Exemple #1
    private BSShapeNative(BSScene physicsScene, BSPhysObject prim,
                          BSPhysicsShapeType shapeType, FixedShapeKey shapeKey)
        ShapeData nativeShapeData = new ShapeData();

        nativeShapeData.Type    = shapeType;
        nativeShapeData.ID      = prim.LocalID;
        nativeShapeData.Scale   = prim.Scale;
        nativeShapeData.Size    = prim.Scale;
        nativeShapeData.MeshKey = (ulong)shapeKey;
        nativeShapeData.HullKey = (ulong)shapeKey;

        if (shapeType == BSPhysicsShapeType.SHAPE_CAPSULE)
            ptr = BulletSimAPI.BuildCapsuleShape2(physicsScene.World.ptr, 1f, 1f, prim.Scale);
            physicsScene.DetailLog("{0},BSShapeCollection.BuiletPhysicalNativeShape,capsule,scale={1}", prim.LocalID, prim.Scale);
            ptr = BulletSimAPI.BuildNativeShape2(physicsScene.World.ptr, nativeShapeData);
        if (ptr == null)
            physicsScene.Logger.ErrorFormat("{0} BuildPhysicalNativeShape failed. ID={1}, shape={2}",
                                            LogHeader, prim.LocalID, shapeType);
        type = shapeType;
        key  = (UInt64)shapeKey;
Exemple #2
        // Remove a reference to a compound shape.
        // Taking a compound shape apart is a little tricky because if you just delete the
        //      physical shape, it will free all the underlying children. We can't do that because
        //      they could be shared. So, this removes each of the children from the compound and
        //      dereferences them separately before destroying the compound collision object itself.
        // Called at taint-time.
        private void DereferenceCompound(BulletShape shape, ShapeDestructionCallback shapeCallback)
            if (!BulletSimAPI.IsCompound2(shape.ptr))
                // Failed the sanity check!!
                PhysicsScene.Logger.ErrorFormat("{0} Attempt to free a compound shape that is not compound!! type={1}, ptr={2}",
                                                LogHeader, shape.type, shape.ptr.ToString());
                if (DDetail)
                              BSScene.DetailLogZero, shape.type, shape.ptr.ToString());

            int numChildren = BulletSimAPI.GetNumberOfCompoundChildren2(shape.ptr);

            if (DDetail)
                DetailLog("{0},BSShapeCollection.DereferenceCompound,shape={1},children={2}", BSScene.DetailLogZero, shape, numChildren);

            for (int ii = numChildren - 1; ii >= 0; ii--)
                Object childShape = BulletSimAPI.RemoveChildShapeFromCompoundShapeIndex2(shape.ptr, ii);
            BulletSimAPI.DeleteCollisionShape2(PhysicsScene.World.ptr, shape.ptr);
        // The object is going dynamic (physical). Do any setup necessary
        //     for a dynamic linkset.
        // Only the state of the passed object can be modified. The rest of the linkset
        //     has not yet been fully constructed.
        // Return 'true' if any properties updated on the passed object.
        // Called at taint-time!
        public override bool MakeDynamic(BSPhysObject child)
            bool ret = false;

            DetailLog("{0},BSLinksetCompound.MakeDynamic,call,IsRoot={1}", child.LocalID, IsRoot(child));
            if (IsRoot(child))
                // The root is going dynamic. Make sure mass is properly set.
                // The origional prims are removed from the world as the shape of the root compound
                //     shape takes over.
                BulletSimAPI.AddToCollisionFlags2(child.PhysBody.ptr, CollisionFlags.CF_NO_CONTACT_RESPONSE);
                BulletSimAPI.ForceActivationState2(child.PhysBody.ptr, ActivationState.DISABLE_SIMULATION);
                // We don't want collisions from the old linkset children.
                BulletSimAPI.RemoveFromCollisionFlags2(child.PhysBody.ptr, CollisionFlags.BS_SUBSCRIBE_COLLISION_EVENTS);

                child.PhysBody.collisionType = CollisionType.LinksetChild;

