private async Task ExistingSubscriptionPaymentSkippedUpdateSubscription(string payPalAgreement)
            //get a user with PayPal agreement.
            var userSubscription = _dbcontext.UserSubscriptions.Where(x => x.PayPalAgreementId == payPalAgreement && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(x.PayPalAgreementId)).FirstOrDefault();

            if (userSubscription != null)
                //get user subscription
                var client = _clientFactory.GetClient();
                AgreementGetRequest        request = new AgreementGetRequest(userSubscription.PayPalAgreementId);
                BraintreeHttp.HttpResponse result  = await client.Execute(request);

                Agreement agreement = result.Result <Agreement>();

                string   expiryDateAsString = agreement.AgreementDetails.NextBillingDate.Substring(0, 10);
                DateTime expiryDate         = DateTime.ParseExact(expiryDateAsString, "yyyy-MM-dd", null);

                userSubscription.ExpiryDate = expiryDate;
                userSubscription.State      = "Cancelled";
                await _dbcontext.SaveChangesAsync();

                var userMessage = $"Your subscription for {userSubscription.Description} has been cancelled due to SKIPPED payment. You will have access until {userSubscription.ExpiryDate}.";
                await EmailCustomer(userSubscription.PayerEmail, userMessage, "AndyTipster subscription has been cancelled due to SKIPPED payment.");

                var adminMessage = $"Regular Subscription PAYMENT SKIPPED: {userSubscription.PayerFirstName}  {userSubscription.PayerLastName} " +
                                   $": {userSubscription.PayerEmail} have SKIPPED PAYMENT {userSubscription.Description}. They will have access until : {userSubscription.ExpiryDate}.";

                await EmailAdmin(adminMessage, "Regular Subscription SKIPPED PAYMENT, Subscription UPDATED.");
        public async Task <IActionResult> Index()
            //get user subscription
            var client = _clientFactory.GetClient();
            AgreementGetRequest request = new AgreementGetRequest("I-GY2WH34CHXR5");

            BraintreeHttp.HttpResponse result = await client.Execute(request);

            Agreement agreement = result.Result <Agreement>();

            var payPalCancelSubscription = System.Net.WebRequest.Create("");

            //Set values for the verification request
            payPalCancelSubscription.Method = "POST";

            var response = payPalCancelSubscription.GetResponse();

            //await AddEmailtoList("*****@*****.**");

Exemple #3
        public async Task <IActionResult> Pay([FromQuery] string attemptId)
            var attempt = await this.paymentsService.GetPaymentAttempt(attemptId);

            var clientId = this.configuration.GetSection("PayPal").GetSection("clientId").Value;
            var secret   = this.configuration.GetSection("PayPal").GetSection("secret").Value;

            var environment = new SandboxEnvironment(clientId, secret);
            var client      = new PayPalHttpClient(environment);

            var portocol = this.HttpContext.Request.Scheme;
            var host     = this.HttpContext.Request.Host;

            var returnUrl = $"{portocol}://{host}/Payments/Execute/{attempt.Id}";
            var cancelUrl = $"{portocol}://{host}/Homes/Index";

            var payment = new PayPal.v1.Payments.Payment()
                Intent       = "sale",
                Transactions = new List <Transaction>()
                    new Transaction()
                        Amount = new Amount()
                            Total    = attempt.Price.ToString("G", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
                            Currency = "USD",
                RedirectUrls = new RedirectUrls()
                    ReturnUrl = returnUrl,
                    CancelUrl = cancelUrl,
                Payer = new Payer()
                    PaymentMethod = "paypal",

            PaymentCreateRequest request = new PaymentCreateRequest();


            System.Net.HttpStatusCode statusCode;

