public override void OnDoubleClick(Mobile from) { if (IsChildOf(from.Backpack)) { BoundingBoxPicker.Begin(from, new BoundingBoxCallback(BoundingBox_Callback), null); } else { from.SendLocalizedMessage(1042001); } }
private static void InternalAvg_OnCommand(CommandEventArgs e, bool outline) { if (e.Length >= 1) { BoundingBoxPicker.Begin(e.Mobile, new BoundingBoxCallback(TileBox_Callback), new TileState(TileZType.MapAverage, 0, e.Arguments, outline)); } else { e.Mobile.SendMessage("Format: {0}Avg <type> [params] [set {{<propertyName> <value> ...}}]", outline ? "Outline" : "Tile"); } }
public override void OnDoubleClick(Mobile from) { if (IsChildOf(from.Backpack)) { BoundingBoxPicker.Begin(from, new BoundingBoxCallback(BuildRugBox_Callback), this); } else { from.SendLocalizedMessage(1042001); // That must be in your pack for you to use it. } }
public static void Tile_OnCommand(CommandEventArgs e) { if (e.Length >= 1) { BoundingBoxPicker.Begin(e.Mobile, new BoundingBoxCallback(TileBox_Callback), new TileState(e.Arguments)); } else { e.Mobile.SendMessage("Format: Add <type> [params] [set {<propertyName> <value> ...}]"); } }
protected override void OnTarget(Mobile from, object target) { if (target is Archive) { // Request a callback from a bounding box to establish 2D rect for use with command BoundingBoxPicker.Begin(from, new BoundingBoxCallback(Archive.CollectionBox_Callback), target); } else { from.SendMessage("This command only works on archives."); } }
public override void OnDoubleClick(Mobile from) { if (IsChildOf(from.Backpack)) { from.CloseGump(typeof(CarpetGump)); BoundingBoxPicker.Begin(from, new BoundingBoxCallback(BoundingBox_Callback), null); } else { from.SendLocalizedMessage(1042001); // That must be in your pack for you to use it. } }
public static void GenMulti_OnCommand(CommandEventArgs args) { Mobile m = args.Mobile; string file = args.GetString(0); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(file)) { m.SendMessage("Format: GenMulti <fileName>"); return; } BoundingBoxPicker.Begin(m, new BoundingBoxCallback(boxPicker_callback), file + ".txt"); }
private static void Internal_OnCommand(CommandEventArgs e, bool outline) { Mobile from = e.Mobile; if (e.Length >= 1) { BoundingBoxPicker.Begin(from, (map, start, end) => TileBox_Callback(from, start, end, new TileState(TileZType.Start, 0, e.Arguments, outline))); } else { from.SendMessage("Format: {0} <type> [params] [set {{<propertyName> <value> ...}}]", outline ? "Outline" : "Tile"); } }
public static void DefineMultiArea(Mobile m, string dirname, int zmin, int zmax, bool includeitems, bool includestatics, bool includemultis, bool includeinvisible, bool includeaddons) { object[] multiargs = new object[8]; multiargs[0] = dirname; multiargs[1] = zmin; multiargs[2] = zmax; multiargs[3] = includeitems; multiargs[4] = includestatics; multiargs[5] = includemultis; multiargs[6] = includeinvisible; multiargs[7] = includeaddons; BoundingBoxPicker.Begin(m, new BoundingBoxCallback(DefineMultiArea_Callback), multiargs); }
public override void OnDoubleClick(Mobile from) { if (!IsChildOf(from.Backpack)) { from.SendLocalizedMessage(1042001); // That must be in your pack for you to use it. } else if (from.HasGump(typeof(CarpetGump))) { from.SendMessage("You are already choosing a style of carpet."); } else { BoundingBoxPicker.Begin(from, new BoundingBoxCallback(BoundingBox_Callback), null); } }
private static void OnAddRegion(CommandEventArgs e) { BaseHouse bh = BaseHouse.FindHouseAt(e.Mobile); if (bh == null) { e.Mobile.SendMessage("You must be standing in the house you are defining regions for."); return; } if (bh is StaticHouse == false) { e.Mobile.SendMessage("You may only define regions for static houses."); return; } BoundingBoxPicker.Begin(e.Mobile, new BoundingBoxCallback(AddRegionCallback), bh); }
