public override IEnumerable <Gizmo> GetGizmos() { foreach (Gizmo c in this.< GetGizmos > __BaseCallProxy0()) { yield return(c); } if (this.def.Minifiable && base.Faction == Faction.OfPlayer) { yield return(InstallationDesignatorDatabase.DesignatorFor(this.def)); } Command buildCopy = BuildCopyCommandUtility.BuildCopyCommand(this.def, base.Stuff); if (buildCopy != null) { yield return(buildCopy); } if (base.Faction == Faction.OfPlayer) { foreach (Command facility in BuildFacilityCommandUtility.BuildFacilityCommands(this.def)) { yield return(facility); } } yield break; }
public override IEnumerable <Gizmo> GetGizmos() { foreach (var gizmo in base.GetGizmos()) { yield return(gizmo); } if (allHeatingElements == null) { allHeatingElements = new List <BuildableDef>(); foreach (var def in DefDatabase <ThingDef> .AllDefsListForReading) { if (def.thingClass.IsInstanceOfType(typeof(Building_HeatingElement))) { allHeatingElements.Add(def); } } } foreach (var item in allHeatingElements) { var allowedDesignator = BuildCopyCommandUtility.BuildCommand(item, null, "RF.HeatingElement.Build".Translate(item.label), null, true); if (allowedDesignator != null) { yield return(allowedDesignator); } } }
public override IEnumerable <Gizmo> GetGizmos() { foreach (Gizmo gizmo in base.GetGizmos()) { yield return(gizmo); } if (((def.BuildableByPlayer && def.passability != Traversability.Impassable && !def.IsDoor) || def.building.forceShowRoomStats) && Gizmo_RoomStats.GetRoomToShowStatsFor(this) != null && Find.Selector.SingleSelectedObject == this) { yield return(new Gizmo_RoomStats(this)); } Gizmo selectMonumentMarkerGizmo = QuestUtility.GetSelectMonumentMarkerGizmo(this); if (selectMonumentMarkerGizmo != null) { yield return(selectMonumentMarkerGizmo); } if (def.Minifiable && base.Faction == Faction.OfPlayer) { yield return(InstallationDesignatorDatabase.DesignatorFor(def)); } Command command = BuildCopyCommandUtility.BuildCopyCommand(def, base.Stuff); if (command != null) { yield return(command); } if (base.Faction == Faction.OfPlayer) { foreach (Command item in BuildFacilityCommandUtility.BuildFacilityCommands(def)) { yield return(item); } } }
public override IEnumerable <Gizmo> GetGizmos() { foreach (var c in base.GetGizmos()) { yield return(c); } if (def.Minifiable && Faction == Faction.OfPlayer) { yield return(InstallationDesignatorDatabase.DesignatorFor(def)); } var buildCopy = BuildCopyCommandUtility.BuildCopyCommand(def, Stuff); if (buildCopy != null) { yield return(buildCopy); } if (Faction == Faction.OfPlayer) { foreach (var facility in BuildFacilityCommandUtility.BuildFacilityCommands(def)) { yield return(facility); } } }
public override IEnumerable <Gizmo> GetGizmos() { using (IEnumerator <Gizmo> enumerator = base.GetGizmos().GetEnumerator()) { if (enumerator.MoveNext()) { Gizmo c = enumerator.Current; yield return(c); /*Error: Unable to find new state assignment for yield return*/; } } if (base.def.Minifiable && base.Faction == Faction.OfPlayer) { yield return((Gizmo)InstallationDesignatorDatabase.DesignatorFor(base.def)); /*Error: Unable to find new state assignment for yield return*/; } Command buildCopy = BuildCopyCommandUtility.BuildCopyCommand(base.def, base.Stuff); if (buildCopy == null) { yield break; } yield return((Gizmo)buildCopy); /*Error: Unable to find new state assignment for yield return*/; IL_0161: /*Error near IL_0162: Unexpected return in MoveNext()*/; }
public static void parrot_designate_single_cell(IntVec3 c, ThingDef stuffDef, Rot4 placingRot, BuildableDef entDef) { use_native = true; try { var designator = BuildCopyCommandUtility.FindAllowedDesignator(entDef, false); designator.SetStuffDef(stuffDef); designator.GetType().GetField("placingRot", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance).SetValue(designator, placingRot); designator.DesignateSingleCell(c); } finally { use_native = false; } }
