Exemple #1
 public _RenderCupertinoSlider(
     float value,
     int?divisions     = null,
     Color activeColor = null,
     ValueChanged <float> onChanged     = null,
     ValueChanged <float> onChangeStart = null,
     ValueChanged <float> onChangeEnd   = null,
     TickerProvider vsync = null
     ) : base(additionalConstraints: BoxConstraints.tightFor(width: SliderUtils._kSliderWidth,
                                                             height: SliderUtils._kSliderHeight))
     D.assert(value >= 0.0f && value <= 1.0f);
     this._value         = value;
     this._divisions     = divisions;
     this._activeColor   = activeColor;
     this._onChanged     = onChanged;
     this._drag          = new HorizontalDragGestureRecognizer();
     this._drag.onStart  = this._handleDragStart;
     this._drag.onUpdate = this._handleDragUpdate;
     this._drag.onEnd    = this._handleDragEnd;
     this._position      = new AnimationController(
         value: value,
         duration: SliderUtils._kDiscreteTransitionDuration,
         vsync: vsync
Exemple #2
 public override Widget build(BuildContext context)
     return(new Row(
                mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceEvenly,
                children: colors.Select <_NamedColor, Widget>(namedColor =>
         return new RawMaterialButton(
             onPressed: () => { onChanged(namedColor.color); },
             constraints: BoxConstraints.tightFor(
             fillColor: namedColor.color,
             shape: new CircleBorder(
                 new BorderSide(
                     namedColor.color == selectedColor ? Colors.black : new Color(0xFFD5D7DA),
             child: new Container(
Exemple #3
        public _RenderCupertinoSwitch(
            bool value,
            Color activeColor,
            TextDirection textDirection,
            TickerProvider vsync,
            ValueChanged <bool> onChanged       = null,
            DragStartBehavior dragStartBehavior = DragStartBehavior.start
            ) : base(additionalConstraints: BoxConstraints.tightFor(
                         width: CupertinoSwitchUtils._kSwitchWidth,
                         height: CupertinoSwitchUtils._kSwitchHeight)
            D.assert(activeColor != null);
            D.assert(vsync != null);
            this._value         = value;
            this._activeColor   = activeColor;
            this._onChanged     = onChanged;
            this._textDirection = textDirection;
            this._vsync         = vsync;

            this._tap = new TapGestureRecognizer()
                onTapDown   = this._handleTapDown,
                onTap       = this._handleTap,
                onTapUp     = this._handleTapUp,
                onTapCancel = this._handleTapCancel,

            this._drag = new HorizontalDragGestureRecognizer()
                onStart           = this._handleDragStart,
                onUpdate          = this._handleDragUpdate,
                onEnd             = this._handleDragEnd,
                dragStartBehavior = dragStartBehavior

            this._positionController = new AnimationController(
                duration: CupertinoSwitchUtils._kToggleDuration,
                value: value ? 1.0f : 0.0f,
                vsync: vsync
            this._position = new CurvedAnimation(
                parent: this._positionController,
                curve: Curves.linear

            this._reactionController = new AnimationController(
                duration: CupertinoSwitchUtils._kReactionDuration,
                vsync: vsync
            this._reaction = new CurvedAnimation(
                parent: this._reactionController,
                curve: Curves.ease
Exemple #4
        protected override void performLayout()
            BoxConstraints constraints = this.constraints;
            float          maxHeight   = CupertinoSegmentedControlsUtils._kMinSegmentedControlHeight;

            float childWidth = constraints.minWidth / childCount;

            foreach (RenderBox child in getChildrenAsList())
                childWidth = Mathf.Max(childWidth, child.getMaxIntrinsicWidth(float.PositiveInfinity));
            childWidth = Mathf.Min(childWidth, constraints.maxWidth / childCount);

            RenderBox child1 = firstChild;

            while (child1 != null)
                float boxHeight = child1.getMaxIntrinsicHeight(childWidth);
                maxHeight = Mathf.Max(maxHeight, boxHeight);
                child1    = childAfter(child1);


