Exemple #1
        private void ShuffleXorKeyBaseOnSessionKeyA()
            Logging.Info($"Call {nameof(ShuffleXorKeyBaseOnSessionKeyA)}");
            // this.xorKey, bufferSessionKey

            // bufferSessionKey = copy of session key;
            // bufferKey is the actually _xorKey that is writable.
            int v3, v4, v5, v2, v6;

            var bufferCopy = _sessionkey;

            using (var memStream = new MemoryStream(bufferCopy))
                using (var reader = new BinaryReader(memStream))
                    v3 = reader.ReadInt32(); // 0
                    v4 = reader.ReadInt32(); // 4
                    v5 = reader.ReadInt32(); // 8
                    v2 = reader.ReadInt32(); // 12

                    reader.BaseStream.Seek(8, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                    v6 = BitUtils.LODWORD(reader.ReadUInt64() >> 16);

            WriteInt(ref _xorKey, 0, v3);
            WriteInt(ref _xorKey, 4, v6);
            WriteInt(ref _xorKey, 8, v4);
            WriteInt(ref _xorKey, 12, BitUtils.LODWORD(BufferUtil.ToULong(v3) << 16) | BitUtils.LODWORD(BufferUtil.ToULong(v2) >> 16));
            WriteInt(ref _xorKey, 16, v5);
            WriteInt(ref _xorKey, 20, BitUtils.LODWORD(BufferUtil.ToULong(v3) >> 16) | BitUtils.LODWORD(BufferUtil.ToULong(v4) << 16));
            WriteInt(ref _xorKey, 24, v2);
            WriteInt(ref _xorKey, 28, BitUtils.LODWORD(BufferUtil.ToULong(v4) >> 16) | BitUtils.LODWORD(BufferUtil.ToULong(v5) << 16));
            int v7 = BitUtils.RotateIntLeft(v5, 16);

            WriteInt(ref _xorKey, 32, v7);
            int v8 = BitUtils.RotateIntLeft(v2, 16);

            WriteInt(ref _xorKey, 40, v8);
            int v9 = BitUtils.RotateIntLeft(v3, 16);

            WriteInt(ref _xorKey, 48, v9);
            int v10 = BitUtils.RotateIntLeft(v4, 16);
            int v57 = v4;

            WriteInt(ref _xorKey, 56, v10);
            WriteInt(ref _xorKey, 64, 1295307597);
            WriteInt(ref _xorKey, 36, v3 ^ ((v3 ^ v4) & 0xFFFF));
            WriteInt(ref _xorKey, 44, v4 ^ ((v4 ^ v5) & 0xFFFF));
            WriteInt(ref _xorKey, 52, v5 ^ ((v5 ^ v2) & 0xFFFF));
            WriteInt(ref _xorKey, 60, v2 ^ ((v3 ^ v2) & 0xFFFF));

            int v11          = BufferUtil.GetInt(ref _xorKey, 32);
            int v12          = BufferUtil.GetInt(ref _xorKey, 36);
            int v13          = BufferUtil.GetInt(ref _xorKey, 4);
            int v66          = BufferUtil.GetInt(ref _xorKey, 64);
            int v56          = BufferUtil.GetInt(ref _xorKey, 40);
            int v58          = BufferUtil.GetInt(ref _xorKey, 44);
            int v59          = BufferUtil.GetInt(ref _xorKey, 12);
            int v60          = BufferUtil.GetInt(ref _xorKey, 48);
            int v62          = BufferUtil.GetInt(ref _xorKey, 20);
            int v64          = BufferUtil.GetInt(ref _xorKey, 24);
            int v61          = BufferUtil.GetInt(ref _xorKey, 52);
            int v14          = BufferUtil.GetInt(ref _xorKey, 56);
            int v55          = BufferUtil.GetInt(ref _xorKey, 60);
            int v15          = BufferUtil.GetInt(ref _xorKey, 28);
            int v16          = BufferUtil.GetInt(ref _xorKey, 16);
            int v63          = v14;
            int v65          = v15;
            int magicCounter = 4;

