public static Type GetSearchType(Type origSearchType, ReportParametersFlag reportParametersMask) { //params will be passed into GetRecords context if they will be parsed from the query if (reportParametersMask != ReportParametersFlag.None) { BqlCommand cmd = BqlCommand.CreateInstance(origSearchType); if ((reportParametersMask & ReportParametersFlag.Organization) == ReportParametersFlag.Organization) { cmd = cmd.WhereAnd <Where <FABookPeriod.organizationID, Equal <Optional2 <FAQueryParameters.organizationID> > > >(); } if ((reportParametersMask & ReportParametersFlag.Branch) == ReportParametersFlag.Branch) { cmd = cmd.WhereAnd <Where <FABookPeriod.organizationID, Equal <Optional2 <FAQueryParameters.branchID> > > >(); } if ((reportParametersMask & ReportParametersFlag.BAccount) == ReportParametersFlag.BAccount) { cmd = cmd.WhereAnd <Where <FABookPeriod.organizationID, Equal <Optional2 <FAQueryParameters.orgBAccountID> > > >(); } if ((reportParametersMask & ReportParametersFlag.FixedAsset) == ReportParametersFlag.FixedAsset) { cmd = cmd.WhereAnd <Where <FABookPeriod.organizationID, Equal <Optional2 <FAQueryParameters.assetID> > > >(); } if ((reportParametersMask & ReportParametersFlag.Book) == ReportParametersFlag.Book) { cmd = cmd.WhereAnd <Where <FABookPeriod.bookID, Equal <Optional2 <FAQueryParameters.bookID> > > >(); } return(cmd.GetType()); } return(origSearchType); }
protected virtual Type GetSearchTypeRestrictedByDate(Type selectorSearchType, Type dateType) { selectorSearchType = selectorSearchType ?? GetDefaultSelectorSearchType(); if (dateType != null) { BqlCommand select = BqlCommand.CreateInstance(selectorSearchType) ?? throw new ArgumentNullException("BqlCommand.CreateInstance(selectorSearchType)"); Type whereDate = BqlCommand.Compose( typeof(Where <, ,>), typeof(FABookPeriod.startDate), typeof(LessEqual <>), typeof(Current <>), dateType, typeof(And <,>), typeof(FABookPeriod.endDate), typeof(Greater <>), typeof(Current <>), dateType); select = select.WhereAnd(whereDate); Type[] decomposed = BqlCommand.Decompose(select.GetSelectType()); decomposed[0] = BqlHelper.SelectToSearch[decomposed[0]]; decomposed[1] = typeof(FABookPeriod.finPeriodID); selectorSearchType = BqlCommand.Compose(decomposed); } return(selectorSearchType); }
protected override List <PXResult <CSAnswers, CSAttributeGroup, InventoryItem> > SelectInventoryWithAttributes() { Type sumDecimalFields = BqlCommand.Compose(BqlHelper.GetDecimalFieldsAggregate <INSiteStatus>(Base, true).ToArray()); Type select = BqlTemplate.OfCommand < Select5 <CSAnswers, InnerJoin <CSAttributeGroup, On <CSAnswers.attributeID, Equal <CSAttributeGroup.attributeID> >, InnerJoin <InventoryItem, On <CSAnswers.refNoteID, Equal <InventoryItem.noteID>, And <CSAttributeGroup.entityClassID, Equal <InventoryItem.itemClassID> > >, LeftJoin <INSiteStatus, On <INSiteStatus.inventoryID, Equal <InventoryItem.inventoryID>, And <INSiteStatus.subItemID, Equal <InventoryItem.defaultSubItemID>, And <Where <INSiteStatus.siteID, Equal <Current <EntryHeader.siteID> >, Or <Current <EntryHeader.siteID>, IsNull> > > > >, LeftJoin <INLocationStatus, On <INLocationStatus.inventoryID, Equal <InventoryItem.inventoryID>, And <INLocationStatus.subItemID, Equal <InventoryItem.defaultSubItemID>, And <INLocationStatus.siteID, Equal <Current <EntryHeader.siteID> >, And <INLocationStatus.locationID, Equal <Current <EntryHeader.locationID> > > > > > > > > >, Where <CSAttributeGroup.isActive, Equal <True>, And <CSAttributeGroup.entityType, Equal <Constants.DACName <InventoryItem> >, And <CSAttributeGroup.attributeCategory, Equal <CSAttributeGroup.attributeCategory.variant>, And <InventoryItem.templateItemID, Equal <Current <EntryHeader.templateItemID> > > > > >, Aggregate <GroupBy <InventoryItem.inventoryID, GroupBy <CSAnswers.refNoteID, GroupBy <CSAnswers.attributeID, BqlPlaceholder.A> > > >, OrderBy <Asc <InventoryItem.inventoryID, Asc <CSAnswers.refNoteID, Asc <CSAnswers.attributeID> > > > > > .Replace <BqlPlaceholder.A>(sumDecimalFields) .ToType(); var view = new PXView(Base, true, BqlCommand.CreateInstance(select)); using (new PXFieldScope(view, typeof(InventoryItem.inventoryID), typeof(CSAnswers.attributeID), typeof(CSAnswers.value), typeof(INSiteStatus), typeof(INLocationStatus))) { return(view.SelectMulti().Cast <PXResult <CSAnswers, CSAttributeGroup, InventoryItem> >().ToList()); } }
public override void CacheAttached(PXCache sender) { if (sender.Graph.GetType() == typeof(AttrGraph)) { return; } if (sender.Graph.GetType() == typeof(PXGraph) || sender.Graph.GetType() == typeof(PX.Data.Maintenance.GI.GenericInquiryDesigner)) { _IsActive = true; } base.CacheAttached(sender); InitializeFields(sender); Type selectType = _SingleSelect.GetType(); Type itemType = sender.GetItemType(); while (itemType != typeof(object) && selectType == _SingleSelect.GetType()) { selectType = BqlCommand.Parametrize(itemType, selectType); itemType = itemType.BaseType; } _View = new PXView(sender.Graph, true, BqlCommand.CreateInstance(selectType)); }
protected override Type GetQueryWithRestrictionByOrganization(Type bqlQueryType) { return(BqlCommand.CreateInstance(bqlQueryType) .WhereAnd(typeof(Where <FABookPeriod.organizationID, Equal <Required <FABookPeriod.organizationID> >, And <FABookPeriod.bookID, Equal <Required <FABookPeriod.bookID> > > >)) .GetType()); }
private void SaveAs(bool onlyUpdate) { if (Templates.Current != null) { BqlCommand command = BqlCommand.CreateInstance(typeof(Select <CRFilterTemplate, Where <, Equal <Current <> >, And <CRFilterTemplate.graphType, Equal <Required <CRFilterTemplate.graphType> > > > >)); CRFilterTemplate templateToUpdate = (new PXView(this, true, command)).SelectSingle(graphTypeName) as CRFilterTemplate; if (onlyUpdate && templateToUpdate == null) { return; } if (templateToUpdate == null) { InsertNewTemplate(); } else { UpdateExistingTemplate(templateToUpdate); } CorrectGraphType(); CorrectDefaultValues(); SafetyPersist(Templates.Cache, PXDBOperation.Insert, PXDBOperation.Update); SafetyPersist(Filters.Cache, PXDBOperation.Delete, PXDBOperation.Insert, PXDBOperation.Update); Filters.Cache.Clear(); Templates.Cache.Clear(); Templates.View.RequestRefresh(); } }
public static void VerifyFinPeriod <fieldPeriod, fieldClosed>(PXGraph graph, PXCache cache, object row, PXSelectBase <FinPeriod> finperiod) where fieldPeriod : class, IBqlField where fieldClosed : class, IBqlField { if (finperiod.Current != null) { GLSetup glsetup = PXSetup <GLSetup> .Select(graph); object isClosed = finperiod.Cache.GetValue <fieldClosed>(finperiod.Current); if (finperiod.Current.Active != true || isClosed.Equals(true) && glsetup != null && glsetup.PostClosedPeriods != true) { BqlCommand select = BqlCommand.CreateInstance(typeof(Select <FinPeriod, Where <, Equal <True>, And <FinPeriod.finPeriodID, Greater <Required <FinPeriod.finPeriodID> > > >, OrderBy <Asc <FinPeriod.finPeriodID> > >)) .WhereAnd(BqlCommand.Compose(typeof(Where <,>), typeof(fieldClosed), typeof(NotEqual <True>))); object docPeriod = cache.GetValue <fieldPeriod>(row); FinPeriod firstopen = new PXView(graph, false, select).SelectSingle(docPeriod) as FinPeriod; if (firstopen == null) { string userPeriod = Mask.Format("##-####", finperiod.Cache.GetValueExt <FinPeriod.finPeriodID>(finperiod.Current).ToString()); throw new PXSetPropertyException(GL.Messages.NoActivePeriodAfter, userPeriod); } cache.SetValue <fieldPeriod>(row, firstopen.FinPeriodID); } } }
public virtual void NavigateToItem(EPActivity current) { if (current != null) { var graphType = EPActivityPrimaryGraphAttribute.GetGraphType(current); if (!PXAccess.VerifyRights(graphType)) { ReminderList.Ask(CR.Messages.AccessDenied, CR.Messages.FormNoAccessRightsMessage(graphType), MessageButtons.OK, MessageIcon.Error); } else { var graph = (PXGraph)PXGraph.CreateInstance(graphType); var cache = graph.Caches[current.GetType()]; var searchView = new PXView( graph, false, BqlCommand.CreateInstance(typeof(Select <>), cache.GetItemType())); var startRow = 0; var totalRows = 0; var acts = searchView. Select(null, null, new object[] { current.TaskID }, new string[] { typeof(EPActivity.taskID).Name }, null, null, ref startRow, 1, ref totalRows); if (acts != null && acts.Count > 0) { var act = acts[0]; cache.Current = act; PXRedirectHelper.TryRedirect(graph, PXRedirectHelper.WindowMode.NewWindow); } } } }
private static PXView CreateRestictedIntView(PXGraph graph) { Type inventoryID = GetTypeField <Status>(typeof(INSiteStatus.inventoryID).Name); Type subItemID = GetTypeField <Status>(typeof(INSiteStatus.subItemID).Name); Type siteID = GetTypeField <Status>(typeof(INSiteStatus.siteID).Name); Type join = BqlCommand.Compose( typeof(InnerJoin <,>), typeof(RQRequestClassItem), typeof(On <, ,>), typeof(RQRequestClassItem.inventoryID), typeof(Equal <>), inventoryID, typeof(And <RQRequestClassItem.reqClassID, Equal <Current <RQRequestClass.reqClassID> > >)); Type where = CreateWhere(graph); Type selectType = BqlCommand.Compose( typeof(Select2 <, ,>), typeof(Status), join, where); return(new LookupView(graph, BqlCommand.CreateInstance(selectType))); }
public void FieldDefaulting(PXCache sender, PXFieldDefaultingEventArgs e) { EPEmployee employee = null; if (employeeSearch != null) { BqlCommand cmd = BqlCommand.CreateInstance(employeeSearch); PXView view = new PXView(sender.Graph, false, cmd); employee = view.SelectSingle() as EPEmployee; } if (employee != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(employee.UnionID)) { HashSet <string> validUnions = new HashSet <string>(); if (projectField != null) { int?projectID = (int?)sender.GetValue(e.Row, projectField.Name); if (ProjectDefaultAttribute.IsProject(sender.Graph, projectID)) { var select = new PXSelect <PMProjectUnion, Where <PMProjectUnion.projectID, Equal <Required <PMProjectUnion.projectID> > > >(sender.Graph); foreach (PMProjectUnion union in select.Select(projectID)) { validUnions.Add(union.UnionID); } } } if (validUnions.Count == 0 || validUnions.Contains(employee.UnionID)) { e.NewValue = employee.UnionID; } } }