                ret = true;
Exemple #4
 // Make this reference to the physical shape go away since native shapes are not shared.
 public override void Dereference(BSScene physicsScene)
     // Native shapes are not tracked and are released immediately
     physicsScene.DetailLog("{0},BSShapeCollection.DereferenceShape,deleteNativeShape,shape={1}", BSScene.DetailLogZero, this);
     BulletSimAPI.DeleteCollisionShape2(physicsScene.World.ptr, ptr);
     ptr = null;
     // Garbage collection will free up this instance.
Exemple #5
 // Apply the specificed collision mask into the physical world
 public void ApplyCollisionMask()
     // Should assert the body has been added to the physical world.
     // (The collision masks are stored in the collision proxy cache which only exists for
     //    a collision body that is in the world.)
Exemple #6
        // Create a body object in Bullet.
        // Updates prim.BSBody with the information about the new body if one is created.
        // Returns 'true' if an object was actually created.
        // Called at taint-time.
        private bool CreateBody(bool forceRebuild, BSPhysObject prim, BulletWorld sim, BulletShape shape,
                                BodyDestructionCallback bodyCallback)
            bool ret = false;

            // the mesh, hull or native shape must have already been created in Bullet
            bool mustRebuild = !prim.PhysBody.HasPhysicalBody;

            // If there is an existing body, verify it's of an acceptable type.
            // If not a solid object, body is a GhostObject. Otherwise a RigidBody.
            if (!mustRebuild)
                CollisionObjectTypes bodyType = (CollisionObjectTypes)BulletSimAPI.GetBodyType2(prim.PhysBody.ptr);
                if (prim.IsSolid && bodyType != CollisionObjectTypes.CO_RIGID_BODY ||
                    !prim.IsSolid && bodyType != CollisionObjectTypes.CO_GHOST_OBJECT)
                    // If the collisionObject is not the correct type for solidness, rebuild what's there
                    mustRebuild = true;

            if (mustRebuild || forceRebuild)
                // Free any old body
                DereferenceBody(prim.PhysBody, true, bodyCallback);

                BulletBody aBody;
                Object     bodyPtr = null;
                if (prim.IsSolid)
                    bodyPtr = BulletSimAPI.CreateBodyFromShape2(sim.ptr, shape.ptr,
                                                                prim.LocalID, prim.RawPosition, prim.RawOrientation);
                    if (DDetail)
                        DetailLog("{0},BSShapeCollection.CreateBody,mesh,ptr={1}", prim.LocalID, bodyPtr.ToString());
                    bodyPtr = BulletSimAPI.CreateGhostFromShape2(sim.ptr, shape.ptr,
                                                                 prim.LocalID, prim.RawPosition, prim.RawOrientation);
                    if (DDetail)
                        DetailLog("{0},BSShapeCollection.CreateBody,ghost,ptr={1}", prim.LocalID, bodyPtr.ToString());
                aBody = new BulletBody(prim.LocalID, bodyPtr);

                ReferenceBody(aBody, true);

                prim.PhysBody = aBody;

                ret = true;

Exemple #7
 public override void Dispose()
     if (m_terrainBody.HasPhysicalBody)
         BulletSimAPI.RemoveObjectFromWorld2(PhysicsScene.World.ptr, m_terrainBody.ptr);
         // Frees both the body and the shape.
         BulletSimAPI.DestroyObject2(PhysicsScene.World.ptr, m_terrainBody.ptr);
Exemple #8
        public virtual bool SetAngularLimits(Vector3 low, Vector3 high)
            bool ret = false;

            if (m_enabled)
                ret = BulletSimAPI.SetAngularLimits2(m_constraint.ptr, low, high);
Exemple #9
        public bool SetBreakingImpulseThreshold(float threshold)
            bool ret = false;

            if (m_enabled)
                ret = BulletSimAPI.SetBreakingImpulseThreshold2(m_constraint.ptr, threshold);
Exemple #10
        public bool SetFrames(Vector3 frameA, Quaternion frameArot, Vector3 frameB, Quaternion frameBrot)
            bool ret = false;

            if (m_enabled)
                BulletSimAPI.SetFrames2(m_constraint.ptr, frameA, frameArot, frameB, frameBrot);
                ret = true;
Exemple #11
        public bool UseFrameOffset(bool useOffset)
            bool  ret   = false;
            float onOff = useOffset ? ConfigurationParameters.numericTrue : ConfigurationParameters.numericFalse;

            if (m_enabled)
                ret = BulletSimAPI.UseFrameOffset2(m_constraint.ptr, onOff);
Exemple #12
        public virtual bool SetSolverIterations(float cnt)
            bool ret = false;

            if (m_enabled)
                BulletSimAPI.SetConstraintNumSolverIterations2(m_constraint.ptr, cnt);
                ret = true;
        // The physics engine says that properties have updated. Update same and inform
        // the world that things have changed.
        public override void UpdateProperties(EntityProperties entprop)
            _position           = entprop.Position;
            _orientation        = entprop.Rotation;
            _velocity           = entprop.Velocity;
            _acceleration       = entprop.Acceleration;
            _rotationalVelocity = entprop.RotationalVelocity;

