public skillMgr(SkillDB db, ItemFactory itemFactory, TimerManager timerManager, BoundServiceManager manager, Logger logger) : base(manager, null) { this.DB = db; this.ItemFactory = itemFactory; this.TimerManager = timerManager; this.Log = logger.CreateLogChannel("SkillManager"); }
protected jumpCloneSvc(ItemDB itemDB, MarketDB marketDB, ItemFactory itemFactory, SystemManager systemManager, BoundServiceManager manager, WalletManager walletManager, Client client) : base(manager, client) { this.ItemDB = itemDB; this.MarketDB = marketDB; this.ItemFactory = itemFactory; this.SystemManager = systemManager; this.WalletManager = walletManager; }
protected skillMgr(SkillDB db, ItemFactory itemFactory, TimerManager timerManager, BoundServiceManager manager, Logger logger, Client client) : base(manager, client) { this.DB = db; this.ItemFactory = itemFactory; this.TimerManager = timerManager; this.Character = this.ItemFactory.GetItem <Character>(client.EnsureCharacterIsSelected()); this.Log = logger.CreateLogChannel("SkillManager"); this.InitializeCharacter(); }
public ClusterConnection(NodeContainer container, SystemManager systemManager, ServiceManager serviceManager, ClientManager clientManager, BoundServiceManager boundServiceManager, Logger logger, Container dependencyInjector, AccountDB accountDB) { this.Log = logger.CreateLogChannel("ClusterConnection"); #if DEBUG this.CallLog = logger.CreateLogChannel("CallDebug", true); this.ResultLog = logger.CreateLogChannel("ResultDebug", true); #endif this.SystemManager = systemManager; this.ServiceManager = serviceManager; this.ClientManager = clientManager; this.BoundServiceManager = boundServiceManager; this.DependencyInjector = dependencyInjector; this.Container = container; this.AccountDB = accountDB; this.Socket = new EVEClientSocket(this.Log); this.Socket.SetReceiveCallback(ReceiveLowLevelVersionExchangeCallback); this.Socket.SetExceptionHandler(HandleException); }
public MachoNet(ClusterConnection clusterConnection, NodeContainer container, SystemManager systemManager, ClientManager clientManager, BoundServiceManager boundServiceManager, ItemFactory itemFactory, Logger logger, AccountDB accountDB, General configuration, CharacterManager characterManager, NotificationManager notificationManager, TimerManager timerManager, Container dependencyInjection) { this.Log = logger.CreateLogChannel("MachoNet"); #if DEBUG this.CallLog = logger.CreateLogChannel("CallDebug", true); this.ResultLog = logger.CreateLogChannel("ResultDebug", true); #endif this.ClusterConnection = clusterConnection; this.SystemManager = systemManager; this.ClientManager = clientManager; this.BoundServiceManager = boundServiceManager; this.ItemFactory = itemFactory; this.Container = container; this.AccountDB = accountDB; this.Configuration = configuration; this.CharacterManager = characterManager; this.NotificationManager = notificationManager; this.TimerManager = timerManager; this.DependencyInjection = dependencyInjection; }
public reprocessingSvc(ReprocessingDB reprocessingDb, StandingDB standingDb, ItemFactory itemFactory, BoundServiceManager manager) : base(manager, null) { this.ReprocessingDB = reprocessingDb; this.StandingDB = standingDb; this.ItemFactory = itemFactory; }
protected reprocessingSvc(ReprocessingDB reprocessingDb, StandingDB standingDb, Corporation corporation, Station station, ItemInventory inventory, ItemFactory itemFactory, BoundServiceManager manager, Client client) : base(manager, client) { this.ReprocessingDB = reprocessingDb; this.StandingDB = standingDb; this.mCorporation = corporation; this.mStation = station; this.mInventory = inventory; this.ItemFactory = itemFactory; }
public dogmaIM(ItemFactory itemFactory, BoundServiceManager manager) : base(manager, null) { this.ItemFactory = itemFactory; }
public invbroker(ItemDB itemDB, ItemManager itemManager, NodeContainer nodeContainer, SystemManager systemManager, BoundServiceManager manager) : base(manager) { this.ItemManager = itemManager; this.ItemDB = itemDB; this.NodeContainer = nodeContainer; this.SystemManager = systemManager; }
public BoundInventory(ItemDB itemDB, ItemInventory item, ItemFlags flag, ItemManager itemManager, NodeContainer nodeContainer, BoundServiceManager manager) : base(manager) { this.mInventory = item; this.mFlag = flag; this.ItemDB = itemDB; this.ItemManager = itemManager; this.NodeContainer = nodeContainer; }
public insuranceSvc(ItemFactory itemFactory, InsuranceDB db, MarketDB marketDB, WalletManager walletManager, MailManager mailManager, BoundServiceManager manager) : base(manager, null) { this.DB = db; this.ItemFactory = itemFactory; this.MarketDB = marketDB; this.WalletManager = walletManager; this.MailManager = mailManager; }
public jumpCloneSvc(ItemDB itemDB, MarketDB marketDB, ItemFactory itemFactory, SystemManager systemManager, WalletManager walletManager, BoundServiceManager manager) : base(manager, null) { this.ItemDB = itemDB; this.MarketDB = marketDB; this.ItemFactory = itemFactory; this.SystemManager = systemManager; this.WalletManager = walletManager; }
protected SparseRowsetDatabaseService(SparseRowsetHeader rowsetHeader, BoundServiceManager manager, Client client) : base(manager, client) { this.SparseRowset = rowsetHeader; }
