public void InsertOne_BsonDocument_ExpectedDocumentInserted() { /// Arrange // Get an id for the document. var id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); // Get some expected bson document with the id. var expected = new BsonDocument() .Add(new BsonElement("_id", BsonString.Create(id))) .Add(new BsonElement("hello", BsonString.Create("world"))); // Get a collection. var collection = new MongoClient("mongodb://localhost:27017") .GetDatabase("jcs") .GetCollection <BsonDocument>("events"); /// Act // Insert the document into the collection. collection.InsertOne(expected); // Get the document back. var actual = collection.Find( new FilterDefinitionBuilder <BsonDocument>().Eq <string>( new StringFieldDefinition <BsonDocument, string>("_id"), id)) .Single(); /// Assert // Verify that the actual document matches the expected document. Assert.Equal(expected, actual); }
public JsonResult Save(SceneCategorySaveModel model) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Name.Trim())) { return(Json(new { Code = 300, Msg = "场景类别名称不允许为空!" })); } var mongo = new MongoHelper(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.ID)) { var doc = new BsonDocument(); doc["Name"] = model.Name; mongo.InsertOne(Constant.SceneCategoryCollectionName, doc); } else { var filter = Builders <BsonDocument> .Filter.Eq("_id", ObjectId.Parse(model.ID)); var update = Builders <BsonDocument> .Update.Set("Name", BsonString.Create(model.Name)); mongo.UpdateOne(Constant.SceneCategoryCollectionName, filter, update); } return(Json(new { Code = 200, Msg = "保存成功!" })); }
public SearchResults GetReverseIncludes(IList <IKey> keys, IList <string> revIncludes) { BsonValue[] internal_ids = keys.Select(k => BsonString.Create(String.Format("{0}/{1}", k.TypeName, k.ResourceId))).ToArray(); SearchResults results = new SearchResults(); if (keys != null && revIncludes != null) { var riQueries = new List <FilterDefinition <BsonDocument> >(); foreach (var revInclude in revIncludes) { var ri = SM.ReverseInclude.Parse(revInclude); if (!ri.SearchPath.Contains(".")) //for now, leave out support for chained revIncludes. There aren't that many anyway. { riQueries.Add( Builders <BsonDocument> .Filter.And( Builders <BsonDocument> .Filter.Eq(InternalField.RESOURCE, ri.ResourceType) , Builders <BsonDocument> .Filter.In(ri.SearchPath, internal_ids))); } } if (riQueries.Count > 0) { var revIncludeQuery = Builders <BsonDocument> .Filter.Or(riQueries); var resultKeys = CollectKeys(revIncludeQuery); results = KeysToSearchResults(resultKeys); } } return(results); }
public GenericDataContainer Reassemble(GenericDataContainer containerWithoutBinaryData, byte[] binaryData) { var containerWithData = CloneGenericDataContainer(containerWithoutBinaryData); containerWithData.Data.Set(binaryDataPath, BsonString.Create(Convert.ToBase64String(binaryData))); return(containerWithData); }
public JsonResult Save(CategorySaveModel model) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Name)) { return(Json(new { Code = 300, Msg = "Name is not allowed to be empty." })); } if (model.Type == null) { return(Json(new { Code = 300, Msg = "Type is not allowed to be empty!" })); } var mongo = new MongoHelper(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.ID)) { var doc = new BsonDocument(); doc["Name"] = model.Name; doc["Type"] = model.Type.Value.ToString(); if (ConfigHelper.EnableAuthority) { var user = UserHelper.GetCurrentUser(); if (user != null) { doc["UserID"] = user.ID; } } mongo.InsertOne(Constant.CategoryCollectionName, doc); } else { var filter = Builders <BsonDocument> .Filter.Eq("_id", ObjectId.Parse(model.ID)); var update1 = Builders <BsonDocument> .Update.Set("Name", BsonString.Create(model.Name)); var update2 = Builders <BsonDocument> .Update.Set("Type", BsonString.Create(model.Type.Value.ToString())); var update = Builders <BsonDocument> .Update.Combine(update1, update2); mongo.UpdateOne(Constant.CategoryCollectionName, filter, update); } return(Json(new { Code = 200, Msg = "Saved successfully!" })); }
public IMongoQuery QueryDuplicatedName(Identity?groupId, string topicName, Identity?excludeId = null) { var query = excludeId.HasValue ? Query.And(Query.EQ("Name", BsonString.Create(topicName)), Query.NE("_id", excludeId.Value.ToBson())) : Query.EQ("Name", BsonString.Create(topicName)); return(Query.And(query, Query.EQ("GroupId", groupId.ToBson()))); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="value"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static BsonValue String(object value) { string val = (string)value; if (value == null) { return(BsonNull.Value); } return(BsonString.Create(value)); }
private BsonValue RenderOutput() { return (_outputDatabase == null? BsonString.Create(_outputCollection) : new BsonDocument { { "db", _outputDatabase }, { "coll", _outputCollection } }); }
