public void TestAllOnes() { var game = new BowlingGameLogic(); RollMany(20, 1, game); Assert.IsTrue(game.GetFinalScore() == 20); }
static void Main(string[] args) { BowlingGameLogic game = new BowlingGameLogic(); for (int i = 1; i < 11; i++) { Console.WriteLine("Enter the score of the first roll of the Frame " + i); int numberOfPinsThatWereHitFirst; int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out numberOfPinsThatWereHitFirst); game.Roll(numberOfPinsThatWereHitFirst); if (numberOfPinsThatWereHitFirst != 10) { Console.WriteLine("Enter the score of the second roll of the Frame " + i); int numberOfPinsThatWereHitSecond; int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out numberOfPinsThatWereHitSecond); game.Roll(numberOfPinsThatWereHitSecond); if (numberOfPinsThatWereHitFirst + numberOfPinsThatWereHitSecond == 10) { Console.WriteLine("SPARE!\n"); } } else { Console.WriteLine("STRIKE!!!\n"); } } Console.WriteLine("\nYour final score is: " + game.GetFinalScore()); Console.WriteLine(Console.ReadLine()); }
public void TestPerfectGame() { var game = new BowlingGameLogic(); RollMany(12, 10, game); var score = game.GetFinalScore(); Assert.IsTrue(score == 300); }
public void TestStrikeBonus() { var game = new BowlingGameLogic(); game.Roll(10); // strike bonus active for next two rolls game.Roll(3); game.Roll(4); RollMany(16, 0, game); var score = game.GetFinalScore(); Assert.IsTrue(score == 17 + 3 + 4); }
public void TestSpareBonus() { var game = new BowlingGameLogic(); game.Roll(5); game.Roll(5); // spare bonus is active for next roll game.Roll(7); game.Roll(3); // spare bonus is active for next roll game.Roll(1); RollMany(15, 0, game); var score = game.GetFinalScore(); Assert.IsTrue(score == 21 + 7 + 1); }
public void TestBonusFrameAfterSpear() { var game = new BowlingGameLogic(); RollMany(18, 0, game); game.Roll(5); game.Roll(5); // A spear in the last frame gives one bonus roll. // game.Roll(3); var score = game.GetFinalScore(); Assert.IsTrue(score == 10 + 3); }
public void TestBonusFrameAfterStrike() { var game = new BowlingGameLogic(); RollMany(18, 0, game); game.Roll(10); // A strike in the last frame gives two bonus rolls. // game.Roll(5); game.Roll(10); var score = game.GetFinalScore(); Assert.IsTrue(score == 10 + 5 + 10); }