                BraintreeHttp.HttpResponse response = await client.Execute(request);

                statusCode = response.StatusCode;
                Payment result = response.Result <Payment>();

                string redirectUrl = null;
                foreach (LinkDescriptionObject link in result.Links)
                    if (link.Rel.Equals("approval_url"))
                        redirectUrl = link.Href;

                if (redirectUrl == null)
                    return(this.Json("Failed to find an approval_url in the response!"));
            catch (BraintreeHttp.HttpException ex)
                statusCode = ex.StatusCode;
                var debugId = ex.Headers.GetValues("PayPal-Debug-Id").FirstOrDefault();
                return(this.Json("Request failed!  HTTP response code was " + statusCode + ", debug ID was " + debugId));
Exemple #4
        public async Task <PayPalPaymentCreationResultDto> CreatePayPalPaymentAsync(string amountToPay)
            var environment = new SandboxEnvironment(_payPalSettings.ClientId, _payPalSettings.ClientSecret);
            var client      = new PayPalHttpClient(environment);

            var steamUser = _steamUserService.GetCurrentRequestSteamUser();

            var payment = new Payment()
                Intent       = "sale",
                Transactions = new List <Transaction>()
                    new Transaction()
                        Amount = new Amount()
                            Total    = amountToPay,
                            Currency = "USD"
                RedirectUrls = new RedirectUrls()
                    ReturnUrl = $"{_hostString}/{_multiTenantContext.TenantInfo.Identifier}/payment/ExecutePayPalPayment",
                    CancelUrl = $"{_hostString}/{_multiTenantContext.TenantInfo.Identifier}/payment/PaymentFailed"
                Payer = new Payer()
                    PaymentMethod = "paypal"
                NoteToPayer = _configuration["BuyerNotes"]

            PaymentCreateRequest paymentCreateRequest = new PaymentCreateRequest();


            _logger.LogInformation($"Preparation for payment creation against PayPal API");

            HttpStatusCode responseStatusCode;

                BraintreeHttp.HttpResponse paymentCreateRequestResult = await client.Execute(paymentCreateRequest);

                _logger.LogInformation($"PayPal payment creation result, {nameof(paymentCreateRequestResult)}: {JsonConvert.SerializeObject(paymentCreateRequestResult)}");

                responseStatusCode = paymentCreateRequestResult.StatusCode;

                if (responseStatusCode != HttpStatusCode.Created)

                Payment paymentResult = paymentCreateRequestResult.Result <Payment>();

                await _payPalCreatedPaymentService.CreateAsync(paymentResult);

                return(new PayPalPaymentCreationResultDto {
                    State = PaymentCreationResultEnum.Success, PaymentDetails = paymentResult
            catch (BraintreeHttp.HttpException e)
                responseStatusCode = e.StatusCode;
                var debugId = e.Headers.GetValues("PayPal-Debug-Id").FirstOrDefault();
                _logger.LogError(e, $"PayPal payment creation: Failed\nSteamUserID: {steamUser.Id}\nSteamUserUID: {steamUser.Uid}\nDebugId: {debugId}\nStatusCode: {responseStatusCode}");

                return(new PayPalPaymentCreationResultDto
                    State = PaymentCreationResultEnum.Failed,
                    FailedReason = debugId
Exemple #5
        public async Task <PayPalPaymentExecuteResultDto> ExecutePayPalPaymentAsync(string paymentId, string token, string payerId)
            var environment = new SandboxEnvironment(_payPalSettings.ClientId, _payPalSettings.ClientSecret);
            var client      = new PayPalHttpClient(environment);

            var steamUser = _steamUserService.GetCurrentRequestSteamUser();

            PaymentExecution paymentExecution = new PaymentExecution()
                PayerId = payerId
            PaymentExecution payment = new PaymentExecution()
                PayerId = payerId
            PaymentExecuteRequest request = new PaymentExecuteRequest(paymentId);


            HttpStatusCode statusCode;
            Payment        paymentExecutionResult = null;

            _logger.LogInformation($"Preparation for payment execution against PayPal API");

            HttpStatusCode responseStatusCode;

                BraintreeHttp.HttpResponse response = await client.Execute(request);

                statusCode             = response.StatusCode;
                paymentExecutionResult = response.Result <Payment>();

                await _payPalExecutedPaymentService.CreateAsync(paymentExecutionResult);

