Exemple #1
 internal void SpawnText(Vector3 iniPosPass, string msgP = "")
     //spwan a message
     if (msgP != "")
         textMessage               = (Btn3D)General.Create(Root.menusTextMiddle, iniPosPass);
         textMessage.MoveSpeed     = 40f; //so fade happens
         textMessage.FadeDirection = "FadeIn";
         textMessage.GetComponent <GUIText>().text = msgP;
     //spwans a tip
     else if (Program.MOUSEOVERTHIS != null)
         if (Tips.ReturnTip(Program.MOUSEOVERTHIS.name) != "No tips")
             if (tipHover)
                 tipMenu               = (Btn3D)General.Create(Root.menusTextLeft, iniPosPass);
                 tipMenu.MoveSpeed     = 40f; //so fade happens
                 tipMenu.FadeDirection = "FadeIn";
                 tipMenu.GetComponent <GUIText>().text = Tips.ReturnTip(Program.MOUSEOVERTHIS.name);
                 tipHover = false;
             else if (tipMenu.GetComponent <GUIText>().text != Tips.ReturnTip(Program.MOUSEOVERTHIS.name))
                 tipMenu.GetComponent <GUIText>().text = Tips.ReturnTip(Program.MOUSEOVERTHIS.name);
                 tipMenu.transform.position            = iniPosPass;
         else if (Tips.ReturnTip(Program.MOUSEOVERTHIS.name) == "No tips")
Exemple #2
    //will bribg foward an Menu Obj Towards the camera
    void BringForward(Transform transfPass = null, string action = "")
        float step = 0.15f;//setp to brong fprward

        if (toBringForward && transfPass != null)
            for (int i = 0; i < menusArrayOne.Length; i++)
                if (menusArrayOne[i] != null)
                    //and that object in the array was positionedFixed already then
                    if (menusArrayOne[i].PositionFixed)
                        //if the  transform object passed contains the name of the menusArrayOne[i]...
                        if (transfPass.name.Contains(menusArrayOne[i].transform.name))
                        {   //we make hovered temp this...
                            hoveredTemp = menusArrayOne[i];
            //if hoevered was assign then
            if (hoveredTemp != null)
            {   //we will birng it a step tpwards the screen
                hoveredTemp.MovingToPosition = Vector3.MoveTowards(transfPass.position, Camera.main.transform.position, step);
                toBringForward = false;
        //bring it back to origin
        else if (!toBringForward && action == "BackToOrigin")
            hoveredTemp.MovingToPosition = hoveredTemp.InitialPosition;
            toBringForward = true;
Exemple #3
 internal void DestroyTipMenu()
     if (tipMenu != null && !tipHover)
         tipMenu  = null;
         tipHover = true;
Exemple #4
    // Use this for initialization
    private void Start()
        if (Developer.IsDev)
            GameSpeed = 0;

        Debug.Log("GameScene Start():" + Time.time);


        if (HType == H.Create)


        textMessage               = (Btn3D)General.Create(Root.menusTextMiddle, new Vector3(0.85f, 0.3f, 0));
        textMessage.MoveSpeed     = 40f; //so fade happens
        textMessage.FadeDirection = "FadeIn";

        dummyBlue = General.Create(Root.blueCubeBig, new Vector3());
        dummyRed  = General.Create(Root.redCube, new Vector3());

        createDummySpawn = true;

        dummySpawnPoint = (Structure)Building.CreateBuild(Root.dummyBuildWithSpawnPointUnTimed, new Vector3(), H.Dummy,
                                                          container: Program.ClassContainer.transform);

        //hudColor = textMessage.GetComponent<GUIText>().color;


        if (GameTimePeople == null)
            GameTimePeople = new GameTime(ModController.PeopleAgeFactor());

        _unitsManager = FindObjectOfType <UnitsManager>();
        _enemyManager = FindObjectOfType <EnemyManager>();
        Debug.Log("GameScene Start():" + Time.time);
Exemple #5
    /// <summary>
    /// It finds the single board obj and replace it with the one for the selected character
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="setOfBtns">The set of buttons passed</param>
    /// <param name="rootP">The obj root will be spawn</param>
    private void SelectPlayerRoutine(Button[] setOfBtns, string rootP)
        int    indexOfSingleB = -1;
        Btn3D  singleBoard    = (Btn3D)USearch.FindBtnInColl(setOfBtns, "SingleBoard", out indexOfSingleB);
        string storeTemp      = singleBoard.gameObject.name;

        moveToPosTemp = singleBoard.MovingToPosition;

        MenuHandler.CREATEMENU = true;
        //Single Board object handlgins
        singleBoard = (Btn3D)CreateBtn(singleBoard, rootP, moveToPosTemp);
        singleBoard.gameObject.name  = storeTemp;
        singleBoard.MovingToPosition = moveToPosTemp;
        //needs to be assign otherwise after being hovered lose movetoPos
        singleBoard.InitialPosition = moveToPosTemp;

        MenuHandler.CREATEMENU = false;
        //asign this back to the array so as is reference the array will hold this new obj now
        setOfBtns[indexOfSingleB] = singleBoard;
Exemple #6
 //Creates physical connection btw two points
 public void ThreeDConnectionCreator(Vector3 originPass, Vector3 targetPass,
                                     MenusType middleModel, MenusType connectionModel)
     Vector3[] spheresLink = new Vector3[8];
     //if flag is on... and is on Start()
     if (!areConnectionSpheresCreated)
         //find all Vector3 point btw origin and this
         for (float where = 0.1f; where < 1f; where = where + 0.1f)
         {     //if is not the middle one
             if (where != 0.5f)
             { //will assign Vector3 position.. will find distance btw points given 'where' (where 0-1, 1 is 100%)
                 spheresLink[spheresLinkIndex] = FindMiddlePoint(originPass, targetPass, where);
                 if (spheresLinkIndex < 7)
                 {   //will add a new number to index
         //creates the middle sphere
         Btn3D sphereMiddle = (Btn3D)General.Create(Root.redSphereHelp, midPointBtwMenuAndOrigin);
         sphereMiddle.FadeDirection = "FadeIn";
         sphereMiddle.name          = "RedSphereHelpMid";
         sphereMiddle.MoveSpeed     = 100f;//needs speed cheat! otherwise doesnt do anything
         link[0] = sphereMiddle;
         //creates the link
         for (int i = 0; i < spheresLink.Length; i++)
             Btn3D sphereLinkMenu = (Btn3D)General.Create(Root.yellowSphereHelp, spheresLink[i]);
             sphereLinkMenu.FadeDirection = "FadeIn";
             sphereLinkMenu.name          = "RedSphereHelpLink";
             sphereLinkMenu.MoveSpeed     = 20f + i * 30f;//speed diferent for each one.. so gives sensation of graduality
             link[i + 1] = sphereLinkMenu;
         //will set to false the flag
         areConnectionSpheresCreated = true;