bump.Bumped:
                case Bump.Unnecessary:
                    //	The split index has been moved beyond zero (or was already there)
                    //	and so we can now do the normal page break. This may still leave
                    //	the oversized layout on this page, but later layouts are moved
                    //	to the next page.

                case Bump.Impossible:
                    //	Couldn't fix the situation by splitting further down, so
                    //	just accept the oversized layout

            PageLayout overflow = (PageLayout)DoPageBreak();

            //	This page now contains only the content that can fit in it. Content
            //	that must be moved to the next page, or a later page, is now contained
            //	in the overflow page. If the overflow page is empty then this is the last
            //	page.

            //	Redraft this page to set the layouts' bottoms so that they can
            //	draw borders correctly, and redraft the new page so that its contents
            //	start at the top of the page.
Exemple #21
 /// <summary>
 /// The constructor.
 /// </summary>
 public Sensors(Robot _robot)
     : base(_robot)
     Bumps = new Bump(_robot);
     Wheeldrops = new Wheeldrop(_robot);
     Cliffs = new Cliff(_robot);
     MotorOvercurrents = new MotorOvercurrent(_robot);
     DirtDetectors = new DirtDetector(_robot);
     Buttons = new Button(_robot);
Exemple #22
 void addShallowBump(Pos pos, Field currentField)
     // First, the far point of shallow is set to the new point.
     currentField.shallow.far = pos;
     // Second, we need to add the new bump to the shallow bump list for
     // future steep bump handling.
     Bump bump = new Bump(pos, currentField.shallowBump);
     currentField.shallowBump = bump;
     // Now we have too look through the list of steep bumps and see if
     // any of them are below the line.
     // If there are, we need to replace near point too.
     Bump currentBump = currentField.steepBump;
     while(currentBump != null)
             currentField.shallow.near = currentBump.pos;
         currentBump = currentBump.parent;
Exemple #23
 void addSteepBump(Pos pos, Field currentField)
     currentField.steep.far = pos;
     Bump bump = new Bump(pos, currentField.steepBump);
     currentField.steepBump = bump;
     // Now look through the list of shallow bumps and see if any of them
     // are below the line.
     Bump currentBump = currentField.shallowBump;
     while (currentBump != null)
             currentField.steep.near = currentBump.pos;
         currentBump = currentBump.parent;
Exemple #24
 public Bump(Pos _pos, Bump _parent)
     pos = _pos;
     parent = _parent;
 public ProjectedGameState(EntityData _activeEntity, ScenarioState _gameState, Action _action, Bump bump)
     activeEntity  = _activeEntity;
     scenarioState = _gameState;
     bumps         = new List <Bump>()
     action            = _action;
     attackedPositions = new List <Vector2Int>();
        private void PlaceNewComp(CompTimePair nextCTP)
            var fEngine = ObjectSerializer.DeepCopy(StaticData.EngineManager);

            for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++)
                fEngine.Update(new GameTime());

            Vector2 cPossss = StaticData.EngineManager.CookieRB.PositionXNA2D;
            Vector2 cPos    = fEngine.CookieRB.PositionXNA2D;
            int       cX   = (int)cPos.X;
            int       cY   = (int)cPos.Y;
            Component cAdd = new Rope(0, 0, 100);
            Vector3   acc  = StaticData.EngineManager.CookieRB.GetAcceleration();

            switch (nextCTP.CType)
            case ComponentType.Cookie:

            case ComponentType.Frog:
                cAdd = GetFrogPosition();

            case ComponentType.Blower:
                cAdd = GetBlowerPosition(nextCTP);

            case ComponentType.Rope:

            case ComponentType.Bubble:
                cAdd = new Bubble(cX - (int)StaticData.BubbleDimBubble / 2,
                                  cY - (int)StaticData.BubbleDimBubble / 2);

            case ComponentType.Water:

            case ComponentType.Rocket:
                int dirR = _rand.Next(8);
                cAdd = new Rocket(cX - (int)StaticData.RocketCarrierHalfSize.X,
                                  cY - (int)StaticData.RocketCarrierHalfSize.Y, (Direction)dirR);