private BsonValue ParseSymbol() { VerifyToken(":"); var nameToken = PopToken(); if (nameToken.Type != JsonTokenType.String) { var message = string.Format("JSON reader expected a string but found: '{0}'", nameToken.Lexeme); throw new FileFormatException(message); } VerifyToken("}"); return(BsonString.Create(nameToken.StringValue)); // will be converted to a BsonSymbol at a higher level }
public void unesiVijest(Result newArticle) { var collection = _database.GetCollection <BsonDocument>("articles"); var id = (int)collection.Count(new BsonDocument()); var vijest = new BsonDocument { { "_id", BsonInt32.Create(id + 1) }, { "headline", BsonString.Create(newArticle.headline) }, { "text", BsonString.Create(newArticle.text) }, { "author", BsonString.Create( }, { "comment", new BsonArray() }, { "picture", new BsonBinaryData(newArticle.picture) } }; collection.InsertOneAsync(vijest); }
public User CreateUser(int id = 1, int registartionId = 20, string name = "Ivan") { var currentTime = DateTime.Now; var currentTimeUtc = DateTime.UtcNow; var userBson = new BsonDocument() { { "_id", id }, { "RegistartionId", registartionId //BsonInt32.Create(registartionId) }, { "Name", BsonString.Create(name) }, { "Birthday", new DateTime(1990, 10, 22) }, //Driver will automatically convert your datetime to mongodb //format and store in as UTC date, and will convert back to your //local timezone back when you will read it //(actually you can change this behavior via driver settings). //So, take it in the mind that dates in mongodb always in UTC format. { "RegistrationLocal", currentTime }, { "RegistrationUtc", currentTimeUtc } }; _helper.WriteLine("Current time"); _helper.WriteLine(currentTime.ToString("O")); _helper.WriteLine("Current time ToJson"); _helper.WriteLine(currentTime.ToJson()); _helper.WriteLine("Current UtcTime"); _helper.WriteLine(currentTimeUtc.ToString("O")); _helper.WriteLine("Current UtcTime ToJson"); _helper.WriteLine(currentTimeUtc.ToJson()); _helper.WriteLine("User in bson"); _helper.WriteLine(userBson.ToJson()); _helper.WriteLine("User to poco"); var userPoco = BsonSerializer.Deserialize <User>(userBson); _helper.WriteLine(userPoco.ToJson()); userPoco.RegistrationLocal = currentTime; return(userPoco); }
public JsonResult Save(CategorySaveModel model) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Name)) { return(Json(new { Code = 300, Msg = "名称不允许为空!" })); } if (model.Type == null) { return(Json(new { Code = 300, Msg = "类型不允许为空!" })); } var mongo = new MongoHelper(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.ID)) { var doc = new BsonDocument(); doc["Name"] = model.Name; doc["Type"] = model.Type.Value.ToString(); mongo.InsertOne(Constant.CategoryCollectionName, doc); } else { var filter = Builders <BsonDocument> .Filter.Eq("_id", ObjectId.Parse(model.ID)); var update1 = Builders <BsonDocument> .Update.Set("Name", BsonString.Create(model.Name)); var update2 = Builders <BsonDocument> .Update.Set("Type", BsonString.Create(model.Type.Value.ToString())); var update = Builders <BsonDocument> .Update.Combine(update1, update2); mongo.UpdateOne(Constant.CategoryCollectionName, filter, update); } return(Json(new { Code = 200, Msg = "保存成功!" })); }
public void GivenABsonDocumentWithANullForAnPossibleEmbeddedDocument_When_ThenAnInstanceIsSetAsTheEmbeddedDocument() { BsonSerializer.RegisterSerializationProvider(new VehicleEntryBsonSerializationProvider()); var document = new BsonDocument() { { "OtherProperty1", BsonString.Create("12345") }, { "OtherProperty2", BsonString.Create("67890") }, { "VehicleEntry", BsonNull.Value }, }; var rootObject = BsonSerializer.Deserialize <RootObject>(document); Assert.That(rootObject.OtherProperty1, Is.EqualTo("12345")); Assert.That(rootObject.OtherProperty2, Is.EqualTo("67890")); Assert.That(rootObject.VehicleEntry, Is.Not.Null); Assert.That(rootObject.VehicleEntry.What, Is.EqualTo("Magic")); }
public void TestBsonDocumentWithBsonStringId() { _collection.RemoveAll(); var doc = new BsonDocument { { "_id", BsonString.Create("") }, { "X", 1 } }; _collection.Insert(doc); Assert.AreEqual("", doc["_id"].AsString); doc = new BsonDocument { { "_id", BsonString.Create("123") }, { "X", 1 } }; _collection.Insert(doc); }
private BsonValue GetValue(object value) { if (value is DBNull || value == null) { return(BsonNull.Value); } else if (value is string) { return(BsonString.Create(value)); } else if (value is bool) { return(BsonBoolean.Create(value)); } else if (value is int || value is short || value is byte) { return(BsonInt32.Create(value)); } else if (value is long) { return(BsonInt64.Create(value)); } else if (value is decimal) { return(BsonDecimal128.Create(value)); } else if (value is double || value is float) { return(BsonDouble.Create(value)); } else if (value is DateTime) { return(BsonDateTime.Create(value)); } else if (value is char c) { return(BsonString.Create("" + c)); } else if (value is byte[]) { return(BsonBinaryData.Create(value)); } else { return(BsonString.Create(value.ToString())); } }