public override IEnumerable <Gizmo> GetGizmos() { foreach (Gizmo c in base.GetGizmos()) { yield return(c); } if (this.def.Minifiable && base.Faction == Faction.OfPlayer) { yield return(InstallationDesignatorDatabase.DesignatorFor(this.def)); } Command buildCopy = BuildCopyCommandUtility.BuildCopyCommand(this.def, base.Stuff); if (buildCopy != null) { yield return(buildCopy); } }
private bool DoWork(Slate slate) { Map map = slate.Get <Map>("map"); if (map == null) { return(false); } float x2 = slate.Get("points", 0f); SimpleCurve value = pointsToMaxItemMarketValueCurve.GetValue(slate); float num = maxMarketValueFactor.GetValue(slate) ?? 1f; float maxMarketValue = value.Evaluate(x2) * num; SimpleCurve value2 = pointsToRequiredWorkCurve.GetValue(slate); float randomInRange = (workAmountRandomFactorRange.GetValue(slate) ?? FloatRange.One).RandomInRange; float num2 = value2.Evaluate(x2) * randomInRange; tmpCandidates.Clear(); for (int j = 0; j < allWorkTables.Count; j++) { if (BuildCopyCommandUtility.FindAllowedDesignator(allWorkTables[j]) == null) { continue; } List <RecipeDef> recipes = allWorkTables[j].AllRecipes; for (int i = 0; i < recipes.Count; i++) { if (!recipes[i].AvailableNow || !recipes[i].products.Any() || recipes[i].PotentiallyMissingIngredients(null, map).Any()) { continue; } foreach (ThingDef stuff in recipes[i].products[0].thingDef.MadeFromStuff ? GenStuff.AllowedStuffsFor(recipes[i].products[0].thingDef) : Gen.YieldSingle <ThingDef>(null)) { if (stuff != null && (!map.listerThings.ThingsOfDef(stuff).Any() || stuff.stuffProps.commonality < minStuffCommonality.GetValue(slate))) { continue; } int num3 = 0; if (stuff != null) { List <Thing> list = map.listerThings.ThingsOfDef(stuff); for (int k = 0; k < list.Count; k++) { num3 += list[k].stackCount; } } float num4 = recipes[i].WorkAmountTotal(stuff); if (!(num4 > 0f)) { continue; } int num5 = Mathf.FloorToInt(num2 / num4); if (stuff != null) { IngredientCount ingredientCount = recipes[i].ingredients.Where((IngredientCount x) => x.filter.Allows(stuff)).MaxByWithFallback((IngredientCount x) => x.CountRequiredOfFor(stuff, recipes[i])); num5 = Mathf.Min(num5, Mathf.FloorToInt((float)num3 / (float)ingredientCount.CountRequiredOfFor(stuff, recipes[i]))); } if (num5 > 0) { tmpCandidates.Add(new Pair <ThingStuffPair, int>(new ThingStuffPair(recipes[i].products[0].thingDef, stuff), recipes[i].products[0].count * num5)); } } } } tmpCandidates.RemoveAll((Pair <ThingStuffPair, int> x) => x.Second <= 0); tmpCandidates.RemoveAll((Pair <ThingStuffPair, int> x) => StatDefOf.MarketValue.Worker.GetValueAbstract(x.First.thing, x.First.stuff) > maxMarketValue); if (!tmpCandidates.Any()) { return(false); } Pair <ThingStuffPair, int> pair = tmpCandidates.RandomElement(); int num6 = Mathf.Min(Mathf.RoundToInt(maxMarketValue / StatDefOf.MarketValue.Worker.GetValueAbstract(pair.First.thing, pair.First.stuff)), pair.Second); float randomInRange2 = (productionItemCountRandomFactorRange.GetValue(slate) ?? FloatRange.One).RandomInRange; num6 = Mathf.RoundToInt((float)num6 * randomInRange2); num6 = Mathf.Max(num6, 1); slate.Set(storeProductionItemDefAs.GetValue(slate), pair.First.thing); slate.Set(storeProductionItemStuffAs.GetValue(slate), pair.First.stuff); slate.Set(storeProductionItemCountAs.GetValue(slate), num6); string value3 = storeProductionItemLabelAs.GetValue(slate); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(value3)) { slate.Set(value3, GenLabel.ThingLabel(pair.First.thing, pair.First.stuff, num6)); } return(true); }