            BoxConstraints childConstraints = BoxConstraints.tightFor(
                width: childWidth,
                height: maxHeight

            child1 = firstChild;
            while (child1 != null)
                child1.layout(childConstraints, parentUsesSize: true);
                child1 = childAfter(child1);

            switch (textDirection)
            case TextDirection.rtl:

            case TextDirection.ltr:

            size = constraints.constrain(new Size(childWidth * childCount, maxHeight));
Exemple #5
        Size _sizeForConstraints(BoxConstraints constraints)
            constraints = BoxConstraints.tightFor(

        protected override void performLayout()
            BoxConstraints constraints = this.constraints;
            float          childWidth  = (constraints.minWidth - totalSeparatorWidth) / childCount;
            float          maxHeight   = CupertinoSlidingSegmentedControlsUtils._kMinSegmentedControlHeight;

            foreach (RenderBox child1 in getChildrenAsList())
                childWidth = Mathf.Max(childWidth, child1.getMaxIntrinsicWidth(float.PositiveInfinity) + 2 * CupertinoSlidingSegmentedControlsUtils._kSegmentMinPadding);

            childWidth = Mathf.Min(
                (constraints.maxWidth - totalSeparatorWidth) / childCount

            RenderBox child = firstChild;

            while (child != null)
                float boxHeight = child.getMaxIntrinsicHeight(childWidth);
                maxHeight = Mathf.Max(maxHeight, boxHeight);
                child     = childAfter(child);


            BoxConstraints childConstraints = BoxConstraints.tightFor(
                width: childWidth,
                height: maxHeight

            // Layout children.
            child = firstChild;
            while (child != null)
                child.layout(childConstraints, parentUsesSize: true);
                child = childAfter(child);

            float start = 0;

            child = firstChild;

            while (child != null)
                _SlidingSegmentedControlContainerBoxParentData childParentData =
                    child.parentData as _SlidingSegmentedControlContainerBoxParentData;
                Offset childOffset = new Offset(start, 0);
                childParentData.offset = childOffset;
                start += child.size.width + CupertinoSlidingSegmentedControlsUtils._kSeparatorWidth + CupertinoSlidingSegmentedControlsUtils._kSeparatorInset.horizontal;
                child  = childAfter(child);

            size = constraints.constrain(new Size(childWidth * childCount + totalSeparatorWidth, maxHeight));
Exemple #7
        Widget _buildVerticalControls()
            if (widget.controlsBuilder != null)
                           onStepContinue: widget.onStepContinue,
                           onStepCancel: widget.onStepCancel

            Color cancelColor = null;

            switch (Theme.of(context).brightness)
            case Brightness.light:
                cancelColor = Colors.black54;

            case Brightness.dark:
                cancelColor = Colors.white70;

            D.assert(cancelColor != null);

            ThemeData             themeData     = Theme.of(context);
            MaterialLocalizations localizations = MaterialLocalizations.of(context);

            return(new Container(
                       margin: EdgeInsets.only(top: 16.0f),
                       child: new ConstrainedBox(
                           constraints: BoxConstraints.tightFor(height: 48.0f),
                           child: new Row(
                               children: new List <Widget> {
                new FlatButton(
                    onPressed: widget.onStepContinue,
                    color: _isDark() ? themeData.backgroundColor : themeData.primaryColor,
                    textColor: Colors.white,
                    textTheme: ButtonTextTheme.normal,
                    child: new Text(localizations.continueButtonLabel)
                new Container(
                    margin: EdgeInsets.only(8.0f),
                    child: new FlatButton(
                        onPressed: widget.onStepCancel,
                        textColor: cancelColor,
                        textTheme: ButtonTextTheme.normal,
                        child: new Text(localizations.cancelButtonLabel)
Exemple #8
 Widget _buildIndicator(float animationValue)
     return(new Container(
                constraints: BoxConstraints.tightFor(
                child: new CustomPaint(
                    painter: new _CustomProgressPainter(this.widget.backgroundColor,
                                                        this.widget.valueColor?.value ?? CColors.PrimaryBlue, this.widget.value,
        Size _sizeForConstraints(BoxConstraints constraints)
            constraints = BoxConstraints.tightFor(

            if (_image == null)