public async Task has_expected_bson_datatypes() { BadgeRepo badgeRepo = CreateBadgeRepo(); // when PkmnSpecies randomSpecies = PkmnSpecies.OfId("9001"); Badge badge = await badgeRepo.AddBadge(null, randomSpecies, Badge.BadgeSource.RunCaught); // then IMongoCollection <BsonDocument> badgesCollectionBson = badgeRepo.Collection.Database.GetCollection <BsonDocument>("badges"); BsonDocument badgeBson = await badgesCollectionBson.Find(FilterDefinition <BsonDocument> .Empty).FirstAsync(); Assert.AreEqual(BsonObjectId.Create(ObjectId.Parse(badge.Id)), badgeBson["_id"]); Assert.AreEqual(BsonNull.Value, badgeBson["user"]); Assert.AreEqual(BsonString.Create(randomSpecies.Id), badgeBson["species"]); Assert.AreEqual(BsonString.Create("run_caught"), badgeBson["source"]); }
public void Add(QueryResult article) { var collection = database.GetCollection <BsonDocument>("articles"); var Id = (int)collection.Count(new BsonDocument()); var news = new BsonDocument { { "_id", BsonInt32.Create(Id + 1) }, { "headline", BsonString.Create(article.Headline) }, { "body", BsonString.Create(article.Body) }, { "author", BsonString.Create(article.Author) }, { "comments", new BsonArray() }, { "image", new BsonBinaryData(article.Image) } }; collection.InsertOne(news); }
public void Save_ResultIsProductAddedToPurchaseOrder_PersistsExpectedDocument() { /// Arrange // Get a product added to purchase order event. var @event = new ProductAddedToPurchaseOrder( purchaseOrderId: Guid.NewGuid(), productId: Guid.NewGuid(), measure: "EA", quantity: 14.25M); // Get some next id. var nextId = Guid.NewGuid(); // Get the expected document dictionary. var expected = new BsonDocument() .Add(new BsonElement("_id", BsonString.Create(nextId.ToString()))) .Add(new BsonElement("_type", BsonString.Create(nameof(ProductAddedToPurchaseOrder)))) .Add(new BsonElement(nameof(ProductAddedToPurchaseOrder.PurchaseOrderId), new BsonString(@event.PurchaseOrderId.ToString()))) .Add(new BsonElement(nameof(ProductAddedToPurchaseOrder.ProductId), new BsonString(@event.ProductId.ToString()))) .Add(new BsonElement(nameof(ProductAddedToPurchaseOrder.Measure), BsonString.Create(@event.Measure))) .Add(new BsonElement(nameof(ProductAddedToPurchaseOrder.Quantity), BsonDecimal128.Create(@event.Quantity))); // Mock up a mongo client for the mongo db event store. BsonDocument actual = null; var collection = Mock.Create <IMongoCollection <BsonDocument> >(); Mock.Arrange(() => collection.InsertOne(Arg.IsAny <BsonDocument>(), Arg.IsAny <InsertOneOptions>(), Arg.IsAny <CancellationToken>())) .DoInstead((BsonDocument document) => actual = document); var database = Mock.Create <IMongoDatabase>(); Mock.Arrange(() => database.GetCollection <BsonDocument>(Arg.AnyString, Arg.IsAny <MongoCollectionSettings>())) .Returns(collection); var client = Mock.Create <IMongoClient>(); Mock.Arrange(() => client.GetDatabase(Arg.AnyString, Arg.IsAny <MongoDatabaseSettings>())) .Returns(database); /// Act // Save the event. MongoDBEventStore.Save(client, nextId, @event); /// Assert // Verify that the actual document matches the expected document. Assert.Equal(expected, actual); }
public async Task log_has_expected_bson_datatypes() { MockClock clockMock = new MockClock(); (IBank <TestUser> bank, IMongoCollection <TestUser> usersCollection) = CreateDbObjects(clockMock); TestUser user = new TestUser { Money = 10 }; await usersCollection.InsertOneAsync(user); List <int> list = new List <int> { 1, 2, 3 }; Dictionary <string, bool> dictionary = new Dictionary <string, bool> { ["yes"] = true, ["no"] = false }; await bank.PerformTransaction(new Transaction <TestUser>(user, 1, "test", new Dictionary <string, object?> { ["null_field"] = null, ["int_field"] = 42, ["string_field"] = "foo", ["list_field"] = list, ["dictionary_field"] = dictionary })); IMongoCollection <BsonDocument> transactionLogCollection = usersCollection.Database.GetCollection <BsonDocument>("transactionLog"); BsonDocument log = await transactionLogCollection.Find(FilterDefinition <BsonDocument> .Empty).FirstAsync(); Assert.IsInstanceOf <BsonObjectId>(log["_id"]); Assert.AreEqual(BsonString.Create(user.Id), log["user"]); Assert.AreEqual(BsonInt64.Create(1), log["change"]); Assert.AreEqual(BsonInt64.Create(10), log["old_balance"]); Assert.AreEqual(BsonInt64.Create(11), log["new_balance"]); Assert.AreEqual(clockMock.FixedCurrentInstant, log["timestamp"].ToUniversalTime().ToInstant()); Assert.AreEqual(BsonString.Create("test"), log["type"]); Assert.AreEqual(BsonNull.Value, log["null_field"]); Assert.AreEqual(BsonInt32.Create(42), log["int_field"]); Assert.AreEqual(BsonString.Create("foo"), log["string_field"]); Assert.AreEqual(BsonArray.Create(list), log["list_field"]); Assert.AreEqual(BsonDocument.Create(dictionary), log["dictionary_field"]); }