            // Do some sanity checking for the avatar. Make sure it's above ground and inbounds.

            if (_velocityMotor.Enabled)
                // TODO: Decide if the step parameters should be changed depending on the avatar's
                //     state (flying, colliding, ...).

                OMV.Vector3 stepVelocity = _velocityMotor.Step(PhysicsScene.LastTimeStep);

                // If falling, we keep the world's downward vector no matter what the other axis specify.
                if (!Flying && !IsColliding)
                    stepVelocity.Z = entprop.Velocity.Z;
                    DetailLog("{0},BSCharacter.UpdateProperties,taint,overrideStepZWithWorldZ,stepVel={1}", LocalID, stepVelocity);

                // If the user has said stop and we've stopped applying velocity correction,
                //     the motor can be turned off. Set the velocity to zero so the zero motion is sent to the viewer.
                if (_velocityMotor.TargetValue.ApproxEquals(OMV.Vector3.Zero, 0.01f) && _velocityMotor.ErrorIsZero)
                    stepVelocity           = OMV.Vector3.Zero;
                    _velocityMotor.Enabled = false;
                    DetailLog("{0},BSCharacter.UpdateProperties,taint,disableVelocityMotor,m={1}", LocalID, _velocityMotor);

                _velocity        = stepVelocity;
                entprop.Velocity = _velocity;
                BulletSimAPI.SetLinearVelocity2(PhysBody.ptr, _velocity);

            // remember the current and last set values
            LastEntityProperties    = CurrentEntityProperties;
            CurrentEntityProperties = entprop;

            // Tell the linkset about value changes
            Linkset.UpdateProperties(this, true);

            // Avatars don't report their changes the usual way. Changes are checked for in the heartbeat loop.
            // base.RequestPhysicsterseUpdate();

                      LocalID, _position, _orientation, _velocity, _acceleration, _rotationalVelocity);
Exemple #14
        public virtual bool CalculateTransforms()
            bool ret = false;

            if (m_enabled)
                // Recompute the internal transforms
                ret = true;
Exemple #15
        public bool SetCFMAndERP(float cfm, float erp)
            bool ret = false;

            if (m_enabled)
                BulletSimAPI.SetConstraintParam2(m_constraint.ptr, ConstraintParams.BT_CONSTRAINT_STOP_CFM, cfm, ConstraintParamAxis.AXIS_ALL);
                BulletSimAPI.SetConstraintParam2(m_constraint.ptr, ConstraintParams.BT_CONSTRAINT_STOP_ERP, erp, ConstraintParamAxis.AXIS_ALL);
                BulletSimAPI.SetConstraintParam2(m_constraint.ptr, ConstraintParams.BT_CONSTRAINT_CFM, cfm, ConstraintParamAxis.AXIS_ALL);
                ret = true;
Exemple #16
 public override void UnSubscribeEvents()
     // DetailLog("{0},{1}.UnSubscribeEvents,unsubscribing", LocalID, TypeName);
     SubscribedEventsMs = 0;
     PhysicsScene.TaintedObject(TypeName + ".UnSubscribeEvents", delegate()
         // Make sure there is a body there because sometimes destruction happens in an un-ideal order.
         if (PhysBody.HasPhysicalBody)
             CurrentCollisionFlags = BulletSimAPI.RemoveFromCollisionFlags2(PhysBody.ptr, CollisionFlags.BS_SUBSCRIBE_COLLISION_EVENTS);
Exemple #17
        public bool TranslationalLimitMotor(bool enable, float targetVelocity, float maxMotorForce)
            bool  ret   = false;
            float onOff = enable ? ConfigurationParameters.numericTrue : ConfigurationParameters.numericFalse;

            if (m_enabled)
                ret = BulletSimAPI.TranslationalLimitMotor2(m_constraint.ptr, onOff, targetVelocity, maxMotorForce);
                                               BSScene.DetailLogZero, enable, targetVelocity, maxMotorForce);
Exemple #18
        // Release all the terrain structures we might have allocated
        public void ReleaseGroundPlaneAndTerrain()
            if (m_groundPlane.HasPhysicalBody)
                if (BulletSimAPI.RemoveObjectFromWorld2(PhysicsScene.World.ptr, m_groundPlane.ptr))
                    BulletSimAPI.DestroyObject2(PhysicsScene.World.ptr, m_groundPlane.ptr);