            return(constraints.constrainSizeAndAttemptToPreserveAspectRatio(new Size(
                                                                                (_image.width / _scale),
                                                                                (_image.height / _scale)
Exemple #10
 public override void performLayout(Size size)
             width: size.width - 30f,
             height: size.height / 5f
     positionChild(track, new Offset(15.0f, size.height * 0.4f));
         BoxConstraints.tightFor(width: 5f, height: size.height / 4)
     positionChild(thumb, new Offset(0f, size.height * 0.4f));
         BoxConstraints.tightFor(width: size.width, height: size.height)
     positionChild(gestureContainer, Offset.zero);
        public Container(
            Key key = null,
            AlignmentGeometry alignment = null,
            EdgeInsetsGeometry padding  = null,
            Color color                     = null,
            Decoration decoration           = null,
            Decoration foregroundDecoration = null,
            float?width                     = null,
            float?height                    = null,
            BoxConstraints constraints      = null,
            EdgeInsetsGeometry margin       = null,
            Matrix4 transform               = null,
            Widget child                    = null,
            Clip clipBehavior               = Clip.none
            ) : base(key: key)
            D.assert(margin == null || margin.isNonNegative);
            D.assert(padding == null || padding.isNonNegative);
            D.assert(decoration == null || decoration.debugAssertIsValid());
            D.assert(constraints == null || constraints.debugAssertIsValid());
            D.assert(color == null || decoration == null,
                     () => "Cannot provide both a color and a decoration\n" +
                     "The color argument is just a shorthand for \"decoration: new BoxDecoration(color: color)\"."
            D.assert(clipBehavior != null);

            this.alignment            = alignment;
            this.padding              = padding;
            this.foregroundDecoration = foregroundDecoration;
            this.color       = color;
            this.decoration  = decoration;// ?? (color != null ? new BoxDecoration(color) : null);
            this.constraints = (width != null || height != null)
                ? (constraints != null ? constraints.tighten(width, height) : BoxConstraints.tightFor(width, height))
                : constraints;
            this.margin       = margin;
            this.transform    = transform;
            this.child        = child;
            this.clipBehavior = clipBehavior;
Exemple #12
 public AnimatedContainer(
     Key key = null,
     AlignmentGeometry alignment = null,
     EdgeInsetsGeometry padding  = null,
     Color color                     = null,
     Decoration decoration           = null,
     Decoration foregroundDecoration = null,
     float?width                     = null,
     float?height                    = null,
     BoxConstraints constraints      = null,
     EdgeInsetsGeometry margin       = null,
     Matrix4 transform               = null,
     Widget child                    = null,
     Curve curve                     = null,
     TimeSpan?duration               = null,
     VoidCallback onEnd              = null
     ) : base(key: key, curve: curve ?? Curves.linear, duration: duration, onEnd: onEnd)
     D.assert(duration != null);
     D.assert(margin == null || margin.isNonNegative);
     D.assert(padding == null || padding.isNonNegative);
     D.assert(decoration == null || decoration.debugAssertIsValid());
     D.assert(constraints == null || constraints.debugAssertIsValid());
     D.assert(color == null || decoration == null,
              () => "Cannot provide both a color and a decoration\n" +
              "The color argument is just a shorthand for \"decoration: new BoxDecoration(backgroundColor: color)\".");
     this.alignment            = alignment;
     this.padding              = padding;
     this.foregroundDecoration = foregroundDecoration;
     this.margin      = margin;
     this.transform   = transform;
     this.child       = child;
     this.decoration  = decoration ?? (color != null ? new BoxDecoration(color: color) : null);
     this.constraints =
         (width != null || height != null)
             ? constraints?.tighten(width: width, height: height)
         ?? BoxConstraints.tightFor(width: width, height: height)
             : constraints;
Exemple #13
 public _RenderCupertinoSwitch(
     bool value,
     Color activeColor,
     Color trackColor              = null,
     TextDirection?textDirection   = null,
     ValueChanged <bool> onChanged = null,
     _CupertinoSwitchState state   = null
     ) : base(additionalConstraints: BoxConstraints.tightFor(
                  width: CupertinoSwitchUtils._kSwitchWidth,
                  height: CupertinoSwitchUtils._kSwitchHeight)
     D.assert(state != null);
     _value         = value;
     _activeColor   = activeColor;
     _trackColor    = trackColor;
     _onChanged     = onChanged;
     _textDirection = textDirection;
     _state         = state;
Exemple #14
        public override Widget build(BuildContext context)
            return(new GestureDetector(
                       onTap: () =>
                Navigator.push(context, new MaterialPageRoute(
                                   builder: (context3 => { return new HabitEditor(); })
                       child: new LayoutBuilder(
                           builder: ((buildContext, constraints) =>
                return new Container(
                    constraints: BoxConstraints.tightFor(width: mHabitWidth),
                    height: HabitHeight,
                    padding: EdgeInsets.only(left: 5, top: 3, bottom: 2, right: 5),
                    margin: EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: Habits.Padding / 2, vertical: Habits.VerticalPadding / 2),
                    decoration: new BoxDecoration(
                        color: Colors.white10,
                        borderRadius: BorderRadius.all(Radius.circular(4))
                    alignment: Alignment.center,
                    child: new Row(
                        mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.center,
                        children: new List <Widget>()
                    new Text("创建习惯",
                             style: new TextStyle(color: Colors.white, fontSize: 16))