/// public PXDBAttributeAttribute(Type valueSearch, Type attributeID) { if (valueSearch == null) { throw new PXArgumentException("type", ErrorMessages.ArgumentNullException); } if (attributeID == null) { throw new PXArgumentException("field", ErrorMessages.ArgumentNullException); } _Field = attributeID; if (typeof(IBqlSearch).IsAssignableFrom(valueSearch)) { _SingleSelect = BqlCommand.CreateInstance(valueSearch); } else if (valueSearch.IsNested && typeof(IBqlField).IsAssignableFrom(valueSearch)) { _SingleSelect = BqlCommand.CreateInstance(typeof(Search <>), valueSearch); } else { throw new PXArgumentException("valueSearch", ErrorMessages.CantCreateForeignKeyReference, valueSearch); } _PureWhere = (_SingleSelect as IHasBqlWhere).GetWhere(); _SubSelect = _SingleSelect.WhereAnd(typeof(Where <,>).MakeGenericType(_Field, typeof(Equal <AttributeIDPlaceholder>))); _SingleSelect = _SingleSelect.WhereAnd(BqlCommand.Compose(typeof(Where <,>), _Field, typeof(Equal <>), typeof(Required <>), _Field)); }
private bool IsItemRuleTrue(IBqlTable item, EPAssignmentRule rule) { if (item is EPEmployee && rule.FieldName.Equals(typeof(EPEmployee.workgroupID).Name, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { return(IsEmployeeInWorkgroup((EPEmployee)item, rule)); } currentItem = item; Type viewType = BqlCommand.Compose(typeof(Select <>), item.GetType()); PXView itemView = new PXView(this, false, BqlCommand.CreateInstance(viewType), (PXSelectDelegate)getItemRecord); if (rule.Condition == null) { return(false); } PXFilterRow filter = new PXFilterRow( rule.FieldName, (PXCondition)rule.Condition.Value, GetFieldValue(item, rule.FieldName, rule.FieldValue), null); int startRow = 0; int totalRows = 0; List <object> result = itemView.Select(null, null, null, null, null, new PXFilterRow[] { filter }, ref startRow, 1, ref totalRows); return(result.Count > 0); }
private BqlCommand GetBqlCommand(PXCache cache) { var fieldType = cache.GetBqlField(_FieldName); return(BqlCommand.CreateInstance(typeof(Select <,>), BqlTable, typeof(Where <,>), fieldType, typeof(Equal <>), typeof(Required <>), fieldType)); }
public virtual IEnumerable records(PXAdapter adapter) { Type where = PX.TM.OwnedFilter.ProjectionAttribute.ComposeWhere( typeof(POPrintOrderFilter), typeof(POPrintOrderOwned.workgroupID), typeof(POPrintOrderOwned.ownerID)); Type printWhere = typeof(Where <POPrintOrderOwned.hold, Equal <False>, And <POPrintOrderOwned.dontPrint, Equal <False>, And <POPrintOrderOwned.printed, NotEqual <True> > > >); Type emailWhere = typeof(Where <POPrintOrderOwned.hold, Equal <False>, And <POPrintOrderOwned.dontEmail, Equal <False>, And <POPrintOrderOwned.emailed, NotEqual <True> > > >); Type action = Filter.Current.Action == "<SELECT>" ? typeof(Where <CS.boolTrue, Equal <CS.boolFalse> >) : Filter.Current.Action.Contains("Email") ? emailWhere : printWhere; Type select = BqlCommand.Compose( typeof(Select2 <, ,>), typeof(POPrintOrderOwned), typeof(InnerJoin <Vendor, On <Vendor.bAccountID, Equal <POPrintOrderOwned.vendorID> > >), typeof(Where <>), action); PXView view = new PXView(this, false, BqlCommand.CreateInstance(select)); return(view.SelectMulti()); }