static void InternalZ_OnCommand(CommandEventArgs e, bool outline) { if (e.Length >= 2) { var subArgs = new string[e.Length - 1]; for (var i = 0; i < subArgs.Length; ++i) { subArgs[i] = e.Arguments[i + 1]; } BoundingBoxPicker.Begin(e.Mobile, new BoundingBoxCallback(TileBox_Callback), new TileState(TileZType.Fixed, e.GetInt32(0), subArgs, outline)); } else { e.Mobile.SendMessage("Format: {0}Z <z> <type> [params] [set {{<propertyName> <value> ...}}]", outline ? "Outline" : "Tile"); } }
public static void TileZ_OnCommand(CommandEventArgs e) { if (e.Length >= 2) { string[] subArgs = new string[e.Length - 1]; for (int i = 0; i < subArgs.Length; ++i) { subArgs[i] = e.Arguments[i + 1]; } BoundingBoxPicker.Begin(e.Mobile, new BoundingBoxCallback(TileBox_Callback), new TileState(e.GetInt32(0), subArgs)); } else { e.Mobile.SendMessage("Format: TileZ <z> <type> [params] [set {<propertyName> <value> ...}]"); } }
public override void OnResponse(NetState sender, RelayInfo info) { base.OnResponse(sender, info); switch (info.ButtonID) { case 0: sender.Mobile.SendGump(new HouseGenItem(this.index, data)); break; case 1: //Add sender.Mobile.SendMessage(32, @"Select the area to add to house."); BoundingBoxPicker.Begin(sender.Mobile, OnAreaSelected, null); break; case 2: //Save data.Rects = rects; sender.Mobile.SendGump(new HouseGenItem(this.index, data)); break; default: //Item at index var index = info.ButtonID - ButtonOffset; var t = (info.ButtonID - ButtonOffset) / rects.Count; var i = (info.ButtonID - ButtonOffset) % rects.Count; if (t < 1) { var p = rects[i]; var n = new Point3D(data.Multi.X + p.X, data.Multi.Y + p.Y, data.Multi.Z); ShowArea(i); sender.Mobile.SendGump(new HouseGenAreaList(this.index,, rects)); } else { var p = rects[i]; rects.Remove(p); sender.Mobile.SendGump(new HouseGenAreaList(this.index,, rects)); } break; } }
public override void OnResponse(NetState sender, RelayInfo info) { switch (info.ButtonID) { case 0: return; case 1: _State[17] = false; break; default: _State[17] = true; break; } foreach (var text in info.TextEntries) { _State[text.EntryID < 2 ? text.EntryID : text.EntryID + 7] = text.Text; } // Reset checks for (var x = 2; x <= 8; x++) { _State[x] = false; } foreach (var check in info.Switches) { _State[check + 2] = true; // Offset by 2 in the state object } if (Verify(sender.Mobile, _State)) { BoundingBoxPicker.Begin(sender.Mobile, PickerCallback, _State); } else { sender.Mobile.SendMessage(0x40, "Please review the generation parameters, some are invalid."); sender.Mobile.SendGump(new InternalGump(sender.Mobile, _State)); } }
public static void Randomize_OnCommand(Server.Commands.CommandEventArgs args) { Mobile m = args.Mobile; if (args.Length != 4) { m.SendMessage("Format: Randomize <starting itemID> <ending itemID> <Z level> <bool includeNonFlooring>"); return; } int start = args.GetInt32(0); int end = args.GetInt32(1); int z = args.GetInt32(2); bool walls = args.GetBoolean(3); object[] state = new object[4] { start, end, z, walls }; BoundingBoxPicker.Begin(m, new BoundingBoxCallback(BoxPickerCallback), state); }
public override void OnResponse(Server.Network.NetState sender, RelayInfo info) { if (info.ButtonID == 0) { return; } else if (info.ButtonID == 1) { m_State[17] = false; } else { m_State[17] = true; } foreach (TextRelay text in info.TextEntries) { m_State[text.EntryID < 2 ? text.EntryID : text.EntryID + 7] = text.Text; } // Reset checks for (int x = 2; x <= 8; x++) { m_State[x] = false; } foreach (int check in info.Switches) { m_State[check + 2] = true; // Offset by 2 in the state object } if (Verify(sender.Mobile, m_State)) { BoundingBoxPicker.Begin(sender.Mobile, new BoundingBoxCallback(AddonGenerator.PickerCallback), m_State); } else { sender.Mobile.SendMessage(0x40, "Please review the generation parameters, some are invalid."); sender.Mobile.SendGump(new InternalGump(sender.Mobile, m_State)); } }
