Exemple #1
 public static Ticker GetTicker(BtcePair pair)
           Query(string.Format("{1}api/2/{0}/ticker", BtcePairHelper.ToString(pair), ExchangeHost)))[
               "ticker"] as JObject);
        public decimal RoundAmount(BtcePair pair, decimal amount, bool refreshCache = false)
            var currencyPairInfo = GetPairInfo(pair, refreshCache);
              var amountFixed = Math.Max(amount, currencyPairInfo.MinAmount);
              amountFixed = Math.Round(amountFixed, currencyPairInfo.MinAmount.GetPrecision());

              return amountFixed;
Exemple #3
 public Order(BtcePair pair, TradeType type, decimal amount, decimal rate, UInt32 timestamp, int status)
     Pair = pair;
     Amount = amount;
     Rate = rate;
     TimestampCreated = timestamp;
     Status = status;
        public decimal RoundPrice(BtcePair pair, decimal price, bool refreshCache = false)
            var currencyPairInfo = GetPairInfo(pair, refreshCache);
              var priceFixed = Math.Min(Math.Max(price, currencyPairInfo.MinPrice), currencyPairInfo.MaxPrice);
              priceFixed = Math.Round(priceFixed, currencyPairInfo.MinPrice.GetPrecision());

              return priceFixed;
Exemple #5
        public static Depth GetDepth(BtcePair pair)
            string resStr;
            string queryStr = string.Format("https://btc-e.com/api/2/{0}/depth", BtcePairHelper.ToString(pair));
            resStr = Query(queryStr);

            var res = JObject.Parse(resStr);
            return Depth.ReadFromJObject(res);
Exemple #6
        public static Ticker GetTicker(BtcePair pair)
            string resStr;
            string queryStr = string.Format("https://btc-e.com/api/2/{0}/ticker", BtcePairHelper.ToString(pair));
            resStr = Query(queryStr);

            var res = JObject.Parse(resStr);
            return Ticker.ReadFromJObject(res["ticker"] as JObject);
        private BtcePairInfo GetPairInfo(BtcePair pair, bool refreshCache)
            if (apiInfoCache == null || refreshCache)
            apiInfoCache = GetApiInfo();
              var currencyPairInfo = apiInfoCache.Pairs[pair];

              return currencyPairInfo;
Exemple #8
        public static decimal GetFee(BtcePair pair)
            string resStr;

            string queryStr = string.Format("https://btc-e.com/api/2/{0}/fee", BtcePairHelper.ToString(pair));
            resStr = Query(queryStr);

            var res = JObject.Parse(resStr);
            return res.Value<decimal>("trade");
Exemple #9
 public Trade(BtcePair pair, TradeType type, decimal amount, decimal rate, int orderId, bool isYourOrder, UInt32 timestamp)
     Pair = pair;
     Type = type;
     Amount = amount;
     Rate = rate;
     OrderId = orderId;
     IsYourOrder = isYourOrder;
     Timestamp = timestamp;
Exemple #10
        public void Test002_AddCurrency_Currency_Capital_Letter()
            var control = new Control();
            var currencies = control.AddCurrencies();
            var btcepair = new BtcePair();

            foreach (string currency in currencies)
                var a = (BtcePair)Enum.Parse(typeof(BtcePair), currency);
Exemple #11
        public void Test001_AddCurrency_No_Problems()
            var control = new Control();
            var currencies = control.AddCurrencies();
            var btcepair = new BtcePair();

            foreach (string currency in currencies)
                var a = (BtcePair) Enum.Parse(typeof(BtcePair), currency.ToLower());
 public TradeHistory GetTradeHistory(
     int? from = null,
     int? count = null,
     int? fromId = null,
     int? endId = null,
     bool? orderAsc = null,
     DateTime? since = null,
     DateTime? end = null,
     BtcePair? pair = null)
     return _apiv2.GetTradeHistory(from, count, fromId, endId, orderAsc, since, end, pair);
 public static Tuple<int, int> GetPrecision(BtcePair btcPair)
     Tuple<BtcePair, int, int> pairPrecision = precisions.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Item1 == btcPair);
       if (pairPrecision == default(Tuple<BtcePair, int, int>))
     return Tuple.Create(4, 8); // ex. 12.3456 USD for 0.12345678 BTC:
     return Tuple.Create(pairPrecision.Item2, pairPrecision.Item3);
Exemple #14
        public static List<TradeInfo> GetTrades(BtcePair pair)
            string resStr;

            string queryStr = string.Format("https://btc-e.com/api/2/{0}/trades", BtcePairHelper.ToString(pair));
            resStr = Query(queryStr);