                _logger.LogInformation($"PayPal payment execution result, {nameof(paymentExecutionResult)}: {JsonConvert.SerializeObject(paymentExecutionResult)}");
            catch (BraintreeHttp.HttpException e)
                responseStatusCode = e.StatusCode;
                var debugId = e.Headers.GetValues("PayPal-Debug-Id").FirstOrDefault();
                _logger.LogError(e, $"PayPal payment execution: Failed\nSteamUserID: {steamUser.Id}\nSteamUserUID: {steamUser.Uid}\nDebugId: {debugId}\nStatusCode: {responseStatusCode}");
                return(new PayPalPaymentExecuteResultDto
                    State = PaymentExecutionResultEnum.Failed,
                    FailedReason = debugId

            if (paymentExecutionResult.State == "approved")
                var updateSteamUserShopBalanceResult = await AddFundsToSteamUserShopAsync(paymentExecutionResult);

                if (!updateSteamUserShopBalanceResult)
                    return new PayPalPaymentExecuteResultDto
                               State        = PaymentExecutionResultEnum.Failed,
                               FailedReason = "Error on adding funds, please contact support!"

                return(new PayPalPaymentExecuteResultDto
                    State = PaymentExecutionResultEnum.Success,
                    AmountPaid = paymentExecutionResult
                    CurrentBalance = _steamUserService.GetCurrentRequestSteamUserShop().Balance

            return(new PayPalPaymentExecuteResultDto
                State = PaymentExecutionResultEnum.Failed,
                FailedReason = "Payment has not been approved!"
        private async Task CheckUpdateUserSubscriptionDetails(ApplicationUser user)
            List <UserSubscriptions> userSubs = _dbContext.UserSubscriptions
                                                .Where(x => x.UserId == user.Id && x.PayPalAgreementId != null)

            if (userSubs.Count() > 0)
                List <string> userSubscriptionIds = _dbContext.UserSubscriptions
                                                    .Where(x => x.UserId == user.Id && x.PayPalAgreementId != null)
                                                    .Select(x => x.PayPalAgreementId)

                foreach (var Id in userSubscriptionIds)
                    //get user subscription
                    var client = _clientFactory.GetClient();
                    AgreementGetRequest        request = new AgreementGetRequest(Id);
                    BraintreeHttp.HttpResponse result  = await client.Execute(request);

                    Agreement agreement = result.Result <Agreement>();

                    //get user subscription
                    UserSubscriptions userExistingSubscription = user.Subscriptions.Where(x => x.PayPalAgreementId == Id).FirstOrDefault();

                    //first time user is cancelling.
                    if (agreement.State == "Cancelled" && userExistingSubscription.State != "Cancelled")
                        //if this is the first cancellation.
                        if (userExistingSubscription.ExpiryDate.Year < 1995)
                            //set expiry date in the User Subscription to the next billing date.
                            //"last_payment_date": "2020-06-15T17:57:02Z",
                            // "next_billing_date": "2020-07-15T10:00:00Z",

                            string expiryDateAsString = agreement.AgreementDetails.NextBillingDate.Substring(0, 10);

                            DateTime expiryDate = DateTime.ParseExact(expiryDateAsString, "yyyy-MM-dd", null);

                            userExistingSubscription.ExpiryDate = expiryDate;

                            //update user subscription status.
                            userExistingSubscription.State = agreement.State;

                            //only send cancellation email when Paypal first sends cancellation confirmation.

                            var cancellationEmailAlreadyBeenSent = _dbContext.UserSubscriptions.Where(x => x.UserId == user.Id && x.PayPalAgreementId == agreement.Id && x.State != "Cancelled").Any();
                            if (!cancellationEmailAlreadyBeenSent)
                                //Send user an email and let them know expiry date.
                                var confirmationHtml = $"<h2>As per your request, your Subscription <strong>{userExistingSubscription.Description}</strong> has been cancelled.</h2> <p>However, you can continue enjoy your access till your paid period expired on {userExistingSubscription.ExpiryDate}.</p>";
                                var sendGridKey      = _configuration.GetValue <string>("SendGridApi");
                                await Emailer.SendEmail(user.Email, "AndyTipster Subscription, has been cancelled", confirmationHtml, sendGridKey);

