Exemple #1
 public override BootstrappingResult Bootstrap(BootstrappingRequest bootstrappingRequest)
     //Only modify .NET Websites Components that do not belong to the Apprenda Team
     if ((bootstrappingRequest.ComponentType == ComponentType.AspNet |
          bootstrappingRequest.ComponentType == ComponentType.PublicAspNet |
          bootstrappingRequest.ComponentType == ComponentType.WcfService) &&
         !bootstrappingRequest.DevelopmentTeamAlias.Equals("apprenda", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
Exemple #2
        private static BootstrappingResult ModifyConfigFiles(BootstrappingRequest bootstrappingRequest)
            //Search for all web.config files within the component being deployed
            string[] configFiles = Directory.GetFiles(bootstrappingRequest.ComponentPath, "web.config", SearchOption.AllDirectories);

            foreach (string file in configFiles)
                var result = ModifyXML(bootstrappingRequest, file);
                if (!result.Succeeded)
                    //If an XML modification fails, return a failure for the BSP
Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Find all the files ending in *.config and modify them to add the AppDynamics specific XML elements
        /// Imagine in the future we can use a Custom Property to instruct us which specific .config files to instrument
        /// Also, copy the AppD.config file with the subscription ID in the root folder of the application
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="appName">The name of the application. This name will show up in the AppDynamics monitoring dashboard. The developer specifies this name in the Apprenda Custom Properties for her application</param>
        private static BootstrappingResult ModifyConfigFiles(BootstrappingRequest bootstrappingRequest, string appName)
            string[] configFiles = Directory.GetFiles(bootstrappingRequest.ComponentPath, "web.config", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
            if (configFiles.Length <= 0)
                return(BootstrappingResult.Failure(new[] { "Failed to find a web.config for application " + appName }));

            foreach (string file in configFiles)
                var result = ModifyXML(bootstrappingRequest, file, appName);
                if (!result.Succeeded)

            var srcHttpModuleFilePath = Path.Combine(bootstrappingRequest.BootstrapperPath, @"AppDynamicsHttpModule.dll");
            var destinationBasePath   = bootstrappingRequest.ComponentPath;

            // if this is a UI, the componentpath will not take you into the root folder of the IIS application. so we need to append it
            destinationBasePath = Path.Combine(destinationBasePath, bootstrappingRequest.ComponentName);

            var dstHttpModuleFilePath = Path.Combine(destinationBasePath, @"bin");

            dstHttpModuleFilePath = Path.Combine(dstHttpModuleFilePath, @"AppDynamicsHttpModule.dll");
            File.Copy(srcHttpModuleFilePath, dstHttpModuleFilePath, true);

            // now copy the config file that has the application name and tier name in there
            // and then open the files and replace the right values in there
            var dstConfigFilePath = Path.Combine(destinationBasePath, @"AppDynamics.config");

            File.Copy(Path.Combine(bootstrappingRequest.BootstrapperPath, @"AppDynamics.config"), dstConfigFilePath, true);

            File.WriteAllText(dstConfigFilePath, Regex.Replace(File.ReadAllText(dstConfigFilePath), "##APPLICATION_NAME##", appName));
            File.WriteAllText(dstConfigFilePath, Regex.Replace(File.ReadAllText(dstConfigFilePath), "##APPLICATION_TIER_NAME##", "Web Sites"));

Exemple #4
        /// <summary>
        /// If a Custom Property "APM Application Name" exists, open up the application and add the AppDynamics
        /// specific configuration inside its *.config files
        /// </summary>
        public override BootstrappingResult Bootstrap(BootstrappingRequest bootstrappingRequest)
            // if the app is a web application hosted in IIS, we need to drop the AppDynamics HTTP Module in the folder and modify the web.config
            if (bootstrappingRequest.ComponentType == ComponentType.PublicAspNet || bootstrappingRequest.ComponentType == ComponentType.AspNet)
                // to get here, it means that the bootstrap policy matched the requirements of an application and we need to
                // make some changes to it based on its custom properties
                    var appName = bootstrappingRequest.ApplicationAlias; // use the ApplicationAlias as a default
                    foreach (CustomProperty property in bootstrappingRequest.Properties)
                        // only save the first property value in case any of these properties are multi-value custom properties
                        if (property.Name == "APM Application Name")
                            foreach (var value in property.Values)
                                appName = value;
                                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(appName))
                                    return(BootstrappingResult.Failure(new[] { "The Application Name specified for this application is invalid" }));

                    var modifyResult = ModifyConfigFiles(bootstrappingRequest, appName);
                    return(!modifyResult.Succeeded ? modifyResult : BootstrappingResult.Success());
                catch (Exception e)
                    return(BootstrappingResult.Failure(new[] { e.Message }));
Exemple #5
        public override BootstrappingResult Bootstrap(BootstrappingRequest request)
                log.Info("AppD Bootstrapper starting");

