internal static ICompilerServerHost CreateCompilerServerHost()
            // VBCSCompiler is installed in the same directory as csc.exe and vbc.exe which is also the
            // location of the response files.
            var clientDirectory = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory;
            var sdkDirectory    = BuildClient.GetSystemSdkDirectory();

            return(new DesktopCompilerServerHost(clientDirectory, sdkDirectory));
        internal static ICompilerServerHost CreateCompilerServerHost()
            // VBCSCompiler is installed in the same directory as csc.exe and vbc.exe which is also the
            // location of the response files.
            // BaseDirectory was mistakenly marked as potentially null in 3.1
            var clientDirectory = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory !;
            var sdkDirectory    = BuildClient.GetSystemSdkDirectory();

            return(new CompilerServerHost(clientDirectory, sdkDirectory));