private void WandOben(int x, int z) { int oldIndex = vertexListWaende.Count; vertexListWaende.Add(new VertexPositionTexture(new Vector3(x * step, 0, z * step + step), new Vector2(0, 0))); vertexListWaende.Add(new VertexPositionTexture(new Vector3(x * step, height, z * step + step), new Vector2(0, 1))); vertexListWaende.Add(new VertexPositionTexture(new Vector3(x * step + step, 0, z * step + step), new Vector2(1, 0))); vertexListWaende.Add(new VertexPositionTexture(new Vector3(x * step + step, height, z * step + step), new Vector2(1, 1))); List <Vector3> templist = new List <Vector3>(); for (int i = oldIndex; i < vertexListWaende.Count; i++) { templist.Add(vertexListWaende[i].Position); } BoundingBoxes.Add(BoundingBox.CreateFromPoints(templist)); //Console.WriteLine(BoundingBox.CreateFromPoints(templist).Min + " - " + BoundingBox.CreateFromPoints(templist).Max); indexListWaende.Add(Convert.ToInt16(oldIndex)); indexListWaende.Add(Convert.ToInt16(oldIndex + 3)); indexListWaende.Add(Convert.ToInt16(oldIndex + 1)); indexListWaende.Add(Convert.ToInt16(oldIndex)); indexListWaende.Add(Convert.ToInt16(oldIndex + 2)); indexListWaende.Add(Convert.ToInt16(oldIndex + 3)); }
public void MouseUp(Point point) { if (IsMouseDown) { var rect = new Rect(mouseDownLocation, point); BoundingBoxes.Add(new BoundingBox(rect, SelectedClass)); } IsMouseDown = false; }
private void ExObjectDetect() { this.MediaService.Capture(); var configurationDetector = new ConfigurationDetector(); var config = configurationDetector.Detect(); using (var yoloWrapper = new YoloWrapper(config)) { var items = yoloWrapper.Detect(@"C:\Users\csy18\OneDrive\바탕 화면\RomanticLabel\RomanticLabel\cap.png"); foreach (var item in items) { var rect = new Rect(item.X, item.Y, item.Width, item.Height); BoundingBoxes.Add(new BoundingBox(rect, item.Type)); } } }
private void ExDrawGhostRect() { if (IsPlay && IsLeftMouseDown) { IsLeftMouseDown = false; GhostRect = new Rect(); var rect = new Rect(mouseDownLocation, new Point(PanelX, PanelY)); BoundingBoxes.Add(new BoundingBox(rect, "New")); } else if (IsPlay && !IsLeftMouseDown) { IsLeftMouseDown = true; mouseDownLocation = new Point(PanelX, PanelY); } }
public scenario_structure_bsp(CacheBase Cache, int Address) { cache = Cache; EndianReader Reader = Cache.Reader; Reader.SeekTo(Address); #region sldt ID //sldt's sections address will be used instead of the one in sbsp int sectionAddress = 0; foreach (var item in Cache.IndexItems) { if (item.ClassCode == "scnr") { Reader.SeekTo(item.Offset + 20); int cnt = Reader.ReadInt32(); int ptr = Reader.ReadInt32() - Cache.Magic; int bspIndex = 0; for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { Reader.SeekTo(ptr + 108 * i + 12); if (Cache.IndexItems.GetItemByID(Reader.ReadInt32()).Offset == Address) { bspIndex = i; break; } } Reader.SeekTo(item.Offset + 1776 + 12); int sldtID = Reader.ReadInt32(); int sldtAddress = Cache.IndexItems.GetItemByID(sldtID).Offset; Reader.SeekTo(sldtAddress + 4); cnt = Reader.ReadInt32(); ptr = Reader.ReadInt32() - Cache.Magic; for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { Reader.SeekTo(ptr + 436 * i + 2); if (Reader.ReadInt16() != bspIndex) { continue; } Reader.SeekTo(ptr + 436 * i + 312); sectionAddress = Reader.ReadInt32() - Cache.Magic; Reader.SeekTo(ptr + 436 * i + 428); geomRawID = Reader.ReadInt32(); } break; } } #endregion Reader.SeekTo(Address + 60); XBounds = new RealBounds(Reader.ReadSingle(), Reader.ReadSingle()); YBounds = new RealBounds(Reader.ReadSingle(), Reader.ReadSingle()); ZBounds = new RealBounds(Reader.ReadSingle(), Reader.ReadSingle()); #region Clusters Block Reader.SeekTo(Address + 180); int iCount = Reader.ReadInt32(); int iOffset = Reader.ReadInt32() - Cache.Magic; for (int i = 0; i < iCount; i++) { Clusters.Add(new Cluster(Cache, iOffset + 220 * i)); } #endregion #region Shaders Block Reader.SeekTo(Address + 192); iCount = Reader.ReadInt32(); iOffset = Reader.ReadInt32() - Cache.Magic; for (int i = 0; i < iCount; i++) { Shaders.Add(new Halo3Beta.render_model.Shader(Cache, iOffset + 36 * i)); } #endregion #region GeometryInstances Block Reader.SeekTo(Address + 432); iCount = Reader.ReadInt32(); iOffset = Reader.ReadInt32() - Cache.Magic; for (int i = 0; i < iCount; i++) { GeomInstances.Add(new InstancedGeometry(Cache, iOffset + 120 * i)); } #endregion Reader.SeekTo(Address + 580); RawID1 = Reader.ReadInt32(); #region ModelSections Block Reader.SeekTo(Address + 740); iCount = Reader.ReadInt32(); iOffset = Reader.ReadInt32() - Cache.Magic; for (int i = 0; i < iCount; i++) { ModelSections.Add(new Halo3Beta.render_model.ModelSection(Cache, sectionAddress + 76 * i)); } #endregion #region Bounding Boxes Block Reader.SeekTo(Address + 752); iCount = Reader.ReadInt32(); iOffset = Reader.ReadInt32() - Cache.Magic; for (int i = 0; i < iCount; i++) { BoundingBoxes.Add(new Halo3Beta.render_model.BoundingBox(Cache, iOffset + 44 * i)); } #endregion Reader.SeekTo(Address + 860); RawID2 = Reader.ReadInt32(); Reader.SeekTo(Address + 892); RawID3 = Reader.ReadInt32(); }
public render_model(CacheBase Cache, int Address) { cache = Cache; EndianReader Reader = Cache.Reader; Reader.SeekTo(Address); Name = Cache.Strings.GetItemByID(Reader.ReadInt32()); Flags = new Bitmask(Reader.ReadInt32()); #region Regions Block Reader.SeekTo(Address + 12); int iCount = Reader.ReadInt32(); int iOffset = Reader.ReadInt32() - Cache.Magic; for (int i = 0; i < iCount; i++) { Regions.Add(new Region(Cache, iOffset + 16 * i)); } #endregion Reader.SeekTo(Address + 28); InstancedGeometryIndex = Reader.ReadInt32(); #region Instanced Geometry Block Reader.SeekTo(Address + 32); iCount = Reader.ReadInt32(); iOffset = Reader.ReadInt32() - Cache.Magic; for (int i = 0; i < iCount; i++) { GeomInstances.Add(new InstancedGeometry(Cache, iOffset + 60 * i)); } #endregion #region Nodes Block Reader.SeekTo(Address + 48); iCount = Reader.ReadInt32(); iOffset = Reader.ReadInt32() - Cache.Magic; for (int i = 0; i < iCount; i++) { Nodes.Add(new Node(Cache, iOffset + 96 * i)); } #endregion #region MarkerGroups Block Reader.SeekTo(Address + 60); iCount = Reader.ReadInt32(); iOffset = Reader.ReadInt32() - Cache.Magic; for (int i = 0; i < iCount; i++) { MarkerGroups.Add(new MarkerGroup(Cache, iOffset + 16 * i)); } #endregion #region Shaders Block Reader.SeekTo(Address + 72); iCount = Reader.ReadInt32(); iOffset = Reader.ReadInt32() - Cache.Magic; for (int i = 0; i < iCount; i++) { Shaders.Add(new Shader(Cache, iOffset + 44 * i)); } #endregion #region ModelSections Block Reader.SeekTo(Address + 104); iCount = Reader.ReadInt32(); iOffset = Reader.ReadInt32() - Cache.Magic; for (int i = 0; i < iCount; i++) { ModelSections.Add(new ModelSection(Cache, iOffset + 92 * i)); } #endregion #region BoundingBox Block Reader.SeekTo(Address + 116); iCount = Reader.ReadInt32(); iOffset = Reader.ReadInt32() - Cache.Magic; for (int i = 0; i < iCount; i++) { BoundingBoxes.Add(new BoundingBox(Cache, iOffset + 52 * i)); } #endregion #region NodeMapGroup Block Reader.SeekTo(Address + 176); iCount = Reader.ReadInt32(); iOffset = Reader.ReadInt32() - Cache.Magic; for (int i = 0; i < iCount; i++) { NodeIndexGroups.Add(new NodeIndexGroup(Cache, iOffset + 12 * i)); } #endregion Reader.SeekTo(Address + 236); RawID = Reader.ReadInt32(); }
