public async Task GetInfo() { var emb = new EmbedBuilder { Title = "Server info", Description = "There are informations about server." }; emb.WithAuthor(Context.Client.CurrentUser); emb.WithColor(Color.Blue); emb.WithFooter("IceBot v" + BotInfo.GetBotVersion()); emb.WithThumbnailUrl(""); emb.AddField("Owner", Context.Guild.Owner.Username + "#" + Context.Guild.Owner.Discriminator); emb.AddField("Created at", Context.Guild.CreatedAt.ToString("dd.MM.yyyy - HH:mm:ss")); emb.AddField("Location", Context.Guild.VoiceRegionId); emb.AddField("All member count", Context.Guild.Users.Count); emb.AddField("Bot author", "Sevenisko#3292"); await ReplyAsync(null, false, emb.Build()); }
public static BotInfo GetBotInfo() { try { string name = GetBotName(); BotInfo bot = new BotInfo(); using (MarketBotDbContext db = new MarketBotDbContext()) { bot = db.BotInfo.Where(b => b.Name == name).Include(b => b.Configuration).FirstOrDefault(); return(db.BotInfo.FirstOrDefault()); } } catch (Exception e) { return(null); } }
static void ReadBots() { using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader("bot.conf")) { while (!reader.EndOfStream) { string line = reader.ReadLine().Trim(); if (line.Length > 0 && line[0] == '!') { BotInfo newBot = new BotInfo(); = line; newBot.command = reader.ReadLine().Trim(); newBot.desc = reader.ReadLine().Trim(); line = reader.ReadLine().Trim(); newBot.flags = line.Split(' '); Bots.Add(newBot); } } } }
public void UpdateCurrentBot(int id) { if (currentBot != null) { SaveCurrentBehavior(); ClearExistingBlocks(); } currentBot = DataManager.Instance.AllBots[id]; BotPreviewController.UpdateCurrentPreview(currentBot); UpdateBotSpecificBlocks(); if (currentBot.Behaviors.Count > 0) { DisplayBehaviorForTrigger(currentBot.Behaviors[0].Trigger); } UpdateTriggerLists(); }
/// <summary> /// TODO maybe make Start async /// </summary> /// <param name="_sender"></param> /// <param name="_e"></param> private void StartClick(object _sender, RoutedEventArgs _e) { foreach (object botName in BotList.Items) { Task.Run(() => { BotListItem newBot = (BotListItem)botName; if (newBot.m_Selected) { Console.WriteLine(newBot.m_Name); BotInfo botInfo = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <BotInfo>(File.ReadAllText(m_pathToFiles + "/Configs/" + newBot.m_Name + ".json")); Bot bot = new Bot(botInfo); bot.Start(); } }); } }
private void LoadBot(int teamIndex, int botIndex) { BotInfo botInfo = teams[teamIndex].Bots[botIndex]; GameObject botObject = Instantiate(Resources.Load <GameObject>("Battle/BasicBot")); BotController controller = botObject.GetComponent <BotController>(); if (controller != null) { bots[teamIndex].Add(controller); } controller.LoadInfo(botInfo, teams[teamIndex]); botObject.transform.SetPositionAndRotation(locations[teamIndex][botIndex].transform.position, locations[teamIndex][botIndex].transform.rotation); GameObject statusDisplayObject = Instantiate(Resources.Load <GameObject>("Battle/BotStatusDisplay"), huds[teamIndex].transform); BotStatusDisplay display = statusDisplayObject.GetComponent <BotStatusDisplay>(); display.LoadBot(controller); }
public IActionResult Save(BotInfo bot) { using (MarketBotDbContext db = new MarketBotDbContext()) { var spl = bot.Token.Split(':'); int chat_id = Convert.ToInt32(spl[0]); BotInfo botInfo = new BotInfo { Name = bot.Name, Token = bot.Token, ChatId = chat_id, Timestamp = DateTime.Now }; db.BotInfo.Add(botInfo); db.SaveChanges(); Editor(); return(Ok()); } }
