public void SetTile(int x, int y, GameObject prefab) { int i = WorldGridIndex(x, y); if (tiles[i] != null) { BuildingPrice price = tiles[i].GetComponent <BuildingPrice>(); if (price.hidesTerrain) { foreach (Renderer gfx in terrain[i].GetComponentsInChildren <Renderer>()) { gfx.enabled = true; } } Destroy(tiles[i]); } if (prefab != null) { GameObject ngo = Instantiate(prefab); foreach (SpecialStates states in ngo.GetComponentsInChildren <SpecialStates>()) { if (states.hideInWorld) { states.gameObject.SetActive(false); } } BuildingPrice price = ngo.GetComponent <BuildingPrice>(); if (price != null && price.hidesTerrain) { foreach (Renderer gfx in terrain[i].GetComponentsInChildren <Renderer>()) { gfx.enabled = false; } } ngo.transform.parent = transform; ngo.transform.localPosition = Vector3.right * x * tileSpacing + Vector3.back * y * tileSpacing + (HeightOffset(x, y) + (price != null ? price.heightOffset : 0)) * Vector3.up; ngo.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, 90 * Random.Range(0, 4), 0); foreach (Transform trans in ngo.GetComponentsInChildren <Transform>(true)) { trans.gameObject.layer = 0; } GameTile tile = ngo.GetComponent <GameTile>(); if (tile != null) { tile.enabled = true; tile.x = x; tile.y = y; price.enabled = false; foreach (BuildingPrice menuItem in BuildMenu.instance.GetComponentsInChildren <BuildingPrice>(true)) { menuItem.BuildingComplete(price.type); } tiles[i] = ngo; } } }
public bool GetPassable(int x, int y) { GameObject tile = GetTile(x, y); if (tile != null) { BuildingPrice price = tile.GetComponent <BuildingPrice>(); return(price.type == "pit" || price.type == "pit_full" || price.type == "construct" || price.type == "crop" || price.type == "baby_crop" || price.type == "baby_tree"); } return(true); }
void Upkeep() { BuildingPrice price = GetComponent <BuildingPrice>(); if (working || !ContainsPerson(price.workCosts)) { foreach (SpecialStates child in GetComponentsInChildren <SpecialStates>(true)) { if (child.activeOnWork) { child.gameObject.SetActive(false); } } working = false; bool okay = true; for (int i = 0; i < price.workCosts.Length; ++i) { BuildingPrice.Cost cost = price.workCosts[i]; if (cost.type == Resources.Type.TIME) { okay = false; --cost.amount; price.workCosts[i] = cost; // FIXME (hitch) this is a horrible hack to update time display, IRL lookup what field we are // updating! GetComponentInChildren <CostDisplay>(true).costs[0].text.text = cost.amount.ToString(); if (construction != null) { construction.transform.localPosition += construction.deltaPos; construction.transform.localScale += construction.deltaScale; } } if (cost.amount <= 0) { okay = true; } } if (okay) { foreach (BuildingPrice.Cost entry in workGain) { ScoreTracker.instance.AddIncome(entry.type, entry.amount); } Resources.instance.AddResources(workGain); if (changeOnWork) { TileGrid.instance.SetTile(x, y, workState); } } } isFirstTurn = false; }
void OnMouseUpAsButton() { if (enabled && requirement == "" && !ScoreTracker.instance.isSummaryShowing) { if (selected != null) { HighlightEffect.RemoveHighlight(selected.gameObject); } HighlightEffect.AddHighlight(gameObject, selectionColor, true); selected = this; BuildMenu.activeTool = this; } }