            var res = JArray.Parse(resStr);
            var ret = new List<TradeInfo>();
            foreach (var item in res)
                ret.Add(TradeInfo.ReadFromJObject(item as JObject));
            return ret;
Exemple #15
 public static decimal GetFee(bool buy, decimal price, BtcePair pair)
     var request = WebRequest.Create("https://btc-e.com/ajax/order");
     request.Proxy = WebRequest.DefaultWebProxy;
     request.Proxy.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;
     request.Method = "POST";
     request.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
     var reqStream = request.GetRequestStream();
     string args = String.Format("calculate={0}&btc_count=1&btc_price={1}&pair={2}", buy ? "buy" : "sell", price.ToString().Replace(',', '.'), (int)pair);
     var data = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(args);
     reqStream.Write(data, 0, data.Length);
     var response = new StreamReader(request.GetResponse().GetResponseStream()).ReadToEnd();
     return JObject.Parse(response).Value<decimal>("fee");
Exemple #16
 public static Depth GetDepth(BtcePair pair)
              JObject.Parse(Query(string.Format("{1}api/2/{0}/depth", BtcePairHelper.ToString(pair), ExchangeHost)))));
Exemple #17
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns the fee for the supplied currnecy pair
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="pair">Currency pair to obtain fee for </param>
 /// <returns>Fee amount for trading the supplied currency pair</returns>
 public static decimal GetFee(BtcePair pair)
     return JObject.Parse(Query(string.Format("{1}api/2/{0}/fee", BtcePairHelper.ToString(pair), ExchangeHost))).Value<decimal>("trade");
 public TradeInfo[] GetTrades(BtcePair pair)
     return BtceApiV3.GetTrades(new BtcePair[] { pair }).FirstOrDefault().Value;
        /// <summary>
        /// Recursive method to build an arbitrage tree
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tickerDic"></param>
        /// <param name="pair"></param>
        /// <param name="parentNode"></param>
        /// <param name="amount"></param>
        /// <param name="isSell"></param>
        /// <param name="targetCurrency"></param>
        private void BuildArbitrageTree(Dictionary<BtcePair, Ticker> tickerDic, BtcePair pair, ArbitrageAction parentNode, decimal amount, bool isSell, string targetCurrency)
            var ticker = tickerDic[pair];
            decimal rate = isSell ? ticker.Sell : ticker.Buy;
            //rate = ticker.Last;

            var ac = new MyAction
                Currency1 = isSell ? pair.Item1() : pair.Item2(),
                Currency2 = isSell ? pair.Item2() : pair.Item1(),
                UnitsCurrency1 = amount,
                UnitsCurrency2 = isSell ? amount * rate - (amount * rate * _fee / 100) : amount / rate - (amount / rate) * _fee / 100,
                Pair = pair,
                Rate = rate,
                IsBuyOrder = !isSell
            var newNode = parentNode.AddChild(ac);

            var currencyNow = isSell ? pair.Item2() : pair.Item1();

            if (currencyNow == targetCurrency)
                newNode.Data.IsFinalAction = true;
                return; //Done for that branch of the tree
            //Check next possible conversions
            foreach (var p in _allowedPairs)

                if (p == pair || p.Item1() != currencyNow && p.Item2() != currencyNow)
                    continue;//Current, or unrelated pair
                var parent = parentNode;
                bool found = false;
                if (p.Item1() != targetCurrency && p.Item2() != targetCurrency)
                    //If related pair, but not toing to target currency, check if we've already been through one of the currencies

                    while (parent != null)
                        if (p == parent.Data.Pair || p.Item1() == parent.Data.Currency1 || p.Item1() == parent.Data.Currency2 || p.Item2() == parent.Data.Currency1 || p.Item2() == parent.Data.Currency2)
                            found = true;
                        parent = parent.Parent;
                    if (found)
                        continue;//We've already used one of the currencies in that pair

                BuildArbitrageTree(tickerDic, p, newNode, ac.UnitsCurrency2, p.Item1() == currencyNow, targetCurrency);
Exemple #20
        public static List <TradeInfo> GetTrades(BtcePair pair)
            string queryStr = string.Format("https://btc-e.com/api/2/{0}/trades", BtcePairHelper.ToString(pair));

            return(JArray.Parse(WebApi.Query(queryStr)).OfType <JObject>().Select(TradeInfo.ReadFromJObject).ToList());
 public Task <Ticker> GetTickerAsync(BtcePair pair)
     return(Task.Run(() => BtceApi.GetTicker(pair)));
Exemple #22
        public OrderList GetOrderList(
            int? from = null,
            int? count = null,
            int? fromId = null,
            int? endId = null,
            bool? orderAsc = null,
            DateTime? since = null,
            DateTime? end = null,
            BtcePair? pair = null,
            bool? active = null
            var args = new Dictionary<string, string>()
                { "method", "OrderList" }