public bool MoveNext() { uint num = (uint)this.$PC; this.$PC = -1; bool flag = false; switch (num) { case 0u: enumerator = base.< GetGizmos > __BaseCallProxy0().GetEnumerator(); num = 4294967293u; break; case 1u: break; case 2u: goto IL_114; case 3u: goto IL_160; case 4u: goto IL_195; default: return(false); } try { switch (num) { } if (enumerator.MoveNext()) { c = enumerator.Current; this.$current = c; if (!this.$disposing) { this.$PC = 1; } flag = true; return(true); } } finally { if (!flag) { if (enumerator != null) { enumerator.Dispose(); } } } if (this.def.Minifiable && base.Faction == Faction.OfPlayer) { this.$current = InstallationDesignatorDatabase.DesignatorFor(this.def); if (!this.$disposing) { this.$PC = 2; } return(true); } IL_114: buildCopy = BuildCopyCommandUtility.BuildCopyCommand(this.def, base.Stuff); if (buildCopy != null) { this.$current = buildCopy; if (!this.$disposing) { this.$PC = 3; } return(true); } IL_160: if (base.Faction != Faction.OfPlayer) { goto IL_20C; } enumerator2 = BuildFacilityCommandUtility.BuildFacilityCommands(this.def).GetEnumerator(); num = 4294967293u; try { IL_195: switch (num) { } if (enumerator2.MoveNext()) { facility = enumerator2.Current; this.$current = facility; if (!this.$disposing) { this.$PC = 4; } flag = true; return(true); } } finally { if (!flag) { if (enumerator2 != null) { enumerator2.Dispose(); } } } IL_20C: this.$PC = -1; return(false); }
public bool BuildingDesignatorControl() { if (Find.CurrentMap == null || Find.DesignatorManager == null) { return(true); } var Dem = Find.DesignatorManager.SelectedDesignator; if (Dem != null && Dem is Designator_Build) { if (Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDown && Event.current.button == 2) { //Better than UI.mousecell MiddleClickCell = Find.CameraDriver.MapPosition; } //Middle click to select designator if (Event.current.type == EventType.MouseUp && Event.current.button == 2 && MiddleClickCell == Find.CameraDriver.MapPosition) { Thing targetThing = null; IntVec3 UICell = UI.MouseCell(); Map map = Find.CurrentMap; if (map == null) { return(false); } if (!UICell.InBounds(map)) { return(false); } //Search for blueprints if (targetThing == null) { targetThing = UICell.GetFirstThing <Blueprint>(map); } //Search for frames if (targetThing == null) { targetThing = UICell.GetFirstThing <Frame>(map); } //Search for Buildings if (targetThing == null) { targetThing = UICell.GetFirstBuilding(map); } //Can't find things if (targetThing == null) { //SoundDefOf.ClickReject.PlayOneShotOnCamera(); Event.current.Use(); return(false); } //Find designator Designator_Build Desig = null; Desig = BuildCopyCommandUtility.FindAllowedDesignator(targetThing.def); if (Desig == null && (targetThing is Blueprint || targetThing is Frame)) { Desig = BuildCopyCommandUtility.FindAllowedDesignator(targetThing.def.entityDefToBuild); } if ((targetThing.def.BuildableByPlayer || targetThing.def.entityDefToBuild?.BuildableByPlayer == true) && Desig != null) { //Set stuff if (targetThing.Stuff != null) { Desig.SetStuffDef(targetThing.Stuff); } if ((targetThing as Blueprint_Build)?.stuffToUse != null) { Desig.SetStuffDef((targetThing as Blueprint_Build).stuffToUse); } if ((targetThing as Blueprint_Install)?.Stuff != null) { Desig.SetStuffDef((targetThing as Blueprint_Install).Stuff); } if ((targetThing as Frame)?.Stuff != null) { Desig.SetStuffDef((targetThing as Frame).Stuff); } Find.DesignatorManager.Select(Desig); SoundDefOf.Click.PlayOneShotOnCamera(); } else { //SoundDefOf.ClickReject.PlayOneShotOnCamera(); } Event.current.Use(); return(false); } //Cancel drag //First, absorb