Exemple #15
        public Container(
            Key key                        = null,
            Alignment alignment            = null,
            EdgeInsets padding             = null,
            Color color                    = null,
            Decoration decoration          = null,
            Decoration forgroundDecoration = null,
            double?width                   = null,
            double?height                  = null,
            BoxConstraints constraints     = null,
            EdgeInsets margin              = null,
            Matrix3 transfrom              = null,
            Widget child                   = null
            ) : base(key)
            D.assert(margin == null || margin.isNonNegative);
            D.assert(padding == null || padding.isNonNegative);
            D.assert(decoration == null || decoration.debugAssertIsValid());
            D.assert(constraints == null || constraints.debugAssertIsValid());
            D.assert(color == null || decoration == null,
                     "Cannot provide both a color and a decoration\n" +
                     "The color argument is just a shorthand for \"decoration: new BoxDecoration(color: color)\"."

            this.alignment            = alignment;
            this.padding              = padding;
            this.foregroundDecoration = forgroundDecoration;
            this.margin    = margin;
            this.transform = transfrom;
            this.child     = child;

            this.decoration  = decoration ?? (color != null ? new BoxDecoration(color) : null);
            this.constraints = (width != null || height != null)
                ? (constraints != null ? constraints.tighten(width, height) : BoxConstraints.tightFor(width, height))
                : constraints;
        public override Widget build(BuildContext context)
            ThemeData     themeData   = Theme.of(context);
            ScaffoldState scaffold    = Scaffold.of(context, nullOk: true);
            ModalRoute    parentRoute = ModalRoute.of(context);

            bool hasDrawer      = scaffold?.hasDrawer ?? false;
            bool hasEndDrawer   = scaffold?.hasEndDrawer ?? false;
            bool canPop         = parentRoute?.canPop ?? false;
            bool useCloseButton = parentRoute is PageRoute && ((PageRoute)parentRoute).fullscreenDialog;

            IconThemeData appBarIconTheme = this.widget.iconTheme ?? themeData.primaryIconTheme;
            TextStyle     centerStyle     = this.widget.textTheme?.title ?? themeData.primaryTextTheme.title;
            TextStyle     sideStyle       = this.widget.textTheme?.body1 ?? themeData.primaryTextTheme.body1;

            if (this.widget.toolbarOpacity != 1.0f)
                float opacity =
                    new Interval(0.25f, 1.0f, curve: Curves.fastOutSlowIn).transform(this.widget.toolbarOpacity);
                if (centerStyle?.color != null)
                    centerStyle = centerStyle.copyWith(color: centerStyle.color.withOpacity(opacity));

                if (sideStyle?.color != null)
                    sideStyle = sideStyle.copyWith(color: sideStyle.color.withOpacity(opacity));

                appBarIconTheme = appBarIconTheme.copyWith(
                    opacity: opacity * (appBarIconTheme.opacity ?? 1.0f)

