Exemple #1
        public async Task InsertAsync_CallsInsertOneAsyncOnCollectionOnce_ThenReturnsEntityThatWasPassed()
            //Create the BottleDomainModel that we will insert into the repo. This same entity should be returned by the method on a successful run.
            var bottle = new BottleDomainModel {
                BottleId = "507f1f77bcf86cd799439010", AlcoholCategory = AlcoholCategory.Whisky

            var mockCollection = new Mock <IMongoCollection <BottleMongoModel> >();

            _mockDbContext.SetupGet(c => c.Collection).Returns(mockCollection.Object);

            var repo = new BottleMongoRepository(_mockDbContext.Object, _toMongoModelMapper, _toDomainModelMapper);

            var result = await repo.InsertAsync(bottle);

            //Verify that the db context Collection's InsertoneAsync method is called exactly once.
            //Any more or less will throw meaning the test will fail.
            mockCollection.Verify(c => c.InsertOneAsync(
                                      It.IsAny <BottleMongoModel>(),
                                      It.IsAny <InsertOneOptions>(),
                                      It.IsAny <CancellationToken>()), Times.Once());

            Assert.AreEqual(bottle.BottleId, result.BottleId);
            Assert.AreEqual(bottle.AlcoholCategory, result.AlcoholCategory);
Exemple #2
        public async Task InsertAsync_ReturnsNullWithoutTryingToInsertIntoCollection_WhenNullBottleDomainModelPassed()
            //Set up the db context to throw if the Collection property is accessed. In this way we test that the InsertAsync method returns null without ever accessing the collection.
            _mockDbContext.Setup(c => c.Collection).Throws(new System.Exception("Test failed. MongoDbContext Collection property was accessed. InsertAsync method should return null without accessing the Collection property."));
            var repo = new BottleMongoRepository(_mockDbContext.Object, _toMongoModelMapper, _toDomainModelMapper);

            var result = await repo.InsertAsync(null);