                                //Send admin an email and let them know expiry date.
                                var confirmationAdminHtml = $"<h2>User {user.Email} has cancelled their subscription for <strong>{userExistingSubscription.Description}</strong>.</h2> <p>However, user has access till their paid period expired on {userExistingSubscription.ExpiryDate}.</p><p>An email confirmation has been sent to user on {user.Email}</p>";
                                await Emailer.SendEmail("*****@*****.**", "A user has cancelled a Subscription", confirmationAdminHtml, sendGridKey);
                    if (agreement.State == "Cancelled" && userExistingSubscription.State == "Cancelled")
                        //check if subscription date has expired.
                        if (userExistingSubscription.ExpiryDate < DateTime.Now) // user subs expired, delete their subscription.
                            //delete Subscription.
                            var subsTobeDeleted = _dbContext.Subscriptions.Where(x => x.PayPalAgreementId == agreement.Id).FirstOrDefault();
                            if (subsTobeDeleted != null)

                            //delete user Subscription
                            var userSubsToBeDeleted = _dbContext.UserSubscriptions.Where(x => x.UserId == user.Id && x.State == "Cancelled" && x.PayPalAgreementId == agreement.Id).FirstOrDefault();
                            if (userSubsToBeDeleted != null)


                            //Send user an email and let them know subscription now has expired.
                            var expiredHtml = $"<h2>Your Subscription <strong>{userExistingSubscription.Description}</strong> has now expired.</h2>";
                            var sendGridKey = _configuration.GetValue <string>("SendGridApi");
                            await Emailer.SendEmail(user.Email, "Andy Tipster Subscription has expired.", expiredHtml, sendGridKey);

                            //Send admin an email and let them know expiry.
                            var expiredAdminHtml = $"<h2>User {user.Email} subscription for <strong>{userExistingSubscription.Description}</strong>. has now expired.</h2><p>An email confirmation has been sent to user on {user.Email}</p>";
                            await Emailer.SendEmail("*****@*****.**", $"{userExistingSubscription.PayerEmail} : Subscription has expired.", expiredAdminHtml, sendGridKey);

                    await userManager.UpdateAsync(user);
        /// <summary>
        /// Create the default billing plans for this website
        /// </summary>
        private async Task CreatePayPalPlans()
            var client = _clientFactory.GetClient();

            foreach (var plan in BillingPlanSeed.PayPalPlans("", ""))

            //foreach (var plan in BillingPlanSeed.PayPalPlans("https://localhost:44376/Subscription/Return", "https://localhost:44376/Subscription/Cancel"))

                // Create Plan
                var request = new PlanCreateRequest().RequestBody(plan);
                BraintreeHttp.HttpResponse result = await client.Execute(request);

                var obj = result.Result <Plan>();

                // Activate Plan
                var activateRequest = new PlanUpdateRequest <Plan>(obj.Id)

                await client.Execute(activateRequest);

                // Add to database record
                //var dbPlan = _dbContext.BillingPlans.FirstOrDefault(x =>
                //    x.Name == obj.Name);

                //if (dbPlan != null && string.IsNullOrEmpty(dbPlan.PayPalPlanId))
                //    dbPlan.PayPalPlanId = obj.Id;
                //    await _dbContext.SaveChangesAsync();

            //// Create plans
            //var justBrowsingPlanRequest = new PlanCreateRequest().RequestBody(justBrowsingPlan);
            //var justBrowsingPlanResult = await client.Execute(justBrowsingPlanRequest);
            //var justBrowsingPlanObject = justBrowsingPlanResult.Result<Plan>();

            //var letsDoThisPlanRequest = new PlanCreateRequest().RequestBody(letsDoThisPlan);
            //var letsDoThisPlanResult = await client.Execute(letsDoThisPlanRequest);
            //var letsDoThisPlanObject = letsDoThisPlanResult.Result<Plan>();