            Widget leading = this.widget.leading;

            if (leading == null && this.widget.automaticallyImplyLeading)
                if (hasDrawer)
                    leading = new IconButton(
                        icon: new Icon(Icons.menu),
                        onPressed: this._handleDrawerButton,
                        tooltip: MaterialLocalizations.of(context).openAppDrawerTooltip);
                    if (canPop)
                        leading = useCloseButton ? (Widget) new CloseButton() : new BackButton();

            if (leading != null)
                leading = new ConstrainedBox(
                    constraints: BoxConstraints.tightFor(width: AppBarUtils._kLeadingWidth),
                    child: leading);

            Widget title = this.widget.title;

            if (title != null)
                title = new DefaultTextStyle(
                    style: centerStyle,
                    softWrap: false,
                    overflow: TextOverflow.ellipsis,
                    child: title);

            Widget actions = null;

            if (this.widget.actions != null && this.widget.actions.isNotEmpty())
                actions = new Row(
                    mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min,
                    crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.stretch,
                    children: this.widget.actions);
            else if (hasEndDrawer)
                actions = new IconButton(
                    icon: new Icon(Icons.menu),
                    onPressed: this._handleDrawerButtonEnd,
                    tooltip: MaterialLocalizations.of(context).openAppDrawerTooltip);

            Widget toolbar = new NavigationToolbar(
                leading: leading,
                middle: title,
                trailing: actions,
                centerMiddle: this.widget._getEffectiveCenterTitle(themeData).Value,
                middleSpacing: this.widget.titleSpacing);

            Widget appBar = new ClipRect(
                child: new CustomSingleChildLayout(
                    layoutDelegate: new _ToolbarContainerLayout(),
                    child: IconTheme.merge(
                        data: appBarIconTheme,
                        child: new DefaultTextStyle(
                            style: sideStyle,
                            child: toolbar)

            if (this.widget.bottom != null)
                appBar = new Column(
                    mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceBetween,
                    children: new List <Widget> {
                    new Flexible(
                        child: new ConstrainedBox(
                            constraints: new BoxConstraints(maxHeight: Constants.kToolbarHeight),
                            child: appBar
                    this.widget.bottomOpacity == 1.0f
                            ? (Widget)this.widget.bottom
                            : new Opacity(
                        opacity: new Interval(0.25f, 1.0f, curve: Curves.fastOutSlowIn).transform(this.widget
                        child: this.widget.bottom

            if (this.widget.primary)
                appBar = new SafeArea(
                    top: true,
                    child: appBar);

            appBar = new Align(
                alignment: Alignment.topCenter,
                child: appBar);

            if (this.widget.flexibleSpace != null)
                appBar = new Stack(
                    fit: StackFit.passthrough,
                    children: new List <Widget> {

            Brightness           brightness   = this.widget.brightness ?? themeData.primaryColorBrightness;
            SystemUiOverlayStyle overlayStyle = brightness == Brightness.dark
                ? SystemUiOverlayStyle.light
                : SystemUiOverlayStyle.dark;

            return(new AnnotatedRegion <SystemUiOverlayStyle>(
                       value: overlayStyle,
                       child: new Material(
                           color: this.widget.backgroundColor ?? themeData.primaryColor,
                           elevation: this.widget.elevation,
                           child: appBar
Exemple #17
        protected override void performLayout()
            BoxConstraints constraints = this.constraints;

            D.assert(() => {
                switch (mainAxis)
                case Axis.horizontal:
                    if (!constraints.hasBoundedWidth)


                case Axis.vertical:
                    if (!constraints.hasBoundedHeight)


                throw new UIWidgetsError(new List <DiagnosticsNode> {
                    new ErrorSummary("RenderListBody must have unlimited space along its main axis."),
                    new ErrorDescription(
                        "RenderListBody does not clip or resize its children, so it must be " +
                        "placed in a parent that does not constrain the main axis."
                    new ErrorHint(
                        "You probably want to put the RenderListBody inside a " +
                        "RenderViewport with a matching main axis."

