Exemple #1
        private void TestAddIndex()
                _logger.Message("Testing AddIndex");
                //making the table
                String indexPath = GetFilePath.TableColumnIndex(dbName, tableName, "Int");

                List <Column> cols = new List <Column>();
                cols.Add(new Column(Column.DataType.Int, "Int", 100));
                cols.Add(new Column(Column.DataType.Double, "Double", 1));
                cols.Add(new Column(Column.DataType.Char, "String", 20));
                manager.CreateTable(dbName, tableName, cols);

                //making records to be inserted
                List <String> l1 = new List <string>();
                Record r1 = new Record(l1);

                List <String> l2 = new List <string>();
                Record r2 = new Record(l2);

                List <String> l3 = new List <string>();
                Record r3 = new Record(l3);


                manager.AddIndex(new Column(Column.DataType.Int, "Int", 100));

                BtreeDictionary <Index <int>, int> btree = (BtreeDictionary <Index <int>, int>)Converter.FileToObject(indexPath);
                Assert.AreEqual(3, btree.Count);
                Assert.IsTrue(btree.ContainsKey(new Index <int>(2048000, 54)));
            catch (Exception e)
                manager.DropTable(dbName, tableName);
Exemple #2
         * Takes dictionary containing the address => to be deleted record
         * And deletes that particular column value from the index path
        public void DeleteRecordsFromIndices(Dictionary <int, Record> uselessRecords)
            foreach (Column indexColumn in table.IndexColumns)
                int    position  = table.GetColumnIndex(indexColumn);
                String indexFile = GetFilePath.TableColumnIndex(table.DbName, table.Name, table.Columns[position].Name);

                if (table.Columns[position].Type == Column.DataType.Int)
                    BtreeDictionary <Index <int>, int> intbptree = (BtreeDictionary <Index <int>, int>)Converter.FileToObject(indexFile);
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <int, Record> pair in uselessRecords)
                        int    address = pair.Key;
                        String value   = pair.Value.Fields[position];
                        if (value != null)
                            intbptree.Remove(new Index <int>(int.Parse(value), address));
                    Converter.ObjectToFile(intbptree, indexFile);
                else if (table.Columns[position].Type == Column.DataType.Double)
                    BtreeDictionary <Index <double>, int> doublebptree =
                        (BtreeDictionary <Index <double>, int>)Converter.FileToObject(indexFile);
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <int, Record> pair in uselessRecords)
                        int    address = pair.Key;
                        String value   = pair.Value.Fields[position];
                        if (value != null)
                            doublebptree.Remove(new Index <double>(double.Parse(value), address));
                    Converter.ObjectToFile(doublebptree, indexFile);
                else if (table.Columns[position].Type == Column.DataType.Char)
                    BtreeDictionary <Index <String>, int> stringbptree =
                        (BtreeDictionary <Index <String>, int>)Converter.FileToObject(indexFile);
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <int, Record> pair in uselessRecords)
                        int    address = pair.Key;
                        String value   = pair.Value.Fields[position];
                        if (value != null)
                            stringbptree.Remove(new Index <String>(value, address));
                    Converter.ObjectToFile(stringbptree, indexFile);
Exemple #3
         * Inserts a record into the indices of the table
         * record -> to be inserted
         * address -> entry in the records file

        public void InsertRecordToIndices(Record record, int address)
            foreach (Column indexColumn in table.IndexColumns)
                int    position  = table.GetColumnIndex(indexColumn);
                String indexFile = GetFilePath.TableColumnIndex(table.DbName, table.Name, table.Columns[position].Name);
                String value     = record.Fields[position];
                if (table.Columns[position].Type == Column.DataType.Int)
                    if (value != null)
                        BtreeDictionary <Index <int>, int> intbptree = (BtreeDictionary <Index <int>, int>)Converter.FileToObject(indexFile);
                        intbptree.Add(new Index <int>(int.Parse(value), address), address);
                        Converter.ObjectToFile(intbptree, indexFile);
                else if (table.Columns[position].Type == Column.DataType.Double)
                    if (value != null)
                        BtreeDictionary <Index <double>, int> doublebptree =
                            (BtreeDictionary <Index <double>, int>)Converter.FileToObject(indexFile);
                        doublebptree.Add(new Index <double>(double.Parse(value), address), address);
                        Converter.ObjectToFile(doublebptree, indexFile);
                else if (table.Columns[position].Type == Column.DataType.Char)
                    if (value != null)
                        BtreeDictionary <Index <String>, int> stringbptree =
                            (BtreeDictionary <Index <String>, int>)Converter.FileToObject(indexFile);
                        stringbptree.Add(new Index <String>(value, address), address);
                        Converter.ObjectToFile(stringbptree, indexFile);
Exemple #4
         * Adding index to particular column
         * if some records were already there
        public void AddIndex(Column index)
            //making the index file
            String indexFile = GetFilePath.TableColumnIndex(table.DbName, table.Name, index.Name);
            Dictionary <int, Record> allRecords = GetAddressRecordDict(null);
            int position = table.GetColumnIndex(index);

            BtreeDictionary <Index <int>, int>    intbptree;
            BtreeDictionary <Index <String>, int> stringbptree;
            BtreeDictionary <Index <double>, int> doublebptree;

            if (index.Type == Column.DataType.Int)
                intbptree = new BtreeDictionary <Index <int>, int>();
                //making a b+tree
                foreach (KeyValuePair <int, Record> keyValuePair in allRecords)
                    String s = keyValuePair.Value.Fields[position];
                    if (s != null)
                        Index <int> idx = new Index <int>(int.Parse(s), keyValuePair.Key);
                        intbptree.Add(idx, keyValuePair.Key);
                    //BUG not inserting empty or null values as of now

                     * {
                     *      Index<int> idx = new Index<int>(Constants.NullAsInt, keyValuePair.Key);
                     *      intbptree.Add(idx, keyValuePair.Key);
                     * }*/

                //writing b+tree to the file
                Converter.ObjectToFile(intbptree, indexFile);
            else if (index.Type == Column.DataType.Double)
                doublebptree = new BtreeDictionary <Index <double>, int>();
                //making a b+tree
                foreach (KeyValuePair <int, Record> keyValuePair in allRecords)
                    String s = keyValuePair.Value.Fields[position];
                    if (s != null)
                        Index <double> idx = new Index <double>(double.Parse(s), keyValuePair.Key);
                        doublebptree.Add(idx, keyValuePair.Key);

                //writing b+tree to the file
                Converter.ObjectToFile(doublebptree, indexFile);
            else if (index.Type == Column.DataType.Char)
                stringbptree = new BtreeDictionary <Index <String>, int>();
                //making a b+tree
                foreach (KeyValuePair <int, Record> keyValuePair in allRecords)
                    String s = keyValuePair.Value.Fields[position];
                    if (s != null)
                        Index <String> idx = new Index <String>(s, keyValuePair.Key);
                        stringbptree.Add(idx, keyValuePair.Key);

                //writing b+tree to the file
                Converter.ObjectToFile(stringbptree, indexFile);

            //adding entry to list in table and update back to file also