public void MakeBuildingWithStoreysTest()
            // arrange
            var buildingHeight = 10;
            var storeys        = new List <Storey>();

            storeys.Add(new Storey()
                From = 0, To = 5, Color = "#ff0000"
            storeys.Add(new Storey()
                From = 5, To = 10, Color = "#D3D3D3"

            var bs = new BuildingStyle()
                FloorColor = "#D3D3D3", RoofColor = "#ff0000", WallsColor = "#00ff00"

            bs.Storeys = storeys;

            // act
            var res = TesselateBuilding.MakeBuilding(footprint, 0, buildingHeight, bs);

            // assert
            var footprintTriangles = TesselateBuilding.Tesselate(footprint, height).Count;

            Assert.IsTrue(res.polygons.Count == footprintTriangles * 2 + (footprint.ExteriorRing.Points.Count - 1) * 2 * storeys.Count);
Exemple #2
    public static House GenerateHouse(Building building, BuildingStyle style, WorldObject wallType = null, Tile tileType = null)
        int   width  = building.Width;
        int   height = building.Height;
        Vec2i entr   = GenerateWallsFloorAndEntrance(width, height, building.BuildingObjects, building.BuildingTiles, 0, BuildingStyle.stone, tileType: Tile.TEST_RED);

        //AddObject(building.BuildingObjects, WorldObject.BED, 2, 3);
        return(building as House);
        public void TriangulateBuildingTest()
            var bs = new BuildingStyle()
                FloorColor = "#D3D3D3", RoofColor = "#ff0000", WallsColor = "#00ff00"
            var res = TesselateBuilding.MakeBuilding(footprint, 0, height, bs);
            var footprintTriangles = TesselateBuilding.Tesselate(footprint, height).Count;

            Assert.IsTrue(res.polygons.Count == footprintTriangles * 2 + (footprint.ExteriorRing.Points.Count - 1) * 2);
        public void MakePolyHedralTest()
            var bs = new BuildingStyle()
                FloorColor = "#D3D3D3", RoofColor = "#ff0000", WallsColor = "#00ff00"
            var res = TesselateBuilding.MakePolyHedral(footprint, 0, height, bs);
            var wkt = res.polyhedral.SerializeString <WktSerializer>();

            Assert.IsTrue(wkt != null);
Exemple #5
        public void GetByID_OneItem_ReturnsBuildingStyle()
            // Arrange
            BuildingStyle entity = new BuildingStyle {
                ID = 1

            // Act
            MessageHub.Instance.Publish(new OnCacheObjectSet <BuildingStyle>(entity));

            // Assert
            Assert.AreNotSame(entity, _cache.GetByID(1));
        public void TestId12()
            var wktFootprint = "POLYGON((-75.554412769 39.1634003080001, -75.554480102 39.163362636, -75.554508552 39.1633934610001, -75.554552455 39.163368898, -75.554609356 39.1634305470001, -75.554505101 39.163488876, -75.554412769 39.1634003080001))";

            footprint = (Polygon)Geometry.Deserialize <WktSerializer>(wktFootprint);
            var height = 9.92000000000;
            var bs     = new BuildingStyle()
                FloorColor = "#D3D3D3", RoofColor = "#ff0000", WallsColor = "#00ff00"

            var res = TesselateBuilding.MakePolyHedral(footprint, 0, height, bs);

            Assert.IsTrue(res.polyhedral.Geometries.Count == 20);
            Assert.IsTrue(res.colors.Count == 20);
Exemple #7
    public static MarketPlace GenerateMarket(MarketPlace building, BuildingStyle style = BuildingStyle.stone)
        int   width  = building.Width;
        int   height = building.Height;
        Vec2i entr   = GenerateWallsFloorAndEntrance(width, height, building.BuildingObjects, building.BuildingTiles, 0, style, tileType: Tile.TEST_YELLOW);

        MarketStall s1 = new MarketStall(new Vec2i(3, 3));
        MarketStall s2 = new MarketStall(new Vec2i(building.Width - 3, building.Height - 3));