            //var beardIncludedPlanRequest = new PlanCreateRequest().RequestBody(beardIncludedPlan);
            //var beardIncludedPlanResult = await client.Execute(beardIncludedPlanRequest);
            //var beardIncludedPlanObject = beardIncludedPlanResult.Result<Plan>();

            //var hookItToMyVeinsPlanRequest = new PlanCreateRequest().RequestBody(hookItToMyVeinsPlan);
            //var hookItToMyVeinsPlanResult = await client.Execute(hookItToMyVeinsPlanRequest);
            //var hookItToMyVeinsPlanObject = hookItToMyVeinsPlanResult.Result<Plan>();

            //// Activate plans
            //var activateJustBrowsingPlanRequest = new PlanUpdateRequest<Plan>(justBrowsingPlanObject.Id)
            //    .RequestBody(GetActivatePlanBody());
            //await client.Execute(activateJustBrowsingPlanRequest);

            //var activateletsDoThisPlanRequest = new PlanUpdateRequest<Plan>(letsDoThisPlanObject.Id)
            //    .RequestBody(GetActivatePlanBody());
            //await client.Execute(activateletsDoThisPlanRequest);

            //var activateBeardIncludedPlanRequest = new PlanUpdateRequest<Plan>(beardIncludedPlanObject.Id)
            //    .RequestBody(GetActivatePlanBody());
            //await client.Execute(activateBeardIncludedPlanRequest);

            //var activateHookItToMyVeinsPlanRequest = new PlanUpdateRequest<Plan>(hookItToMyVeinsPlanObject.Id)
            //    .RequestBody(GetActivatePlanBody());
            //await client.Execute(activateHookItToMyVeinsPlanRequest);
        public static string CreatePaymentRequest(string price)
            //var environment = new LiveEnvironment("AbsLlwBzsLwTvG-6awsiklgFPeDNWlGctQ9MukFQl-VimUpPwBtTLpR5SX8Wyu0U_R8pg6mGxgrpzYiA", "EIFw-teU8tWyH7UBXgI7UftSXuJoB1aG51jkZMiRb23x39OaTd9kLOcKSVtb6FWK5vj1sSypW1kC9xUB");
            var environment = new SandboxEnvironment("ARXuDzN7ArL3ZiTG0_ebn-4u53kqetWWQSkM5UoVk5KZ_ClhTjSueiVJTnDuFvYtf4TnPxxJDRSJryWJ", "EL6FuAA6ocMA6rFtSWg7Ck-mZYMCq4W-G-huZPVsiOIT9zyI9z2Wh_-_Elv9GiiWP00S8fn28I5G-NFm");

            var client = new PayPalHttpClient(environment);

            var payment = new PayPal.v1.Payments.Payment()
                Intent       = "sale",
                Transactions = new List <Transaction>()
                    new Transaction()
                        Amount = new Amount()
                            Total    = price,
                            Currency = "EUR"
                RedirectUrls = new RedirectUrls()
                    ReturnUrl = "https://localhost:44353/Invoice/InvoiceComplete",
                    //ReturnUrl = "",
                    CancelUrl = ""
                Payer = new Payer()
                    PaymentMethod = "paypal"

            PaymentCreateRequest request = new PaymentCreateRequest();


            System.Net.HttpStatusCode statusCode;

                BraintreeHttp.HttpResponse response = client.Execute(request).Result;
                statusCode = response.StatusCode;
                Payment result = response.Result <Payment>();

                string redirectUrl = null;
                foreach (LinkDescriptionObject link in result.Links)
                    if (link.Rel.Equals("approval_url"))
                        redirectUrl = link.Href;

                if (redirectUrl == null)
                    // Didn't find an approval_url in response.Links
                    //await context.Response.WriteAsync("Failed to find an approval_url in the response!");
            catch (BraintreeHttp.HttpException ex)
                statusCode = ex.StatusCode;
                var debugId = ex.Headers.GetValues("PayPal-Debug-Id").FirstOrDefault();
                //await context.Response.WriteAsync("Request failed!  HTTP response code was " + statusCode + ", debug ID was " + debugId);

