public static void Main() { Console.WriteLine("Welcom to Pierre Bakery, Pierre offers the following deals: "); Console.WriteLine("Would you like to buy some Bread Loaf, enter yes/Y/y for yes: "); string userBread = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Would you like to buy some Pastry, enter yes/Y/y for yes: "); string userPastry = Console.ReadLine(); if (userBread == "yes" || userBread == "Yes" || userBread == "y" || userBread == "Y") { Console.WriteLine("Below is the list of bread loaf we have:"); Bread bread1 = new Bread("Whole-Wheat", 5); Bread bread2 = new Bread("Sourdough", 4); Bread bread3 = new Bread("Rye", 6); Bread bread4 = new Bread("Multigrain", 7); List <Bread> Breads = new List <Bread>() { bread1, bread2, bread3, bread4 }; foreach (Bread allbread in Breads) { Console.WriteLine("----------------------"); Console.WriteLine(allbread.GetBreadName()); Console.WriteLine(allbread.GetBreadPrice() + "$"); } string flavorName = ""; int quantity = 0; int totalBill = 0; string userWish = "yes"; while (userWish == "yes" || userWish == "Yes" || userWish == "y" || userWish == "Y") { Console.WriteLine("Enter the Name: "); flavorName = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Enter how many you want: "); quantity = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); if (quantity != 0) { int bill = Bread.BreadBill(quantity, flavorName); totalBill = totalBill + bill; } Console.WriteLine("would you like to order more breads enter "); userWish = Console.ReadLine(); } Console.WriteLine("your total bill is: " + totalBill + "$"); } if (userPastry == "yes" || userPastry == "Yes" || userPastry == "y" || userPastry == "Y") { Console.WriteLine("\u25A0 Pastry: Buy 1 for $2 or 3 for $5."); Console.WriteLine("Below is the list of Pastry we have:"); Pastry pastry1 = new Pastry("Chocolate", 2); Pastry pastry2 = new Pastry("vanilla", 2); Pastry pastry3 = new Pastry("strawberry", 2); Pastry pastry4 = new Pastry("blackforest", 2); List <Pastry> Pastrys = new List <Pastry>() { pastry1, pastry2, pastry3, pastry4 }; foreach (Pastry allpastry in Pastrys) { Console.WriteLine("----------------------"); Console.WriteLine(allpastry.GetPastryName()); } Console.WriteLine("Enter no. of Pastry you want: "); int numPastry = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); if (numPastry != 0) { int pastryAmt = Pastry.PastryBill(numPastry); Console.WriteLine("No. of bread you order: " + numPastry + " your bill: " + pastryAmt + "$"); } } }