public gbxmodel(CacheBase Cache, int Address) { cache = Cache; EndianReader Reader = Cache.Reader; Reader.SeekTo(Address); Name = "gbxmodel"; Flags = new Bitmask(Reader.ReadInt16()); Reader.SeekTo(Address + 0x30); uScale = Reader.ReadSingle(); vScale = Reader.ReadSingle(); #region MarkerGroups Block Reader.SeekTo(Address + 0xAC); int iCount = Reader.ReadInt32(); int iOffset = Reader.ReadInt32() - Cache.Magic; for (int i = 0; i < iCount; i++) { MarkerGroups.Add(new MarkerGroup(Cache, iOffset + 64 * i)); } #endregion #region Nodes Block Reader.SeekTo(Address + 0xB8); iCount = Reader.ReadInt32(); iOffset = Reader.ReadInt32() - Cache.Magic; for (int i = 0; i < iCount; i++) { Nodes.Add(new Node(Cache, iOffset + 156 * i)); } #endregion #region Regions Block Reader.SeekTo(Address + 0xC4); iCount = Reader.ReadInt32(); iOffset = Reader.ReadInt32() - Cache.Magic; for (int i = 0; i < iCount; i++) { Regions.Add(new Region(Cache, iOffset + 76 * i)); } #endregion #region ModelParts Block Reader.SeekTo(Address + 0xD0); iCount = Reader.ReadInt32(); iOffset = Reader.ReadInt32() - Cache.Magic; for (int i = 0; i < iCount; i++) { ModelSections.Add(new ModelSection(Cache, iOffset + 48 * i) { FacesIndex = i, VertsIndex = i, NodeIndex = 255 }); } #endregion #region Shaders Block Reader.SeekTo(Address + 0xDC); iCount = Reader.ReadInt32(); iOffset = Reader.ReadInt32() - Cache.Magic; for (int i = 0; i < iCount; i++) { Shaders.Add(new Shader(Cache, iOffset + 32 * i)); } #endregion #region BoundingBox Block BoundingBoxes.Add(new BoundingBox()); #endregion }
public render_model(CacheBase Cache, int Address) { cache = Cache; EndianReader Reader = Cache.Reader; Reader.SeekTo(Address); Name = Cache.Strings.GetItemByID(Reader.ReadInt16()); //Flags = new Bitmask(Reader.ReadInt32()); #region BoundingBox Block Reader.SeekTo(Address + 20); int iCount = Reader.ReadInt32(); int iOffset = Reader.ReadInt32() - Cache.Magic; for (int i = 0; i < iCount; i++) { BoundingBoxes.Add(new BoundingBox(Cache, iOffset + 56 * i)); } #endregion #region Regions Block Reader.SeekTo(Address + 28); iCount = Reader.ReadInt32(); iOffset = Reader.ReadInt32() - Cache.Magic; for (int i = 0; i < iCount; i++) { Regions.Add(new Region(Cache, iOffset + 16 * i)); } #endregion #region ModelParts Block Reader.SeekTo(Address + 36); iCount = Reader.ReadInt32(); iOffset = Reader.ReadInt32() - Cache.Magic; for (int i = 0; i < iCount; i++) { ModelSections.Add(new ModelSection(Cache, iOffset + 92 * i) { FacesIndex = i, VertsIndex = i, NodeIndex = 255 }); } Reader.SeekTo(Address + 72); #endregion #region Nodes Block iCount = Reader.ReadInt32(); iOffset = Reader.ReadInt32() - Cache.Magic; for (int i = 0; i < iCount; i++) { Nodes.Add(new Node(Cache, iOffset + 96 * i)); } #endregion #region MarkerGroups Block Reader.SeekTo(Address + 88); iCount = Reader.ReadInt32(); iOffset = Reader.ReadInt32() - Cache.Magic; for (int i = 0; i < iCount; i++) { MarkerGroups.Add(new MarkerGroup(Cache, iOffset + 12 * i)); } #endregion #region Shaders Block Reader.SeekTo(Address + 96); iCount = Reader.ReadInt32(); iOffset = Reader.ReadInt32() - Cache.Magic; for (int i = 0; i < iCount; i++) { Shaders.Add(new Shader(Cache, iOffset + 32 * i)); } #endregion }
