private List <BoundaryNode> BestPath(BoundaryNode closestBoundaryNodeToStart, BoundaryNode closestBoundaryNodeToTargetDestination)
        var pathA = GeneratePath(closestBoundaryNodeToTargetDestination, closestBoundaryNodeToStart, true);
        var pathB = GeneratePath(closestBoundaryNodeToTargetDestination, closestBoundaryNodeToStart, false);

        return(pathA.Count < pathB.Count ? pathA : pathB);
    private List <BoundaryNode> GeneratePath(BoundaryNode closestBoundaryNodeToTargetDestination, BoundaryNode closestBoundaryNodeToStart, bool nextNeighbor)
        var path = new List <BoundaryNode> {

        var currentNode = closestBoundaryNodeToStart;

        while (currentNode != closestBoundaryNodeToTargetDestination)
            currentNode = nextNeighbor ? currentNode.NextNeighbor : currentNode.PreviousNeighbor;

    private void BuildGrid()
        var width         = _size.x;
        var height        = _size.y;
        var numberOfNodes = (int)(width * 2 + height * 2 + 4);

        _boundaryGrid = new BoundaryNode[numberOfNodes];

        _bottomRight = (Vector2)transform.position + Vector2.right * width / 2 - Vector2.up * height / 2 -
                       Vector2.right * _nodeRadius + Vector2.up * _nodeRadius;
        _topLeft = (Vector2)transform.position - Vector2.right * width / 2 + Vector2.up * height / 2 +
                   Vector2.right * _nodeRadius - Vector2.up * _nodeRadius;
        _bottomLeft = (Vector2)transform.position - Vector2.right * width / 2 - Vector2.up * height / 2 +
                      Vector2.right * _nodeRadius + Vector2.up * _nodeRadius;
        _topRight = (Vector2)transform.position + Vector2.right * width / 2 + Vector2.up * height / 2 -
                    Vector2.right * _nodeRadius - Vector2.up * _nodeRadius;

        var nodeCountTracker = 0;

        for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++)
            var isWidth = i == 0 || i % 2 == 0;

            var nodeCount = isWidth ? width : height;

            var startingPoint =;
            var direction     =;

            switch (i)
            case 0:
                startingPoint = _bottomRight - Vector2.up * _nodeDiameter;
                direction     = Vector2.left;

            case 1:
                startingPoint = _bottomLeft - Vector2.right * _nodeDiameter;
                direction     = Vector2.up;

            case 2:
                startingPoint = _topLeft + Vector2.up * _nodeDiameter;
                direction     = Vector2.right;

            case 3:
                startingPoint = _topRight + Vector2.right * _nodeDiameter;
                direction     = Vector2.down;

            for (var j = 0; j <= nodeCount; j++)
                var nodePosition = startingPoint + direction * _nodeDiameter * j;


                _boundaryGrid[nodeCountTracker] = new BoundaryNode(nodePosition, nodeCountTracker);


        foreach (var node in _boundaryGrid)
            var previousNeighbor = node.NodeIndex == 0 ? _boundaryGrid[_boundaryGrid.Length - 1] : _boundaryGrid[node.NodeIndex - 1];
            var nextNeighbor     = node.NodeIndex == _boundaryGrid.Length - 1 ? _boundaryGrid[0] : _boundaryGrid[node.NodeIndex + 1];
            node.SetNeighbors(previousNeighbor, nextNeighbor);
Exemple #4
 public void SetNeighbors(BoundaryNode previousNeighbor, BoundaryNode nextNeighbor)
     PreviousNeighbor = previousNeighbor;
     NextNeighbor     = nextNeighbor;
        // Token: 0x060000BF RID: 191 RVA: 0x00004FEC File Offset: 0x000031EC
        protected override TreeNode ProcessScopeSubQueryTree(TreeNode scopeSubQueryTree)
            if (scopeSubQueryTree == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("scopeSubQueryTree");
            ScopeNode scopeNode = scopeSubQueryTree as ScopeNode;