            D.assert(() => {
                switch (mainAxis)
                case Axis.horizontal:
                    if (constraints.hasBoundedHeight)


                case Axis.vertical:
                    if (constraints.hasBoundedWidth)


                throw new UIWidgetsError(new List <DiagnosticsNode> {
                    new ErrorSummary("RenderListBody must have a bounded constraint for its cross axis."),
                    new ErrorDescription(
                        "RenderListBody forces its children to expand to fit the RenderListBody's container, " +
                        "so it must be placed in a parent that constrains the cross " +
                        "axis to a finite dimension."
                    // TODO(jacobr): this hint is a great candidate to promote to being an
                    // automated quick fix in the future.
                    new ErrorHint(
                        "If you are attempting to nest a RenderListBody with " +
                        "one direction inside one of another direction, you will want to " +
                        "wrap the inner one inside a box that fixes the dimension in that direction, " +
                        "for example, a RenderIntrinsicWidth or RenderIntrinsicHeight object. " +
                        "This is relatively expensive, however." // (that's why we don't do it automatically)

            float     mainAxisExtent = 0.0f;
            RenderBox child          = firstChild;

            BoxConstraints innerConstraints;
            float          position;

            switch (axisDirection)
            case AxisDirection.right:
                innerConstraints = BoxConstraints.tightFor(height: constraints.maxHeight);
                while (child != null)
                    child.layout(innerConstraints, parentUsesSize: true);
                    ListBodyParentData childParentData = (ListBodyParentData)child.parentData;
                    childParentData.offset = new Offset(mainAxisExtent, 0.0f);
                    mainAxisExtent        += child.size.width;
                    D.assert(child.parentData == childParentData);
                    child = childParentData.nextSibling;

                size = constraints.constrain(new Size(mainAxisExtent,

            case AxisDirection.left:
                innerConstraints = BoxConstraints.tightFor(height: constraints.maxHeight);
                while (child != null)
                    child.layout(innerConstraints, parentUsesSize: true);
                    ListBodyParentData childParentData = (ListBodyParentData)child.parentData;
                    mainAxisExtent += child.size.width;
                    D.assert(child.parentData == childParentData);
                    child = childParentData.nextSibling;

                position = 0.0f;
                child    = firstChild;
                while (child != null)
                    ListBodyParentData childParentData = (ListBodyParentData)child.parentData;
                    position += child.size.width;
                    childParentData.offset = new Offset((mainAxisExtent - position), 0.0f);
                    D.assert(child.parentData == childParentData);
                    child = childParentData.nextSibling;

                size = constraints.constrain(new Size(mainAxisExtent,

            case AxisDirection.down:
                innerConstraints = BoxConstraints.tightFor(width: constraints.maxWidth);
                while (child != null)
                    child.layout(innerConstraints, parentUsesSize: true);
                    ListBodyParentData childParentData = (ListBodyParentData)child.parentData;
                    childParentData.offset = new Offset(0.0f, mainAxisExtent);
                    mainAxisExtent        += child.size.height;
                    D.assert(child.parentData == childParentData);
                    child = childParentData.nextSibling;

                size = constraints.constrain(new Size(constraints.maxWidth, mainAxisExtent));

            case AxisDirection.up:
                innerConstraints = BoxConstraints.tightFor(width: constraints.maxWidth);
                while (child != null)
                    child.layout(innerConstraints, parentUsesSize: true);
                    ListBodyParentData childParentData = (ListBodyParentData)child.parentData;
                    mainAxisExtent += child.size.height;
                    D.assert(child.parentData == childParentData);
                    child = childParentData.nextSibling;

                position = 0.0f;
                child    = firstChild;
                while (child != null)
                    ListBodyParentData childParentData = (ListBodyParentData)child.parentData;
                    position += child.size.height;
                    childParentData.offset = new Offset(0.0f, mainAxisExtent - position);
                    D.assert(child.parentData == childParentData);
                    child = childParentData.nextSibling;

                size = constraints.constrain(new Size(constraints.maxWidth, mainAxisExtent));

Exemple #18
        protected override void performLayout()
            D.assert(() => {
                switch (this.mainAxis)
                case Axis.horizontal:
                    if (!this.constraints.hasBoundedWidth)


                case Axis.vertical:
                    if (!this.constraints.hasBoundedHeight)


                throw new UIWidgetsError(
                    "RenderListBody must have unlimited space along its main axis.\n" +
                    "RenderListBody does not clip or resize its children, so it must be " +
                    "placed in a parent that does not constrain the main " +
                    "axis. You probably want to put the RenderListBody inside a " +
                    "RenderViewport with a matching main axis.");