Exemple #19
        // Release the usage of a shape.
        public void DereferenceShape(BulletShape shape, bool inTaintTime, ShapeDestructionCallback shapeCallback)
            if (!shape.HasPhysicalShape)

            PhysicsScene.TaintedObject(inTaintTime, "BSShapeCollection.DereferenceShape", delegate()
                if (shape.HasPhysicalShape)
                    if (shape.isNativeShape)
                        // Native shapes are not tracked and are released immediately
                        if (DDetail)
                                      BSScene.DetailLogZero, shape.ptr.ToString(), inTaintTime);
                        if (shapeCallback != null)
                        BulletSimAPI.DeleteCollisionShape2(PhysicsScene.World.ptr, shape.ptr);
                        switch (shape.type)
                        case BSPhysicsShapeType.SHAPE_HULL:
                            DereferenceHull(shape, shapeCallback);

                        case BSPhysicsShapeType.SHAPE_MESH:
                            DereferenceMesh(shape, shapeCallback);

                        case BSPhysicsShapeType.SHAPE_COMPOUND:
                            DereferenceCompound(shape, shapeCallback);

                        case BSPhysicsShapeType.SHAPE_UNKNOWN:

Exemple #20
        // Sometimes we have a pointer to a collision shape but don't know what type it is.
        // Figure out type and call the correct dereference routine.
        // Called at taint-time.
        private void DereferenceAnonCollisionShape(Object cShape)
            MeshDesc meshDesc;
            HullDesc hullDesc;

            BulletShape shapeInfo = new BulletShape(cShape);

            if (TryGetMeshByPtr(cShape, out meshDesc))
                shapeInfo.type     = BSPhysicsShapeType.SHAPE_MESH;
                shapeInfo.shapeKey = meshDesc.shapeKey;
                if (TryGetHullByPtr(cShape, out hullDesc))
                    shapeInfo.type     = BSPhysicsShapeType.SHAPE_HULL;
                    shapeInfo.shapeKey = hullDesc.shapeKey;
                    if (BulletSimAPI.IsCompound2(cShape))
                        shapeInfo.type = BSPhysicsShapeType.SHAPE_COMPOUND;
                        if (BulletSimAPI.IsNativeShape2(cShape))
                            shapeInfo.isNativeShape = true;
                            shapeInfo.type          = BSPhysicsShapeType.SHAPE_BOX; // (technically, type doesn't matter)

            if (DDetail)
                DetailLog("{0},BSShapeCollection.DereferenceAnonCollisionShape,shape={1}", BSScene.DetailLogZero, shapeInfo);

            if (shapeInfo.type != BSPhysicsShapeType.SHAPE_UNKNOWN)
                DereferenceShape(shapeInfo, true, null);
                PhysicsScene.Logger.ErrorFormat("{0} Could not decypher shape type. Region={1}, addr={2}",
                                                LogHeader, PhysicsScene.RegionName, cShape.ToString());
Exemple #21
 // If there is information in m_mapInfo pointing to physical structures, release same.
 private void ReleaseHeightMapTerrain()
     if (m_mapInfo != null)
         if (m_mapInfo.terrainBody.HasPhysicalBody)
             BulletSimAPI.RemoveObjectFromWorld2(PhysicsScene.World.ptr, m_mapInfo.terrainBody.ptr);
             // Frees both the body and the shape.
             BulletSimAPI.DestroyObject2(PhysicsScene.World.ptr, m_mapInfo.terrainBody.ptr);
     m_mapInfo = null;
        // Set motion values to zero.
        // Do it to the properties so the values get set in the physics engine.
        // Push the setting of the values to the viewer.
        // Called at taint time!
        public override void ZeroMotion(bool inTaintTime)
            _velocity           = OMV.Vector3.Zero;
            _acceleration       = OMV.Vector3.Zero;
            _rotationalVelocity = OMV.Vector3.Zero;