Right click event, handle it manually if (Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDown && Event.current.button == 1) { Event.current.Use(); } if (IsCancelDragging) { GenUI.DrawMouseAttachment(CancelIcon, string.Empty, 0); } if (Input.GetMouseButton(1)) { if (IsCancelDragging) { //RenderCancelHighlights(); } else { //Start cancel dragging IsCancelDragging = true; DragStart = UI.MouseCell(); SoundDefOf.Click.PlayOneShotOnCamera(null); } } //Right click up else if (Event.current.type == EventType.MouseUp && Event.current.button == 1) { IsCancelDragging = false; selectedThings.Clear(); Event.current.Use(); if (selectedThings.Any()) { selectedThings.Do(delegate(Thing t) { t.Destroy(DestroyMode.Cancel); }); SoundDefOf.Designate_Cancel.PlayOneShotOnCamera(); } else { SoundDefOf.CancelMode.PlayOneShotOnCamera(null); Find.DesignatorManager.Deselect(); return(false); } } //While cancel dragging, left click to abort if (Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDown && Event.current.button == 0 && IsCancelDragging) { selectedThings.Clear(); IsCancelDragging = false; SoundDefOf.CancelMode.PlayOneShotOnCamera(null); Find.DesignatorManager.Deselect(); Event.current.Use(); return(false); } //Drag to place blueprints var BuildDesignator = (Designator_Build)Dem; if (BuildDesignator.DraggableDimensions != 0) { return(true); } if (Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDown && Event.current.button == 0) { PreviousCell = IntVec3.Invalid; ClickedFlag = true; Event.current.Use(); } if (Event.current.type == EventType.MouseUp && Event.current.button == 0) { PreviousCell = IntVec3.Invalid; ClickedFlag = false; Event.current.Use(); } if (Input.GetMouseButton(0) && !Mouse.IsInputBlockedNow && PreviousCell != UI.MouseCell() && ClickedFlag) { var acceptanceReport = BuildDesignator.CanDesignateCell(UI.MouseCell()); if (DebugSettings.godMode && acceptanceReport.Accepted) //Handle god mode { Traverse t = Traverse.Create(BuildDesignator); BuildableDef entDef = t.Field("entDef").GetValue <BuildableDef>(); Rot4 rot = t.Field("placingRot").GetValue <Rot4>(); CellRect cellRect = GenAdj.OccupiedRect(UI.MouseCell(), rot, entDef.Size); foreach (IntVec3 c in cellRect) { var thinglist = c.GetThingList(Find.CurrentMap); for (int i = 0; i < thinglist.Count; i++) { var thing3 = thinglist[i]; if (!GenConstruct.CanPlaceBlueprintOver(entDef, thing3.def)) { acceptanceReport = new AcceptanceReport("SpaceAlreadyOccupied_DevFail"); } } } } if (acceptanceReport.Accepted) { BuildDesignator.DesignateSingleCell(UI.MouseCell()); BuildDesignator.Finalize(true); } else { //If this is first cell clicked if (PreviousCell == IntVec3.Invalid) { Messages.Message(acceptanceReport.Reason, MessageTypeDefOf.SilentInput, false); BuildDesignator.Finalize(false); } } PreviousCell = UI.MouseCell(); //Event.current.Use(); } return(false); } else //This is not Building designator { IsCancelDragging = false; return(true); } }
public override IEnumerable <Gizmo> GetGizmos() { Command_Action mineMode = new Command_Action() { icon = this.icon, defaultLabel = this.defaultLabel, defaultDesc = defaultDesc, hotKey = KeyBindingDefOf.Misc10, activateSound = SoundDefOf.Click, action = delegate() { Find.WindowStack.Add(MakeModeMenu(this)); }, }; // Only allow this option if stonecutting has been researched // The default behavior is to allow resources, but not blocks if (!QuarryDefOf.Stonecutting.IsFinished) { mineMode.Disable(Static.ReportGizmoLackingResearch); } yield return(mineMode); yield return(new Command_Toggle() { icon = Static.DesignationHaul, defaultLabel = Static.LabelHaulMode, defaultDesc = HaulDescription, hotKey = KeyBindingDefOf.Misc11, activateSound = SoundDefOf.Click, isActive = () => autoHaul, toggleAction = () => { autoHaul = !autoHaul; }, }); yield return(new Command_Action { defaultLabel = Static.CommandBedSetOwnerLabel, icon = ContentFinder <Texture2D> .Get("UI/Commands/AssignOwner", true), defaultDesc = Static.CommandSetOwnerDesc, action = delegate { Find.WindowStack.Add(new Dialog_AssignBuildingOwner(this.TryGetComp <CompAssignableToPawn>())); }, hotKey = KeyBindingDefOf.Misc3 }); /* * if (base.GetGizmos() != null) * { * Log.Message("do base.GetGizmos()"); * foreach (Command c in base.GetGizmos()) * { * Log.Message(string.Format("base.GetGizmos() {0}",c)); * yield return c; * } * } */ IEnumerator <Gizmo> enumerator = null; if (((this.def.BuildableByPlayer && this.def.passability != Traversability.Impassable && !this.def.IsDoor) || this.def.building.forceShowRoomStats) && Gizmo_RoomStats.GetRoomToShowStatsFor(this) != null && Find.Selector.SingleSelectedObject == this) { yield return(new Gizmo_RoomStats(this)); } if (this.def.Minifiable && base.Faction == Faction.OfPlayer) { yield return(InstallationDesignatorDatabase.DesignatorFor(this.def)); } Command command = BuildCopyCommandUtility.BuildCopyCommand(this.def, base.Stuff); if (command != null) { yield return(command); } if (base.Faction == Faction.OfPlayer) { foreach (Command command2 in BuildFacilityCommandUtility.BuildFacilityCommands(this.def)) { yield return(command2); } IEnumerator <Command> enumerator2 = null; } if (forbiddable != null) { foreach (Gizmo item in forbiddable.CompGetGizmosExtra()) { yield return(item); } ; } yield break; Log.Message("post base.GetGizmos()"); }
// Note to whoever wants to add to this method (hi jptrrs!): // You can just do // foreach (Gizmo c in base.GetGizmos()) // { // yield return c; // } // yield return [whatever you want to add]; // // No need to copy this method. public override IEnumerable <Gizmo> GetGizmos() { // Display the original gizmos (includes the swap guest bed button via patch) foreach (var gizmo in base.GetGizmos()) { switch (gizmo) { case Command_Toggle toggle: { // Disable prisoner and medical buttons if (toggle.defaultLabel == "CommandBedSetForPrisonersLabel".Translate() || toggle.defaultLabel == "CommandBedSetAsMedicalLabel".Translate()) { gizmo.Disable(); } break; } case Command_Action action: { // Disable set owner button if (action.defaultLabel == "CommandThingSetOwnerLabel".Translate()) { action.Disable(); } break; } } yield return(gizmo); } // Gizmo for drawing guest room info if (Find.Selector.SingleSelectedObject == this) { if (Stats.lastCalculated == 0 || == null) { UpdateStats(); } yield return(new Gizmo_GuestBedStats(this)); } // Add buttons to decrease / increase the fee yield return(new Command_Action { defaultLabel = "CommandBedDecreaseFeeLabel".Translate(feeStep), defaultDesc = "CommandBedDecreaseFeeDesc".Translate(feeStep, MoodEffect), icon = ContentFinder <Texture2D> .Get("UI/Commands/ChangePriceDown"), action = () => AdjustFee(-feeStep), hotKey = KeyBindingDefOf.Misc5, disabled = rentalFee < feeStep }); yield return(new Command_Action { defaultLabel = "CommandBedIncreaseFeeLabel".Translate(feeStep), defaultDesc = "CommandBedIncreaseFeeDesc".Translate(feeStep, MoodEffect), icon = ContentFinder <Texture2D> .Get("UI/Commands/ChangePriceUp"), action = () => AdjustFee(feeStep), hotKey = KeyBindingDefOf.Misc6 }); // Get base def var defName = def.defName.ReplaceFirst("Guest", string.Empty); var baseDef = DefDatabase <ThingDef> .GetNamed(defName); // Add build copy command Command buildCopy = BuildCopyCommandUtility.BuildCopyCommand(baseDef, Stuff); if (buildCopy != null) { yield return(buildCopy); } }