protected virtual IEnumerable filter() { ApproveBillsFilter filter = Filter.Current; if (filter != null && filter.SelectionDate != null && filter.PendingRefresh == true) { DateTime PayInLessThan = ((DateTime)filter.SelectionDate).AddDays(filter.PayInLessThan.GetValueOrDefault()); DateTime DueInLessThan = ((DateTime)filter.SelectionDate).AddDays(filter.DueInLessThan.GetValueOrDefault()); DateTime DiscountExpiresInLessThan = ((DateTime)filter.SelectionDate).AddDays(filter.DiscountExpiresInLessThan.GetValueOrDefault()); decimal approvedTotal = 0m; decimal docsTotal = 0m; PXView view = new PXView(this, true, BqlCommand.CreateInstance(getAPDocumentSelect(true))); foreach (PXResult <APInvoice> temp in view.SelectMulti(PayInLessThan, DueInLessThan, DiscountExpiresInLessThan)) { APInvoice res = temp; approvedTotal += res.PaySel == true ? (Accessinfo.CuryViewState ? (res.DocBal ?? 0m) : (res.CuryDocBal ?? 0m)) : 0m; docsTotal += Accessinfo.CuryViewState ? (res.DocBal ?? 0m) : (res.CuryDocBal ?? 0m); } Filter.Current.CuryApprovedTotal = approvedTotal; Filter.Current.CuryDocsTotal = docsTotal; Filter.Current.PendingRefresh = false; } yield return(Filter.Current); Filter.Cache.IsDirty = false; }
protected virtual void MarkAs(PXCache cache, CRActivity row, Guid UserID, int status) { if (IsImport || row.NoteID == null) { return; } var noteidType = typeof(TMaster).GetNestedType(typeof(CRActivity.noteID).Name); var ownerType = typeof(TMaster).GetNestedType(typeof(CRActivity.ownerID).Name); var select = BqlCommand.Compose( typeof(Select <,>), typeof(EPView), typeof(Where <, ,>), typeof(EPView.noteID), typeof(Equal <>), typeof(Required <>), noteidType, typeof(And <,>), typeof(EPView.userID), typeof(Equal <>), typeof(Required <>), ownerType ); EPView epview = (EPView) new PXView(this, false, BqlCommand.CreateInstance(select)).SelectSingle(row.NoteID, UserID); if (epview == null) { epview = new EPView { NoteID = row.NoteID, UserID = UserID, }; } else { epview = PXCache <EPView> .CreateCopy(epview); } if (status == EPViewStatusAttribute.VIEWED ? epview.Status != EPViewStatusAttribute.VIEWED : epview.Status == EPViewStatusAttribute.VIEWED) { epview.Status = status; EPViews.Update(epview); bool isDirty = false; foreach (PXCache c in Views.Caches.Where(t => t != typeof(EPView)).Select(t => Caches[t])) { isDirty = c.Inserted.ToArray <object>().Any() || c.Updated.ToArray <object>().Any() || c.Deleted.ToArray <object>().Any(); if (isDirty) { break; } } if (!isDirty) { using (PXTransactionScope ts = new PXTransactionScope()) { Persist(); ts.Complete(); } } EPViews.Cache.IsDirty = false; } }
public static BqlCommand CreateSelectCommand(Type entityType, Type fieldType) { Type required = BqlCommand.Compose(typeof(Required <>), fieldType); Type equal = BqlCommand.Compose(typeof(Equal <>), required); Type where = BqlCommand.Compose(typeof(Where <,>), fieldType, equal); return(BqlCommand.CreateInstance(typeof(Select <,>), entityType, where)); }
public override void CacheAttached(PXCache sender) { base.CacheAttached(sender); _select = BqlCommand.CreateInstance(typeof(Select2 <FABook, InnerJoin <FABookSettings, On <FABookSettings.bookID, Equal <FABook.bookID> > >, Where <FABookSettings.assetID, Equal <Current <FABookBalance.classID> > > >)); }
private PXView GetChildView(PXCache cache) { var command = BqlCommand.CreateInstance( typeof(Select <,>), childReferenceType, typeof(Where <,>), childReferenceKeyType, typeof(Equal <>), typeof(Required <>), childReferenceKeyType); return(new PXView(cache.Graph, false, command)); }
private static int?GetAssignmentMapId(PXGraph graph) { BqlCommand search = (BqlCommand)Activator.CreateInstance(BqlCommand.Compose(typeof(Search <>), typeof(TAssignmentMapField))); PXView view = new PXView(graph, true, BqlCommand.CreateInstance(search.GetSelectType())); object row = view.SelectSingle(); return(row.With(_ => (int?)view.Cache.GetValue(_, ((IBqlSearch)search).GetField().Name))); }