            while (true)
                int   v18 = v66 + v11;
                int   v19 = -(BufferUtil.ToULong(v18) < BufferUtil.ToULong(v11) ? 1 : 0);
                ulong v20 = BufferUtil.ToULong(v3 + v18);
                v20 *= v20;
                int v21 = BitUtils.LODWORD(v20) ^ BitUtils.HIDWORD(v20);
                v20 = BitUtils.LODWORD(v20, v12);
                int   v22  = -v19 - 749914925 + v12;
                int   v24  = BufferUtil.ToULong(v22) < BufferUtil.ToULong(BitUtils.LODWORD(v20)) ? 1 : 0;
                ulong test = BufferUtil.ToULong(v13 + v22);
                test *= test;
                int v25 = BitUtils.LODWORD(test) ^ BitUtils.HIDWORD(test);
                v20 = BitUtils.HIDWORD(v20, v24 + 886263092 + v56);
                bool v27 = BufferUtil.ToULong(BitUtils.HIDWORD(v20)) < BufferUtil.ToULong(v56);
                v56 += v24 + 886263092;
                ulong v28 = BufferUtil.ToULong(v57 + BitUtils.HIDWORD(v20));
                v28 *= v28;
                int v29 = BitUtils.LODWORD(v28) ^ BitUtils.HIDWORD(v28);
                v28 = BitUtils.HIDWORD(v28, BitUtils.RotateIntLeft(v21, 16));
                v28 = BitUtils.LODWORD(v28, BitUtils.RotateIntLeft(v25, 16));
                v57 = BitUtils.LODWORD((ulong)v29 + v28 + (ulong)BitUtils.HIDWORD(v28));
                v28 = BitUtils.HIDWORD(v28, (v27 ? 1 : 0) + 1295307597 + v58);
                v27 = BufferUtil.ToULong(BitUtils.HIDWORD(v28)) < BufferUtil.ToULong(v58);
                v58 = BitUtils.HIDWORD(v28);
                ulong v30 = BufferUtil.ToULong(v59 + v58);
                v30 *= v30;
                int v31 = BitUtils.LODWORD(v30) ^ BitUtils.HIDWORD(v30);
                v30 = BitUtils.LODWORD(v30, BitUtils.RotateIntLeft(v29, 8));
                v59 = BitUtils.LODWORD((ulong)(v25 + v31) + v30);
                v30 = BitUtils.HIDWORD(v30, (v27 ? 1 : 0) - 749914925 + v60);
                v27 = BufferUtil.ToULong(BitUtils.HIDWORD(v30)) < BufferUtil.ToULong(v60);
                v60 = BitUtils.HIDWORD(v30);
                v29 = BitUtils.RotateIntLeft(v29, 16);
                ulong v32 = BufferUtil.ToULong(v16 + BitUtils.HIDWORD(v30));
                v32 *= v32;
                int v33 = BitUtils.RotateIntLeft(v31, 16);
                int v34 = BitUtils.LODWORD(v32) ^ BitUtils.HIDWORD(v32);
                v16 = v29 + (BitUtils.LODWORD(v32) ^ BitUtils.HIDWORD(v32)) + v33;
                v32 = BitUtils.HIDWORD(v32, (v27 ? 1 : 0) + 886263092 + v61);
                v27 = BufferUtil.ToULong(BitUtils.HIDWORD(v32)) < BufferUtil.ToULong(v61);
                v61 = BitUtils.HIDWORD(v32);
                ulong v35 = BufferUtil.ToULong(v62 + BitUtils.HIDWORD(v32));
                v35 *= v35;
                int v36 = BitUtils.LODWORD(v35) ^ BitUtils.HIDWORD(v35);
                v35 = BitUtils.LODWORD(v35, BitUtils.RotateIntLeft(v34, 8));
                v62 = BitUtils.LODWORD((ulong)(v31 + v36) + v35);
                v35 = BitUtils.HIDWORD(v35, (v27 ? 1 : 0) + 1295307597 + v63);
                v27 = BufferUtil.ToULong(BitUtils.HIDWORD(v35)) < BufferUtil.ToULong(v63);
                v63 = BitUtils.HIDWORD(v35);
                ulong v37 = BufferUtil.ToULong(v64 + BitUtils.HIDWORD(v35));
                v37 *= v37;
                int v38 = BitUtils.LODWORD(v37) ^ BitUtils.HIDWORD(v37);
                v37 = BitUtils.HIDWORD(v37, BitUtils.RotateIntLeft(v34, 16));
                v37 = BitUtils.LODWORD(v37, BitUtils.RotateIntLeft(v36, 16));
                int v39 = v55;
                v64  = BitUtils.LODWORD((ulong)v38 + v37 + (ulong)BitUtils.HIDWORD(v37));
                v55 += (v27 ? 1 : 0) - 749914925;
                ulong v40 = BufferUtil.ToULong(v55 + v65);
                v40 *= v40;
                v40  = BitUtils.HIDWORD(v40, BitUtils.HIDWORD(v40) ^ BitUtils.LODWORD(v40));
                v40  = BitUtils.LODWORD(v40, BitUtils.RotateIntLeft(v38, 8));