void OnEnable() { audio = GetComponent <AudioSource>(); isFirstTurn = true; if (firstTurnWork && TileGrid.instance.worldGenerated) { audio.PlayOneShot(workerPlaceSounds[Random.Range(0, workerPlaceSounds.Length)]); working = true; foreach (SpecialStates child in GetComponentsInChildren <SpecialStates>(true)) { if (child.activeOnWork) { child.gameObject.SetActive(true); } } } BuildingPrice price = GetComponent <BuildingPrice>(); CostDisplay display = Instantiate(Resources.instance.workCostDisplay).GetComponent <CostDisplay>(); display.transform.SetParent(transform); display.transform.localPosition = price.heightOffset * -Vector3.up; int q = 0; foreach (BuildingPrice.Cost cost in price.workCosts) { display.costs[q].sprite.gameObject.SetActive(true); display.costs[q].sprite.sprite = Resources.instance.GetIcon(cost.type); display.costs[q].text.text = cost.amount.ToString(); ++q; } if (!price.alwaysShowCost) { display.gameObject.SetActive(false); } foreach (BuildingPrice.Cost max in maxIncreses) { Resources.instance.SetValue(max.type, Resources.instance.GetValue(max.type, true) + max.amount, true); } }
private int AddToMenu(int i, MenuEntry go) { Transform menuItem = Instantiate(go.prefab).transform; menuItem.gameObject.GetComponent <BuildingPrice>().enabled = true; menuItem.parent = transform; menuItem.localPosition = i * (1.57f + ((i % 2 == 1) ? 0.1f : 0)) * Vector3.down + ((i % 2 == 1) ? 1.5f : 0) * Vector3.right + go.yOffset * Vector3.up; menuItem.rotation = itemRotation; menuItem.localScale =; foreach (Transform trans in menuItem.gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren <Transform>(true)) { trans.gameObject.layer = gameObject.layer; } foreach (SpecialStates states in menuItem.GetComponentsInChildren <SpecialStates>()) { if (states.hideInMenu) { Destroy(states.gameObject); } } BuildingPrice price = menuItem.GetComponent <BuildingPrice>(); if (price != null) { price.prefab = go.prefab; BuildingPrice.Cost[] costs = price.buildCosts; Transform costItem = null; if (costs.Length > 0) { costItem = Instantiate(costTip).transform; costItem.parent = menuItem; costItem.localPosition =; costItem.localRotation = Quaternion.identity; costItem.localScale =; costItem.gameObject.layer = gameObject.layer; CostDisplay display = costItem.GetComponent <CostDisplay>(); int q = 0; foreach (BuildingPrice.Cost cost in costs) { display.costs[q].sprite.gameObject.SetActive(true); display.costs[q].sprite.sprite = resourcePool.GetIcon(cost.type); display.costs[q].text.text = cost.amount.ToString(); ++q; } } if (price.requirement != "") { if (costItem != null) { costItem.gameObject.SetActive(false); } foreach (Renderer render in menuItem.GetComponentsInChildren <Renderer>()) { render.enabled = false; } HighlightEffect.AddHighlight(menuItem.gameObject, new Color(1, 1, 1), true); } } return(i + 1); }
void Update() { GameObject hovering = null; RaycastHit hit; bool buildStage = (RoundManager.instance.stage == RoundManager.RoundStage.DAWN || RoundManager.instance.stage == RoundManager.RoundStage.DUSK); if (!ScoreTracker.instance.isSummaryShowing && buildStage && menuCamera.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.mousePosition).x < menuLimiter.position.x && Physics.Raycast(camera.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition), out hit, Mathf.Infinity, terrainLayer)) { hovering = hit.collider.gameObject; } if (currentHover != hovering) { // Remove old: if (currentHover != null) { if (currentTile != null) { HighlightEffect.RemoveHighlight(currentTile); BuildingPrice price = currentTile.GetComponent <BuildingPrice>(); CostDisplay display = currentTile.GetComponentInChildren <CostDisplay>(true); if (price != null && display != null && !price.alwaysShowCost) { display.gameObject.SetActive(false); } } else { HighlightEffect.RemoveHighlight(currentHover); } } // Add new: currentPoint = null; currentHover = null; currentTile = null; if (hovering != null) { currentPoint = world.GetTerrainPos(hovering); if (currentPoint != null) { GameObject tile = world.GetTile(currentPoint.x, currentPoint.y); if (tile != null) { HighlightEffect.AddHighlight(tile, blockHoverColor); currentTile = tile; BuildingPrice price = currentTile.GetComponent <BuildingPrice>(); CostDisplay display = currentTile.GetComponentInChildren <CostDisplay>(true); if (price != null && display != null && !price.alwaysShowCost) { display.gameObject.SetActive(true); } } else { HighlightEffect.AddHighlight(hovering, blockHoverColor); } currentHover = hovering; } } } if (!ScoreTracker.instance.isSummaryShowing && buildStage && Input.GetButtonDown("Click") && currentPoint != null) { if (currentTile == null) { if (BuildMenu.activeTool != null && BuildMenu.activeTool.isPlaceable && Resources.instance.TryBuy(BuildMenu.activeTool.buildCosts)) { if ( != null) { world.SetTile(currentPoint.x, currentPoint.y,; } else { world.SetTile(currentPoint.x, currentPoint.y, BuildingPrice.selected.prefab); } HighlightEffect.RemoveHighlight(currentHover); currentHover = null; world.GetTile(currentPoint.x, currentPoint.y).GetComponent <GameTile>().audio.PlayOneShot(buildSound); SoundEffects.PlaySound(buildSound); foreach (BuildingPrice.Cost cost in BuildMenu.activeTool.buildCosts) { if (cost.type != Resources.Type.PERSON && cost.type != Resources.Type.TIME) { ScoreTracker.instance.AddExpenses(cost.type, cost.amount); } } } } else { currentTile.GetComponent <GameTile>().ClickTile(world, currentPoint.x, currentPoint.y); } } }
private void Start() { currentPrice = BuildingPrice.getPrice(typeObject); _SetPrice(currentPrice); }
private bool InteractWith(int x, int y, int pass) { GameObject go = TileGrid.instance.GetTile(x, y); if (go != null) { BuildingPrice price = go.GetComponent <BuildingPrice>(); if (price.type == "pit" && pass == 0) { audio.PlayOneShot(fallSound, fall_volume); TimeOfDayPopper.overrideMaterial = GetComponentInChildren <MeshRenderer>().sharedMaterial; TileGrid.instance.SetTile(x, y, animalPit); return(true); } GameTile tile = go.GetComponent <GameTile>(); if (moveType == MoveStyle.STALK) { if ((price.type == "baby_tree" || price.type == "baby_crop" || price.type == "crop") && !tile.working && pass == 1) { audio.PlayOneShot(attackSound, attack_volume); ScoreTracker.instance.LostTile((price.type == "baby_tree") ? "Sapling" : "Crop"); Destroy(go); return(true); } } else if (moveType == MoveStyle.WADDLE) { if (price.type == "ranch" && pass == 1) { bool okay = false; foreach (AnimalsInWorld aiw in go.GetComponentsInChildren <AnimalsInWorld>(true)) { if (aiw.showing) { aiw.KillAnimal(); okay = true; } } if (okay) { return(true); } } if (tile.working && price.type != "fence" && pass == 2) { audio.PlayOneShot(attackSound, attack_volume); MesopotamianRandomizer[] people = go.GetComponentsInChildren <MesopotamianRandomizer>(); // This is a hack to work (we don't know how many workers are here, so we just count the worker graphics!) foreach (MesopotamianRandomizer person in people) { person.doNotReleaseName = true; ScoreTracker.instance.LostVillager(1, new string[] { person.mesopoNAMEian }); } Resources.instance.personLive -= people.Length; tile.working = false; foreach (SpecialStates child in go.GetComponentsInChildren <SpecialStates>(true)) { if (child.activeOnWork) { child.gameObject.SetActive(false); } } return(true); } } } return(false); }