public ActionResult ConfirmAddBranch(string Branch_Location, string Pass) { if (Session["Password"].ToString() == Pass) { BranchRepository repo = new BranchRepository(); repo.Get(Branch_Location); if (repo.Get(Branch_Location) == null) { Branch br = new Branch(); br.Branch_Location = Branch_Location; repo.Insert(br); ViewData["Message"] = "Branch inserted successfully"; } else { ViewData["Message"] = "Branch alread Exist"; } } else { ViewData["Message"] = "Wrong Password"; } return(View("Empty")); }
public ActionResult Create() { var viewModel = new CarCreateViewModel(); viewModel.AvailableBranches = branchRepo.Get(); return(View(viewModel)); }
// // GET: /Employee/Create public ActionResult Create() { var shifts = _shiftRepository.Get(); ViewBag.Dept = _deptRepository.Get(); ViewBag.Branch = _branchRepository.Get(); return(View(shifts)); }
public IHttpActionResult DiscountReportByBranch() { List <DiscountViewModel> discountModels = new List <DiscountViewModel>(); List <DiscountReportViewModel> model = new List <DiscountReportViewModel>(); model = invoiceRepository.DiscountReportByBranch(); foreach (var item in model) { DiscountViewModel discount = new DiscountViewModel(); discount.Branch_Id = item.BranchId; discount.Column1 = item.Discount; discountModels.Add(discount); } List <BarChartModel> barCharts = new List <BarChartModel>(); foreach (DiscountViewModel item in discountModels) { DiscountViewModel dvm = new DiscountViewModel(); BranchRepository branch = new BranchRepository(); string branchName = branch.Get(item.Branch_Id).Name; dvm.Column1 = item.Column1; BarChartModel barChart = new BarChartModel(branchName, (double)dvm.Column1); barCharts.Add(barChart); } var lsitOfData = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(barCharts); return(Ok(barCharts)); }
public ActionResult ViewBranch(int id) { if (Session["uid"] == null || Convert.ToInt32(Session["type"]) != 0) { TempData["errmsg"] = "You are not allowed to see the page without login"; return(RedirectToAction("index", "login")); } return(View(branchRepo.Get(id))); }
public List <Product> serviceHistory(int id) { List <Product> products = GetAll().Where <Product>(x => (x.Sending_Manager_id == id || x.Receiving_Manager_id == id) && x.Product_State == 4).ToList(); foreach (var item in products) { item.Branch = branchRepo.Get(item.Sending_B_id); item.Branch1 = branchRepo.Get(item.Receiving_B_id); } return(products); }
public List <Employee_Problems> GetAllProblems() { List <Employee_Problems> employee_Problems = GetAll(); foreach (var item in employee_Problems) { item.Branch = branchRepo.Get(item.Branch_id); item.User.Employee = empRepo.Get(item.Id); } return(employee_Problems); }
public IHttpActionResult SalesInfoByBranch() { BranchRepository branchRepository = new BranchRepository(); var list = branchRepository.AllBranchSales(); List <BranchSalesViewModel> branchList = new List <BranchSalesViewModel>(); foreach (SumGroupByModel sgm in list) { BranchRepository repository = new BranchRepository(); Branch branchDetails = repository.Get(sgm.Id); BranchSalesViewModel bsvm = new BranchSalesViewModel(); bsvm.Id = sgm.Id; bsvm.BranchName = branchDetails.Name; bsvm.TotalSalesAmount = sgm.Column1; branchList.Add(bsvm); } return(Ok(branchList)); }
static void Main(string[] args) { var account = Radio7.ConfigReader.ConfigFactory.Instance.Resolve<AccountRepository>(); var setttings = Radio7.ConfigReader.ConfigFactory.Instance.Resolve<Settings>(); var logger = new ConsoleLogger(); var branchRepository = new BranchRepository(account, logger); var branches = branchRepository.Get(); var commitRepository = new CommitRepository(account, logger); var commits = commitRepository.Get(setttings.BranchName); var prRepository = new PullRequestRepository(account, logger); var pullRequests = prRepository.Get(); var sql = new SqlRepository(setttings.ConnectionString); sql.LoadTable(branches); sql.LoadTable(commits); sql.LoadTable(pullRequests); }
public ActionResult Index() { List <Branch> branches = _branchRepository.Get(); return(View(branches)); }
public IHttpActionResult Get(int id) { return(Ok(branchRepository.Get(id))); }
public ActionResult Index(string from, string to, int shiftId = 0, int deptId = 0, int branchId = 0) { var events = _eventLogRepository.Get(); var employees = _employeeRepository.Get(); var shifts = _shiftRepository.Get(); var depts = _deptRepository.Get(); var branches = _branchRepository.Get(); ViewBag.Shifts = shifts; ViewBag.Departments = depts; ViewBag.Branches = branches; var query = _attendanceService.GetUserAttendance(events, employees); List <Attendance> result; query = shiftId != 0 ? query.Where(_ => _.Shift.Id == shiftId) : query; query = deptId != 0 ? query.Where(_ => _.Department.Id == deptId) : query; query = branchId != 0 ? query.Where(_ => _.Branch.Id == branchId) : query; DateTime fromDate, toDate; if (from != null && DateTime.TryParse(from, out fromDate)) { query = query.Where(_ => _.Date >= fromDate); } if (to != null && DateTime.TryParse(to, out toDate)) { query = query.Where(_ => _.Date <= toDate); } var filterResult = query.ToList(); var numberOfLeavesTakenByEmployee = _leaveCountRepository.GetLeaveCount(query); var leaveCountDictionary = numberOfLeavesTakenByEmployee.ToDictionary(l => l.EmployeeId); var groupByUser = filterResult.GroupBy(_ => _.UserId); var attendanceSummaries = new List <AttendanceSummary>(); foreach (var g in groupByUser) { var totalPresents = g.Count(); var totalLates = g.Count(day => TimeSpan.Compare(day.FirstEntryTime.TimeOfDay, TimeSpan.Parse(day.Shift.GraceEntryTime).Add(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1))) == 1); totalPresents -= totalLates; var totalDays = totalPresents + totalLates; if (leaveCountDictionary.Count > 0 && leaveCountDictionary.ContainsKey(g.FirstOrDefault().Employee.Id)) { attendanceSummaries.Add(new AttendanceSummary { Name = g.FirstOrDefault().Name, TotalDays = (int)totalDays, TotalPresents = totalPresents, TotalLates = totalLates, ReamainingCasualLeave = leaveCountDictionary[g.FirstOrDefault().Employee.Id].CasualLeave, ReamainingEarnLeave = leaveCountDictionary[g.FirstOrDefault().Employee.Id].EarnLeave, ReamainingSickLeave = leaveCountDictionary[g.FirstOrDefault().Employee.Id].SickLeave }); } else { attendanceSummaries.Add(new AttendanceSummary { Name = g.FirstOrDefault().Name, TotalDays = (int)totalDays, TotalPresents = totalPresents, TotalLates = totalLates, ReamainingCasualLeave = 0, ReamainingEarnLeave = 0, ReamainingSickLeave = 0 }); } } return(View(attendanceSummaries.OrderBy(_ => _.Name).ToList())); }