                v38  = BitUtils.RotateIntLeft(v38, 16);
                v40  = BitUtils.LODWORD(v40, BitUtils.LODWORD((ulong)(v36 + BitUtils.HIDWORD(v40)) + v40));
                v12  = v22;
                v65  = BitUtils.LODWORD(v40);
                v40  = BitUtils.LODWORD(v40, BitUtils.RotateIntLeft(BitUtils.HIDWORD(v40), 16));
                int v41 = BitUtils.RotateIntLeft(v21, 8);
                v3 = BitUtils.LODWORD((ulong)v21 + v40 + (ulong)v38);
                int v42 = v25 + BitUtils.HIDWORD(v40) + v41;
                v11 = v18;
                int v43 = (BufferUtil.ToULong(v55) < BufferUtil.ToULong(v39) ? 1 : 0) + 1295307597;
                v66 = v43;
                if (magicCounter-- == 1)
                    WriteInt(ref _xorKey, 32, v18);
                    WriteInt(ref _xorKey, 36, v22);
                    WriteInt(ref _xorKey, 4, v42);
                    WriteInt(ref _xorKey, 40, v56);
                    WriteInt(ref _xorKey, 0, v3);
                    WriteInt(ref _xorKey, 60, v55);
                    WriteInt(ref _xorKey, 8, v57);
                    WriteInt(ref _xorKey, 64, v43);
                    WriteInt(ref _xorKey, 44, v58);
                    WriteInt(ref _xorKey, 12, v59);
                    WriteInt(ref _xorKey, 48, v60);
                    WriteInt(ref _xorKey, 16, v16);
                    WriteInt(ref _xorKey, 52, v61);
                    WriteInt(ref _xorKey, 56, v63);
                    WriteInt(ref _xorKey, 20, v62);
                    WriteInt(ref _xorKey, 24, v64);
                    WriteInt(ref _xorKey, 28, v65);
                    WriteInt(ref _xorKey, 32, BufferUtil.GetInt(ref _xorKey, 32) ^ v16);
                    WriteInt(ref _xorKey, 84, v16);
                    WriteInt(ref _xorKey, 100, BufferUtil.GetInt(ref _xorKey, 32));
                    int v47 = BufferUtil.GetInt(ref _xorKey, 20);
                    WriteInt(ref _xorKey, 36, BufferUtil.GetInt(ref _xorKey, 36) ^ v47);
                    WriteInt(ref _xorKey, 88, v47);
                    WriteInt(ref _xorKey, 104, BufferUtil.GetInt(ref _xorKey, 36));
                    int v48 = BufferUtil.GetInt(ref _xorKey, 24);
                    WriteInt(ref _xorKey, 40, BufferUtil.GetInt(ref _xorKey, 40) ^ v48);
                    WriteInt(ref _xorKey, 92, v48);
                    WriteInt(ref _xorKey, 108, BufferUtil.GetInt(ref _xorKey, 40));
                    int v49 = BufferUtil.GetInt(ref _xorKey, 28);
                    WriteInt(ref _xorKey, 44, BufferUtil.GetInt(ref _xorKey, 44) ^ v49);
                    WriteInt(ref _xorKey, 96, v49);
                    WriteInt(ref _xorKey, 112, BufferUtil.GetInt(ref _xorKey, 44));
                    int v50 = BufferUtil.GetInt(ref _xorKey, 0);
                    WriteInt(ref _xorKey, 48, BufferUtil.GetInt(ref _xorKey, 48) ^ v50);
                    WriteInt(ref _xorKey, 68, v50);
                    WriteInt(ref _xorKey, 116, BufferUtil.GetInt(ref _xorKey, 48));
                    int v51 = BufferUtil.GetInt(ref _xorKey, 4);
                    WriteInt(ref _xorKey, 52, BufferUtil.GetInt(ref _xorKey, 52) ^ v51);
                    WriteInt(ref _xorKey, 72, v51);
                    WriteInt(ref _xorKey, 120, BufferUtil.GetInt(ref _xorKey, 52));
                    int v52 = BufferUtil.GetInt(ref _xorKey, 8);
                    WriteInt(ref _xorKey, 56, BufferUtil.GetInt(ref _xorKey, 56) ^ v52);
                    WriteInt(ref _xorKey, 76, v52);
                    WriteInt(ref _xorKey, 124, BufferUtil.GetInt(ref _xorKey, 56));
                    int v53 = BufferUtil.GetInt(ref _xorKey, 12);
                    WriteInt(ref _xorKey, 60, BufferUtil.GetInt(ref _xorKey, 60) ^ v53);
                    WriteInt(ref _xorKey, 80, v53);
                    WriteInt(ref _xorKey, 128, BufferUtil.GetInt(ref _xorKey, 60));
                    int result = BufferUtil.GetInt(ref _xorKey, 64);
                    WriteInt(ref _xorKey, 132, result);