            D.assert(() => {
                switch (this.mainAxis)
                case Axis.horizontal:
                    if (this.constraints.hasBoundedHeight)


                case Axis.vertical:
                    if (this.constraints.hasBoundedWidth)


                throw new UIWidgetsError(
                    "RenderListBody must have a bounded constraint for its cross axis.\n" +
                    "RenderListBody forces its children to expand to fit the RenderListBody\"s container, " +
                    "so it must be placed in a parent that constrains the cross " +
                    "axis to a finite dimension. If you are attempting to nest a RenderListBody with " +
                    "one direction inside one of another direction, you will want to " +
                    "wrap the inner one inside a box that fixes the dimension in that direction, " +
                    "for example, a RenderIntrinsicWidth or RenderIntrinsicHeight object. " +
                    "This is relatively expensive, however."

            float     mainAxisExtent = 0.0f;
            RenderBox child          = this.firstChild;

            BoxConstraints innerConstraints;
            float          position;

            switch (this.axisDirection)
            case AxisDirection.right:
                innerConstraints = BoxConstraints.tightFor(height: this.constraints.maxHeight);
                while (child != null)
                    child.layout(innerConstraints, parentUsesSize: true);
                    ListBodyParentData childParentData = (ListBodyParentData)child.parentData;
                    childParentData.offset = new Offset(mainAxisExtent, 0.0f);
                    mainAxisExtent        += child.size.width;
                    D.assert(child.parentData == childParentData);
                    child = childParentData.nextSibling;

                this.size = this.constraints.constrain(new Size(mainAxisExtent,

            case AxisDirection.left:
                innerConstraints = BoxConstraints.tightFor(height: this.constraints.maxHeight);
                while (child != null)
                    child.layout(innerConstraints, parentUsesSize: true);
                    ListBodyParentData childParentData = (ListBodyParentData)child.parentData;
                    mainAxisExtent += child.size.width;
                    D.assert(child.parentData == childParentData);
                    child = childParentData.nextSibling;

                position = 0.0f;
                child    = this.firstChild;
                while (child != null)
                    ListBodyParentData childParentData = (ListBodyParentData)child.parentData;
                    position += child.size.width;
                    childParentData.offset = new Offset((mainAxisExtent - position), 0.0f);
                    D.assert(child.parentData == childParentData);
                    child = childParentData.nextSibling;

                this.size = this.constraints.constrain(new Size(mainAxisExtent,

            case AxisDirection.down:
                innerConstraints = BoxConstraints.tightFor(width: this.constraints.maxWidth);
                while (child != null)
                    child.layout(innerConstraints, parentUsesSize: true);
                    ListBodyParentData childParentData = (ListBodyParentData)child.parentData;
                    childParentData.offset = new Offset(0.0f, mainAxisExtent);
                    mainAxisExtent        += child.size.height;
                    D.assert(child.parentData == childParentData);
                    child = childParentData.nextSibling;

                this.size = this.constraints.constrain(new Size(this.constraints.maxWidth, mainAxisExtent));

            case AxisDirection.up:
                innerConstraints = BoxConstraints.tightFor(width: this.constraints.maxWidth);
                while (child != null)
                    child.layout(innerConstraints, parentUsesSize: true);
                    ListBodyParentData childParentData = (ListBodyParentData)child.parentData;
                    mainAxisExtent += child.size.height;
                    D.assert(child.parentData == childParentData);
                    child = childParentData.nextSibling;

                position = 0.0f;
                child    = this.firstChild;
                while (child != null)
                    ListBodyParentData childParentData = (ListBodyParentData)child.parentData;
                    position += child.size.height;
                    childParentData.offset = new Offset(0.0f, mainAxisExtent - position);
                    D.assert(child.parentData == childParentData);
                    child = childParentData.nextSibling;

                this.size = this.constraints.constrain(new Size(this.constraints.maxWidth, mainAxisExtent));

Exemple #19
        protected override void performLayout()
            int rows    = this.rows;
            int columns = this.columns;