public TaxReportLineSelector(Type search, params Type[] fields) : base(search, fields) { this.DescriptionField = typeof(TaxReportLine.descr); _UnconditionalSelect = BqlCommand.CreateInstance(typeof(Search <TaxReportLine.lineNbr, Where <TaxReportLine.vendorID, Equal <Current <TaxReportLine.vendorID> >, And <TaxReportLine.lineNbr, Equal <Required <TaxReportLine.lineNbr> > > > >)); _CacheGlobal = false; }
protected virtual IEnumerable SelectOpportunities(List <string> fields) { ObfuscateType filter = Filter.Current; if (filter.MasterEntity != "OP") { return(new List <PXResult <CRContact, BAccount> >()); } var view = new PXView(this, true, BqlCommand.CreateInstance( typeof(Select2 <, ,>), typeof(CRContact), typeof(LeftJoin <BAccount, On <BAccount.bAccountID, Equal <CRContact.bAccountID> > >), typeof(Where <, ,>), typeof(CRContactExt.pseudonymizationStatus), typeof(Equal <>), GetPseudonymizationStatus, typeof(Or <,>), typeof(CRContactExt.pseudonymizationStatus), typeof(IsNull))); List <PXFilterRow> filters = new List <PXFilterRow>(); foreach (PXFilterRow filterRow in PXView.Filters) { filters.Add(filterRow); } if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(filter.Search)) { for (int i = 0; i < fields.Count; i++) { filters.Add(new PXFilterRow() { OrOperator = true, OpenBrackets = i == 0 ? 1 : 0, DataField = fields[i], Condition = PXCondition.LIKE, Value = filter.Search, CloseBrackets = i == fields.Count - 1 ? 1 : 0 }); } } if (filter.ConsentExpired == true) { view.WhereAnd <Where <CRContact.consentExpirationDate, LessEqual <Now> > >(); } if (filter.NoConsent == true) { view.WhereAnd <Where <CRContact.consentDate, IsNull> >(); } var startRow = PXView.StartRow; int totalRows = 0; var list = view.Select(PXView.Currents, PXView.Parameters, PXView.Searches, null, null, filters.ToArray(), ref startRow, PXView.MaximumRows, ref totalRows); PXView.StartRow = 0; return(list); }
protected virtual bool CheckCondition(PXCache sender, object row) { object[] selectParams = GetParams(sender, row); BqlCommand cmd = BqlCommand.CreateInstance(_ConditionSelect); PXView view = sender.Graph.TypedViews.GetView(cmd, true); object result = view.SelectSingleBound(new object[] { row }, selectParams); return(result != null); }
public override void CacheAttached(PXCache sender) { base.CacheAttached(sender); BqlCommand search = (BqlCommand)Activator.CreateInstance(BqlCommand.Compose(typeof(Search <>), MigrationModeSetupField)); PXView view = new PXView(sender.Graph, true, BqlCommand.CreateInstance(search.GetSelectType())); object setup = view.SelectSingle(); IsMigrationModeEnabled = (view.Cache.GetValue(setup, MigrationModeSetupField.Name) as bool?) == true; }
public override object Evaluate(PXCache cache, object item, Dictionary <Type, object> pars) { Type table = BqlCommand.GetItemType(typeof(Field)); PXCache cacheSetup = cache.Graph.Caches[table]; string fieldName = cacheSetup.GetField(typeof(Field)); object setup = new PXView(cache.Graph, true, BqlCommand.CreateInstance(typeof(Select <>), table)).SelectSingle(); return(cacheSetup.GetValue(setup, fieldName)); }
