public void ExportToFolderWithProgress(HtmlDom dom, string imagesFolderPath, string outputFolder, Action <string> resultCallback) { var mainShell = Application.OpenForms.Cast <Form>().FirstOrDefault(f => f is Shell); BrowserProgressDialog.DoWorkWithProgressDialog(_webSocketServer, "spreadsheet-export", () => new ReactDialog("progressDialogBundle", // props to send to the react component new { title = "Exporting Spreadsheet", titleIcon = "", // enhance: add icon if wanted titleColor = "white", titleBackgroundColor = Palette.kBloomBlueHex, webSocketContext = "spreadsheet-export", showReportButton = "if-error" }, "Export Spreadsheet") // winforms dialog properties { Width = 620, Height = 550 }, (progress, worker) => { var spreadsheet = ExportToFolder(dom, imagesFolderPath, outputFolder, out string outputFilePath, progress); resultCallback(outputFilePath); return(progress.HaveProblemsBeenReported); }, null, mainShell);
public void ImportWithProgress(string inputFilepath) { Debug.Assert(_pathToBookFolder != null, "Somehow we made it into ImportWithProgress() without a path to the book folder"); var mainShell = Application.OpenForms.Cast <Form>().FirstOrDefault(f => f is Shell); BrowserProgressDialog.DoWorkWithProgressDialog(_webSocketServer, "spreadsheet-import", () => new ReactDialog("progressDialogBundle", // props to send to the react component new { title = "Importing Spreadsheet", titleIcon = "", // enhance: add icon if wanted titleColor = "white", titleBackgroundColor = Palette.kBloomBlueHex, webSocketContext = "spreadsheet-import", showReportButton = "if-error" }, "Import Spreadsheet") // winforms dialog properties { Width = 620, Height = 550 }, (progress, worker) => { var hasAudio = _destinationDom.GetRecordedAudioSentences(_pathToBookFolder).Any(); var cannotImportEnding = " For this reason, we need to abandon the import. Instead, you can import into a blank book."; if (hasAudio) { progress.MessageWithoutLocalizing($"Warning: Spreadsheet import cannot currently preserve Talking Book audio that is already in this book." + cannotImportEnding, ProgressKind.Error); return(true); // leave progress window up so user can see error. } var hasActivities = _destinationDom.HasActivityPages(); if (hasActivities) { progress.MessageWithoutLocalizing($"Warning: Spreadsheet import cannot currently preserve quizzes, widgets, or other activities that are already in this book." + cannotImportEnding, ProgressKind.Error); return(true); // leave progress window up so user can see error. } var sheet = InternalSpreadsheet.ReadFromFile(inputFilepath, progress); if (sheet == null) { return(true); } if (!Validate(sheet, progress)) { return(true); // errors already reported to progress } progress.MessageWithoutLocalizing($"Making a backup of the original book..."); var backupPath = BookStorage.SaveCopyBeforeImportOverwrite(_pathToBookFolder); progress.MessageWithoutLocalizing($"Backup completed (at {backupPath})"); Import(sheet, progress); return(true); // always leave the dialog up until the user chooses 'close' }, null, mainShell); }
// Precondition: bulkSaveSettings must be non-null public void PublishAllBooks(BulkBloomPubPublishSettings bulkSaveSettings) { BrowserProgressDialog.DoWorkWithProgressDialog(_webSocketServer, "Bulk Save BloomPubs", (progress, worker) => { var dest = new TemporaryFolder("BloomPubs"); progress.MessageWithoutLocalizing($"Creating files in {dest.FolderPath}..."); var filenameWithoutExtension = _collectionModel.CollectionSettings.DefaultBookshelf.SanitizeFilename(' ', true); ; if (bulkSaveSettings.makeBookshelfFile) { // see progress.MessageWithoutLocalizing($"Creating bloomshelf file..."); System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(!bulkSaveSettings.bookshelfColor.Contains("\n") && !bulkSaveSettings.bookshelfColor.Contains("\r"), "(BL-10190 Repro) Invalid bookshelfColor setting (contains newline). Please investigate!"); var colorString = getBloomReaderColorString(bulkSaveSettings.bookshelfColor); System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(!colorString.Contains("\n") && !colorString.Contains("\r"), "(BL-10190 Repro) Invalid computed colorString value (contains newline). Please investigate!"); // OK I know this looks lame but trust me, using jsconvert to make that trivial label array is way too verbose. var template = "{ 'label': [{ 'en': 'bookshelf-name'}], 'id': 'id-of-the-bookshelf', 'color': 'hex-color-value'}"; var json = template.Replace('\'', '"') .Replace("bookshelf-name", bulkSaveSettings.bookshelfLabel.Replace('"', '\'')) .Replace("id-of-the-bookshelf", _collectionModel.CollectionSettings.DefaultBookshelf) .Replace("hex-color-value", colorString); var filename = $"{filenameWithoutExtension}.bloomshelf"; var bloomShelfPath = Path.Combine(dest.FolderPath, filename); RobustFile.WriteAllText(bloomShelfPath, json, Encoding.UTF8); } foreach (var bookInfo in _collectionModel.TheOneEditableCollection.GetBookInfos()) { if (worker.CancellationPending) { progress.MessageWithoutLocalizing("Cancelled."); return(true); } progress.MessageWithoutLocalizing($"Making BloomPUB for {bookInfo.QuickTitleUserDisplay}...", ProgressKind.Heading); var settings = AndroidPublishSettings.GetPublishSettingsForBook(_bookServer, bookInfo); settings.DistributionTag = bulkSaveSettings.distributionTag; if (bulkSaveSettings.makeBookshelfFile) { settings.BookshelfTag = _collectionModel.CollectionSettings.DefaultBookshelf; } BloomPubMaker.CreateBloomPub(bookInfo, settings, dest.FolderPath, _bookServer, progress); } if (bulkSaveSettings.makeBloomBundle) { var bloomBundlePath = Path.Combine(dest.FolderPath, $"{filenameWithoutExtension}.bloombundle"); var bloomBundleFile = new BloomTarArchive(bloomBundlePath); bloomBundleFile.AddDirectoryContents(dest.FolderPath, new string[] { ".bloombundle" }); bloomBundleFile.Save(); } progress.MessageWithoutLocalizing("Done.", ProgressKind.Heading); Process.SafeStart(dest.FolderPath); // true means wait for the user, don't close automatically return(true); }); }