            D.assert(this._children.Count == rows * columns);
            if (rows * columns == 0)
                this.size = this.constraints.constrain(new Size(0.0f, 0.0f));

            List <float> widths     = this._computeColumnWidths(this.constraints);
            List <float> positions  = new List <float>();
            float        tableWidth = 0.0f;

            for (int x = 1; x < columns; x++)
                positions.Add(positions[x - 1] + widths[x - 1]);

            this._columnLefts = positions;
            tableWidth        = positions.Last() + widths.Last();

            D.assert(!positions.Any((float value) => { return(value == null); }));
            this._baselineDistance = null;

            float rowTop = 0.0f;

            for (int y = 0; y < rows; y++)
                float         rowHeight              = 0.0f;
                bool          haveBaseline           = false;
                float         beforeBaselineDistance = 0.0f;
                float         afterBaselineDistance  = 0.0f;
                List <float?> baselines              = new List <float?>();
                for (int i = 0; i < columns; i++)

                for (int x = 0; x < columns; x++)
                    int       xy    = x + y * columns;
                    RenderBox child = this._children[xy];
                    if (child != null)
                        TableCellParentData childParentData = (TableCellParentData)child.parentData;
                        D.assert(childParentData != null);
                        childParentData.x = x;
                        childParentData.y = y;
                        switch (childParentData.verticalAlignment ?? this.defaultVerticalAlignment)
                        case TableCellVerticalAlignment.baseline: {
                            D.assert(this.textBaseline != null);
                            child.layout(BoxConstraints.tightFor(width: widths[x]), parentUsesSize: true);
                            float?childBaseline =
                                child.getDistanceToBaseline(this.textBaseline.Value, onlyReal: true);
                            if (childBaseline != null)
                                beforeBaselineDistance = Mathf.Max(beforeBaselineDistance, childBaseline.Value);
                                afterBaselineDistance  = Mathf.Max(afterBaselineDistance,
                                                                   child.size.height - childBaseline.Value);
                                baselines[x] = childBaseline.Value;
                                haveBaseline = true;
                                rowHeight = Mathf.Max(rowHeight, child.size.height);
                                childParentData.offset = new Offset(positions[x], rowTop);


                        case TableCellVerticalAlignment.top:
                        case TableCellVerticalAlignment.middle:
                        case TableCellVerticalAlignment.bottom: {
                            child.layout(BoxConstraints.tightFor(width: widths[x]), parentUsesSize: true);
                            rowHeight = Mathf.Max(rowHeight, child.size.height);

                        case TableCellVerticalAlignment.fill: {

                if (haveBaseline)
                    if (y == 0)
                        this._baselineDistance = beforeBaselineDistance;

                    rowHeight = Mathf.Max(rowHeight, beforeBaselineDistance + afterBaselineDistance);

                for (int x = 0; x < columns; x++)
                    int       xy    = x + y * columns;
                    RenderBox child = this._children[xy];
                    if (child != null)
                        TableCellParentData childParentData = (TableCellParentData)child.parentData;
                        switch (childParentData.verticalAlignment ?? this.defaultVerticalAlignment)
                        case TableCellVerticalAlignment.baseline: {
                            if (baselines[x] != null)
                                childParentData.offset = new Offset(positions[x],
                                                                    rowTop + beforeBaselineDistance - baselines[x].Value);


                        case TableCellVerticalAlignment.top: {
                            childParentData.offset = new Offset(positions[x], rowTop);

                        case TableCellVerticalAlignment.middle: {
                            childParentData.offset = new Offset(positions[x],
                                                                rowTop + (rowHeight - child.size.height) / 2.0f);

                        case TableCellVerticalAlignment.bottom: {
                            childParentData.offset =
                                new Offset(positions[x], rowTop + rowHeight - child.size.height);

                        case TableCellVerticalAlignment.fill: {
                            child.layout(BoxConstraints.tightFor(width: widths[x], height: rowHeight));
                            childParentData.offset = new Offset(positions[x], rowTop);

                rowTop += rowHeight;

            this.size = this.constraints.constrain(new Size(tableWidth, rowTop));
            D.assert(this._rowTops.Count == rows + 1);