                var requestAPM = request.Properties.First(p => p.Name == CustomProperties.APMEnable).Values.First();

                if (requestAPM != "Yes")
                    log.Info("AppD instrumentation not requested");

                var yamlFilePaths = Directory.EnumerateFiles(request.ComponentPath, "*.yml")
                                    .Concat(Directory.EnumerateFiles(request.ComponentPath, "*.yaml"));

                foreach (var yamlFilePath in yamlFilePaths)
                    var obj        = ReadYaml(yamlFilePath);
                    var spec       = GetOrCreateYamlNode(obj, "spec");
                    var template   = GetOrCreateYamlNode(spec, "template");
                    var contSpec   = GetOrCreateYamlNode(template, "spec");
                    var containers = GetOrCreateYamlNodeList(contSpec, "containers");

                    int i = 0;
                    foreach (var c in containers)
                        if (i == 0)
                            var env = GetOrCreateYamlNodeList(((Dictionary <object, object>)c), "env");
                            AddEnvVariables(ref env, request);

                    WriteYaml(yamlFilePath, obj);

                log.Info("AppD instrumentation is complete");

                //var jsonFilePaths = Directory.EnumerateFiles(request.ComponentPath, "*.json");

                //foreach (var jsonFilePath in jsonFilePaths)
                //    var obj = (JObject)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(File.ReadAllText(jsonFilePath));
                //    var spec = GetOrCreateJsonNode(obj, "spec");
                //    var template = GetOrCreateJsonNode(spec, "template");
                //    var contSpec = GetOrCreateJsonNode(template, "spec");
                //    var containers = GetOrCreateJsonNode(contSpec, "containers");

                //    File.WriteAllText(jsonFilePath, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(obj, Formatting.Indented));
            catch (Exception ex)
                log.Error("Error instrumenting perf monitoring for the app" + ex.Message);
                return(BootstrappingResult.Failure(new[] { $"Error instrumenting perf monitoring for the app. {ex}" }));

Exemple #6
        public override BootstrappingResult Bootstrap(BootstrappingRequest request)
                log.Info("DBClone Bootstrapper starting");

                var prop = request.Properties.First(p => p.Name == CustomProperties.DBCloneType);
                if (prop == null || prop.Values == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(prop.Values.First()) || prop.Values.First().ToLower() == "none")
                    log.Info("DB Cloning not requested");

                var propDBServer = request.Properties.First(p => p.Name == CustomProperties.SnapDBCloneHost);
                if (propDBServer == null || propDBServer.Values == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(propDBServer.Values.First()))
                    log.Error($"Cloning requested but the DB host name is missing. Configure the host name or do not request connection to the cloned DB by setting DBCloneType property to 'none'");
                    return(BootstrappingResult.Failure(new[] { $"Cloning requested but the DB host name is missing" }));
                string serverName = propDBServer.Values.First();

                var propDBName = request.Properties.First(p => p.Name == CustomProperties.SnapDBName);
                if (propDBName == null || propDBName.Values == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(propDBName.Values.First()))
                    log.Error($"Cloning requested but the cloned DB name is missing. Configure the DB name or do not request connection to the cloned DB by setting DBCloneType property to 'none'");
                    return(BootstrappingResult.Failure(new[] { $"Cloning requested but the cloned DB name is missing." }));
                string dbName = propDBName.Values.First();

                var propDBUser = request.Properties.First(p => p.Name == CustomProperties.DBUser);
                if (propDBUser == null || propDBUser.Values == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(propDBUser.Values.First()))
                    log.Error($"Cloning requested but the DB user is not configured. Configure the DB user or do not request connection to the cloned DB by setting DBCloneType property to 'none'");
                    return(BootstrappingResult.Failure(new[] { $"Cloning requested but the DB user is not configured." }));
                string dbUser = propDBUser.Values.First();

                var propDBUserPass = request.Properties.First(p => p.Name == CustomProperties.DBUserCreds);
                if (propDBUserPass == null || propDBUserPass.Values == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(propDBUserPass.Values.First()))
                    log.Error($"Cloning requested but the DB user password is not set. Configure the DB user password or do not request connection to the cloned DB by setting DBCloneType property to 'none'");
                    return(BootstrappingResult.Failure(new[] { $"Cloning requested but the DB user is not configured." }));
                string dbUserPass = propDBUserPass.Values.First();
                log.Info($"Retrieving web config for modification from path {request.ComponentPath}");
                string[] configFiles = Directory.GetFiles(request.ComponentPath, "Web.config", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
                if (configFiles.Length <= 0)
                    log.Error($"Config file not found in  {request.ComponentPath}");
                    return(BootstrappingResult.Failure(new[] { "Failed to find a web.config for application " + request.ApplicationAlias }));

                string filePath = configFiles[0];
                //string cloneDB = SnapSession.BuildCloneName(dbName, request.ApplicationAlias);
                UpdateConnectionString(filePath, serverName, dbUser, dbName, dbUserPass);

                log.Info("Connection string mod for MySql is complete");
            catch (Exception ex)
                log.Error($"Error updating connection info for application {request.ApplicationAlias}. Reason: {ex.Message}");
                return(BootstrappingResult.Failure(new[] { $"Error updating connection info for application {request.ApplicationAlias}. Reason: {ex.Message}" }));

