/* * public TextBubble smGreenBubble; * public TextBubble lgGreenBubble; * public TextBubble smBlueBubble; * public TextBubble lgBlueBubble; */ void SpawnBubble(BubbleColors color, string message) { numberOfBubbles++; TextBubble bubble = null; bool isGreen = false; int characterCount = message.Length; if (characterCount <= smallBubbleLimit) { if (color == BubbleColors.BLUE) { isGreen = false; bubble = smBlueBubble; //bubble = Instantiate(smBlueBubble); } else if (color == BubbleColors.GREEN) { isGreen = true; bubble = smGreenBubble; //bubble = Instantiate(smGreenBubble); } else { Debug.LogError("Yo you don't have the right color some how. Way to go."); } } else if (characterCount <= largeBubbleLimit) { if (color == BubbleColors.BLUE) { isGreen = false; bubble = lgBlueBubble; // bubble = Instantiate(lgBlueBubble); } else if (color == BubbleColors.GREEN) { isGreen = false; bubble = lgGreenBubble; //bubble = Instantiate(lgGreenBubble); } else { Debug.LogError("Yo you don't have the right color some how. Way to go."); } } else { Debug.LogError("The string entered is too long."); } //bubble.transform.parent = targetCanvas.transform; TextManager.Instance.SpawnBox(bubble, message, isGreen); UnityEngine.UI.Text textObject = bubble.GetComponentInChildren <UnityEngine.UI.Text>(); textObject.text = message; }
public void BurstBubble(int size, Vector3 point, BubbleColors bubbleColor) { bubblesPoppedCounter++; if (bubblesPoppedCounter % bubblesToDropALife == 0) { Instantiate(duckLifePrefab, point, Quaternion.identity); } else { Instantiate(dropletPrefab, point, Quaternion.identity); } AudioManager.Instance.PlayPop(); switch (bubbleColor) { case BubbleColors.Blue: break; case BubbleColors.Black: GrowOtherBubbles(); break; case BubbleColors.Red: PopSurroundingBubbles(size, point); break; case BubbleColors.Yello: GiveUmbrella(); break; } if (size > 1 && !instantPop.Contains(bubbleColor)) { Vector3 leftPoint = new Vector3(point.x - 1, point.y); Vector3 rightPoint = new Vector3(point.x + 1, point.y); int newSize = size - 1; GameObject bubblePrefab = null; switch (bubbleColor) { case BubbleColors.Blue: bubblePrefab = blueBubblePrefab; break; case BubbleColors.Black: bubblePrefab = blackBubblePrefab; break; case BubbleColors.Red: bubblePrefab = redBubblePrefab; break; default: bubblePrefab = blueBubblePrefab; break; } GameObject leftBubble = (GameObject)Instantiate(bubblePrefab, leftPoint, Quaternion.identity); leftBubble.GetComponent<BubbleController>().size = newSize; leftBubble.transform.localScale = Vector3.one * (newSize * 0.25f); activeBubbles.Add(leftBubble); GameObject rightBubble = (GameObject)Instantiate(bubblePrefab, rightPoint, Quaternion.identity); rightBubble.GetComponent<BubbleController>().size = newSize; rightBubble.transform.localScale = Vector3.one * (newSize * 0.25f); activeBubbles.Add(rightBubble); } if (!activeBubbles.Any()) { LevelComplete(); } }
/// <summary> /// Метод для выставления рандомного цвета шарика /// </summary> private void SetNewBubbleColor() { int randomColorIndex = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, maxBubbleColors); bubbleColor = (BubbleColors)randomColorIndex; }