// public methods /// <summary> /// Deserializes an object from a BsonReader. /// </summary> /// <param name="bsonReader">The BsonReader.</param> /// <param name="nominalType">The nominal type of the object.</param> /// <param name="actualType">The actual type of the object.</param> /// <param name="options">The serialization options.</param> /// <returns>An object.</returns> public override object Deserialize( BsonReader bsonReader, Type nominalType, Type actualType, IBsonSerializationOptions options) { VerifyTypes(nominalType, actualType, typeof(BsonString)); var bsonType = bsonReader.GetCurrentBsonType(); if (bsonType == BsonType.Null) { bsonReader.ReadNull(); return(null); } else { return(BsonString.Create((string)StringSerializer.Instance.Deserialize(bsonReader, typeof(string), options))); } }
public async Task <OperationResult> ExecuteAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken) { try { string result; if (_session == null) { result = await _collection.Indexes.CreateOneAsync(_createIndexModel, cancellationToken : cancellationToken); } else { result = await _collection.Indexes.CreateOneAsync(_session, _createIndexModel, cancellationToken : cancellationToken); } return(OperationResult.FromResult(BsonString.Create(result))); } catch (Exception exception) { return(OperationResult.FromException(exception)); } }
public void Save_ResultIsVendorDoesNotExist_PersistsExpectedDocument() { /// Arrange // Get a purchase order created event. var @event = new VendorDoesNotExist( vendorId: Guid.NewGuid()); // Get some next id. var nextId = Guid.NewGuid(); // Get the expected document dictionary. var expected = new BsonDocument() .Add(new BsonElement("_id", BsonString.Create(nextId.ToString()))) .Add(new BsonElement("_type", BsonString.Create(nameof(VendorDoesNotExist)))) .Add(new BsonElement(nameof(VendorDoesNotExist.VendorId), new BsonString(@event.VendorId.ToString()))); // Mock up a mongo client for the mongo db event store. BsonDocument actual = null; var collection = Mock.Create <IMongoCollection <BsonDocument> >(); Mock.Arrange(() => collection.InsertOne(Arg.IsAny <BsonDocument>(), Arg.IsAny <InsertOneOptions>(), Arg.IsAny <CancellationToken>())) .DoInstead((BsonDocument document) => actual = document); var database = Mock.Create <IMongoDatabase>(); Mock.Arrange(() => database.GetCollection <BsonDocument>(Arg.AnyString, Arg.IsAny <MongoCollectionSettings>())) .Returns(collection); var client = Mock.Create <IMongoClient>(); Mock.Arrange(() => client.GetDatabase(Arg.AnyString, Arg.IsAny <MongoDatabaseSettings>())) .Returns(database); /// Act // Save the event. MongoDBEventStore.Save(client, nextId, @event); /// Assert // Verify that the actual document matches the expected document. Assert.Equal(expected, actual); }
public void TestBsonString() { var booleanString = BsonString.Create("true"); var dateTimeString = BsonString.Create("2011-01-20"); var doubleString = BsonString.Create("1.5"); var intString = BsonString.Create("1"); Assert.AreEqual(true, Convert.ToBoolean(booleanString)); Assert.AreEqual(1, Convert.ToByte(intString)); Assert.AreEqual('1', Convert.ToChar(intString)); Assert.AreEqual(new DateTime(2011, 1, 20), Convert.ToDateTime(dateTimeString)); Assert.AreEqual(1.5m, Convert.ToDecimal(doubleString, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); Assert.AreEqual(1.5, Convert.ToDouble(doubleString, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); Assert.AreEqual(1, Convert.ToInt16(intString)); Assert.AreEqual(1, Convert.ToInt32(intString)); Assert.AreEqual(1, Convert.ToInt64(intString)); Assert.AreEqual(1, Convert.ToSByte(intString)); Assert.AreEqual(1.5F, Convert.ToSingle(doubleString, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); Assert.AreEqual("1.5", Convert.ToString(doubleString, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); Assert.AreEqual(1, Convert.ToUInt16(intString)); Assert.AreEqual(1, Convert.ToUInt32(intString)); Assert.AreEqual(1, Convert.ToUInt64(intString)); }
public IMongoQuery QueryDuplicatedName(string groupName, Identity?excludeId = null) { return(excludeId.HasValue ? Query.And(Query.EQ("Name", BsonString.Create(groupName)), Query.NE("_id", excludeId.Value.ToBson())) : Query.EQ("Name", BsonString.Create(groupName))); }