private static void OnAddonGen(CommandEventArgs e) { // // State object: // 0: Name // 1: Namespace (Server.Items) // 2: Items (true) // 3: Statics (false) // 4: Use range (false) // 5: Min Z (-128) // 6: Max Z (127) object[] state = new object[7]; state[0] = ""; state[1] = "Server.Items"; state[2] = true; state[3] = false; state[4] = false; state[5] = -128; state[6] = 127; if (e.Arguments.Length > 0) { state[0] = e.Arguments[0]; if (e.Arguments.Length > 1) { state[1] = e.Arguments[1]; } BoundingBoxPicker.Begin(e.Mobile, new BoundingBoxCallback(PickerCallback), state); } else { // Send gump e.Mobile.SendGump(new InternalGump(e.Mobile, state)); } }
private static void InternalZ_OnCommand(CommandEventArgs e, bool outline) { Mobile from = e.Mobile; if (e.Length >= 2) { string[] subArgs = new string[e.Length - 1]; for (int i = 0; i < subArgs.Length; ++i) { subArgs[i] = e.Arguments[i + 1]; } BoundingBoxPicker.Begin(from, (map, start, end) => TileBox_Callback(from, start, end, new TileState(TileZType.Fixed, e.GetInt32(0), subArgs, outline))); } else { from.SendMessage("Format: {0}Z <z> <type> [params] [set {{<propertyName> <value> ...}}]", outline ? "Outline" : "Tile"); } }
public static void Inventory_OnCommand(CommandEventArgs e) { m_Inv = new ArrayList(); m_from = e.Mobile; m_ItemType = null; m_verbose = false; // process commandline switches foreach (string sx in e.Arguments) { if (sx == null) { continue; } if (sx.StartsWith("type=")) { string typeName = sx.Substring(5); // We have an argument, so try to convert to a type m_ItemType = ScriptCompiler.FindTypeByName(typeName); if (m_ItemType == null) { // Invalid e.Mobile.SendMessage(String.Format("No type with the name '{0}' was found.", typeName)); return; } } else if (sx == "-v") { m_verbose = true; } } // Request a callback from a bounding box to establish 2D rect // for use with command BoundingBoxPicker.Begin(e.Mobile, new BoundingBoxCallback(InvBox_Callback), 0x01); }
protected override bool OnBeforeListAdd() { if (InputRect != null) { return(true); } Minimize(); BoundingBoxPicker.Begin( User, (from, map, start, end, state) => { InputMap = map; InputRect = new Rectangle2D(start, end.Clone2D(1, 1)); HandleAdd(); InputRect = null; Maximize(); }, null); return(false); }
public static void BeginWipe(Mobile from, WipeType type) { BoundingBoxPicker.Begin(from, new BoundingBoxCallback(WipeBox_Callback), type); }
////////////////////////////////////ITEMS///////////////////////////////////////////// private static void ExportItems(Mobile from) { BoundingBoxPicker.Begin(from, new BoundingBoxCallback(ExportItems1), 1); }
private static void ConvertTile_OnCommand(CommandEventArgs e) { BoundingBoxPicker.Begin(e.Mobile, new BoundingBoxCallback(ConvertTileBox_Callback), typeof(Item)); }
public void ChooseInnArea(Mobile m) { BoundingBoxPicker.Begin(m, new BoundingBoxCallback(CustomInnRegion_Callback), this); }
public override void Process(Mobile from, BaseCommand command, string[] args) { BoundingBoxPicker.Begin(from, (map, start, end) => OnTarget(from, map, start, end, command, args)); }
public override void Process(Mobile from, BaseCommand command, string[] args) { BoundingBoxPicker.Begin(from, OnTarget, new object[] { command, args }); }
/// <summary> /// Requests to add a range of statics to the selected tiles /// </summary> public void AddRange() { BoundingBoxPicker.Begin(m_User, new BoundingBoxCallback(AddRangeCallback), null); }
public static void BeginStaEx(Mobile from, string file) { BoundingBoxPicker.Begin(from, new BoundingBoxCallback(StaExBox_Callback), new object[] { file }); }
public static void BeginWipe(Mobile from, WipeType type) { BoundingBoxPicker.Begin(from, (map, start, end) => DoWipe(from, map, start, end, type)); }