public scenario_structure_bsp(CacheBase Cache, int Address) { cache = Cache; EndianReader Reader = Cache.Reader; Reader.SeekTo(Address); #region sldt/lbsp ID //lbsp's sections address will be used instead of the one in sbsp int sectionAddress = 0; int sectionCount = 0; foreach (var item in Cache.IndexItems) { if (item.ClassCode == "scnr") { Reader.SeekTo(item.Offset + 76); int cnt = Reader.ReadInt32(); int ptr = Reader.ReadInt32() - Cache.Magic; int bspIndex = 0; for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { Reader.SeekTo(ptr + 172 * i + 12); if (Cache.IndexItems.GetItemByID(Reader.ReadInt32()).Offset == Address) { bspIndex = i; break; } } Reader.SeekTo(item.Offset + 1844 + 12); int sldtID = Reader.ReadInt32(); int sldtAddress = Cache.IndexItems.GetItemByID(sldtID).Offset; Reader.SeekTo(sldtAddress + 4); cnt = Reader.ReadInt32(); ptr = Reader.ReadInt32() - Cache.Magic; Reader.SeekTo(ptr + 32 * bspIndex + 12); int lbspID = Reader.ReadInt32(); int lbspAddress = Cache.IndexItems.GetItemByID(lbspID).Offset; Reader.SeekTo(lbspAddress + 124); sectionCount = Reader.ReadInt32(); sectionAddress = Reader.ReadInt32() - Cache.Magic; Reader.SeekTo(lbspAddress + 268); geomRawID = Reader.ReadInt32(); break; } } #endregion Reader.SeekTo(Address + 236); XBounds = new RealBounds(Reader.ReadSingle(), Reader.ReadSingle()); YBounds = new RealBounds(Reader.ReadSingle(), Reader.ReadSingle()); ZBounds = new RealBounds(Reader.ReadSingle(), Reader.ReadSingle()); #region Clusters Block Reader.SeekTo(Address + 308); int iCount = Reader.ReadInt32(); int iOffset = Reader.ReadInt32() - Cache.Magic; for (int i = 0; i < iCount; i++) { Clusters.Add(new Cluster(Cache, iOffset + 140 * i)); } #endregion #region Shaders Block Reader.SeekTo(Address + 320); iCount = Reader.ReadInt32(); iOffset = Reader.ReadInt32() - Cache.Magic; for (int i = 0; i < iCount; i++) { Shaders.Add(new ReachRetail.render_model.Shader(Cache, iOffset + 44 * i)); } #endregion #region GeometryInstances Block Reader.SeekTo(Address + 608); iCount = Reader.ReadInt32(); iOffset = Reader.ReadInt32() - Cache.Magic; for (int i = 0; i < iCount; i++) { GeomInstances.Add(new InstancedGeometry(Cache, iOffset + 4 * i)); } #region Load Fixup Data Reader.SeekTo(Address + 1298); int id = Reader.ReadUInt16(); var entry =[id]; var er = new EndianReader(new MemoryStream(, EndianFormat.BigEndian); int addr = entry.Fixups[entry.Fixups.Count - 10].Offset; for (int i = 0; i < GeomInstances.Count; i++) { er.SeekTo(entry.FixupOffset + addr + 156 * i); var geom = GeomInstances[i]; geom.TransformScale = er.ReadSingle(); geom.TransformMatrix.m11 = er.ReadSingle(); geom.TransformMatrix.m12 = er.ReadSingle(); geom.TransformMatrix.m13 = er.ReadSingle(); geom.TransformMatrix.m21 = er.ReadSingle(); geom.TransformMatrix.m22 = er.ReadSingle(); geom.TransformMatrix.m23 = er.ReadSingle(); geom.TransformMatrix.m31 = er.ReadSingle(); geom.TransformMatrix.m32 = er.ReadSingle(); geom.TransformMatrix.m33 = er.ReadSingle(); geom.TransformMatrix.m41 = er.ReadSingle(); geom.TransformMatrix.m42 = er.ReadSingle(); geom.TransformMatrix.m43 = er.ReadSingle(); er.ReadUInt16(); er.ReadUInt16(); er.ReadUInt16(); geom.SectionIndex = er.ReadUInt16(); } er.Close(); er.Dispose(); #endregion #endregion Reader.SeekTo(Address + 796); RawID1 = Reader.ReadInt32(); Reader.SeekTo(Address + 976); RawID2 = Reader.ReadInt32(); #region ModelParts Block Reader.SeekTo(Address + 1100); iCount = Reader.ReadInt32(); iOffset = Reader.ReadInt32() - Cache.Magic; if (sectionAddress == -Cache.Magic) { sectionAddress = iOffset; //null address in lbsp } for (int i = 0; i < iCount; i++) { ModelSections.Add(new ReachRetail.render_model.ModelSection(Cache, sectionAddress + 92 * i)); } #endregion #region Bounding Boxes Block Reader.SeekTo(Address + 1112); iCount = Reader.ReadInt32(); iOffset = Reader.ReadInt32() - Cache.Magic; for (int i = 0; i < iCount; i++) { BoundingBoxes.Add(new ReachRetail.render_model.BoundingBox(Cache, iOffset + 52 * i)); } #endregion Reader.SeekTo(Address + 1244); RawID3 = Reader.ReadInt32(); }