// This process updates acquired values in the mongodb collection for realtime data static public async void ProcessMongo(JSONSCADAConfig jsConfig) { do { try { var Client = ConnectMongoClient(jsConfig); var DB = Client.GetDatabase(jsConfig.mongoDatabaseName); var collection = DB.GetCollection <rtData>(RealtimeDataCollectionName); var collection_cmd = DB .GetCollection <rtCommand>(CommandsQueueCollectionName); Log("MongoDB Update Thread Started..."); var listWrites = new List <WriteModel <rtData> >(); do { //if (LogLevel >= LogLevelBasic && OPCDataQueue.Count > 0) // Log("MongoDB - Data queue size: " + OPCDataQueue.Count, LogLevelBasic); // Log("1"); bool isMongoLive = DB .RunCommandAsync((Command <BsonDocument>) "{ping:1}") .Wait(1000); if (!isMongoLive) { throw new Exception("Error on MongoDB connection "); } // Log("2"); IEC_CmdAck ia; if (OPCCmdAckQueue.Count > 0) { while (OPCCmdAckQueue.TryDequeue(out ia)) { var filter1 = Builders <rtCommand> .Filter .Eq(m => m.protocolSourceConnectionNumber, ia.conn_number); var filter2 = Builders <rtCommand> .Filter .Eq(m => m.protocolSourceObjectAddress, ia.object_address); var filter = Builders <rtCommand> .Filter .And(filter1, filter2); var update = Builders <rtCommand> .Update .Set(m => m.ack, ia.ack) .Set(m => m.ackTimeTag, ia.ack_time_tag); // sort by priority then by insert order var sort = Builders <rtCommand> .Sort.Descending("$natural"); var options = new FindOneAndUpdateOptions <rtCommand, rtCommand >(); options.IsUpsert = false; options.Sort = sort; await collection_cmd .FindOneAndUpdateAsync(filter, update, options); } } // Log("3"); Stopwatch stopWatch = new Stopwatch(); stopWatch.Start(); OPC_Value iv; while (!OPCDataQueue.IsEmpty && OPCDataQueue.TryPeek(out iv) && OPCDataQueue.TryDequeue(out iv)) { // Log("3.1"); DateTime tt = DateTime.MinValue; BsonValue bsontt = BsonNull.Value; try { if (iv.hasSourceTimestamp) { bsontt = BsonValue.Create(iv.sourceTimestamp); } } catch { tt = DateTime.MinValue; bsontt = BsonNull.Value; } BsonDocument valJSON = new BsonDocument(); try { valJSON = BsonDocument.Parse(iv.valueJson); } catch (Exception e) { Log(iv.conn_name + " - " + e.Message); } // Log("3.2"); if (iv.selfPublish) { string tag = TagFromOPCParameters(iv); if (!InsertedTags.Contains(tag)) { // look for the tag var task = await collection.FindAsync <rtData>(new BsonDocument { { "tag", TagFromOPCParameters(iv) } }); List <rtData> list = await task.ToListAsync(); // await Task.Delay(10); //Thread.Yield(); //Thread.Sleep(1); InsertedTags.Add(tag); if (list.Count == 0) { Log(iv.conn_name + " - INSERT - " + iv.address); // hash to create keys var id = HashStringToInt(iv.address); var insert = newRealtimeDoc(iv, id); int conn_index = 0; // normal for loop for (int index = 0; index < OPCUAconns.Count; index++) { if (OPCUAconns[index].protocolConnectionNumber == iv.conn_number) { conn_index = index; } } insert.protocolSourcePublishingInterval = OPCUAconns[conn_index].autoCreateTagPublishingInterval; insert.protocolSourceSamplingInterval = OPCUAconns[conn_index].autoCreateTagSamplingInterval; insert.protocolSourceQueueSize = OPCUAconns[conn_index].autoCreateTagQueueSize; listWrites .Add(new InsertOneModel <rtData>(insert)); } } } //below code will update one record of the data var update = new BsonDocument { { "$set", new BsonDocument { { "sourceDataUpdate", new BsonDocument { { "valueBsonAtSource", valJSON }, { "valueAtSource", BsonDouble .Create(iv.value) }, { "valueStringAtSource", BsonString .Create(iv.valueString) }, { "asduAtSource", BsonString .Create(iv.asdu.ToString()) }, { "causeOfTransmissionAtSource", BsonString.Create(iv.cot.ToString()) }, { "timeTagAtSource", bsontt }, { "timeTagAtSourceOk", BsonBoolean .Create(iv.hasSourceTimestamp) }, { "timeTag", BsonValue .Create(iv .serverTimestamp) }, { "notTopicalAtSource", BsonBoolean .Create(false) }, { "invalidAtSource", BsonBoolean .Create(!iv .quality ) }, { "overflowAtSource", BsonBoolean .Create(false) }, { "blockedAtSource", BsonBoolean .Create(false) }, { "substitutedAtSource", BsonBoolean .Create(false) } } } } } }; var filt = new rtFilt { protocolSourceConnectionNumber = iv.conn_number, protocolSourceCommonAddress = iv.common_address, protocolSourceObjectAddress = iv.address }; Log("MongoDB - ADD " + iv.address + " " + iv.value, LogLevelDebug); // Log("3.3"); listWrites .Add(new UpdateOneModel <rtData>(filt .ToBsonDocument(), update)); if (listWrites.Count >= BulkWriteLimit) { break; } if (stopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds > 400) { break; } // Log("3.4 - Write buffer " + listWrites.Count + " Data " + OPCDataQueue.Count); // give time to breath each 250 dequeues //if ((listWrites.Count % 250)==0) //{ // await Task.Delay(10); //Thread.Yield(); //Thread.Sleep(1); //} } // Log("4"); if (listWrites.Count > 0) { Log("MongoDB - Bulk write " + listWrites.Count + " Data " + OPCDataQueue.Count); var bulkWriteResult = await collection.BulkWriteAsync(listWrites); listWrites.Clear(); //Thread.Yield(); //Thread.Sleep(1); } if (OPCDataQueue.IsEmpty) { await Task.Delay(250); } // Log("6"); }while (true); } catch (Exception e) { Log("Exception Mongo"); Log(e); Log(e .ToString() .Substring(0, e.ToString().IndexOf(Environment.NewLine))); Thread.Sleep(1000); while (OPCDataQueue.Count > DataBufferLimit // do not let data queue grow more than a limit ) { Log("MongoDB - Dequeue Data", LogLevelDetailed); OPC_Value iv; OPCDataQueue.TryDequeue(out iv); } } }while (true); }