        AddObject(building, s1, 3, 3);
        AddObject(building, s2, building.Width - 3, building.Height - 3);
        NPCJob[] jobs = new NPCJob[] { new NPCJobMarketStall("Market runner", building, s1), new NPCJobMarketStall("Market runner", building, s2) };
        building.SetWorkBuildingData(new WorkBuildingData(jobs));

Exemple #8
        public void GetByID_TwoItems_ReturnsCorrectObject()
            // Arrange
            BuildingStyle entity1 = new BuildingStyle {
                ID = 1
            BuildingStyle entity2 = new BuildingStyle {
                ID = 2

            // Act
            MessageHub.Instance.Publish(new OnCacheObjectSet <BuildingStyle>(entity1));
            MessageHub.Instance.Publish(new OnCacheObjectSet <BuildingStyle>(entity2));

            // Assert
            Assert.AreNotSame(entity1, _cache.GetByID(1));
            Assert.AreNotSame(entity2, _cache.GetByID(2));
Exemple #9
    public Building CreateBuilding(Blueprint blueprint)
        GameObject   building = new GameObject("Building");        // TODO Give name that can even be displayed in game
        Mesh         mesh     = building.AddComponent <MeshFilter> ().mesh;
        MeshRenderer renderer = building.AddComponent <MeshRenderer> ();

        this.heightGrowth  = blueprint.heightGrowth;
        this.buildingStyle = blueprint.buildingStyle;
        Vector3 dimension = new Vector3(
            Random.Range(blueprint.minBuildingWidth, blueprint.maxBuildingWidth),
            Random.Range(blueprint.minBuildingHeight, blueprint.maxBuildingHeight),
            Random.Range(blueprint.minBuildingWidth, blueprint.maxBuildingWidth));

        CreateMesh(ref mesh, dimension, Random.Range(1, blueprint.maxStack + 1));
        renderer.material = blueprint.defaultMaterial;

        return(new Building(dimension, building));
Exemple #10
        public void GetByID_RemovedItem_ReturnsCorrectObject()
            // Arrange
            BuildingStyle entity1 = new BuildingStyle {
                ID = 1
            BuildingStyle entity2 = new BuildingStyle {
                ID = 2

            // Act
            MessageHub.Instance.Publish(new OnCacheObjectSet <BuildingStyle>(entity1));
            MessageHub.Instance.Publish(new OnCacheObjectSet <BuildingStyle>(entity2));
            MessageHub.Instance.Publish(new OnCacheObjectDeleted <BuildingStyle>(entity1));

            // Assert
            Assert.Throws <KeyNotFoundException>(() => { _cache.GetByID(1); });
            Assert.AreNotSame(entity2, _cache.GetByID(2));
Exemple #11
        public void GetByID_NoItems_ThrowsKeyNotFoundException()
            // Arrange
            BuildingStyle entity1 = new BuildingStyle {
                ID = 1
            BuildingStyle entity2 = new BuildingStyle {
                ID = 2

            // Act
            MessageHub.Instance.Publish(new OnCacheObjectSet <BuildingStyle>(entity1));
            MessageHub.Instance.Publish(new OnCacheObjectSet <BuildingStyle>(entity2));
            MessageHub.Instance.Publish(new OnCacheObjectDeleted <BuildingStyle>(entity1));
            MessageHub.Instance.Publish(new OnCacheObjectDeleted <BuildingStyle>(entity2));

            // Assert
            Assert.Throws <KeyNotFoundException>(() => { _cache.GetByID(1); });
            Assert.Throws <KeyNotFoundException>(() => { _cache.GetByID(2); });
Exemple #12
    public static Baracks GenerateBaracks(Baracks building, BuildingStyle style = BuildingStyle.stone)
        int width  = building.Width;
        int height = building.Height;

        Vec2i entr = GenerateWallsFloorAndEntrance(width, height, building.BuildingObjects, building.BuildingTiles, 0, style, tileType: Tile.TEST_PURPLE);

        List <NPCJob> jobs = new List <NPCJob>();

        for (int x = 2; x < building.Width; x += 3)
            AddObject(building, new Bed(new Vec2i(2, 2)), x, 2);
            jobs.Add(new NPCJobSoldier(building));
        NPCJob[] jobs_ = jobs.ToArray();
        building.SetWorkBuildingData(new WorkBuildingData(jobs_));