                v13 = v42;
Exemple #2
        private void ShuffleXorKeyBaseOnSessionKeyB()
            Logging.Info($"Call {nameof(ShuffleXorKeyBaseOnSessionKeyB)}");
            // bufferSessionKey = copy memoryStream of _sessionkey;
            // bufferKey is the actually _xorKey that is writable.

            int v2, v3;

            var bufferCopy = _sessionkey;

            using (var memStream = new MemoryStream(bufferCopy))
                using (var reader = new BinaryReader(memStream))
                    // TODO
                    reader.ReadUInt16(); // Skip 2 bytes.
                    v3 = reader.ReadInt32();
                    reader.BaseStream.Seek(6, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                    v2 = reader.ReadInt32();

            int v4 = v2 & -65536 | BitUtils.LODWORD(BufferUtil.ToULong(v3) >> 16);
            int v5 = (v3 & 0xFFFF) | v2 << 16;

            WriteInt(ref _xorKey, 100, v3 ^ BufferUtil.GetInt(ref _xorKey, 32));
            WriteInt(ref _xorKey, 104, v4 ^ BufferUtil.GetInt(ref _xorKey, 36));
            WriteInt(ref _xorKey, 108, v2 ^ BufferUtil.GetInt(ref _xorKey, 40));
            WriteInt(ref _xorKey, 112, v5 ^ BufferUtil.GetInt(ref _xorKey, 44));
            WriteInt(ref _xorKey, 116, v3 ^ BufferUtil.GetInt(ref _xorKey, 48));
            WriteInt(ref _xorKey, 120, v4 ^ BufferUtil.GetInt(ref _xorKey, 52));
            WriteInt(ref _xorKey, 124, v2 ^ BufferUtil.GetInt(ref _xorKey, 56));
            WriteInt(ref _xorKey, 128, v5 ^ BufferUtil.GetInt(ref _xorKey, 60));
            WriteInt(ref _xorKey, 68, BufferUtil.GetInt(ref _xorKey, 0));
            WriteInt(ref _xorKey, 72, BufferUtil.GetInt(ref _xorKey, 4));
            WriteInt(ref _xorKey, 76, BufferUtil.GetInt(ref _xorKey, 8));
            WriteInt(ref _xorKey, 80, BufferUtil.GetInt(ref _xorKey, 12));
            WriteInt(ref _xorKey, 84, BufferUtil.GetInt(ref _xorKey, 16));
            WriteInt(ref _xorKey, 88, BufferUtil.GetInt(ref _xorKey, 20));
            WriteInt(ref _xorKey, 92, BufferUtil.GetInt(ref _xorKey, 24));
            WriteInt(ref _xorKey, 96, BufferUtil.GetInt(ref _xorKey, 28));
            int v6 = BufferUtil.GetInt(ref _xorKey, 64);