// RimWorld.Building_Grave //public override Graphic Graphic public override IEnumerable <Gizmo> GetGizmos() { if (this.AllComps != null) { for (int i = 0; i < AllComps.Count; i++) { foreach (Gizmo item in AllComps[i].CompGetGizmosExtra()) { yield return(item); } } } if (((def.BuildableByPlayer && def.passability != Traversability.Impassable && !def.IsDoor) || def.building.forceShowRoomStats) && Gizmo_RoomStats.GetRoomToShowStatsFor(this) != null && Find.Selector.SingleSelectedObject == this) { yield return(new Gizmo_RoomStats(this)); } if (def.Minifiable && base.Faction == Faction.OfPlayer) { yield return(InstallationDesignatorDatabase.DesignatorFor(def)); } Command command = BuildCopyCommandUtility.BuildCopyCommand(def, base.Stuff); if (command != null) { yield return(command); } if (base.Faction == Faction.OfPlayer) { foreach (Command item in BuildFacilityCommandUtility.BuildFacilityCommands(def)) { yield return(item); } } var p = Corpse?.InnerPawn ?? (Pawn)(innerContainer.FirstOrDefault()) ?? null; if ((p?.IsVampire() ?? false) || (p?.HasVampireHediffs() ?? false)) { foreach (Gizmo y in HarmonyPatches.GraveGizmoGetter(p, this)) { yield return(y); } } if (this.GetComps <CompVampBed>().FirstOrDefault() is CompVampBed vbed) { if (vbed.Bed != null) { if (vbed.Bed.def.building.bed_humanlike && base.Faction == Faction.OfPlayer) { Command_Toggle command_Toggle0 = new Command_Toggle(); command_Toggle0.defaultLabel = "ROMV_VampiresOnly".Translate(); command_Toggle0.defaultDesc = "ROMV_VampiresOnlyDesc".Translate(); command_Toggle0.icon = TexButton.ROMV_VampiresOnly; command_Toggle0.isActive = (() => vbed.VampiresOnly); command_Toggle0.toggleAction = delegate { vbed.VampiresOnly = !vbed.VampiresOnly; }; command_Toggle0.hotKey = KeyBindingDefOf.Misc2; yield return(command_Toggle0); Command_Toggle command_Toggle = new Command_Toggle(); command_Toggle.defaultLabel = "CommandBedSetForPrisonersLabel".Translate(); command_Toggle.defaultDesc = "CommandBedSetForPrisonersDesc".Translate(); command_Toggle.icon = ContentFinder <Texture2D> .Get("UI/Commands/ForPrisoners"); command_Toggle.isActive = (() => vbed.Bed.ForPrisoners); command_Toggle.toggleAction = delegate { AccessTools.Method(typeof(Building_Bed), "ToggleForPrisonersByInterface").Invoke(vbed.Bed, null); }; if (!((bool)(AccessTools.Method(typeof(Building_Bed), "RoomCanBePrisonCell").Invoke(vbed.Bed, new object[] { this.GetRoom() }))) && !vbed.Bed.ForPrisoners) { command_Toggle.Disable("CommandBedSetForPrisonersFailOutdoors".Translate()); } command_Toggle.hotKey = KeyBindingDefOf.Misc3; command_Toggle.turnOffSound = null; command_Toggle.turnOnSound = null; yield return(command_Toggle); Command_Toggle command_Toggle2 = new Command_Toggle(); command_Toggle2.defaultLabel = "CommandBedSetAsMedicalLabel".Translate(); command_Toggle2.defaultDesc = "CommandBedSetAsMedicalDesc".Translate(); command_Toggle2.icon = ContentFinder <Texture2D> .Get("UI/Commands/AsMedical"); command_Toggle2.isActive = (() => vbed.Bed.Medical); command_Toggle2.toggleAction = delegate { vbed.Bed.Medical = !vbed.Bed.Medical; }; command_Toggle2.hotKey = KeyBindingDefOf.Misc2; yield return(command_Toggle2); if (!vbed.Bed.ForPrisoners && !vbed.Bed.Medical) { Command_Action command_Action = new Command_Action(); command_Action.defaultLabel = "CommandThingSetOwnerLabel".Translate(); command_Action.icon = ContentFinder <Texture2D> .Get("UI/Commands/AssignOwner"); command_Action.defaultDesc = "CommandBedSetOwnerDesc".Translate(); command_Action.action = delegate { Find.WindowStack.Add(new Dialog_AssignBuildingOwner(vbed.Bed.CompAssignableToPawn)); }; command_Action.hotKey = KeyBindingDefOf.Misc3; yield return(command_Action); } } } } }