private void DataGridHeaderDetails_CellClick(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e) { try { if (DataGridHeaderDetails.Rows.Count > 0) { int RowIndex = DataGridHeaderDetails.CurrentCell.RowIndex; SalesId = Convert.ToInt32(DataGridHeaderDetails.Rows[RowIndex].Cells[0].Value.ToString()); int ColumnIndex = DataGridHeaderDetails.CurrentCell.ColumnIndex; string text = DataGridHeaderDetails.Columns[ColumnIndex].HeaderText; if (text.Equals("Edit")) { if (SalesId != 0) { new Sales(SalesId).ShowDialog(); } else { messageShow.singlemsgtext("Only invoice number search allowed to edit"); } } else if (text.Equals("Delete")) { string result ="Delete!", "Do you want to delete the bill permanently?"); if (result == "1") { var SalesDetails = new DomainModel.Transactions.SalesDetails { SalesId = Convert.ToInt32(DataGridHeaderDetails.Rows[DataGridHeaderDetails.CurrentCell.RowIndex].Cells["sales_id"].Value.ToString()), CustomerName = "", CustomerMobileNo = 0, GrossAmount = 0, DiscountPer = 0, DiscountAmount = 0, NetAmount = 0, PaymentType = 1, PaidAmount = 0, DuesAmount = 0, DtSalesDetails = null, OperationType = 3 }; long DeletedId = _SalesRepository.InsertUpdateSalesDetails(SalesDetails); if (DeletedId > 0) { messageShow.singlemsgtext("Successfully deleted the bill."); GetBrandList(0, DropDownBrandName.Text.ToString(), 3); OperationType = 1; GetDataGridDetails(); } else { messageShow.singlemsgtext("Error occured while deleting the bill."); } } else { return; } } else { if (BrandCode != 0) { LblInvoiceNo.Text = "Brand Code : " + BrandCode.ToString(); } else { LblInvoiceNo.Text = "Invoice Number : " + DataGridHeaderDetails.Rows[RowIndex].Cells[2].Value.ToString(); } OperationType = 3; GetDataGridDetails(); } } } catch (Exception _exception) { CmC.InsertException(_exception); messageShow.singlemsgtext(CmC.ExceptionErrorMessage); } }
private void DataGridHeaderDetails_CellClick(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e) { try { if (DataGridHeaderDetails.Rows.Count > 0) { int RowIndex = DataGridHeaderDetails.CurrentCell.RowIndex; PurchaseId = Convert.ToInt32(DataGridHeaderDetails.Rows[RowIndex].Cells[0].Value.ToString()); int ColumnIndex = DataGridHeaderDetails.CurrentCell.ColumnIndex; string text = DataGridHeaderDetails.Columns[ColumnIndex].HeaderText; if (text.Equals("Delete")) { string result ="Delete!", "Do you want to delete the purchased item(s) permanently?"); if (result == "1") { var purchase_details = new DomainModel.Transactions.PurchaseDetails { PurchaseId = PurchaseId, PurchaseInvoiceNo = "", SupplierCode = 0, NetAmount = 0, PaymentType = 0, PaidAmount = 0, DuesAmount = 0, DtPurchaseDetails = null, OperationType = 3 }; int id = _purchaseRepository.InsertUpdatePurchaseDetails(purchase_details); if (id > 0) { messageShow.singlemsgtext("Sccessfully deleted the purchase item."); GetBrandList(0, DropDownBrandName.Text.ToString(), 3); OperationType = 1; GetDataGridDetails(); } else if (id == -1) { messageShow.singlemsgtext("This purchased items already sold, so you can't delete this item(s)."); } else { messageShow.singlemsgtext("Error occured while deleting the bill."); } } else { return; } } if (BrandCode != 0) { LblInvoiceNo.Text = "Brand Code : " + BrandCode.ToString(); } else { LblInvoiceNo.Text = "Invoice Number : " + DataGridHeaderDetails.Rows[RowIndex].Cells[2].Value.ToString(); } OperationType = 3; GetDataGridDetails(); } } catch (Exception _exception) { CmC.InsertException(_exception); messageShow.singlemsgtext(CmC.ExceptionErrorMessage); } }