        public async Task <ActionResult> OrderProducts()
        {//hier betaling uitvoeren. met id kan hij pas de betaling uitvoeren
            var o_aanhef    = HttpContext.Request.Query["o_aanhef"].ToString();
            var o_name      = HttpContext.Request.Query["o_name"].ToString();
            var o_postal    = HttpContext.Request.Query["o_postal"].ToString();
            var o_address   = HttpContext.Request.Query["o_address"].ToString();
            var o_number    = HttpContext.Request.Query["o_number"].ToString();
            var prijs       = HttpContext.Request.Query["prijs"].ToString();
            var paymentId   = HttpContext.Request.Query["paymentId"].ToString();
            var PayerID     = HttpContext.Request.Query["PayerID"].ToString();
            var environment = new SandboxEnvironment("ATAmdaFGY2Pz6CH83fmdK8OaXu2Wd8b9fLDyuU8X3SNiAzvu2_Ks4IU3wPiNbpE74nWIkhb4jN_7pz9E", "EOksjziNOaGEYh-OroCWTFT_EKDlqJEIpsrZLMtUhmYNxgDZ_v6KGwyL1MFcWJ-dfv97PApRKroAAT0g");
            var Pay_client  = new PayPalHttpClient(environment);

            PayPal.v1.Payments.PaymentExecuteRequest request = new PayPal.v1.Payments.PaymentExecuteRequest(paymentId);
            request.RequestBody(new PayPal.v1.Payments.PaymentExecution()
                PayerId = PayerID
            BraintreeHttp.HttpResponse response = await Pay_client.Execute(request);

            if (o_aanhef == null)
                o_aanhef = "";
            var db           = new ModelContext();
            var UserId       = HttpContext.Session.GetInt32("UID");
            int?UserIdResult = 0;

            if (UserId == null)
                UserId       = HttpContext.Session.GetInt32("SessionAccountId");
                UserIdResult = HttpContext.Session.GetInt32("SessionAccountId");
                UserIdResult = (from s in db.Account where == UserId select;

            var ShoppingCartResult = from s in db.ShoppingCart where s.AccountId == UserId select s;

            Console.WriteLine(o_name + o_postal + o_address + o_number);
            //nieuwe bestelling aanmaken
            int MaxId  = 0;
            var result = from s in db.Order select s.Id;

            if (!result.Any())
                MaxId = result.Max();

            Order order = new Order
                Id          = MaxId + 1,
                AccountId   = UserIdResult,
                Datum       = DateTime.Now,
                Prijs       = prijs,
                OrderStatus = "Verwerkt",


            foreach (var item in ShoppingCartResult)
                int MaxOrderedProductsId = 0;
                var resultt = from s in db.OrderedProducts select s.Id;
                if (!resultt.Any())
                    MaxOrderedProductsId = resultt.Max();

                OrderedProducts orderedProducts = new OrderedProducts
                    Id        = MaxOrderedProductsId + 1,
                    OrderId   = MaxId + 1,
                    ProductId = item.VoorraadId,
                    Quantity  = item.Quantity,


                var voorraad = (from v in db.Voorraad where v.Id == item.VoorraadId select v).ToList();

                foreach (var item2 in voorraad)
                    var NewQuantity = item2.Kwantiteit - item.Quantity;
                    item2.Kwantiteit = NewQuantity;

            var deleteShoppingCart = (from d in db.ShoppingCart where d.AccountId == UserIdResult select d).ToList();

            foreach (var item in deleteShoppingCart)

            var check = (from s in db.ShoppingCart where s.AccountId == UserId select s).ToList();
            //Bestellingsmail voor Petgoods4All
            MailMessage mail   = new MailMessage();
            SmtpClient  client = new SmtpClient("");