            WriteInt(ref _xorKey, 132, v6);
            int v7  = BufferUtil.GetInt(ref _xorKey, 100);
            int v8  = BufferUtil.GetInt(ref _xorKey, 104);
            int v48 = BufferUtil.GetInt(ref _xorKey, 72);
            int v37 = BufferUtil.GetInt(ref _xorKey, 108);
            int v38 = BufferUtil.GetInt(ref _xorKey, 76);
            int v39 = BufferUtil.GetInt(ref _xorKey, 112);
            int v40 = BufferUtil.GetInt(ref _xorKey, 80);
            int v41 = BufferUtil.GetInt(ref _xorKey, 116);
            int v42 = BufferUtil.GetInt(ref _xorKey, 84);
            int v43 = BufferUtil.GetInt(ref _xorKey, 120);
            int v44 = BufferUtil.GetInt(ref _xorKey, 88);
            int v45 = BufferUtil.GetInt(ref _xorKey, 124);
            int v46 = BufferUtil.GetInt(ref _xorKey, 92);
            int v36 = BufferUtil.GetInt(ref _xorKey, 128);
            int v47 = BufferUtil.GetInt(ref _xorKey, 96);
            int v49 = 4;

            int v10;
            int v14;
            int v34;

                v10 = v6 + v7;
                int   v11 = -(BufferUtil.ToULong(v10) < BufferUtil.ToULong(v7) ? 1 : 0);
                ulong v12 = BufferUtil.ToULong(v10 + BufferUtil.GetInt(ref _xorKey, 68));
                v12 *= v12;
                int v13 = BitUtils.LODWORD(v12) ^ BitUtils.HIDWORD(v12);
                v12 = BitUtils.LODWORD(v12, v8);
                v14 = -v11 - 749914925 + v8;
                ulong test = BufferUtil.ToULong(v14 + v48);
                test *= test;
                int v16 = BitUtils.LODWORD(test) ^ BitUtils.HIDWORD(test);
                v12 = BitUtils.HIDWORD(v12,
                                       (BufferUtil.ToULong(v14) < BufferUtil.ToULong(BitUtils.LODWORD(v12)) ? 1 : 0) + 886263092 +
                bool v18 = BufferUtil.ToULong(BitUtils.HIDWORD(v12)) < BufferUtil.ToULong(v37);
                v37 += (BufferUtil.ToULong(v14) < BufferUtil.ToULong(BitUtils.LODWORD(v12)) ? 1 : 0) +
                ulong v19 = BufferUtil.ToULong(v38 + BitUtils.HIDWORD(v12));
                v19 *= v19;
                int v20 = BitUtils.LODWORD(v19) ^ BitUtils.HIDWORD(v19);
                v19 = BitUtils.HIDWORD(v19, BitUtils.RotateIntLeft(v13, 16));
                v19 = BitUtils.LODWORD(v19, BitUtils.RotateIntLeft(v16, 16));
                v38 = BitUtils.LODWORD((ulong)v20 + v19 + (ulong)BitUtils.HIDWORD(v19));
                v19 = BitUtils.HIDWORD(v19, (v18 ? 1 : 0) + 1295307597 + v39);
                v18 = BufferUtil.ToULong(BitUtils.HIDWORD(v19)) < BufferUtil.ToULong(v39);
                v39 = BitUtils.HIDWORD(v19);
                ulong v21 = BufferUtil.ToULong(v40 + BitUtils.HIDWORD(v19));
                v21 *= v21;
                int v22 = BitUtils.LODWORD(v21) ^ BitUtils.HIDWORD(v21);
                v21 = BitUtils.LODWORD(v21, BitUtils.RotateIntLeft(v20, 8));
                v40 = BitUtils.LODWORD((ulong)(v16 + v22) + v21);
                v21 = BitUtils.HIDWORD(v21, (v18 ? 1 : 0) - 749914925 + v41);
                v18 = BufferUtil.ToULong(BitUtils.HIDWORD(v21)) < BufferUtil.ToULong(v41);
                v41 = BitUtils.HIDWORD(v21);
                ulong v24 = BufferUtil.ToULong(v42 + BitUtils.HIDWORD(v21));
                v24 *= v24;
                int v25 = BitUtils.LODWORD(v24) ^ BitUtils.HIDWORD(v24);
                v24 = BitUtils.LODWORD(v24, BitUtils.RotateIntLeft(v22, 16));