/// <summary> /// Create a new geometry given filename /// </summary> /// <param name="fileName"> filepath to the 3D model file </param> public Geometry(string fileName, bool enableRigging = false) { RiggingEnabled = enableRigging; sourceFileName = fileName; //Create new importer. importer = new AssimpContext(); //import the file scene = importer.ImportFile(fileName, PostProcessSteps.CalculateTangentSpace | PostProcessSteps.Triangulate | PostProcessSteps.JoinIdenticalVertices | PostProcessSteps.SortByPrimitiveType | PostProcessSteps.GenerateUVCoords | PostProcessSteps.FlipUVs | PostProcessSteps.LimitBoneWeights | PostProcessSteps.ValidateDataStructure); //make sure scene not null if (scene == null) { throw new FileNotFoundException(); } //loop through sizes and count them. allMeshes = new List <ClientMesh>(scene.MeshCount); //loop through and store sizes for (int idx = 0; idx < scene.MeshCount; idx++) { ClientMesh mesh = new ClientMesh(); allMeshes.Add(mesh); mesh.CountVertices = scene.Meshes[idx].VertexCount; mesh.vertSize = scene.Meshes[idx].VertexCount * Vector3.SizeInBytes; mesh.normSize = scene.Meshes[idx].Normals.Count * Vector3.SizeInBytes; mesh.faceSize = scene.Meshes[idx].FaceCount * scene.Meshes[idx].Faces[0].IndexCount * sizeof(int); if (scene.Meshes[idx].HasTextureCoords(0)) { mesh.texSize = scene.Meshes[idx].TextureCoordinateChannels[0].Count * Vector3.SizeInBytes; } } diffuseTextureSRV = new Dictionary <string, ShaderResourceView>(); // do all the processing that rigging is required to have if (enableRigging) { _allBones = new List <ClientBone>(); _allBoneMappings = new Dictionary <string, int>(); _allBoneLookup = new Dictionary <string, ClientBone>(); // set the animation related lookup tables AnimationIndices = new Dictionary <string, int>(); _animationNodes = new List <Dictionary <string, ClientAnimationNode> >(scene.AnimationCount); for (int i = 0; i < scene.AnimationCount; i++) { AnimationIndices[scene.Animations[i].Name] = i; _animationNodes.Add(new Dictionary <string, ClientAnimationNode>()); for (int j = 0; j < scene.Animations[i].NodeAnimationChannelCount; j++) { NodeAnimationChannel ch = scene.Animations[i].NodeAnimationChannels[j]; ClientAnimationNode myNode = new ClientAnimationNode(ch.NodeName); _animationNodes[i][ch.NodeName] = myNode; myNode.Translations = new List <Vector3>(); myNode.TranslationTime = new List <double>(); myNode.Rotations = new List <Quaternion>(); myNode.RotationTime = new List <double>(); myNode.Scalings = new List <Vector3>(); myNode.ScalingTime = new List <double>(); // copy over all the necessary information in the animation channels for (int k = 0; k < ch.PositionKeyCount; k++) { myNode.Translations.Add(ch.PositionKeys[k].Value.ToVector3()); myNode.TranslationTime.Add(ch.PositionKeys[k].Time); } for (int k = 0; k < ch.RotationKeyCount; k++) { myNode.Rotations.Add(ch.RotationKeys[k].Value.ToQuaternion()); myNode.RotationTime.Add(ch.RotationKeys[k].Time); } for (int k = 0; k < ch.ScalingKeyCount; k++) { myNode.Scalings.Add(ch.ScalingKeys[k].Value.ToVector3()); myNode.ScalingTime.Add(ch.ScalingKeys[k].Time); } } } // create and store the big scene tree _rootBone = CreateBoneTree(scene.RootNode, null); // set each bone offset foreach (var sceneMesh in scene.Meshes) { foreach (var rawBone in sceneMesh.Bones) { ClientBone found; if (!