            case ComponentType.Bump:
                int dirB = _rand.Next(3);
                dirB = dirB == 2 ? 3 : dirB;
                if (dirB == 1 || dirB == 3)
                    var fEngineB = ObjectSerializer.DeepCopy(StaticData.EngineManager);
                    for (int i = 0; i < 25; i++)
                        fEngineB.Update(new GameTime());
                    cPos = fEngine.CookieRB.PositionXNA2D;
                    cX   = (int)cPos.X;
                    cY   = (int)cPos.Y;
                cAdd = new Bump(cX - (int)StaticData.BumpHalfSize.X,
                                cY - (int)StaticData.BumpHalfSize.Y, (Direction)dirB);
                //cAdd = GetBumperPosition(nextCTP);

            case ComponentType.Cracker:

                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
            if (!(cAdd is Rope))
                LevelStr += cAdd.ToString();
Exemple #27
    void DrawBump(EntityData bumpingEntity, ProjectedGameState projectedState, ProjectedGameState nextState, Bump bump)
        Vector2Int positionTwoStatesAgo = projectedState
                                          .GetEntityWhere(e => e.ID == bumpingEntity.ID)
        Vector2Int positionThisState = bumpingEntity.Position;
        Vector2Int positionLastState = projectedState
                                       .GetEntityWhere(e => e.ID == bumpingEntity.ID)
        bool isEntitysFirstMove = positionLastState == positionTwoStatesAgo;

        bool bumpSucceeds = bumpingEntity.Position != positionLastState;

        if (bumpSucceeds)
            DrawPath_Ending(bumpingEntity, positionLastState, positionThisState);
            DrawSuccessfulBumpEffect(positionThisState, BoardHelperFunctions.GetDirectionFromPosition(positionThisState, positionLastState));

            DrawPath_Beginning(bump.bumpedEntity, positionThisState, bump.bumpedEntity.Position);
        else if (isEntitysFirstMove)
            Vector2Int bumpedEntityPosition = bump.bumpedEntity.Position;
            Sprite     pathSprite           = ScenarioImageManager.GetPathSprite(PathType.Beginning);
            Direction  directionOfEntrance  = BoardHelperFunctions.GetDirectionFromPosition(bumpedEntityPosition, positionThisState);
            GenerateAndPositionCellImage(positionThisState, GetImageRotation(directionOfEntrance), pathSprite, bumpingEntity.IdentifyingColor);

                                 BoardHelperFunctions.GetDirectionFromPosition(positionThisState, bumpedEntityPosition));
            PathType   pathType             = GetFailedBumpPathType(positionTwoStatesAgo, positionThisState, bump.bumpedEntity.Position);
            Sprite     pathSprite           = ScenarioImageManager.GetPathSprite(pathType);
            Vector2Int bumpedEntityPosition = bump.bumpedEntity.Position;
            Direction  directionOfEntrance  = BoardHelperFunctions.GetDirectionFromPosition(positionThisState, positionTwoStatesAgo);

            GenerateAndPositionCellImage(positionThisState, GetImageRotation(directionOfEntrance), pathSprite, bumpingEntity.IdentifyingColor);
                                 BoardHelperFunctions.GetDirectionFromPosition(positionThisState, bumpedEntityPosition));
Exemple #28
 public ReleaseInformation(Version version, Bump bump)
     Version = version;
     Bump    = bump;
 public override string ToString() => String.Format("Color: {0} RepeatU: {1} RepeatV: {2} OffsetU: {3} OffsetV: {4} " +
                                                    "Rotation: {5} Bump: {6} Shiny: {7} Fullbright: {8} Mapping: {9} Media: {10} Glow: {11} ID: {12} MaterialID: {13}",
                                                    TextureColor.ToString(), RepeatU, RepeatV, OffsetU, OffsetV, Rotation, Bump.ToString(), Shiny.ToString(), FullBright, TexMapType.ToString(),
                                                    MediaFlags, Glow, TextureID.ToString(), MaterialID.ToString());