protected virtual void TMasterFieldUpdated(PXCache sender, PXFieldUpdatedEventArgs e) { TMaster row = (TMaster)e.Row; if (row == null || row.ClassID == null) { return; } RelatedEntity pars = this.Caches <RelatedEntity>().Current as RelatedEntity; if (pars == null || pars.Type == null || pars.RefNoteID == null) { return; } EntityHelper helper = new EntityHelper(this); Type entityType = PXBuildManager.GetType(pars.Type, false); var related = new EntityHelper(this).GetEntityRow(entityType, pars.RefNoteID); if (related == null) { return; } Type graphType = helper.GetPrimaryGraphType(entityType, related, true); if (graphType == null) { return; } TMaster copy = PXCache <TMaster> .CreateCopy(row); PXGraph graph = CreateInstance(graphType); Type noteType = EntityHelper.GetNoteType(entityType); PXView view = new PXView(this, false, BqlCommand.CreateInstance(BqlCommand.Compose(typeof(Select <,>), entityType, typeof(Where <,>), noteType, typeof(Equal <>), typeof(Required <>), noteType))); graph.Caches[entityType].Current = view.SelectSingle(pars.RefNoteID); PXCache <TMaster> cache = graph.Caches <TMaster>(); cache.SetDefaultExt(copy, typeof(CRActivity.bAccountID).Name); cache.SetDefaultExt(copy, typeof(CRActivity.contactID).Name); if (copy.BAccountID != null) { row.BAccountID = copy.BAccountID; } if (copy.ContactID != null) { row.ContactID = copy.ContactID; } }
protected virtual PXView CreateIntView(PXGraph graph) { Type type = BqlCommand.Compose((new List <Type>() { typeof(Select <,>), typeof(RowToSelect), CreateWhere(graph) }).ToArray()); return(new PXView(graph, true, BqlCommand.CreateInstance(new Type[] { type }))); }
protected virtual BqlCommand GetCommand(PXCache cache, object extRow, List <object> parameters, FABookPeriod.Key periodKey) { BqlCommand cmd = BqlCommand.CreateInstance(OrigSearchType); cmd = cmd.WhereAnd <Where <FABookPeriod.organizationID, Equal <Required <FABookPeriod.organizationID> >, And <FABookPeriod.bookID, Equal <Required <FABookPeriod.bookID> > > > >(); parameters.Add(periodKey.OrganizationID); parameters.Add(periodKey.BookID); return(cmd); }
protected virtual string GetBasicNumberingID() { GLWorkBook currentWB = this.WorkBooks.Current; if (currentWB == null || currentWB.Module == null || currentWB.DocType == null) { return(null); } Type numberingField; switch (currentWB.Module) { case BatchModule.CA: numberingField = typeof(CASetup.registerNumberingID); break; case BatchModule.GL: numberingField = BatchModule.NumberingAttribute.GetNumberingIDField(BatchModule.GL); break; case BatchModule.AP: numberingField = AP.APInvoiceType.NumberingAttribute.GetNumberingIDField(currentWB.DocType); if (numberingField == null) { numberingField = AP.APPaymentType.NumberingAttribute.GetNumberingIDField(currentWB.DocType); } break; case BatchModule.AR: numberingField = AR.ARInvoiceType.NumberingAttribute.GetNumberingIDField(currentWB.DocType); if (numberingField == null) { numberingField = AR.ARPaymentType.NumberingAttribute.GetNumberingIDField(currentWB.DocType); } break; default: return(null); } if (numberingField == null) { return(null); } Type select = BqlCommand.Compose( typeof(Select <,>), typeof(CS.Numbering), typeof(Where <,>), typeof(CS.Numbering.numberingID), typeof(Equal <>), typeof(Current <>), numberingField); PXView view = new PXView(this, false, BqlCommand.CreateInstance(select)); var item = view.SelectSingle(); return(((CS.Numbering)item).NumberingID); }
protected virtual void EnsureSearchView(PXCache sender) { if (searchView == null) { List <Type> list = new List <Type>(); list.Add(typeof(Select <,>)); list.Add(sender.GetItemType()); list.AddRange(BqlCommand.Decompose(WhereConstraint)); BqlCommand cmd = BqlCommand.CreateInstance(list.ToArray()); searchView = new PXView(sender.Graph, true, cmd); } }