_allBoneLookup.TryGetValue(rawBone.Name, out found)) { Console.WriteLine("Cannot find bone: " + rawBone.Name); continue; } found.BoneOffset = rawBone.OffsetMatrix.ToMatrix(); _allBones.Add(found); _allBoneMappings[found.BoneName] = _allBones.IndexOf(found); } } // for bones not inside the meshes...? jasdkl;fja;lskdjkfl foreach (var boneName in _allBoneLookup.Keys.Where(b => _allBones.All(b1 => b1.BoneName != b) && b.StartsWith("Bone"))) { _allBoneLookup[boneName].BoneOffset = _allBoneLookup[boneName].Parent.BoneOffset.Clone(); _allBones.Add(_allBoneLookup[boneName]); _allBoneMappings[boneName] = _allBones.IndexOf(_allBoneLookup[boneName]); } // load the bone weights for (int idx = 0; idx < scene.MeshCount; idx++) { LoadBoneWeights(scene.Meshes[idx], allMeshes[idx]); } //_boneTransformStream = new DataStream(MAX_BONES_PER_GEO * sizeof(float) * 16, true, true); _boneTransformList = new List <Matrix>(MAX_BONES_PER_GEO); for (int i = 0; i < MAX_BONES_PER_GEO; i++) { _boneTransformList.Add(Matrix.Identity); } } // main loading loop; copy cover the scene content into the datastreams and then to the buffers for (int idx = 0; idx < scene.MeshCount; idx++) { ClientMesh mesh = allMeshes[idx]; //create new datastreams. mesh.Vertices = new DataStream(mesh.vertSize, true, true); mesh.Normals = new DataStream(mesh.normSize, true, true); mesh.Faces = new DataStream(mesh.faceSize, true, true); // create a new material mesh.Materials = new ClientMaterial(); //min and max bounds var min = new Vector3(float.MaxValue); var max = new Vector3(float.MinValue); // copy the buffers scene.Meshes[idx].Vertices.ForEach(vertex => { mesh.Vertices.Write(vertex.ToVector3()); //keep track of min and max for obj boundaries. min = Vector3.Minimize(min, vertex.ToVector3()); max = Vector3.Maximize(max, vertex.ToVector3()); }); BoundingBoxes.Add(new BoundingBox(min, max)); scene.Meshes[idx].Normals.ForEach(normal => { mesh.Normals.Write(normal.ToVector3()); }); scene.Meshes[idx].Faces.ForEach(face => { mesh.Faces.WriteRange(face.Indices.ToArray()); }); // check if the mesh has texture coordinates if (scene.Meshes[idx].HasTextureCoords(0)) { mesh.TexCoords = new DataStream(mesh.texSize, true, true); scene.Meshes[idx].TextureCoordinateChannels[0].ForEach(texture => { mesh.TexCoords.Write(texture); }); mesh.TexCoords.Position = 0; } // Parse material properties ApplyMaterial(scene.Materials[scene.Meshes[idx].MaterialIndex], mesh.Materials); // reset datastream positions mesh.Vertices.Position = 0; mesh.Normals.Position = 0; mesh.Faces.Position = 0; //create vertex vbo and faces ebo. mesh.VBOPositions = new Buffer(GraphicsRenderer.Device, mesh.Vertices, mesh.vertSize, ResourceUsage.Default, BindFlags.VertexBuffer, CpuAccessFlags.None, ResourceOptionFlags.None, 0); mesh.VBONormals = new Buffer(GraphicsRenderer.Device, mesh.Normals, mesh.normSize, ResourceUsage.Default, BindFlags.VertexBuffer, CpuAccessFlags.None, ResourceOptionFlags.None, 0); if (scene.Meshes[idx].HasTextureCoords(0)) { mesh.VBOTexCoords = new Buffer(GraphicsRenderer.Device, mesh.TexCoords, mesh.texSize, ResourceUsage.Default, BindFlags.VertexBuffer, CpuAccessFlags.None, ResourceOptionFlags.None, 0); } // buffer creation flags var ibd = new BufferDescription( mesh.faceSize, ResourceUsage.Immutable, BindFlags.IndexBuffer, CpuAccessFlags.None, ResourceOptionFlags.None, 0); mesh.EBO = new Buffer(GraphicsRenderer.Device, mesh.Faces, ibd); } _inverseGlobalTransform = Matrix.Invert(scene.RootNode.Transform.ToMatrix()); }
