//Mutates the Brain
        public static Brain.DataInput MutateWeights(Brain.DataInput data, float mutationFactor)
            data.LEFOw.LTHR += (float)((Program.game.rnd.NextDouble() * 2) - 1) * mutationFactor;
            data.LEFOw.RTHR += (float)((Program.game.rnd.NextDouble() * 2) - 1) * mutationFactor;
            data.LEFOw.MTHR += (float)((Program.game.rnd.NextDouble() * 2) - 1) * mutationFactor;

            data.REFOw.LTHR += (float)((Program.game.rnd.NextDouble() * 2) - 1) * mutationFactor;
            data.REFOw.RTHR += (float)((Program.game.rnd.NextDouble() * 2) - 1) * mutationFactor;
            data.REFOw.MTHR += (float)((Program.game.rnd.NextDouble() * 2) - 1) * mutationFactor;

            data.LEPOw.LTHR += (float)((Program.game.rnd.NextDouble() * 2) - 1) * mutationFactor;
            data.LEPOw.RTHR += (float)((Program.game.rnd.NextDouble() * 2) - 1) * mutationFactor;
            data.LEPOw.MTHR += (float)((Program.game.rnd.NextDouble() * 2) - 1) * mutationFactor;

            data.REPOw.LTHR += (float)((Program.game.rnd.NextDouble() * 2) - 1) * mutationFactor;
            data.REPOw.RTHR += (float)((Program.game.rnd.NextDouble() * 2) - 1) * mutationFactor;
            data.REPOw.MTHR += (float)((Program.game.rnd.NextDouble() * 2) - 1) * mutationFactor;

            data.HEALTHw.LTHR += (float)((Program.game.rnd.NextDouble() * 2) - 1) * mutationFactor;
            data.HEALTHw.RTHR += (float)((Program.game.rnd.NextDouble() * 2) - 1) * mutationFactor;
            data.HEALTHw.MTHR += (float)((Program.game.rnd.NextDouble() * 2) - 1) * mutationFactor;

            data.CLOCKw.LTHR += (float)((Program.game.rnd.NextDouble() * 2) - 1) * mutationFactor;
            data.CLOCKw.RTHR += (float)((Program.game.rnd.NextDouble() * 2) - 1) * mutationFactor;
            data.CLOCKw.MTHR += (float)((Program.game.rnd.NextDouble() * 2) - 1) * mutationFactor;

Exemple #2
 public Creature(Vector2 location, float rotation, Color color, Brain.DataInput weights = null, int size = 50)
     this.Location = location;
     this.Rotation = rotation;
     this.Color    = color;
     this.Size     = size;
     this.Health   = 1;
     this.Brain    = new Brain.Brain();
     if (weights == null)
         this.Weights = Brain.GenerateRandomWeights();
         this.Weights = weights;
Exemple #3
        //Update loop, called by manager
        public void Update(GameTime gameTime, Rectangle Bounds)
            //Update Position and Rotation
            this.Rotation = this.Rotation + (float)(this.TurningVelocity * gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalMilliseconds * Program.game.simulationSpeed);
            this.Location = new Vector2(
                (float)(this.Location.X + Math.Cos(this.Rotation) * (this.Velocity * gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalMilliseconds * Program.game.simulationSpeed)),
                (float)(this.Location.Y + Math.Sin(this.Rotation) * (this.Velocity * gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalMilliseconds * Program.game.simulationSpeed))

            //Check for border collision
            if (this.Location.Y <= 0)
                this.Location.Y = Bounds.Height - 1;
            if (this.Location.Y >= Bounds.Height)
                this.Location.Y = 1;
            if (this.Location.X <= 0)
                this.Location.X = Bounds.Width - 1;
            if (this.Location.X >= Bounds.Width)
                this.Location.X = 1;

            //Calculate Field of view data
            Vector2 FOVcenterEnd = new Vector2((float)(Math.Cos(this.Rotation) * Managers.CreatureManager.LineDirectionLength) + this.Location.X, (float)(Math.Sin(this.Rotation) * Managers.CreatureManager.LineDirectionLength) + this.Location.Y);
            Vector2 FOVrightEnd  = new Vector2((float)(Math.Cos(this.Rotation + Managers.CreatureManager.eyeAngle) * Managers.CreatureManager.LineEyeLength) + this.Location.X, (float)(Math.Sin(this.Rotation + Managers.CreatureManager.eyeAngle) * Managers.CreatureManager.LineEyeLength) + this.Location.Y);
            Vector2 FOVleftEnd   = new Vector2((float)(Math.Cos(this.Rotation - Managers.CreatureManager.eyeAngle) * Managers.CreatureManager.LineEyeLength) + this.Location.X, (float)(Math.Sin(this.Rotation - Managers.CreatureManager.eyeAngle) * Managers.CreatureManager.LineEyeLength) + this.Location.Y);

            //Check for food in field of view
            int pointsInLE = 0;
            int pointsInRE = 0;

            foreach (Food food in Managers.FoodManager.foods)
                if (PointInTriangle(food.Location, this.Location, FOVcenterEnd, FOVleftEnd))
                if (PointInTriangle(food.Location, this.Location, FOVcenterEnd, FOVrightEnd))
            if (pointsInLE > 1)
                pointsInLE = 1;
            if (pointsInLE < 0)
                pointsInLE = 0;
            if (pointsInRE > 1)
                pointsInRE = 1;
            if (pointsInRE < 0)
                pointsInRE = 0;

            //Check for poison in field of view
            float poiPointsInLE = 0;
            float poiPointsInRE = 0;

            foreach (Poison poison in Managers.PoisonManager.poisons)
                if (PointInTriangle(poison.Location, this.Location, FOVcenterEnd, FOVleftEnd))
                if (PointInTriangle(poison.Location, this.Location, FOVcenterEnd, FOVrightEnd))
            if (poiPointsInLE > 1)
                poiPointsInLE = 1;
            if (poiPointsInLE < 0)
                poiPointsInLE = 0;
            if (poiPointsInRE > 1)
                poiPointsInRE = 1;
            if (poiPointsInRE < 0)
                poiPointsInRE = 0;

            //Process data
            Brain.DataInput dataToProcess = new Brain.DataInput()
                LEFO    = pointsInLE, REFO = pointsInRE, LEPO = poiPointsInLE, REPO = poiPointsInRE,
                HEALTH  = this.Health, CLOCK = this.Clock,
                LEFOw   = this.Weights.LEFOw, REFOw = this.Weights.REFOw, LEPOw = this.Weights.LEPOw, REPOw = this.Weights.REPOw,
                HEALTHw = this.Weights.HEALTHw, CLOCKw = this.Weights.CLOCKw
            Brain.DataOutput thrusts = Brain.ProcessData(dataToProcess);

            this.Push(PushDirection.Middle, thrusts.MTHR);
            this.Push(PushDirection.TurnLeft, thrusts.LTHR / 50);
            this.Push(PushDirection.TurnRight, thrusts.RTHR / 50);

            //Update attributes
            this.Velocity        *= frictionFactor;
            this.TurningVelocity *= frictionFactorTurning;
            this.Health          -= (float)0.0008;
            this.Color.A          = Convert.ToByte(255 - (255 - (this.Health * 255)));
            this.Clock            = (float)(Math.Sin(gameTime.TotalGameTime.TotalMilliseconds * Program.game.simulationSpeed / 50) + 1) / 2;
            this.Age             += (1 * Program.game.simulationSpeed);