            if (scopeNode == null || scopeNode.Scope == null)
                ULS.SendTraceTag(5884049U, ULSCat.msoulscat_SEARCH_DataLossPrevention, 20, "DLPQuerySensitiveTypeTranslationProducer.ProcessScopeSubQueryTree :: argument={0}; Erroneously entered ProcessScopeSubQueryTree with an argument that is not a ScopeNode.  This should not have happened because the scopes of the associated operator should prevent it.", new object[]
            if (ULS.ShouldTrace(ULSCat.msoulscat_SEARCH_DataLossPrevention, 100))
                ULS.SendTraceTag(5884050U, ULSCat.msoulscat_SEARCH_DataLossPrevention, 100, "DLPQuerySensitiveTypeTranslationProducer.ProcessScopeSubQueryTree :: scope={0}; Processing a tree (or subtree) for data loss prevention translation from a virtual property to the actual index property.", new object[]
            string scope = scopeNode.Scope;

            if (string.Equals("SensitiveType", scope, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                BoundaryNode boundaryNode = scopeNode.Node as BoundaryNode;
                StringNode   stringNode;
                TokenNode    tokenNode;
                if (boundaryNode != null)
                    if (ULS.ShouldTrace(ULSCat.msoulscat_SEARCH_DataLossPrevention, 100))
                        ULS.SendTraceTag(6038296U, ULSCat.msoulscat_SEARCH_DataLossPrevention, 100, "DLPQuerySensitiveTypeTranslationProducer.ProcessScopeSubQueryTree :: Boundary operator mode:{0}; Processing a boundary node in the query tree." + boundaryNode.BoundaryMode);
                    if (boundaryNode.BoundaryMode != 2 && boundaryNode.BoundaryMode != null)
                        ULS.SendTraceTag(5884051U, ULSCat.msoulscat_SEARCH_DataLossPrevention, 50, "DLPQuerySensitiveTypeTranslationProducer.ProcessScopeSubQueryTree :: Unexpected boundary operator mode.  For 'SensitiveType' queries, only equality is legal.  Boundary operator mode: " + boundaryNode.BoundaryMode);
                    stringNode = (boundaryNode.Node as StringNode);
                    tokenNode  = (boundaryNode.Node as TokenNode);
                    stringNode = (scopeNode.Node as StringNode);
                    tokenNode  = (scopeNode.Node as TokenNode);
                string text;
                if (stringNode != null)
                    text = stringNode.Text;
                    if (tokenNode == null)
                        ULS.SendTraceTag(5884052U, ULSCat.msoulscat_SEARCH_DataLossPrevention, 50, "DLPQuerySensitiveTypeTranslationProducer.ProcessScopeSubQueryTree :: Unexpected node type.  The query looks like it is a 'SensitiveType' style query, but the value portion is not a StringNode or a TokenNode.  Node type: " + boundaryNode.Node.GetType());
                    text = tokenNode.Token;
                if (ULS.ShouldTrace(ULSCat.msoulscat_SEARCH_DataLossPrevention, 100))
                    ULS.SendTraceTag(5884053U, ULSCat.msoulscat_SEARCH_DataLossPrevention, 100, "DLPQuerySensitiveTypeTranslationProducer.ProcessScopeSubQueryTree :: encoding={0}; About to parse the encoding.", new object[]
                SensitiveTypeWildcardExpander sensitiveTypeWildcardExpander = new SensitiveTypeWildcardExpander(text, DLPQuerySensitiveTypeTranslationOperator.Store);
                if (ULS.ShouldTrace(ULSCat.msoulscat_SEARCH_DataLossPrevention, 100))
                    ULS.SendTraceTag(5884054U, ULSCat.msoulscat_SEARCH_DataLossPrevention, 100, "DLPQuerySensitiveTypeTranslationProducer.ProcessScopeSubQueryTree :: About to create the new subtree.");
            if (string.Equals("SensitiveMatchConfidence", scope, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) || string.Equals("SensitiveMatchCount", scope, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                throw new ArgumentException(scope + " is illegal to use in a query.  You may use it as a select property.  In queries, use SensitiveType");
            ULS.SendTraceTag(5884055U, ULSCat.msoulscat_SEARCH_DataLossPrevention, 20, "DLPQuerySensitiveTypeTranslationProducer.ProcessScopeSubQueryTree :: scope={0}; This is not a legal scope for this producer.  There must be some error in which the operator has the wrong scopes or a code change is incorrect.  Ignoring and continuing.", new object[]