public static void sendInfo(byte[] wallet_address) { int default_group = Int32.Parse(Node.settings.getOption("defaultGroup", "0")); var user = Node.users.getUser(wallet_address); bool send_notifications = user.sendNotification; int role_index = user.getPrimaryRole(); BotGroup group; if (Node.groups.groupIndexToName(role_index) != "") { group = Node.groups.getGroup(Node.groups.groupIndexToName(role_index)); } else { string group_name = Node.groups.groupIndexToName(default_group); if (group_name != null) { group = Node.groups.getGroup(group_name); } else { return; } } IxiNumber cost = 0; bool admin = false; if (group != null) { cost = group.messageCost; if (group.admin) { admin = true; } } BotInfo bi = new BotInfo(0, Node.settings.getOption("serverName", "Bot"), Node.settings.getOption("serverDescription", "Bot"), cost, Int32.Parse(Node.settings.getOption("generatedTime", "0")), admin, default_group, Int32.Parse(Node.settings.getOption("defaultChannel", "0")), send_notifications, Node.users.contacts.Count); sendBotAction(wallet_address,, bi.getBytes()); }
private void InsertNewBotToDb(string token, string name, string Url, bool IsServerVersion = false) { if (db == null) { db = new MarketBotDbContext(); } if (token != null && name != null && Url != null) { var spl = token.Split(':'); int chat_id = Convert.ToInt32(spl[0]); BotInfo botInfo = new BotInfo { Token = token, Name = name, WebHookUrl = Url, Timestamp = DateTime.Now, HomeVersion = !IsServerVersion, ServerVersion = IsServerVersion, ChatId = chat_id }; db.BotInfo.Add(botInfo); db.SaveChanges(); var conf = new Configuration { BotInfoId = botInfo.Id, VerifyTelephone = false, OwnerPrivateNotify = false, Delivery = true, Pickup = false, ShipPrice = 0, FreeShipPrice = 0, CurrencyId = 1, BotBlocked = false }; db.Configuration.Add(conf); db.SaveChanges(); Company company = new Company { Instagram = "", Vk = "", Chanel = "", Chat = "" }; db.Company.Add(company); db.SaveChanges(); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> SetWebHook([FromBody] BotInfo botInfo) { try { DbContext = new BotMngmntDbContext(); if (botInfo != null && botInfo.Id > 0) { var _botInfo = DbContext.BotInfo.Find(botInfo.Id); _botInfo.Name = botInfo.Name; _botInfo.Token = botInfo.Token; _botInfo.WebHookUrl = botInfo.WebHookUrl; DbContext.SaveChanges(); } if (botInfo != null && botInfo.Id == 0) { DbContext.Add <BotInfo>(botInfo); DbContext.SaveChanges(); } await BusinessLayer.TelegramFunction.SetWebHook(botInfo.Token, botInfo.WebHookUrl); return(Ok()); } catch (Exception e) { return(Json(e.Message)); } finally { DbContext.Dispose(); } }
public static async Task Init(MiraiHttpSession session, BotStartupConfig config) { BotAPI.Init(session); BotReg.Init(); BotAuth.Init(); await BotInfo.ReloadAll(); MiddlewareCore.Init(config.Middlewares.ToArray()); ModuleCore.Init(config.assembly); ServiceCore.Init(config.assembly); ComponentCore.Init(config.assembly); _ = Task.Run(async() => { TimeSpan delta = config.autoSave; while (AutoSave && delta > TimeSpan.Zero) { await Task.Delay(config.autoSave); foreach (var w in MiddlewareCore.Middlewares) { w.SaveData(); } foreach (var m in ModuleCore.Modules) { m.SaveData(); } foreach (var s in ServiceCore.Services) { s.SaveData(); } foreach (var c in ComponentCore.Components) { c.SaveData(); } } }); }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { DataManager.Instance.Latch(this); if (!DataManager.Instance.AuthEstablished) { DataManager.Instance.BypassAuth("DEV [email