public scenario_structure_bsp(CacheBase Cache, int Address) { cache = Cache; EndianReader Reader = Cache.Reader; Reader.SeekTo(Address); #region sldt/lbsp ID //lbsp's sections address will be used instead of the one in sbsp int sectCount = 0, sectionAddress = 0, bbCount = 0, bbAddr = 0; foreach (var item in Cache.IndexItems) { if (item.ClassCode == "scnr") { Reader.SeekTo(item.Offset + 160); int cnt = Reader.ReadInt32(); int ptr = Reader.ReadInt32() - Cache.Magic; int bspIndex = 0; for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { Reader.SeekTo(ptr + 336 * i + 12); if (Cache.IndexItems.GetItemByID(Reader.ReadInt32()).Offset == Address) { bspIndex = i; break; } } Reader.SeekTo(item.Offset + 1896 + 12); int sldtID = Reader.ReadInt32(); int sldtAddress = Cache.IndexItems.GetItemByID(sldtID).Offset; Reader.SeekTo(sldtAddress + 4); cnt = Reader.ReadInt32(); ptr = Reader.ReadInt32() - Cache.Magic; Reader.SeekTo(ptr + 32 * bspIndex + 12); int lbspID = Reader.ReadInt32(); int lbspAddress = Cache.IndexItems.GetItemByID(lbspID).Offset; Reader.SeekTo(lbspAddress + 320); //320, 512, 692 sectCount = Reader.ReadInt32(); sectionAddress = Reader.ReadInt32() - Cache.Magic; Reader.SeekTo(lbspAddress + 344); //344, 536, 716 bbCount = Reader.ReadInt32(); bbAddr = Reader.ReadInt32() - Cache.Magic; Reader.SeekTo(lbspAddress + 464); //464, 656, 836 geomRawID = Reader.ReadInt32(); break; } } #endregion Reader.SeekTo(Address + 268); XBounds = new Range <float>(Reader.ReadSingle(), Reader.ReadSingle()); YBounds = new Range <float>(Reader.ReadSingle(), Reader.ReadSingle()); ZBounds = new Range <float>(Reader.ReadSingle(), Reader.ReadSingle()); #region Clusters Block Reader.SeekTo(Address + 340); int iCount = Reader.ReadInt32(); int iOffset = Reader.ReadInt32() - Cache.Magic; for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) { Clusters.Add(new Cluster(Cache, iOffset + 140 * i)); } #endregion #region Shaders Block Reader.SeekTo(Address + 352); iCount = Reader.ReadInt32(); iOffset = Reader.ReadInt32() - Cache.Magic; for (int i = 0; i < iCount; i++) { Shaders.Add(new Halo4Retail.render_model.Shader(Cache, iOffset + 44 * i)); } #endregion #region GeometryInstances Block Reader.SeekTo(Address + 640); iCount = Reader.ReadInt32(); iOffset = Reader.ReadInt32() - Cache.Magic; for (int i = 0; i < iCount; i++) { GeomInstances.Add(new InstancedGeometry(Cache, iOffset + 4 * i)); } #region Load Fixup Data Reader.SeekTo(Address + 1364); int id = Reader.ReadInt32(); var entry =[id & 0xFFFF]; var er = new EndianReader(new MemoryStream(Cache.GetRawFromID(id)), EndianFormat.Big); int addr = entry.Fixups[entry.Fixups.Count - 10].Offset; for (int i = 0; i < GeomInstances.Count; i++) { er.SeekTo(addr + 148 * i); var geom = GeomInstances[i]; geom.TransformScale = er.ReadSingle(); geom.TransformMatrix = Matrix4x3.Read(er); er.ReadUInt16(); er.ReadUInt16(); er.ReadInt32(); er.ReadUInt16(); geom.SectionIndex = er.ReadUInt16(); } er.Close(); er.Dispose(); #endregion #endregion Reader.SeekTo(Address + 844); RawID1 = Reader.ReadInt32(); Reader.SeekTo(Address + 1048); RawID2 = Reader.ReadInt32(); #region ModelSections Block Reader.SeekTo(Address + 1144); iCount = Reader.ReadInt32(); iOffset = Reader.ReadInt32() - Cache.Magic; if (sectionAddress == -Cache.Magic) { sectionAddress = iOffset; //null address in lbsp } for (int i = 0; i < sectCount; i++) { ModelSections.Add(new Halo4Retail.render_model.ModelSection(Cache, sectionAddress + 112 * i)); } #endregion #region Bounding Boxes Block Reader.SeekTo(Address + 1168); iCount = Reader.ReadInt32(); iOffset = Reader.ReadInt32() - Cache.Magic; for (int i = 0; i < bbCount; i++) { BoundingBoxes.Add(new Halo4Retail.render_model.BoundingBox(Cache, bbAddr + 52 * i)); } #endregion Reader.SeekTo(Address + 1288); RawID3 = Reader.ReadInt32(); }
public scenario_structure_bsp(CacheBase Cache, int Address) { cache = Cache; EndianReader Reader = Cache.Reader; Reader.SeekTo(Address); #region sldt/lbsp ID //lbsp's sections address will be used instead of the one in sbsp int sectionAddress = 0; foreach (var item in Cache.IndexItems) { if (item.ClassCode == "scnr") { Reader.SeekTo(item.Offset + 68); int cnt = Reader.ReadInt32(); int ptr = Reader.ReadInt32() - Cache.Magic; int bspIndex = 0; for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { Reader.SeekTo(ptr + 168 * i + 12); if (Cache.IndexItems.GetItemByID(Reader.ReadInt32()).Offset == Address) { bspIndex = i; break; } } Reader.SeekTo(item.Offset + 1828 + 12); int sldtID = Reader.ReadInt32(); var sldt = Cache.IndexItems.GetItemByID(sldtID); int sldtAddress = Cache.IndexItems.GetItemByID(sldtID).Offset; Reader.SeekTo(sldtAddress + 4); cnt = Reader.ReadInt32(); ptr = Reader.ReadInt32() - Cache.Magic; Reader.SeekTo(ptr + 32 * bspIndex + 12); int lbspID = Reader.ReadInt32(); var lbsp = Cache.IndexItems.GetItemByID(lbspID); int lbspAddress = Cache.IndexItems.GetItemByID(lbspID).Offset; Reader.SeekTo(lbspAddress + 116); sectionAddress = Reader.ReadInt32() - Cache.Magic; Reader.SeekTo(lbspAddress + 244); geomRawID = Reader.ReadInt32(); break; } } #endregion Reader.SeekTo(Address + 236); XBounds = new Range <float>(Reader.ReadSingle(), Reader.ReadSingle()); YBounds = new Range <float>(Reader.ReadSingle(), Reader.ReadSingle()); ZBounds = new Range <float>(Reader.ReadSingle(), Reader.ReadSingle()); #region Clusters Block Reader.SeekTo(Address + 308); int iCount = Reader.ReadInt32(); int iOffset = Reader.ReadInt32() - Cache.Magic; for (int i = 0; i < iCount; i++) { Clusters.Add(new Cluster(Cache, iOffset + 288 * i)); } #endregion #region Shaders Block Reader.SeekTo(Address + 320); iCount = Reader.ReadInt32(); iOffset = Reader.ReadInt32() - Cache.Magic; for (int i = 0; i < iCount; i++) { Shaders.Add(new ReachBeta.render_model.Shader(Cache, iOffset + 44 * i)); } #endregion #region GeometryInstances Block Reader.SeekTo(Address + 620); iCount = Reader.ReadInt32(); iOffset = Reader.ReadInt32() - Cache.Magic; for (int i = 0; i < iCount; i++) { GeomInstances.Add(new InstancedGeometry(Cache, iOffset + 168 * i)); } #endregion Reader.SeekTo(Address + 796); RawID1 = Reader.ReadInt32(); Reader.SeekTo(Address + 976); RawID2 = Reader.ReadInt32(); #region ModelParts Block Reader.SeekTo(Address + 1112); iCount = Reader.ReadInt32(); iOffset = Reader.ReadInt32() - Cache.Magic; for (int i = 0; i < iCount; i++) { ModelSections.Add(new ReachBeta.render_model.ModelSection(Cache, sectionAddress + 92 * i)); } #endregion #region Bounding Boxes Block Reader.SeekTo(Address + 1124); iCount = Reader.ReadInt32(); iOffset = Reader.ReadInt32() - Cache.Magic; for (int i = 0; i < iCount; i++) { BoundingBoxes.Add(new ReachBeta.render_model.BoundingBox(Cache, iOffset + 52 * i)); } #endregion Reader.SeekTo(Address + 1244); RawID3 = Reader.ReadInt32(); }