public static BsonValue Create(this BsonType bsonType, object o) { BsonValue value = BsonNull.Value; try { switch (bsonType) { case BsonType.EndOfDocument: break; case BsonType.Double: value = BsonDouble.Create(o); break; case BsonType.String: value = BsonString.Create(o); break; case BsonType.Document: value = BsonDocument.Create(o); break; case BsonType.Array: value = BsonArray.Create(o); break; case BsonType.Binary: value = BsonBinaryData.Create(o); break; case BsonType.Undefined: break; case BsonType.ObjectId: value = BsonObjectId.Create(o); break; case BsonType.Boolean: value = BsonBoolean.Create(o); break; case BsonType.DateTime: value = BsonDateTime.Create(o); break; case BsonType.Null: value = BsonNull.Value; break; case BsonType.RegularExpression: value = BsonRegularExpression.Create(o); break; case BsonType.JavaScript: value = BsonJavaScript.Create(o); break; case BsonType.Symbol: value = BsonSymbol.Create(o); break; case BsonType.JavaScriptWithScope: value = BsonJavaScriptWithScope.Create(o); break; case BsonType.Int32: value = BsonInt32.Create(o); break; case BsonType.Timestamp: value = BsonTimestamp.Create(o); break; case BsonType.Int64: value = BsonInt64.Create(o); break; case BsonType.MaxKey: value = BsonValue.Create(o); break; case BsonType.MinKey: value = BsonValue.Create(o); break; } } catch { } return(value); }
// This process monitor and updates redundancy control of the driver instance in mongodb static async void ProcessRedundancyMongo(JSONSCADAConfig jsConfig) { do { try { var lastActiveNodeKeepAliveTimeTag = DateTime.MinValue; var countKeepAliveUpdates = 0; var countKeepAliveUpdatesLimit = 4; var Client = ConnectMongoClient(jsConfig); var DB = Client.GetDatabase(jsConfig.mongoDatabaseName); // read and process instances configuration var collconns = DB .GetCollection <IEC10X_connection >(ProtocolConnectionsCollectionName); var collinsts = DB .GetCollection <protocolDriverInstancesClass >(ProtocolDriverInstancesCollectionName); do { bool isMongoLive = DB .RunCommandAsync((Command <BsonDocument>) "{ping:1}") .Wait(1000); if (!isMongoLive) { throw new Exception("Error on MongoDB connection "); } var instances = collinsts .Find(inst => inst.protocolDriver == ProtocolDriverName && inst.protocolDriverInstanceNumber == ProtocolDriverInstanceNumber) .ToList(); var foundinstance = false; foreach (protocolDriverInstancesClass inst in instances) { foundinstance = true; var nodefound = false; foreach (var name in inst.nodeNames) { if (JSConfig.nodeName == name) { nodefound = true; } } if (!nodefound) { Log("Node '" + JSConfig.nodeName + "' not found in instances configuration!"); Environment.Exit(-1); } if (inst.activeNodeName == JSConfig.nodeName) { if (!Active) // will go active { Log("Redundancy - ACTIVATING this Node!"); } Active = true; countKeepAliveUpdates = 0; } else { if (Active) // will go inactive { // wait a random time Log("Redundancy - DEACTIVATING this Node (other node active)!"); countKeepAliveUpdates = 0; Random rnd = new Random(); Thread.Sleep(rnd.Next(1000, 5000)); } Active = false; if (lastActiveNodeKeepAliveTimeTag == inst.activeNodeKeepAliveTimeTag) { countKeepAliveUpdates++; } lastActiveNodeKeepAliveTimeTag = inst.activeNodeKeepAliveTimeTag; if (countKeepAliveUpdates > countKeepAliveUpdatesLimit) { // time exceeded, be active Log("Redundancy - ACTIVATING this Node!"); Active = true; } } if (Active) { Log("Redundancy - This node is active."); // update keep alive time var filter1 = Builders <protocolDriverInstancesClass> .Filter .Eq(m => m.protocolDriver, ProtocolDriverName); var filter2 = Builders <protocolDriverInstancesClass> .Filter .Eq(m => m.protocolDriverInstanceNumber, ProtocolDriverInstanceNumber); var filter = Builders <protocolDriverInstancesClass> .Filter .And(filter1, filter2); var update = Builders <protocolDriverInstancesClass> .Update .Set(m => m.activeNodeName, JSConfig.nodeName) .Set(m => m.activeNodeKeepAliveTimeTag, DateTime.Now); var options = new FindOneAndUpdateOptions <protocolDriverInstancesClass, protocolDriverInstancesClass >(); options.IsUpsert = false; await collinsts .FindOneAndUpdateAsync(filter, update, options); // update statistics for connections foreach (IEC10X_connection srv in IEC10Xconns) { if (!