Exemple #13
    public static Blacksmith GenerateBlacksmith(Blacksmith building, BuildingStyle style = BuildingStyle.stone)
        int   width  = building.Width;
        int   height = building.Height;
        Vec2i entr   = GenerateWallsFloorAndEntrance(width, height, building.BuildingObjects, building.BuildingTiles, 0, style, tileType: Tile.TEST_MAGENTA);

        WorkEquiptmentData anvil = new Anvil(new Vec2i(1, 3));
        WorkEquiptmentData forge = new Anvil(new Vec2i(4, 4));

        AddObject(building, anvil, 1, 3);
        AddObject(building, forge, 4, 4);

        NPCJob[] jobs = new NPCJob[] { new NPCJobBlackSmith(building),
                                       new NPCJobBlackSmith(building),
                                       new NPCJobBlackSmith(building) };

        building.SetWorkBuildingData(new WorkBuildingData(jobs));
        AddEntrance(building, 0);
        //building.WorkEquiptment.Add(new WorkEquiptmentPlacement(anvil, new Vec2i(1, 3)));
        //building.WorkEquiptment.Add(new WorkEquiptmentPlacement(forge, new Vec2i(4, 4)));
Exemple #14
    /// <summary>
    /// Generates the basic walls, floor, and entrance for any building.
    /// Picks the exact position of entrance, and returns it
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="width"></param>
    /// <param name="height"></param>
    /// <param name="buildingObjects">Building objects to be filled with walls</param>
    /// <param name="buildTiles"></param>
    /// <param name="entranceID"></param>
    /// <param name="style"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public static Vec2i GenerateWallsFloorAndEntrance(int width, int height, WorldObjectData[,] buildingObjects,
                                                      Tile[,] buildTiles, int entranceID, BuildingStyle style, int entraceDis = -1, WorldObjectData wallType = null, Tile tileType = null)
        int entWidth = 2;

        if (entraceDis == -1)
            if (entranceID == NORTH_ENTRANCE || entranceID == SOUTH_ENTRANCE)
                entraceDis = MiscMaths.RandomRange(1, width - 1);
                entraceDis = MiscMaths.RandomRange(1, height - 1);

        //Decide the position of the entrance
        Vec2i entrance = null;

        if (entranceID == NORTH_ENTRANCE)
            entrance = new Vec2i(entraceDis, height - 1);
        else if (entranceID == SOUTH_ENTRANCE)
            entrance = new Vec2i(entraceDis, 0);
        else if (entranceID == EAST_ENTRANCE)
            entrance = new Vec2i(width - 1, entraceDis);
        else if (entranceID == WEST_ENTRANCE)
            entrance = new Vec2i(0, entraceDis);

        //Assign correct wall type if none given
        if (wallType == null)
            switch (style)
            case BuildingStyle.stone:
                wallType = new BrickWall(new Vec2i(0, 0));

            case BuildingStyle.wood:
                //TODO - Add
                wallType = new BrickWall(new Vec2i(0, 0));
        }//Asign correct tile type if none given
        if (tileType == null)
            switch (style)
            case BuildingStyle.stone:
                tileType = Tile.STONE_FLOOR;

            case BuildingStyle.wood:
                tileType = Tile.WOOD_FLOOR;
        //Iterate all points
        for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
            for (int z = 0; z < height; z++)
                //Asign tile
                buildTiles[x, z] = tileType;
                if (x == 0 || x == width - 1 || z == 0 || z == height - 1)
                    //Asign wall if no entrance
                    if (!(entrance.x == x & entrance.z == z))
                        if (x == 3)
                            buildingObjects[x, z] = new BuildingWall(new Vec2i(0, 0), "brick", 5,
                                                                     new GlassWindow(new Vec2i(0, 0), new Vec2i(0, 1)), 2);
                            buildingObjects[x, z] = new BuildingWall(new Vec2i(0, -1), "brick", 5);
        //(buildingObjects[0, 0] as BuildingWall).AddRoof(new Roof(new Vec2i(0, 0), new Vec2i(width, height)));
