public uint TransitionLampState(ulong Timestamp, BridgeRT.State NewState, uint TransitionPeriod, out uint LampResponseCode)
     LampResponseCode = 0;
     return 0; //TODO
 public uint LampState_ApplyPulseEffect(BridgeRT.State FromState, BridgeRT.State ToState, uint Period, uint Duration, uint NumPulses, ulong Timestamp, out uint LampResponseCode)
     LampResponseCode = 0;
     return 0; //TODO
 /// <summary>
 /// Change the state of the lamp at the specified time, between the specified OnOff, Brightness, Hue,
 /// Saturation, and ColorTemp values. Pulse for the specified number of times, at the specified duration
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="FromState">Current state of the lamp to transition from</param>
 /// <param name="ToState">New state of the lamp to transition to</param>
 /// <param name="Period">Time period(in ms) to transition over to new state</param>
 /// <param name="Duration">Time period(in ms) to remain in new state</param>
 /// <param name="NumPulses">Number of pulses</param>
 /// <param name="Timestamp">Timestamp (in ms) of when to start the pulses</param>
 private async void ApplyPulseEffectAsync(BridgeRT.State FromState, BridgeRT.State ToState, uint Period, uint Duration, uint NumPulses, ulong Timestamp)
     uint response;
     await System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Delay((int)Timestamp).ConfigureAwait(false);
     TransitionLampState(0, FromState, 0, out response);
     for (int i = 0; i < NumPulses; i++)
         TransitionLampState(0, ToState, Period, out response);
         await System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Delay((int)(Period + Duration)).ConfigureAwait(false);
         TransitionLampState(0, FromState, Period, out response);
         await System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Delay((int)(Period + Duration)).ConfigureAwait(false);
 private async void TransitionLampStateAsync(ulong Timestamp, BridgeRT.State NewState, uint TransitionPeriod)
     if (Timestamp > 0)
         await Task.Delay((int)Timestamp);
     System.Threading.CancellationToken token = System.Threading.CancellationToken.None;
     lock (transitionLock)
         if (transitionCancellation != null)
             //Cancel any ongoing transitions
         transitionCancellation = new System.Threading.CancellationTokenSource();
         token = transitionCancellation.Token;
     var steps = Math.Floor(30d / (1000d / TransitionPeriod));
     var stepdelay = TransitionPeriod / steps;
     var startHue = LampState_Hue;
     var startBrightness = LampState_Brightness;
     var startSaturation = LampState_Saturation;
     var startTemp = LampState_ColorTemp;
     if (NewState.IsOn.HasValue && NewState.IsOn.Value)
         LampState_OnOff = true;
     if(NewState.ColorTemp.HasValue && LampDetails_VariableColorTemp)
         //Clip to supported temperatures
         if (NewState.ColorTemp.Value > kelvinToUInt(LampDetails_MaxTemperature))
             NewState.ColorTemp = kelvinToUInt(LampDetails_MaxTemperature);
         else if (NewState.ColorTemp.Value < kelvinToUInt(LampDetails_MinTemperature))
             NewState.ColorTemp = kelvinToUInt(LampDetails_MinTemperature);
     for (int i = 1; i < steps; i++)
         if(NewState.Hue.HasValue && LampDetails_Color)
             var inc = (NewState.Hue.Value - (double)startHue) / steps;
             this.hue = (uint)(startHue + inc * i);
         if (NewState.Brightness.HasValue && LampDetails_Dimmable)
             var inc = (NewState.Brightness.Value - (double)startBrightness) / steps;
             this.brightness = (uint)(startBrightness + inc * i);
         if (NewState.Saturation.HasValue && LampDetails_Color)
             var inc = (NewState.Saturation.Value - (double)startSaturation) / steps;
             this.saturation = (uint)(startSaturation + inc * i);
         if (NewState.ColorTemp.HasValue && LampDetails_VariableColorTemp)
             var inc = (NewState.ColorTemp.Value - (double)startTemp) / steps;
             this.colorTemp = (uint)(startTemp + inc * i);
         await Task.Delay((int)stepdelay);
         if (token.IsCancellationRequested)
     if (NewState.Hue.HasValue && LampDetails_Color)
         this.hue = NewState.Hue.Value;
     if (NewState.Brightness.HasValue && LampDetails_Dimmable)
         this.brightness = NewState.Brightness.Value;
     if (NewState.Saturation.HasValue && LampDetails_Color)
         this.saturation = NewState.Saturation.Value;
     if (NewState.ColorTemp.HasValue && LampDetails_VariableColorTemp)
         this.colorTemp = NewState.ColorTemp.Value;
     if (NewState.IsOn.HasValue && !NewState.IsOn.Value)
         LampState_OnOff = false;
 public uint TransitionLampState(ulong Timestamp, BridgeRT.State NewState, uint TransitionPeriod, out uint LampResponseCode)
     var command = new LightCommand();
     command.TransitionTime = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(TransitionPeriod);
     command.On = NewState.IsOn;
     if (NewState.Brightness.HasValue && LampDetails_Dimmable)
         command.Brightness = (byte)(NewState.Brightness.Value * 254d / UInt32Max);
     if (NewState.Hue.HasValue && LampDetails_Color)
         command.Hue = (int)(NewState.Hue.Value * 65535d / UInt32Max);
     if (NewState.Saturation.HasValue && LampDetails_Color)
         command.Saturation = (int)(NewState.Saturation.Value * 254d / UInt32Max);
     if (NewState.ColorTemp.HasValue && LampDetails_VariableColorTemp)
         double kelvin = NewState.ColorTemp.Value * 19000d / UInt32Max + 1000;
         int kelvinLimited = (int)Math.Max(LampDetails_MinTemperature, Math.Min(LampDetails_MaxTemperature, kelvin));
         int mired = (int)(1000000d / kelvinLimited);
         //Currently hue doesn't like setting color temp if the other parameters are also set.
         //Skipping for now.
         //command.ColorTemperature = mired;
     LampResponseCode = 0;
     System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(Timestamp)).ContinueWith(_ =>
         _client.SendCommandAsync(command, new[] { _light.Id });
         //Update state
             _light.State.Hue = command.Hue.Value;
         if (command.Brightness.HasValue)
             _light.State.Brightness = command.Brightness.Value;
         if (command.Saturation.HasValue)
             _light.State.Saturation= command.Saturation.Value;
         if (command.ColorTemperature.HasValue)
             _light.State.ColorTemperature = command.ColorTemperature.Value;
         if (command.On.HasValue)
             _light.State.On = command.On.Value;
     return 0; //TODO