(srv.master is null)) { var stats = srv.master; var filt = new BsonDocument(new BsonDocument("protocolConnectionNumber", srv.protocolConnectionNumber)); var upd = new BsonDocument("$set", new BsonDocument { { "stats", new BsonDocument { { "nodeName", JSConfig.nodeName }, { "timeTag", BsonDateTime.Create(DateTime.Now) }, { "linkLayerState", BsonString.Create(srv.master.GetLinkLayerState(srv.remoteLinkAddress).ToString()) }, } }, }); var res = collconns.UpdateOneAsync(filt, upd); } } } else { if (inst.activeNodeName != "") { Log("Redundancy - This node is INACTIVE! Node '" + inst.activeNodeName + "' is active, wait..."); } else { Log("Redundancy - This node is INACTIVE! No node is active, wait..."); } } break; // process just first result } if (!foundinstance) { if (Active) // will go inactive { // wait a random time Log("Redundancy - DEACTIVATING this Node (no instance found)!"); countKeepAliveUpdates = 0; Random rnd = new Random(); Thread.Sleep(rnd.Next(1000, 5000)); } Active = false; } Thread.Sleep(5000); }while (true); } catch (Exception e) { Log("Exception Mongo"); Log(e); Log(e .ToString() .Substring(0, e.ToString().IndexOf(Environment.NewLine))); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(3000); } }while (true); }
static public int AutoKeyMultiplier = 1000000; // maximum number of points on each connection self-published (auto numbered points) // This process updates acquired values in the mongodb collection for realtime data static public async void ProcessMongo(JSONSCADAConfig jsConfig) { do { try { var Client = ConnectMongoClient(jsConfig); var DB = Client.GetDatabase(jsConfig.mongoDatabaseName); var collection = DB.GetCollection <rtData>(RealtimeDataCollectionName); var collectionId = DB.GetCollection <rtDataId>(RealtimeDataCollectionName); var collection_cmd = DB .GetCollection <rtCommand>(CommandsQueueCollectionName); Log("MongoDB Update Thread Started..."); var listWrites = new List <WriteModel <rtData> >(); do { //if (LogLevel >= LogLevelBasic && OPCDataQueue.Count > 0) // Log("MongoDB - Data queue size: " + OPCDataQueue.Count, LogLevelBasic); bool isMongoLive = DB .RunCommandAsync((Command <BsonDocument>) "{ping:1}") .Wait(2500); if (!isMongoLive) { throw new Exception("Error on MongoDB connection "); } Stopwatch stopWatch = new Stopwatch(); stopWatch.Start(); OPC_Value iv; while (!OPCDataQueue.IsEmpty && OPCDataQueue.TryPeek(out iv) && OPCDataQueue.TryDequeue(out iv)) { DateTime tt = DateTime.MinValue; BsonValue bsontt = BsonNull.Value; try { if (iv.hasSourceTimestamp) { bsontt = BsonValue.Create(iv.sourceTimestamp); } } catch { tt = DateTime.MinValue; bsontt = BsonNull.Value; } BsonDocument valJSON = new BsonDocument(); try { valJSON = BsonDocument.Parse(iv.valueJson); } catch (Exception e) { Log(iv.conn_name + " - " + e.Message); } if (iv.selfPublish) { // find the json-scada connection for this received value int conn_index = 0; for (int index = 0; index < OPCUAconns.Count; index++) { if (OPCUAconns[index].protocolConnectionNumber == iv.conn_number) { conn_index = index; } } string tag = TagFromOPCParameters(iv); if (!OPCUAconns[conn_index].InsertedTags.Contains(tag)) { // tag not yet inserted // put the tag in the list of inserted, then insert it OPCUAconns[conn_index].InsertedTags.Add(tag); Log(iv.conn_name + " - INSERT NEW TAG: " + tag + " - Addr:" + iv.address); // find a new freee _id key based on the connection number if (OPCUAconns[conn_index].LastNewKeyCreated == 0) { Double AutoKeyId = iv.conn_number * AutoKeyMultiplier; var results = collectionId.Find <rtDataId>(new BsonDocument { { "_id", new BsonDocument { { "$gt", AutoKeyId }, { "$lt", (iv.conn_number + 1) * AutoKeyMultiplier } } } }).Sort(Builders <rtDataId> .Sort.Descending("_id")) .Limit(1) .ToList(); if (results.Count > 0) { OPCUAconns[conn_index].LastNewKeyCreated = results[0]._id.ToDouble() + 1; } else { OPCUAconns[conn_index].LastNewKeyCreated = AutoKeyId; } } else { OPCUAconns[conn_index].LastNewKeyCreated = OPCUAconns[conn_index].LastNewKeyCreated + 1; } var id = OPCUAconns[conn_index].LastNewKeyCreated; // will enqueue to insert the new tag into mongo DB var insert = newRealtimeDoc(iv, id); insert.protocolSourcePublishingInterval = OPCUAconns[conn_index].autoCreateTagPublishingInterval; insert.protocolSourceSamplingInterval = OPCUAconns[conn_index].autoCreateTagSamplingInterval; insert.protocolSourceQueueSize = OPCUAconns[conn_index].autoCreateTagQueueSize; listWrites .Add(new InsertOneModel <rtData>(insert)); // will imediatelly be followed by an update below (to the same tag) } } // update one existing document with received tag value (realtimeData) var update = new BsonDocument { { "$set", new BsonDocument { { "sourceDataUpdate", new BsonDocument { { "valueBsonAtSource", valJSON }, { "valueAtSource", BsonDouble .Create(iv.value) }, { "valueStringAtSource", BsonString .Create(iv.valueString) }, { "asduAtSource", BsonString .Create(iv.asdu.ToString()) }, { "causeOfTransmissionAtSource", BsonString.Create(iv.cot.ToString()) }, { "timeTagAtSource", bsontt }, { "timeTagAtSourceOk", BsonBoolean .Create(iv.hasSourceTimestamp) }, { "timeTag", BsonValue .Create(iv .serverTimestamp) }, { "notTopicalAtSource", BsonBoolean .Create(false) }, { "invalidAtSource", BsonBoolean .Create(!iv .quality ) }, { "overflowAtSource", BsonBoolean .Create(false) }, { "blockedAtSource", BsonBoolean .Create(false) }, { "substitutedAtSource", BsonBoolean .Create(false) } } } } } }; // update filter, avoids updating commands that can have the same address as supervised points var filt = new rtFilt { protocolSourceConnectionNumber = iv.conn_number, protocolSourceObjectAddress = iv.address, origin = "supervised" }; Log("MongoDB - ADD " + iv.address + " " + iv.value, LogLevelDebug); listWrites .Add(new UpdateOneModel <rtData>(filt .ToBsonDocument(), update)); if (listWrites.Count >= BulkWriteLimit) { break; } if (stopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds > 400) { break; } // Log("Write buffer " + listWrites.Count + " Data " + OPCDataQueue.Count); // give time to breath each 250 dequeues //if ((listWrites.Count % 250)==0) //{ // await Task.Delay(10); //Thread.Yield(); //Thread.Sleep(1); //} } if (listWrites.Count > 0) { Log("MongoDB - Bulk writing " + listWrites.Count + ", Total enqueued data " + OPCDataQueue.Count); var bulkWriteResult = await collection.BulkWriteAsync(listWrites); listWrites.Clear(); Log($"MongoDB - OK:{bulkWriteResult.IsAcknowledged} - Inserted:{bulkWriteResult.InsertedCount} - Updated:{bulkWriteResult.ModifiedCount}"); //Thread.Yield(); //Thread.Sleep(1); } if (OPCDataQueue.IsEmpty) { await Task.Delay(250); } }while (true); } catch (Exception e) { Log("Exception Mongo"); Log(e); Log(e .ToString() .Substring(0, e.ToString().IndexOf(Environment.NewLine))); Thread.Sleep(1000); while (OPCDataQueue.Count > DataBufferLimit // do not let data queue grow more than a limit ) { Log("MongoDB - Dequeue Data", LogLevelDetailed); OPC_Value iv; OPCDataQueue.TryDequeue(out iv); } } }while (true); }
public void Save_ResultIsPurchaseOrderCreated_PersistsExpectedDocument(PurchaseOrderStatus status) { /// Arrange // Get a purchase order created event. var @event = new PurchaseOrderCreated( purchaseOrderId: Guid.NewGuid(), status: status, vendorId: Guid.NewGuid(), lines: Enumerable.Empty <PurchaseOrderLine>() .Append(new PurchaseOrderLine( productId: Guid.NewGuid(), quantity: 14.25M, measure: "EA", pricePerUnit: 2.24M)) .Append(new PurchaseOrderLine( productId: Guid.NewGuid(), quantity: 5.5M, measure: "FT", pricePerUnit: 0.75M))); // Get some next id. var nextId = Guid.NewGuid(); // Get the expected document dictionary. var expected = new BsonDocument() .Add(new BsonElement("_id", BsonString.Create(nextId.ToString()))) .Add(new BsonElement("_type", BsonString.Create(nameof(PurchaseOrderCreated)))) .Add(new BsonElement(nameof(PurchaseOrderCreated.PurchaseOrderId), new BsonString(@event.PurchaseOrderId.ToString()))) .Add(new BsonElement(nameof(PurchaseOrderCreated.Status), new BsonString(Enum.GetName <PurchaseOrderStatus>(@event.Status)))) .Add(new BsonElement(nameof(PurchaseOrderCreated.VendorId), new BsonString(@event.VendorId.ToString()))) .Add(new BsonElement(nameof(PurchaseOrderCreated.Lines), new BsonArray() .Add(new BsonDocument() .Add(new BsonElement(nameof(PurchaseOrderLine.ProductId), BsonString.Create(@event.Lines.ElementAt(0).ProductId.ToString()))) .Add(new BsonElement(nameof(PurchaseOrderLine.Quantity), BsonDecimal128.Create(@event.Lines.ElementAt(0).Quantity))) .Add(new BsonElement(nameof(PurchaseOrderLine.Measure), BsonString.Create(@event.Lines.ElementAt(0).Measure))) .Add(new BsonElement(nameof(PurchaseOrderLine.PricePerUnit), BsonDecimal128.Create(@event.Lines.ElementAt(0).PricePerUnit)))) .Add(new BsonDocument() .Add(new BsonElement(nameof(PurchaseOrderLine.ProductId), BsonString.Create(@event.Lines.ElementAt(1).ProductId.ToString()))) .Add(new BsonElement(nameof(PurchaseOrderLine.Quantity), BsonDecimal128.Create(@event.Lines.ElementAt(1).Quantity))) .Add(new BsonElement(nameof(PurchaseOrderLine.Measure), BsonString.Create(@event.Lines.ElementAt(1).Measure))) .Add(new BsonElement(nameof(PurchaseOrderLine.PricePerUnit), BsonDecimal128.Create(@event.Lines.ElementAt(1).PricePerUnit)))))); // Mock up a mongo client for the mongo db event store. BsonDocument actual = null; var collection = Mock.Create <IMongoCollection <BsonDocument> >(); Mock.Arrange(() => collection.InsertOne(Arg.IsAny <BsonDocument>(), Arg.IsAny <InsertOneOptions>(), Arg.IsAny <CancellationToken>())) .DoInstead((BsonDocument document) => actual = document); var database = Mock.Create <IMongoDatabase>(); Mock.Arrange(() => database.GetCollection <BsonDocument>(Arg.AnyString, Arg.IsAny <MongoCollectionSettings>())) .Returns(collection); var client = Mock.Create <IMongoClient>(); Mock.Arrange(() => client.GetDatabase(Arg.AnyString, Arg.IsAny <MongoDatabaseSettings>())) .Returns(database); /// Act // Save the event. MongoDBEventStore.Save(client, nextId, @event); /// Assert // Verify that the actual document matches the expected document. Assert.Equal(expected, actual); }