public ActionResult InsertBudgetGoal(BudgetGoalModelView model)
            //repopulate the dropdownlist
            model.category = GetSelectListItems(GetAllCategories());
            BudgetGoal newBudgetGoal = new BudgetGoal();

            newBudgetGoal = model.budgetGoal;
            //insert for next month
            newBudgetGoal.ClientID         = CLIENT_ID;
            newBudgetGoal.BudgetPointValue = 25;
            if (newBudgetGoal.BudgetGoalID == 0) //create new category
                newBudgetGoal.Month  = new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year, DateTime.Now.Month, 1);
                newBudgetGoal.Status = "A";
            else //we're just updating a current budget
                dbContext.Entry(newBudgetGoal).State = EntityState.Modified;
            //ignore validation errors on Month and BudgetGoalId ---temporary fix?
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
        /// <summary>
        /// Used when user wants to create a new budget category or edit a current one.
        /// If the id of budget is not client's or a real one, then it returns back to the budget page
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="id">The id of the budget category</param>
        /// <returns>empty budget for inserting or view of budget to edit.</returns>
        public ActionResult InsertBudgetGoal(int?id)
            if (Session["UserID"] == null)
                return(RedirectToAction("Login", "Home"));
                CLIENT_ID = int.Parse(Session["UserID"].ToString());

            BudgetGoalModelView budget = new BudgetGoalModelView();

            budget.category = GetSelectListItems(GetAllCategories());

            //null ID means we are inserting a new category
            if (id == null)

            //let's look for it
            budget.budgetGoal = dbContext.BudgetGoals.Find(id);
            budget.budgetView = dbContext.BudgetGoals_VW.Where(x => x.BudgetGoalID == budget.budgetGoal.BudgetGoalID);
            if (budget.budgetGoal == null || budget.budgetGoal.ClientID != CLIENT_ID)
                //we couldn't find the budget category to edit or it is not the client's, redirect
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculate the budget of the client to display on the overview page.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private BudgetGoalModelView getBudgetInfo()
            List <BudgetGoals_VW> BudgetGoalList = new List <BudgetGoals_VW>();

            //all budgets categories the client has
            BudgetGoalList = dbContext.BudgetGoals_VW.Where(x => x.ClientID == CLIENT_ID && x.Status == "A").OrderBy(x => x.TransactionAmount / x.BudgetGoalAmount).ToList();

            //Insert them into the view model, calculate the totals
            BudgetGoalModelView budgetGoal = new BudgetGoalModelView();

            budgetGoal.budgetView    = BudgetGoalList;
            budgetGoal.totalBudgeted = budgetGoal.budgetView.Select(x => x).Where(x => x.GoalCategory != 1 && x.GoalCategory != 17).Sum(x => Convert.ToDouble(x.BudgetGoalAmount));
            budgetGoal.totalSpent    = budgetGoal.budgetView.Select(x => x).Where(x => x.GoalCategory != 1 && x.GoalCategory != 17).Sum(x => Convert.ToDouble(x.TransactionAmount)) * -1;
        /// <summary>
        /// Get the view for BudgetGoals
        /// </summary>
        // GET: BudgetGoals
        public ActionResult Index()
            if (Session["UserID"] == null)
                return(RedirectToAction("Login", "Home"));
                CLIENT_ID = int.Parse(Session["UserID"].ToString());
            List <BudgetGoals_VW> BudgetGoalList = new List <BudgetGoals_VW>();

            //use the view that displays all transaction for current month
            BudgetGoalList = dbContext.BudgetGoals_VW.Where(x => x.ClientID == CLIENT_ID && x.Status == "A").OrderBy(x => x.TransactionAmount / x.BudgetGoalAmount).ToList();

            BudgetGoalModelView budgetGoal = new BudgetGoalModelView();

            budgetGoal.budgetView    = BudgetGoalList;
            budgetGoal.totalBudgeted = budgetGoal.budgetView.Select(x => x).Where(x => x.GoalCategory != 1 && x.GoalCategory != 17).Sum(x => Convert.ToDouble(x.BudgetGoalAmount));
            budgetGoal.totalSpent    = budgetGoal.budgetView.Select(x => x).Where(x => x.GoalCategory != 1 && x.GoalCategory != 17).Sum(x => Convert.ToDouble(x.TransactionAmount)) * -1;