            mail.From = new MailAddress("*****@*****.**");
            mail.Subject = "Order: " + MaxId + 1;
            mail.Body    = "Order placed from user " + UserId + ".\n";
            foreach (var item in check)
                var item2 = (from s in db.Voorraad where item.VoorraadId == s.Id select s.Naam).Single();
                mail.Body = mail.Body + "Product: " + item2 + "\n";
            mail.Body = mail.Body + "aanhef: " + o_aanhef + "\n" + "adres: " + o_address + "\n" + "postcode: " + o_postal + "\n" + "huisnummer: " + o_number + "\n"
                        + "naam: " + o_name + "\n";
            client.Port        = 587;
            client.Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential("*****@*****.**", "adminpetgoods4all");
            client.EnableSsl   = true;
            Console.WriteLine("Mail sent to Petgoods4all");
            // Einde Bestellingsmail voor Petgoods4All
            //Bevestigingsmail besteller
            string UserEmail = (from s in db.Account where == UserId select;

            mail.Subject = "Order: " + MaxId + 1;
            mail.Body    = "Geachte " + o_aanhef + " " + o_name + ", \n"
                           + "Bedankt voor uw bestelling.\n" +
                           "De producten komen uw kant op.\n" +
                           "adres:" + o_address + "\n" +
                           "postcode: " + o_postal + "\n" +
                           "Huisnummer: " + o_number + "\n" +
                           "Veel dierenplezier met de producten!\n Met vriendelijke groeten,\n\n Petgoods4All";
            client.Port        = 587;
            client.Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential("*****@*****.**", "adminpetgoods4all");
            client.EnableSsl   = true;
            Console.WriteLine("KlantMail sent ");
            var AnonymousUser = HttpContext.Session.GetInt32("SessionAccountId");

            if (AnonymousUser == null)
                //var delUser = (from s in db.Account where == UserId select s).Single();
                var AccountResult = from r in db.Account select;
                if (AccountResult == null)
                    randomAccountIdSum = AccountResult.Max() + 1;
                    randomAccountIdSum = 1;
                int randomAccountId = randomAccountIdSum.GetValueOrDefault(1);
                HttpContext.Session.SetInt32("SessionAccountId", randomAccountId);

        public async Task <ActionResult> Pay(string prijs, string o_email = "", string o_name = "", string o_postal = "", string o_address = "", string o_number = "")
            var db = new ModelContext();
            //if userId null "UserId = HttpContext.Session.GetInt32("SessionAccountId");" en de user zelf zijn data laten invullen
            var UserId = HttpContext.Session.GetInt32("UID");

            o_email   = o_email.Replace(" ", "_");
            o_postal  = o_postal.Replace(" ", "_");
            o_address = o_address.Replace(" ", "_");
            o_number  = o_number.Replace(" ", "_");
            if (UserId == null)
                var checkEmail = (from s in db.Account where == o_email select;
                if (checkEmail == true)
                    var getEmail = (from s in db.Account where == o_email select s).Single();
                UserId = HttpContext.Session.GetInt32("SessionAccountId");
                Account a = new Account
                    id             = UserId.GetValueOrDefault(0),
                    email          = o_email,
                    password       = "",
                    voornaam       = "",
                    achternaam     = o_name,
                    straatnaam     = o_address,
                    huisnummer     = o_number,
                    postcode       = o_postal,
                    provincie      = "",
                    telefoonnummer = null,
                    IsUnregistered = true

            int UserIdResult = (from s in db.Account where == UserId select;

            o_name    = (from s in db.Account where == UserIdResult select s.achternaam).Single();
            o_postal  = (from s in db.Account where == UserIdResult select s.postcode).Single();
            o_address = (from s in db.Account where == UserIdResult select s.straatnaam).Single();
            o_number  = (from s in db.Account where == UserIdResult select s.huisnummer).Single();
            o_name    = o_name.Replace(" ", "_");
            o_postal  = o_postal.Replace(" ", "_");
            o_address = o_address.Replace(" ", "_");
            o_number  = o_number.Replace(" ", "_");
            // string o_aanhef, string o_name, string o_postal, string o_address, string o_number
            var environment = new SandboxEnvironment("ATAmdaFGY2Pz6CH83fmdK8OaXu2Wd8b9fLDyuU8X3SNiAzvu2_Ks4IU3wPiNbpE74nWIkhb4jN_7pz9E", "EOksjziNOaGEYh-OroCWTFT_EKDlqJEIpsrZLMtUhmYNxgDZ_v6KGwyL1MFcWJ-dfv97PApRKroAAT0g");
            var Pay_client  = new PayPalHttpClient(environment);

