Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Called by RtcpSender when it is time to collect Rtcp data
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>A CompoundPacketBuilder</returns>
        CompoundPacketBuilder RtcpSender.IRtpSession.RtcpReportIntervalReached()
            // Limit the frequency of the cleanup in order to avoid participants and streams being
            // inappropriately designated as stale.  This can happen if we start up a lot of senders at once.
            // Each sender triggers an RTCP packet which without the frequency limitation could 
            // increment the stale counter to its limit and cause the participant or stream to be removed.
            bool cleanUpNow = false;
            if (DateTime.Now > this.lastCleanUp.AddSeconds(5)) {
                cleanUpNow = true;
                this.lastCleanUp = DateTime.Now;

            // A stale participant is one who is not sending Rtcp data
            if (cleanUpNow)

            // Add participant data
            Debug.Assert(participant.SSRC != 0);

            // Add Rtp data
                // A stale stream is one not sending Rtp traffic
                if (cleanUpNow)

                // Collect SenderReportPackets and SDESReports from each Sender

                    foreach(RtpSender sender in rtpSenders.Values)
                        // this adds the SR and SDES packets

                // add a sdes (source description)
                //cpb.Add_SDESReport(participant.SSRC, participant);

                // Collect ReceiverReports from each of the streams
                    foreach(IPStreamPairHashtable.IPStreamPair ipsp in streamsAndIPs.Values)
                        if( ipsp.stream != null )

            // andrew: Add an app packet that reflects the time and the current venue...
            if ((VenueName != null) && (this.groupEP != null))
                string appPayload = VenueName + "#" + this.groupEP.Address.ToString();
                long time = DateTime.Now.Ticks;
                // 8  bytes for time + venue name
                int count = 8 + utf8.GetByteCount(appPayload);

                // count must be 4-byte alligned
                int mod = count % 4;
                if (mod != 0)
                    count += (4 - mod);

                BufferChunk buffer = new BufferChunk(count);
                buffer.Reset(0, count);

                buffer.SetInt64(0, time);
                buffer.SetUTF8String(8, appPayload);
                byte[] rawBytes = buffer.Buffer;

                cpb.Add_APPReport(participant.SSRC, Rtcp.APP_PACKET_NAME, Rtcp.VENUE_APP_PACKET_SUBTYPE, rawBytes);
            return cpb;