                v24 = BitUtils.HIDWORD(v24, BitUtils.RotateIntLeft(v20, 16));
                v42 = BitUtils.LODWORD((ulong)v25 + v24 + (ulong)BitUtils.HIDWORD(v24));
                v24 = BitUtils.HIDWORD(v24, (v18 ? 1 : 0) + 886263092 + v43);
                v18 = BufferUtil.ToULong(BitUtils.HIDWORD(v24)) < BufferUtil.ToULong(v43);
                v43 = BitUtils.HIDWORD(v24);
                ulong v27 = BufferUtil.ToULong(v44 + BitUtils.HIDWORD(v24));
                v27 *= v27;
                int v28 = BitUtils.LODWORD(v27) ^ BitUtils.HIDWORD(v27);
                v27 = BitUtils.LODWORD(v27, BitUtils.RotateIntLeft(v25, 8));
                v44 = BitUtils.LODWORD((ulong)(v22 + v28) + v27);
                v27 = BitUtils.HIDWORD(v27, (v18 ? 1 : 0) + 1295307597 + v45);
                v18 = BufferUtil.ToULong(BitUtils.HIDWORD(v27)) < BufferUtil.ToULong(v45);
                v45 = BitUtils.HIDWORD(v27);
                ulong v29 = BufferUtil.ToULong(v46 + BitUtils.HIDWORD(v27));
                v29 *= v29;
                int v30 = BitUtils.LODWORD(v29) ^ BitUtils.HIDWORD(v29);
                v29 = BitUtils.HIDWORD(v29, BitUtils.RotateIntLeft(v25, 16));
                v29 = BitUtils.LODWORD(v29, BitUtils.RotateIntLeft(v28, 16));
                int v31 = v36;
                v46  = BitUtils.LODWORD((ulong)v30 + v29 + (ulong)BitUtils.HIDWORD(v29));
                v36 += (v18 ? 1 : 0) - 749914925;
                ulong v32 = BufferUtil.ToULong(v36 + v47);
                v32 *= v32;
                v32  = BitUtils.HIDWORD(v32, BitUtils.LODWORD(v32) ^ BitUtils.HIDWORD(v32));
                v32  = BitUtils.LODWORD(v32, BitUtils.RotateIntLeft(v30, 8));
                v30  = BitUtils.RotateIntLeft(v30, 16);
                v47  = BitUtils.LODWORD((ulong)(v28 + BitUtils.HIDWORD(v32)) + v32);
                int v33 = BitUtils.RotateIntLeft(v13, 8);
                v32 = BitUtils.LODWORD(v32, BitUtils.RotateIntLeft(BitUtils.HIDWORD(v32), 16));
                v34 = v16 + BitUtils.HIDWORD(v32) + v33;
                v18 = BufferUtil.ToULong(v36) < BufferUtil.ToULong(v31);
                v8  = v14;
                WriteInt(ref _xorKey, 68, BitUtils.LODWORD((ulong)v13 + v32 + (ulong)v30));
                v7  = v10;
                v6  = (v18 ? 1 : 0) + 1295307597;
                v48 = v34;
            } while (v49 != 0);

            WriteInt(ref _xorKey, 128, v36);
            WriteInt(ref _xorKey, 100, v10);
            WriteInt(ref _xorKey, 104, v14);
            WriteInt(ref _xorKey, 108, v37);
            WriteInt(ref _xorKey, 76, v38);
            WriteInt(ref _xorKey, 112, v39);
            WriteInt(ref _xorKey, 80, v40);
            WriteInt(ref _xorKey, 116, v41);
            WriteInt(ref _xorKey, 84, v42);
            WriteInt(ref _xorKey, 120, v43);
            WriteInt(ref _xorKey, 88, v44);
            WriteInt(ref _xorKey, 124, v45);
            WriteInt(ref _xorKey, 132, v6);
            WriteInt(ref _xorKey, 72, v34);
            WriteInt(ref _xorKey, 92, v46);
            WriteInt(ref _xorKey, 96, v47);
Exemple #3
        private void ShuffleXorKey(int offset)
            // This seems ok.
            var v2 = BufferUtil.GetInt(ref _xorKey, offset + 32);
            var v3 = BufferUtil.GetInt(ref _xorKey, offset + 64);
            var v4 = BufferUtil.GetInt(ref _xorKey, offset + 0);
            var v5 = v2 + v3;