            // Zero some other properties directly into the physics engine
            PhysicsScene.TaintedObject(inTaintTime, "BSCharacter.ZeroMotion", delegate()
                if (PhysBody.HasPhysicalBody)
Exemple #23
 public BSConstraintHinge(BulletWorld world, BulletBody obj1, BulletBody obj2,
                          Vector3 pivotInA, Vector3 pivotInB,
                          Vector3 axisInA, Vector3 axisInB,
                          bool useLinearReferenceFrameA, bool disableCollisionsBetweenLinkedBodies)
     m_world      = world;
     m_body1      = obj1;
     m_body2      = obj2;
     m_constraint = new BulletConstraint(
         BulletSimAPI.CreateHingeConstraint2(m_world.ptr, m_body1.ptr, m_body2.ptr,
                                             pivotInA, pivotInB,
                                             axisInA, axisInB,
                                             useLinearReferenceFrameA, disableCollisionsBetweenLinkedBodies));
     m_enabled = true;
        public override void ZeroAngularMotion(bool inTaintTime)
            _rotationalVelocity = OMV.Vector3.Zero;

            PhysicsScene.TaintedObject(inTaintTime, "BSCharacter.ZeroMotion", delegate()
                if (PhysBody.HasPhysicalBody)
                    BulletSimAPI.SetInterpolationAngularVelocity2(PhysBody.ptr, OMV.Vector3.Zero);
                    BulletSimAPI.SetAngularVelocity2(PhysBody.ptr, OMV.Vector3.Zero);
                    // The next also get rid of applied linear force but the linear velocity is untouched.
Exemple #25
 public virtual void Dispose()
     if (m_enabled)
         m_enabled = false;
         if (m_constraint.HasPhysicalConstraint)
             bool success = BulletSimAPI.DestroyConstraint2(m_world.ptr, m_constraint.ptr);
                                            m_body1.ID, m_body1.ptr.ToString(),
                                            m_body2.ID, m_body2.ptr.ToString(),
        private void SetPhysicalProperties()
            BulletSimAPI.RemoveObjectFromWorld2(PhysicsScene.World.ptr, PhysBody.ptr);

            ForcePosition = _position;
            // Set the velocity and compute the proper friction
            ForceVelocity = _velocity;
            // Setting the current and target in the motor will cause it to start computing any deceleration.
            _velocityMotor.Enabled = false;

            // This will enable or disable the flying buoyancy of the avatar.
            // Needs to be reset especially when an avatar is recreated after crossing a region boundry.
            Flying = _flying;

            BulletSimAPI.SetRestitution2(PhysBody.ptr, BSParam.AvatarRestitution);
            BulletSimAPI.SetMargin2(PhysShape.ptr, PhysicsScene.Params.collisionMargin);
            BulletSimAPI.SetLocalScaling2(PhysShape.ptr, Scale);
            BulletSimAPI.SetContactProcessingThreshold2(PhysBody.ptr, BSParam.ContactProcessingThreshold);
            if (BSParam.CcdMotionThreshold > 0f)
                BulletSimAPI.SetCcdMotionThreshold2(PhysBody.ptr, BSParam.CcdMotionThreshold);
                BulletSimAPI.SetCcdSweptSphereRadius2(PhysBody.ptr, BSParam.CcdSweptSphereRadius);

            UpdatePhysicalMassProperties(RawMass, false);

            // Make so capsule does not fall over
            BulletSimAPI.SetAngularFactorV2(PhysBody.ptr, OMV.Vector3.Zero);

            BulletSimAPI.AddToCollisionFlags2(PhysBody.ptr, CollisionFlags.CF_CHARACTER_OBJECT);

            BulletSimAPI.AddObjectToWorld2(PhysicsScene.World.ptr, PhysBody.ptr, _position, _orientation);

            // BulletSimAPI.ForceActivationState2(BSBody.ptr, ActivationState.ACTIVE_TAG);
            BulletSimAPI.ForceActivationState2(PhysBody.ptr, ActivationState.DISABLE_DEACTIVATION);
            BulletSimAPI.UpdateSingleAabb2(PhysicsScene.World.ptr, PhysBody.ptr);