            if (from != null) args.Add("from", from.Value.ToString());
            if (count != null) args.Add("count", count.Value.ToString());
            if (fromId != null) args.Add("from_id", fromId.Value.ToString());
            if (endId != null) args.Add("end_id", endId.Value.ToString());
            if (orderAsc != null) args.Add("order", orderAsc.Value ? "ASC" : "DESC");
            if (since != null) args.Add("since", UnixTime.GetFromDateTime(since.Value).ToString());
            if (end != null) args.Add("end", UnixTime.GetFromDateTime(end.Value).ToString());
            if (pair != null) args.Add("pair", BtcePairHelper.ToString(pair.Value));
            if (active != null) args.Add("active", active.Value ? "1" : "0");

            var resultStr = Query(args);
            var result = JObject.Parse(resultStr);
            if (result.Value<int>("success") == 0)
                throw new Exception(result.Value<string>("error"));

            return OrderList.ReadFromJObject(result["return"] as JObject);
Exemple #23
        public static string ToString(BtcePair v)
            if (v == BtcePair.BtcUsd)
                return "btc_usd";
            if (v == BtcePair.LtcBtc)
                return "ltc_btc";
            if (v == BtcePair.LtcUsd)
                return "ltc_usd";
            if (v == BtcePair.NmcBtc)
                return "nmc_btc";
            if (v == BtcePair.BtcRur)
                return "btc_rur";
            if (v == BtcePair.UsdRur)
                return "usd_rur";

            throw new NotSupportedException();
Exemple #24
 public static List<TradeInfo> GetTrades(BtcePair pair)
     string queryStr = string.Format("https://btc-e.com/api/2/{0}/trades", BtcePairHelper.ToString(pair));
     return JArray.Parse(Query(queryStr)).OfType<JObject>().Select(TradeInfo.ReadFromJObject).ToList();
Exemple #25
        public static Ticker GetTicker(BtcePair pair)
            string queryStr = string.Format("https://btc-e.com/api/2/{0}/ticker", BtcePairHelper.ToString(pair));

            return(Ticker.ReadFromJObject(JObject.Parse(WebApi.Query(queryStr))["ticker"] as JObject));
Exemple #26
 public static TradeInfo[] GetTrades(BtcePair pair)
     return JArray.Parse(Query(string.Format("{1}api/2/{0}/trades", BtcePairHelper.ToString(pair), ExchangeHost))).OfType<JObject>().Select(TradeInfo.ReadFromJObject).ToArray();
        /// <summary>
        /// Starts the arbitrage
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="originalAmount"></param>
        /// <param name="targetCurrency"></param>
        /// <param name="frequencyInSec"></param>
        /// <param name="profitThreshold"></param>
        /// <param name="realTrading"></param>
        /// <param name="allowedPairs"></param>
        public void Start(decimal originalAmount, string targetCurrency, int frequencyInSec, decimal profitThreshold, bool realTrading, BtcePair[] allowedPairs)
            realTrading = false; //!!!DO not use real trading

            _allowedPairs = allowedPairs;
            _pairsAsString = _allowedPairs.Select(p => BtcePairHelper.ToString(p)).ToArray();

            _mustStop = false;
            OnReportProgress("Starting Arbitrage - Monitoring opportunities...");
            while (!_mustStop)
                Dictionary<BtcePair, Ticker> tickers;
                    tickers = BtceApiV3.GetTicker(_allowedPairs);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    OnReportProgress("Error: " + ex.ToString());
                    System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000 * frequencyInSec);

                var pairs = _allowedPairs.Where(p => p.HasCurrency(targetCurrency));

                var ac = new MyAction
                    UnitsCurrency1 = 0,
                    UnitsCurrency2 = originalAmount,
                    Pair = BtcePair.Unknown