            WriteInt(ref _xorKey, offset + 32, v5); // OK

            var v7 = -(BufferUtil.ToULong(v5) < BufferUtil.ToULong(v2) ? 1 : 0);
            var v8 = BufferUtil.ToULong(v5 + v4);

            v8 *= v8;
            var v9  = BufferUtil.GetInt(ref _xorKey, offset + 36);
            var v10 = BitUtils.LODWORD(v8) ^ BitUtils.HIDWORD(v8);

            v8 = BitUtils.LODWORD(v8, v9 + -v7 - 749914925);
            var v12 = BufferUtil.ToULong(BitUtils.LODWORD(v8)) < BufferUtil.ToULong(v9);

            var bitResult = BitUtils.LODWORD(v8);

            WriteInt(ref _xorKey, offset + 36, bitResult); // OK

            var v13 = BufferUtil.ToULong(BitUtils.LODWORD(v8) + BufferUtil.GetInt(ref _xorKey, offset + 4));

            v13 *= v13;
            var v14 = BufferUtil.GetInt(ref _xorKey, offset + 40);
            var v15 = BitUtils.LODWORD(v13) ^ BitUtils.HIDWORD(v13);

            v13 = BitUtils.LODWORD(v13, v14 + (v12 ? 1 : 0) + 886263092);
            v12 = BufferUtil.ToULong(BitUtils.LODWORD(v13)) < BufferUtil.ToULong(v14);

            WriteInt(ref _xorKey, offset + 40, BitUtils.LODWORD(v13)); // OK

            var v17 = (ulong)(BufferUtil.GetInt(ref _xorKey, offset + 8) + (uint)BitUtils.LODWORD(v13)) & 0xFFFFFFFF;

            v17 *= v17;                                              // OK
            var v18 = BitUtils.RotateIntLeft(v15, 16);               // OK
            var v19 = BitUtils.LODWORD(v17) ^ BitUtils.HIDWORD(v17); // OK

            v17 = BitUtils.LODWORD(v17, BitUtils.RotateIntLeft(v10, 16));
            v17 = BitUtils.LODWORD(v17, v19 + v18 + BitUtils.LODWORD(v17));
            var v20 = BufferUtil.GetInt(ref _xorKey, offset + 44);

            WriteInt(ref _xorKey, offset + 8, BitUtils.LODWORD(v17)); // OK -> F279E01F1DF14844

            v17 = BitUtils.LODWORD(v17, v20 + (v12 ? 1 : 0) + 1295307597);
            v12 = BufferUtil.ToULong(BitUtils.LODWORD(v17)) < BufferUtil.ToULong(v20);

            WriteInt(ref _xorKey, offset + 44, BitUtils.LODWORD(v17)); // OK -> F279E01F6626E464

            var v21 = BufferUtil.ToULong(BitUtils.LODWORD(v17) + BufferUtil.GetInt(ref _xorKey, offset + 12));

            v21 *= v21;
            var v22 = BitUtils.LODWORD(v21) ^ BitUtils.HIDWORD(v21);

            v21 = BitUtils.LODWORD(v21, BitUtils.RotateIntLeft(v19, 8));
            v21 = BitUtils.LODWORD(v21, v15 + v22 + BitUtils.LODWORD(v21));
            var v24 = BufferUtil.GetInt(ref _xorKey, offset + 48);

            WriteInt(ref _xorKey, offset + 12, BitUtils.LODWORD(v21)); // OK

            v21 = BitUtils.LODWORD(v21, v24 + (v12 ? 1 : 0) - 749914925);

