Exemple #1
 /// <summary>
 /// HDRP calls this function once every frame. Implement it if your SkyRenderer needs to iterate independently of the user defined update frequency (see SkySettings UpdateMode).
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="builtinParams">Engine parameters that you can use to update the sky.</param>
 /// <returns>True if the update determines that sky lighting needs to be re-rendered. False otherwise.</returns>
 protected virtual bool Update(BuiltinSkyParameters builtinParams)
Exemple #2
 public virtual void PreRenderSky(BuiltinSkyParameters builtinParams, bool renderForCubemap, bool renderSunDisk)
 /// <summary>
 /// Whether the PreRenderClouds step is required.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="builtinParams">Engine parameters that you can use to render the clouds.</param>
 /// <returns>True if the PreRenderClouds step is required.</returns>
 public virtual bool RequiresPreRenderClouds(BuiltinSkyParameters builtinParams)
 /// <summary>
 /// Implements actual rendering of the clouds. HDRP calls this when rendering the clouds into a cubemap (for lighting) and also during main frame rendering.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="builtinParams">Engine parameters that you can use to render the clouds.</param>
 /// <param name="renderForCubemap">Pass in true if you want to render the clouds into a cubemap for lighting. This is useful when the cloud renderer needs a different implementation in this case.</param>
 public abstract void RenderClouds(BuiltinSkyParameters builtinParams, bool renderForCubemap);
Exemple #5
 // renderForCubemap: When rendering into a cube map, no depth buffer is available so user has to make sure not to use depth testing or the depth texture.
 public abstract void RenderSky(BuiltinSkyParameters builtinParams, bool stereo, bool renderForCubemap);
 /// <summary>
 /// Preprocess for rendering the clouds. Called before the DepthPrePass operations
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="builtinParams">Engine parameters that you can use to render the clouds.</param>
 /// <param name="renderForCubemap">Pass in true if you want to render the clouds into a cubemap for lighting. This is useful when the cloud renderer needs a different implementation in this case.</param>
 public virtual void PreRenderClouds(BuiltinSkyParameters builtinParams, bool renderForCubemap)
Exemple #7
 public abstract void SetRenderTargets(BuiltinSkyParameters builtinParams, bool stereo);
 /// <summary>
 /// Setup global parameters for the sky renderer.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="cmd">Command buffer provided to setup shader constants.</param>
 /// <param name="builtinParams">Sky system builtin parameters.</param>
 public virtual void SetGlobalSkyData(CommandBuffer cmd, BuiltinSkyParameters builtinParams)
 /// <summary>
 /// Implements actual rendering of the sky. HDRP calls this when rendering the sky into a cubemap (for lighting) and also during main frame rendering.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="builtinParams">Engine parameters that you can use to render the sky.</param>
 /// <param name="renderForCubemap">Pass in true if you want to render the sky into a cubemap for lighting. This is useful when the sky renderer needs a different implementation in this case.</param>
 /// <param name="renderSunDisk">If the sky renderer supports the rendering of a sun disk, it must not render it if this is set to false.</param>
 public abstract void RenderSky(BuiltinSkyParameters builtinParams, bool renderForCubemap, bool renderSunDisk);
 /// <summary>
 /// Preprocess for rendering the sky. Called before the DepthPrePass operations
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="builtinParams">Engine parameters that you can use to render the sky.</param>
 public virtual void PreRenderSky(BuiltinSkyParameters builtinParams)
Exemple #11
 protected override bool Update(BuiltinSkyParameters builtinParams)