protected]"); } StartCoroutine(DataManager.Instance.FetchInitialData(success => { if (!success) { return; } userBots = new List <BotInfo>(DataManager.Instance.AllBots); IEnumerator <BotInfo> userBotEnum = userBots.GetEnumerator(); userBotEnum.MoveNext(); foreach (var bot in userBotArray) { bot.BotInfo = userBotEnum.Current; botPreviews.Add(bot.gameObject); userBotEnum.MoveNext(); } userBotEnum.Dispose(); userTeams = DataManager.Instance.UserTeams; BotPreviewGenerator.BotGenerators = botPreviews; BotPreviewGenerator.CreateAllBotImages(); defaultBody = DataManager.Instance.GetPart(100); defaultBotInfo = new BotInfo(0, "default", 0, new List <PartInfo>(), defaultBody, new List <BehaviorInfo>()); InstantiateTeams(); })); }
public BotInfo ScanBots(BotInfo bot, float heading, float resolution) { BotInfo result = null; resolution = GameMath.MinMax(0.01f, resolution, bot.RadarMaxResolution); FindBotsByDistance(bot.X, bot.Y, (other, distance) => { // skip ourselves if (other.Id == bot.Id) { return(true); } // compute relative position var deltaX = other.X - bot.X; var deltaY = other.Y - bot.Y; // check if other bot is beyond scan range if (distance > bot.RadarRange) { // no need to enumerate more return(false); } // check if delta angle is within resolution limit var angle = MathF.Atan2(deltaX, deltaY) * 180.0f / MathF.PI; if (MathF.Abs(GameMath.NormalizeAngle(heading - angle)) <= resolution) { // found a bot within range and resolution; stop enumerating result = other; return(false); } // enumerate more return(true); }); return(result); }
public static bool CheckGameOwnsOnBot(List <int> AppIDs, BotInfo bot) { if (bot.GamesHave != null) { foreach (var appid in AppIDs) { if (bot.GamesHave.Contains(appid)) { return(false);///ja tem algum dos jogos } } } string URL = $"http://{Main._Main.txt_IPC.Text}:{Main._Main.txt_PORT.Text}/Api/Command"; string AppIDsString = string.Join(",", AppIDs.ToArray()); Exec_Command comando = new Exec_Command { Command = $"owns {bot.BotName} {AppIDsString}" }; string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(comando); var http = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(new Uri(URL)); http.Accept = "application/json"; http.ContentType = "application/json"; http.Method = "POST"; http.PreAuthenticate = true; http.Headers.Add("Authentication", Main._Main.txt_passIPC.Text); ASCIIEncoding encoding = new ASCIIEncoding(); Byte[] bytes = encoding.GetBytes(json); Stream newStream = http.GetRequestStream(); newStream.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length); newStream.Close(); var response = http.GetResponse(); var stream = response.GetResponseStream(); var sr = new StreamReader(stream); var content = sr.ReadToEnd(); Exec_ComandResponse resp = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Exec_ComandResponse>(content); if (resp.Success) { List <string> Results = resp.Result.Split(new[] { "\n" }, StringSplitOptions.None).ToList(); var OwnsGame = Results.Where(a => a.Contains("Owned already") || a.Contains("Já possui")).FirstOrDefault(); if (OwnsGame == null) { return(true); } else { int gameIDOwned = AppIDs.Where(a => OwnsGame.Contains(a.ToString())).FirstOrDefault(); if (gameIDOwned != 0) {$"<ASF_Owns> <{bot.BotName}> Have AppID {gameIDOwned}"); Update_Bots_DB.Add_active_Game_to_File(bot.SteamID, new List <int> { gameIDOwned }); } return(false); } } else { return(false); } }
public InsertNewOrder(int FollowerId, BotInfo BotInfo) { this.FollowerId = FollowerId; this.BotInfo = BotInfo; db = new MarketBotDbContext(); }