            // Do this after the object has been added to the world
            PhysBody.collisionType = CollisionType.Avatar;
Exemple #27
 // Create a btGeneric6DofConstraint
 public BSConstraint6Dof(BulletWorld world, BulletBody obj1, BulletBody obj2,
                         Vector3 frame1, Quaternion frame1rot,
                         Vector3 frame2, Quaternion frame2rot,
                         bool useLinearReferenceFrameA, bool disableCollisionsBetweenLinkedBodies)
     m_world      = world;
     m_body1      = obj1;
     m_body2      = obj2;
     m_constraint = new BulletConstraint(
         BulletSimAPI.Create6DofConstraint2(m_world.ptr, m_body1.ptr, m_body2.ptr,
                                            frame1, frame1rot,
                                            frame2, frame2rot,
                                            useLinearReferenceFrameA, disableCollisionsBetweenLinkedBodies));
     m_enabled = true;
     world.physicsScene.DetailLog("{0},BS6DofConstraint,createFrame,wID={1}, rID={2}, rBody={3}, cID={4}, cBody={5}",
                                  BSScene.DetailLogZero, world.worldID,
                                  obj1.ID, obj1.ptr.ToString(), obj2.ID, obj2.ptr.ToString());
        // Remove linkage between the linkset root and a particular child
        // The root and child bodies are passed in because we need to remove the constraint between
        //      the bodies that were present at unlink time.
        // Called at taint time!
        private bool PhysicallyUnlinkAChildFromRoot(BSPhysObject rootPrim, BSPhysObject childPrim)
            bool ret = false;

                      rootPrim.LocalID, rootPrim.PhysBody.ptr.ToString(),
                      childPrim.LocalID, childPrim.PhysBody.ptr.ToString());

            // Find the constraint for this link and get rid of it from the overall collection and from my list
            if (PhysicsScene.Constraints.RemoveAndDestroyConstraint(rootPrim.PhysBody, childPrim.PhysBody))
                // Make the child refresh its location
                ret = true;

Exemple #29
        private BulletShape CreatePhysicalMesh(string objName, System.UInt64 newMeshKey, PrimitiveBaseShape pbs, OMV.Vector3 size, float lod)
            IMesh    meshData = null;
            Object   meshPtr  = null;
            MeshDesc meshDesc;

            if (Meshes.TryGetValue(newMeshKey, out meshDesc))
                // If the mesh has already been built just use it.
                meshPtr = meshDesc.ptr;
                meshData = PhysicsScene.mesher.CreateMesh(objName, pbs, size, lod, true, false);

                if (meshData != null)
                    int[] indices = meshData.getIndexListAsInt();
                    List <OMV.Vector3> vertices = meshData.getVertexList();

                    float[] verticesAsFloats = new float[vertices.Count * 3];
                    int     vi = 0;
                    foreach (OMV.Vector3 vv in vertices)
                        verticesAsFloats[vi++] = vv.X;
                        verticesAsFloats[vi++] = vv.Y;
                        verticesAsFloats[vi++] = vv.Z;

                    // m_log.DebugFormat("{0}: BSShapeCollection.CreatePhysicalMesh: calling CreateMesh. lid={1}, key={2}, indices={3}, vertices={4}",
                    //                  LogHeader, prim.LocalID, newMeshKey, indices.Length, vertices.Count);

                    meshPtr = BulletSimAPI.CreateMeshShape2(PhysicsScene.World.ptr,
                                                            indices.GetLength(0), indices, vertices.Count, verticesAsFloats);
            BulletShape newShape = new BulletShape(meshPtr, BSPhysicsShapeType.SHAPE_MESH);

            newShape.shapeKey = newMeshKey;

        // A version of the sanity check that also makes sure a new position value is
        //    pushed back to the physics engine. This routine would be used by anyone
        //    who is not already pushing the value.
        private bool PositionSanityCheck(bool inTaintTime)
            bool ret = false;

            if (PositionSanityCheck())
                // The new position value must be pushed into the physics engine but we can't
                //    just assign to "Position" because of potential call loops.
                PhysicsScene.TaintedObject(inTaintTime, "BSCharacter.PositionSanityCheck", delegate()
                    DetailLog("{0},BSCharacter.PositionSanityCheck,taint,pos={1},orient={2}", LocalID, _position, _orientation);
                    if (PhysBody.HasPhysicalBody)
                        BulletSimAPI.SetTranslation2(PhysBody.ptr, _position, _orientation);
                ret = true;