            Console.WriteLine("Prijs:" + prijs);
            var payment = new PayPal.v1.Payments.Payment()
                Intent       = "sale",
                Transactions = new List <PayPal.v1.Payments.Transaction>()
                    new PayPal.v1.Payments.Transaction()
                        Amount = new PayPal.v1.Payments.Amount()
                            Total    = prijs,
                            Currency = "EUR",
                            Details  = new  PayPal.v1.Payments.AmountDetails()
                                Subtotal = prijs
                        ItemList = new PayPal.v1.Payments.ItemList()
                            Items = new List <PayPal.v1.Payments.Item>()
                                new PayPal.v1.Payments.Item()
                                    Name        = "Petgoods4All Products",
                                    Currency    = "EUR",
                                    Price       = prijs,
                                    Quantity    = "1",
                                    Description = "Bedankt voor uw aankoop"
                        Description = "Betaling Petgoods4All"
                RedirectUrls = new PayPal.v1.Payments.RedirectUrls()
                    CancelUrl = "http://localhost:56003/",
                    ReturnUrl = "http://localhost:56003/Order/OrderProducts?prijs=" + prijs + "&o_aanhef=" + "DHR/MVR." + "&o_name=" + o_name + "&o_postal=" + o_postal + "&o_address=" + o_address + "&o_number=" + o_number
                Payer = new PayPal.v1.Payments.Payer()
                    PaymentMethod = "paypal"

            PayPal.v1.Payments.PaymentCreateRequest request = new PayPal.v1.Payments.PaymentCreateRequest();
            System.Net.HttpStatusCode statusCode;

                BraintreeHttp.HttpResponse httpResponse = await Pay_client.Execute(request);

                BraintreeHttp.HttpResponse response = httpResponse;
                statusCode = response.StatusCode;
                PayPal.v1.Payments.Payment result = response.Result <PayPal.v1.Payments.Payment>();
                string redirectUrl = null;
                foreach (PayPal.v1.Payments.LinkDescriptionObject link in result.Links)
                    if (link.Rel.Equals("approval_url"))
                        redirectUrl = link.Href;
            catch (BraintreeHttp.HttpException httpException)
                statusCode = httpException.StatusCode;
                var debugId = httpException.Headers.GetValues("PayPal-Debug-Id").FirstOrDefault();
                Console.WriteLine("Paypal_error: " + debugId + statusCode);

Exemple #11
        public async Task <string> ProcessPayment(PayPalTestViewModel model)
            var environment = new SandboxEnvironment(_configuration["PayPal:SandBox:ClientId"], _configuration["PayPal:SandBox:ClientSecret"]);
            var client      = new PayPalHttpClient(environment);

            var payment = new PayPal.v1.Payments.Payment()
                Intent       = "sale",
                Transactions = new List <Transaction>()
                    new Transaction()
                        Amount = new Amount()
                            Total    = model.Amount,
                            Currency = "INR"
                RedirectUrls = new RedirectUrls()
                    ReturnUrl = _urlHelper.Action("Done", "Test", new { amt = model.Amount }, _context.HttpContext.Request.Scheme, _context.HttpContext.Request.Host.ToString()),
                    CancelUrl = _urlHelper.Action("Cancel", "Test", new { amt = model.Amount }, _context.HttpContext.Request.Scheme, _context.HttpContext.Request.Host.ToString())
                Payer = new Payer()
                    PaymentMethod = "paypal"

            PaymentCreateRequest request = new PaymentCreateRequest();


            System.Net.HttpStatusCode statusCode;

            BraintreeHttp.HttpResponse response = await client.Execute(request);

            statusCode = response.StatusCode;
            Payment result = response.Result <Payment>();

            string redirectUrl = null;

            foreach (LinkDescriptionObject link in result.Links)
                if (link.Rel.Equals("approval_url"))
                    redirectUrl = link.Href;

            if (redirectUrl == null)
                // Didn't find an approval_url in response.Links