public DeliveryPriceMessage(BotInfo bot) { this.BotInfo = bot; }
/// <summary> /// Constructor to initialize this class and our botInfo variable /// </summary> /// <param name="_botinfo"></param> public ChatHandler(BotInfo _botinfo) { m_botInfo = _botinfo; }
public Task InviteAsync() { return(SimpleEmbedAsync($"You may invite the bot to your own server using the following URL: {BotInfo.GetInvite(Context)}")); }
public void LoadInfoForPreview(BotInfo botInfo) { info = botInfo; LoadParts(); }
public async Task <IActionResult> SaveInfo(BotInfo _bot, IFormFile file = null) { if (_bot != null) { TelegramBot = new TelegramBotClient(_bot.Token); db = new MarketBotDbContext(); var reapet_bot = db.BotInfo.Where(b => b.Name == Bot.GeneralFunction.GetBotName()).FirstOrDefault(); botInfo = db.BotInfo.Where(b => b.Id == _bot.Id).FirstOrDefault(); Telegram.Bot.Types.FileToSend toSend; if (file != null) { toSend = ConvertToFileToSend(file); } if (_bot.WebHookUrl != null && TelegramBot != null && _bot.WebHookUrl != null && file != null) // обновляем вебхук { await TelegramBot.SetWebhookAsync(_bot.WebHookUrl + "/bot/", toSend); } if (_bot.WebHookUrl != null && TelegramBot != null && _bot.WebHookUrl != null && file == null) // обновляем вебхук { await TelegramBot.SetWebhookAsync(_bot.WebHookUrl + "/bot/"); } //TelegramBot.ExportChatInviteLinkAsync() if (_bot.Id == 0 && reapet_bot == null) //Бот еще не настроен. Добавляем новые данные { _bot.Name = Bot.GeneralFunction.GetBotName(); _bot.ServerVersion = false; _bot.HomeVersion = false; _bot.Configuration = new Configuration { VerifyTelephone = false, OwnerPrivateNotify = false, Delivery = true, Pickup = false, ShipPrice = 0, FreeShipPrice = 0, CurrencyId = 1, BotBlocked = false }; _bot = InsertBotInfo(_bot); Company company = new Company { Instagram = "", Vk = "", Chanel = "", Chat = "" }; db.Company.Add(company); return(View("Own", "/owner" + _bot.Token.Split(':').ElementAt(1).Substring(0, 15))); } if (_bot.Id > 0) // редактируем уже сущестующие данные { UpdateBotInfo(_bot); //если по каким то причинам пользователь не подрвердил себя как владельца if (_bot.OwnerChatId == null) { return(View("Own", "/owner" + _bot.Token.Split(':').ElementAt(1).Substring(0, 15))); } return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } else { return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } } else { return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } }
//Generates an image for the bot via the BotPreviewGenerator using the given bot info and the object //the Image is to be generated onto void CreateBotImage(BotInfo botInfo, GameObject botGenerator) { BotPreviewGenerator.CreateBotImage(botInfo, botGenerator); }
public AdditionalProductPhotoSearchInline(string Query, BotInfo botInfo) : base(Query) { this.BotInfo = botInfo; }
public static async Task <ReturnResult> VerifyDevice(IDeviceAuth device, IUserInfo userInfoContext, string location, IBot botContext) { UserInfo userInfo; var usersInfo = await userInfoContext.Get(device.CurrentDeviceName(), device.GetCurrentUserIp()); if (usersInfo == null || !usersInfo.UserLocation.Equals(location)) { var deviceAuth = device.GetDeviceDetails(); if (deviceAuth.Client != null && deviceAuth.OsInfo != null) { // future upgrade use for notification if the device location differs userInfo = new UserInfo { BrowserId = device.GetBrowserId(), DeviceName = device.CurrentDeviceName(), OsName = deviceAuth.OsInfo.Name, OsPlatForm = deviceAuth.OsInfo.PlatForm, OsSuccess = deviceAuth.OsInfo.Success, OsVersion = deviceAuth.OsInfo.Version, OsShortName = deviceAuth.OsInfo.ShortName, UserIpHost = device.GetCurrentUserIp(), UserLocation = device.GetUserLocation(location), }; var result = await userInfoContext.Add(userInfo); if (result.Succeeded) { return(new ReturnResult { Succeeded = true }); } } else { BotInfo bot = new BotInfo(); bot.Category = deviceAuth.Bot.Category; bot.Name = deviceAuth.Bot.Name; bot.Producer = deviceAuth.Bot.Producer; bot.ProducerUrl = deviceAuth.Bot.ProducerUrl; bot.Url = deviceAuth.Bot.Url; bot.Success = deviceAuth.Bot.Success; var result = await botContext.Add(bot); if (result.Succeeded) { return(new ReturnResult { Succeeded = true }); } } } return(new ReturnResult { Succeeded = false, Error = "verification failed" }); }
public IActionResult Editor() { BotInfo bot = new BotInfo(); return(View(bot)); }
async Task <GetBuildResponse> IGameDependencyProvider.GetBotBuild(BotInfo bot) => new GetBuildResponse { Name = bot.Id };
public static Task Event(DiscordClient c, GuildMemberAddEventArgs e, BotInfo botInfo) { Interlocked.Increment(ref botInfo.Membros); return(Task.CompletedTask); }
protected BaseTelegramBot(BotInfo botInfo) { _client.BaseAddress = new Uri(botInfo.BotUrl); FileClient.BaseAddress = new Uri(botInfo.BotFileUrl); }
Task <GetActionResponse> IGameDependencyProvider.GetBotAction(BotInfo bot) => throw new NotImplementedException();
public static void Update_Bots() { Main._Main.group_auth.Invoke(new Action(() => Main._Main.group_auth.Enabled = false)); Main._Main.groupbox_função.Invoke(new Action(() => Main._Main.groupbox_função.Enabled = false)); var URL = $"http://{Main._Main.txt_IPC.Text}:{Main._Main.txt_PORT.Text}/Api/Bot/asf"; if (Main._Main.ckc_usepass.Checked) { if (Main._Main.txt_passIPC.Text == "") { Main._Main.lbl_status_auth.Text = "Please enter the IPC password"; Main._Main.lbl_status_auth.ForeColor = Color.Red; Main._Main.txt_passIPC.Focus(); return; } else { URL = $"{URL}?password={Main._Main.txt_passIPC.Text}"; } } var response = new RequestBuilder(URL) .GET() .Execute(); ASFResponse_BotsResume.Root asf_response = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ASFResponse_BotsResume.Root>(response.Content);"Starting Update Bots Database..."); int counter = 0; foreach (var asf_Bot in asf_response.Result) {"Db Update.. {0}. {1}/{2}", asf_Bot.Value.BotName, ++counter, asf_response.Result.Count); if (asf_Bot.Value.BotConfig.Enabled == false) {$"Account: {asf_Bot.Value.BotName} - was set to disabled, on the ASF config!"); try { File.Delete(@"Bots/" + asf_Bot.Value.SteamID + ".json"); } catch { } continue; } if (asf_Bot.Value.SteamID == 0) {$"Account: {asf_Bot.Value.BotName} - not yet started!"); continue; } var GameList = GetOwnedGames.GetGames(asf_Bot.Value.SteamID.ToString()); BotInfo bot = new BotInfo { AvatarHash = asf_Bot.Value.AvatarHash, SteamID = asf_Bot.Value.SteamID, BotName = asf_Bot.Value.BotName, NickName = asf_Bot.Value.Nickname, WalletBalance = asf_Bot.Value.WalletBalance, vds = $"{Main._Main.txt_IPC.Text}:{Main._Main.txt_PORT.Text}", Active = true, GamesHave = GameList }; File.WriteAllText($@"Bots/{bot.SteamID}.json", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(bot, Formatting.Indented)); } Main._Main.group_auth.Invoke(new Action(() => Main._Main.group_auth.Enabled = true)); Main._Main.groupbox_função.Invoke(new Action(() => Main._Main.groupbox_função.Enabled = true)); }
public CurrencySettingsMessage(BotInfo botInfo) { BotInfo = botInfo; }