public warRegistry(BoundServiceManager manager) : base(manager) { }
private warRegistry(BoundServiceManager manager, int objectID) : base(manager) { this.mObjectID = objectID; }
protected corpStationMgr(MarketDB marketDB, ItemFactory itemFactory, NodeContainer container, BoundServiceManager manager, WalletManager walletManager, Client client) : base(manager, client) { this.MarketDB = marketDB; this.ItemFactory = itemFactory; this.Container = container; this.WalletManager = walletManager; }
public corpStationMgr(MarketDB marketDB, ItemFactory itemFactory, NodeContainer container, BoundServiceManager manager, WalletManager walletManager) : base(manager, null) { this.MarketDB = marketDB; this.ItemFactory = itemFactory; this.Container = container; this.WalletManager = walletManager; }
public BoundInventory(ItemDB itemDB, ItemInventory item, Flags flag, ItemFactory itemFactory, NodeContainer nodeContainer, BoundServiceManager manager, Client client) : base(manager, client) { this.mInventory = item; this.mFlag = flag; this.ItemDB = itemDB; this.ItemFactory = itemFactory; this.NodeContainer = nodeContainer; }
public insuranceSvc(ItemManager itemManager, InsuranceDB db, MarketDB marketDB, SystemManager systemManager, BoundServiceManager manager) : base(manager) { this.DB = db; this.ItemManager = itemManager; this.MarketDB = marketDB; this.SystemManager = systemManager; }
protected corpRegistry(CorporationDB db, ItemFactory itemFactory, Corporation corp, int isMaster, BoundServiceManager manager, Client client) : base(manager, client) { this.DB = db; this.ItemFactory = itemFactory; this.mCorporation = corp; this.mIsMaster = isMaster; }
protected insuranceSvc(ItemManager itemManager, InsuranceDB db, MarketDB marketDB, SystemManager systemManager, BoundServiceManager manager, int stationID) : base(manager) { this.mStationID = stationID; this.DB = db; this.ItemManager = itemManager; this.MarketDB = marketDB; this.SystemManager = systemManager; }
public corpStationMgr(ItemDB itemDB, MarketDB marketDB, ItemManager itemManager, TypeManager typeManager, SystemManager systemManager, BoundServiceManager manager) : base(manager) { this.ItemDB = itemDB; this.MarketDB = marketDB; this.ItemManager = itemManager; this.TypeManager = typeManager; this.SystemManager = systemManager; }
public dogmaIM(ItemManager itemManager, AttributeManager attributeManager, SystemManager systemManager, BoundServiceManager manager) : base(manager) { this.ItemManager = itemManager; this.AttributeManager = attributeManager; this.SystemManager = systemManager; }
public corpRegistry(CorporationDB db, ItemFactory itemFactory, BoundServiceManager manager) : base(manager, null) { this.DB = db; this.ItemFactory = itemFactory; }
public static PyDataType BindInventory(ItemDB itemDB, ItemInventory item, ItemFlags flag, ItemManager itemManager, NodeContainer nodeContainer, BoundServiceManager boundServiceManager) { BoundService instance = new BoundInventory(itemDB, item, flag, itemManager, nodeContainer, boundServiceManager); // bind the service int boundID = boundServiceManager.BoundService(instance); // build the bound service string string boundServiceStr = boundServiceManager.BuildBoundServiceString(boundID); // TODO: the expiration time is 1 day, might be better to properly support this? // TODO: investigate these a bit more closely in the future // TODO: i'm not so sure about the expiration time PyTuple boundServiceInformation = new PyTuple(new PyDataType[] { boundServiceStr, DateTime.UtcNow.Add(TimeSpan.FromDays(1)).ToFileTime() }); // after the service is bound the call can be run (if required) return(new PySubStruct(new PySubStream(boundServiceInformation))); }
public OfficesSparseRowsetService(Corporation corporation, CorporationDB db, SparseRowsetHeader rowsetHeader, BoundServiceManager manager) : base(rowsetHeader, manager) { this.DB = db; this.Corporation = corporation; // get all the indexes based on the key this.RowsIndex = this.DB.GetOffices(corporation.ID); }
protected insuranceSvc(ItemFactory itemFactory, InsuranceDB db, MarketDB marketDB, WalletManager walletManager, MailManager mailManager, BoundServiceManager manager, int stationID, Client client) : base(manager, client) { this.mStationID = stationID; this.DB = db; this.ItemFactory = itemFactory; this.MarketDB = marketDB; this.WalletManager = walletManager; this.MailManager = mailManager; }
public jumpCloneSvc(ItemDB itemDB, MarketDB marketDB, ItemManager itemManager, TypeManager typeManager, SystemManager systemManager, BoundServiceManager manager) : base(manager) { this.ItemDB = itemDB; this.MarketDB = marketDB; this.ItemManager = itemManager; this.TypeManager = typeManager; this.SystemManager = systemManager; }
protected dogmaIM(ItemFactory itemFactory, BoundServiceManager manager, Client client) : base(manager, client) { this.ItemFactory = itemFactory; }
private invbroker(ItemDB itemDB, ItemManager itemManager, NodeContainer nodeContainer, SystemManager systemManager, BoundServiceManager manager, int objectID) : base(manager) { this.ItemManager = itemManager; this.ItemDB = itemDB; this.mObjectID = objectID; this.NodeContainer = nodeContainer; this.SystemManager = systemManager; }