            WriteInt(ref _xorKey, offset + 48, BitUtils.LODWORD(v21)); // OK

            var v25 = BufferUtil.ToULong(BitUtils.LODWORD(v21)) < BufferUtil.ToULong(v24) ? 1 : 0;

            v19 = BitUtils.RotateIntLeft(v19, 16);
            var v26 = BufferUtil.ToULong(BitUtils.LODWORD(v21) + BufferUtil.GetInt(ref _xorKey, offset + 16));

            v26 *= v26;
            var v27 = BufferUtil.GetInt(ref _xorKey, offset + 52);

            v26 = BitUtils.HIDWORD(v26, BitUtils.HIDWORD(v26) ^ BitUtils.LODWORD(v26));
            v26 = BitUtils.LODWORD(v26, BitUtils.RotateIntLeft(v22, 16));
            var v28 = BitUtils.HIDWORD(v26);
            var v29 = BitUtils.LODWORD((ulong)BitUtils.HIDWORD(v26) + v26 + (ulong)v19);

            v26 = BitUtils.LODWORD(v26, v27 + v25 + 886263092);
            v12 = BufferUtil.ToULong(BitUtils.LODWORD(v26)) < BufferUtil.ToULong(v27);

            WriteInt(ref _xorKey, offset + 52, BitUtils.LODWORD(v26)); // TODO
            WriteInt(ref _xorKey, offset + 16, v29);                   // OK

            var call1 = BufferUtil.GetInt(ref _xorKey, offset + 20);
            var call2 = v27 + v25 + 886263092;
            var calc3 = call1 + call2;

            var test = BufferUtil.ToULong(calc3);

            test *= test;
            var v30 = BitUtils.LODWORD(test) ^ BitUtils.HIDWORD(test);

            v26 = BitUtils.LODWORD(v26, BitUtils.RotateIntLeft(BitUtils.HIDWORD(v26), 8));
            var v31 = BufferUtil.GetInt(ref _xorKey, offset + 56);

            var value = BitUtils.LODWORD((ulong)(v22 + v30) + v26);

            WriteInt(ref _xorKey, offset + 20, value); // OK

            v26 = BitUtils.LODWORD(v26, v31 + (v12 ? 1 : 0) + 1295307597);
            v12 = BufferUtil.ToULong(BitUtils.LODWORD(v26)) < BufferUtil.ToULong(v31);

            value = BitUtils.LODWORD(v26);
            WriteInt(ref _xorKey, offset + 56, value); // OK

            var subCalc = BitUtils.LODWORD(v26) + BufferUtil.GetInt(ref _xorKey, offset + 24);
            var v32     = BufferUtil.ToULong(subCalc);

            v32 *= v32;
            var v33 = BitUtils.RotateIntLeft(v28, 16);

            var v34 = BitUtils.LODWORD(v32) ^ BitUtils.HIDWORD(v32);

            v32 = BufferUtil.ToULong(BitUtils.RotateIntLeft(v30, 16));

            value = v34 + BitUtils.LODWORD(v32) + v33;
            WriteInt(ref _xorKey, offset + 24, value); // OK

            var v35 = BufferUtil.GetInt(ref _xorKey, offset + 60);
            var v36 = BitUtils.LODWORD(BufferUtil.ToULong(v35) + (ulong)(v12 ? 1 : 0) - 749914925L);

            WriteInt(ref _xorKey, offset + 60, v36); // OK

            var v37 = BufferUtil.ToULong(v36 + BufferUtil.GetInt(ref _xorKey, offset + 28));

            v37 *= v37;
            v37  = BitUtils.HIDWORD(v37, BitUtils.HIDWORD(v37) ^ BitUtils.LODWORD(v37));


            v37 = BitUtils.LODWORD(v37, BitUtils.RotateIntLeft(v34, 8)); // v37 = OK -> v34 = BIASED
            v34 = BitUtils.RotateIntLeft(v34, 16);

            value = v30 + BitUtils.HIDWORD(v37) + BitUtils.LODWORD(v37);
            WriteInt(ref _xorKey, offset + 28, value); // OK

            v37 = BitUtils.LODWORD(v37, BitUtils.RotateIntLeft(BitUtils.HIDWORD(v37), 16));
            var v38 = BitUtils.RotateIntLeft(v10, 8);

            value = v10 + BitUtils.LODWORD(v37) + v34;
            WriteInt(ref _xorKey, offset, value); // BIASED

            value = v15 + BitUtils.HIDWORD(v37) + v38;

            WriteInt(ref _xorKey, offset + 4, value); // OK

            var result = (BufferUtil.ToULong(v36) < BufferUtil.ToULong(v35) ? 1 : 0) + 1295307597;

            WriteInt(ref _xorKey, offset + 64, result); // OK