                NTree<MyAction> tree = new NTree<MyAction>(ac);

                foreach (var p in pairs)
                    BuildArbitrageTree(tickers, p, tree, originalAmount, p.Item1() == targetCurrency, targetCurrency);

                var leaves = new List<NTree<MyAction>>();
                tree.Traverse(n =>
                    if (n.Data.IsFinalAction)

                decimal maxProfit = 0;
                List<NTree<MyAction>> bestChain = null;
                int bestIndex = 0;

                for (var lIndex = 0; lIndex < leaves.Count; lIndex++)
                    //  System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Option " + (lIndex + 1));
                    var l = leaves[lIndex];
                    var t = l.GetTree();
                    for (var nIndex = 1; nIndex < t.Count; nIndex++)
                        var c = t[nIndex].Data;
                        //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("Converting {0:0.00###} {1:0.00###} to {2:0.00###} {3:0.00###}", c.UnitsCurrency1, c.Currency1, c.UnitsCurrency2, c.Currency2));
                    decimal profit = l.Data.UnitsCurrency2 - originalAmount;
                    // System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Profit " + profit.ToString("0.00###"));
                    if (profit > maxProfit)
                        maxProfit = l.Data.UnitsCurrency2 - originalAmount;
                        bestChain = t;
                        bestIndex = lIndex;

                if (bestChain != null)
                    //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Best Option: " + (bestIndex + 1));
                    OnReportProgress("Max profit: " + maxProfit.ToString("0.00###"));

                    for (var nIndex = 1; nIndex < bestChain.Count; nIndex++)
                        var c = bestChain[nIndex].Data;

                    _currentChain = bestChain;
                    var percentage = maxProfit / originalAmount * 100;
                    OnReportProgress(string.Format("Percentage {0:0.00}", percentage));
                    if (percentage > profitThreshold)

                        FollowChain(bestChain, realTrading);
                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("No profit possible");

                System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000 * frequencyInSec);

Exemple #28
 /// <summary>
 ///     Returns the fee for the supplied currnecy pair
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="pair">Currency pair to obtain fee for </param>
 /// <returns>Fee amount for trading the supplied currency pair</returns>
 public static decimal GetFee(BtcePair pair)
         (JObject.Parse(Query(string.Format("{1}api/2/{0}/fee", BtcePairHelper.ToString(pair), ExchangeHost)))
          .Value <decimal>("trade"));
 public Depth GetDepth(BtcePair pair)
     return GetDepth(new[] { pair }).FirstOrDefault().Value;
Exemple #30
 public static string ToString(BtcePair v)
     return Enum.GetName(typeof(BtcePair), v).ToLowerInvariant();
        public decimal GetFee(BtcePair pair, bool refreshCache = false)
            var currencyPairInfo = GetPairInfo(pair, refreshCache);

              return currencyPairInfo.Fee;
Exemple #32
        public TradeAnswer Trade(BtcePair pair, TradeType type, decimal rate, decimal amount)
            var args = new Dictionary<string, string>()
                { "method", "Trade" },
                { "pair", BtcePairHelper.ToString(pair) },
                { "type", TradeTypeHelper.ToString(type) },
                { "rate", DecimalToString(rate) },
                { "amount", DecimalToString(amount) }

            var resultStr = Query(args);
            var result = JObject.Parse(resultStr);
            if (result.Value<int>("success") == 0)
                throw new Exception(result.Value<string>("error"));

            return TradeAnswer.ReadFromJObject(result["return"] as JObject);
 public decimal GetFee(BtcePair pair)
     return GetFee(pair, false);
Exemple #34
        public static decimal GetFee(BtcePair pair)
            string queryStr = string.Format("https://btc-e.com/api/2/{0}/fee", BtcePairHelper.ToString(pair));

            return(JObject.Parse(WebApi.Query(queryStr)).Value <decimal>("trade"));
 public Ticker GetTicker(BtcePair pair)
     return GetTicker(new[] { pair }).FirstOrDefault().Value;
Exemple #36
        public static Depth GetDepth(BtcePair pair)
            string queryStr = string.Format("https://btc-e.com/api/2/{0}/depth", BtcePairHelper.ToString(pair));

Exemple #37
        public static string ToString(BtcePair v)
            if (v == BtcePair.BtcUsd)
                return "btc_usd";
            if (v == BtcePair.LtcBtc)
                return "ltc_btc";
            if (v == BtcePair.LtcUsd)
                return "ltc_usd";
            if (v == BtcePair.NmcBtc)
                return "nmc_btc";
            if (v == BtcePair.BtcRur)
                return "btc_rur";
            if (v == BtcePair.UsdRur)
                return "usd_rur";
            if (v == BtcePair.EurUsd)
                return "eur_usd";
            if (v == BtcePair.NvcBtc)
                return "nvc_btc";
            if (v == BtcePair.TrcBtc)
                return "trc_btc";
            if (v == BtcePair.PpcBtc)
                return "ppc_btc";
            if (v == BtcePair.FtcBtc)
                return "ftc_btc";
            if (v == BtcePair.CncBtc)
                return "cnc_btc";

            throw new NotSupportedException();