Exemple #7
        private static BootstrappingResult ModifyXML(BootstrappingRequest bootstrappingRequest, string filePath)
                /*By default, IIS adds the negotiate and NTLM providers as part of windows authentication.
                 * If you need those sections to explictely be added, uncomment the following section.
                 * */

                //Traverse the web.config file and find the required section
                XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();

                //Find the System.webserver section
                XmlNode systemWebServer = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("//system.webServer");

                //Create the necessary sections
                XmlNode security                = xmlDoc.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, "security", null);
                XmlNode authentication          = xmlDoc.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, "authentication", null);
                XmlNode anonymousAuthentication = xmlDoc.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, "anonymousAuthentication", null);
                XmlNode windowsAuthentication   = xmlDoc.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, "windowsAuthentication", null);

                /* Providers, uncomment if needed
                 * XmlNode providers = xmlDoc.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, "providers", null);
                 * XmlNode ntlmProvider = xmlDoc.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, "add", null);
                 * */

                //Create the necessary attributes for windows and anonymous authentication
                XmlAttribute anonymousAuthenticationEnabled = xmlDoc.CreateAttribute("enabled");
                XmlAttribute windowsAuthenticationEnabled   = xmlDoc.CreateAttribute("enabled");
                anonymousAuthenticationEnabled.Value = "false";
                windowsAuthenticationEnabled.Value   = "true";

                /* Providers, uncomment if needed
                 * XmlAttribute ntlmAuth = xmlDoc.CreateAttribute("value");
                 * ntlmAuth.Value = "NTLM";
                 * */

                //Create the tree by appending all elements, children and nodes

                //If there is no Windows Authentication, add the section
                if (null == systemWebServer)
                    systemWebServer = xmlDoc.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, "system.webServer", null);

                    XmlNode configuration = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("//configuration");
                //If System.webserver is found, append the security section
                else if (null != systemWebServer)
            catch (Exception ex)
                if (ex.InnerException != null)
                    return(BootstrappingResult.Failure(new[] { ex.InnerException.Message }));
                    return(BootstrappingResult.Failure(new[] { ex.Message }));
Exemple #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Edit the specified .config file and add the AppDynamics xml elements
        /// Assumes the AppDynamics agent is installed on all the Apprenda nodes and it is set to instrument all applications (IIS-based and non-IIS-based)
        /// Assumes the AppD.config contains at least the following content to instrument the WCF container for Apprenda apps:
        ///     <instrumentation>
        ///         <applications>
        ///             <application name="Apprenda.WCFServiceHost.exe" />
        ///         </applications>
        ///     </instrumentation>
        /// </summary>
        private static BootstrappingResult ModifyXML(BootstrappingRequest bootstrappingRequest, string filePath, string appName)
            // because we need to work with any *.config files, we can't use the webconfigurationmanager class
            XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();


             * XmlNode appsettingsNode = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("//appSettings");
             * if (null == appsettingsNode)
             * {
             *  // we didn't find an appSettings Node - creating it
             *  xmlDoc.AppendChild(CreateNewNode("appSettings", xmlDoc));
             *  appsettingsNode = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("//appSettings");
             * }

            XmlElement httpModuleElement = (XmlElement)xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("//system.webServer/modules/add[@name = 'AppDynamicsHttpModule']");

            if (null == httpModuleElement)
                XmlNode webServerNode = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("//system.webServer");
                if (null == webServerNode)
                    xmlDoc.AppendChild(CreateNewNode("system.webServer", xmlDoc));
                    webServerNode = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("//system.webServer");
                XmlNode modulesNode = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("//system.webServer/modules");
                if (null == modulesNode)
                    webServerNode.AppendChild(CreateNewNode("modules", xmlDoc));
                    modulesNode = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("//system.webServer/modules");

                modulesNode.AppendChild(CreateNewElement("name", "AppDynamicsHttpModule", "type", "AppDynamics.AppDynamicsHttpModule, AppDynamicsHttpModule", xmlDoc, modulesNode));
                // modify an existing value
                httpModuleElement.Attributes["type"].Value = "AppDynamics.AppDynamicsHttpModule, AppDynamicsHttpModule";

             * XmlElement appNameElement = (XmlElement)xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("//appSettings/add[@key = 'APPDYNAMICS_AGENT_APPLICATION_NAME']");
             * XmlElement tierNameElement = (XmlElement)xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("//appSettings/add[@key = 'APPDYNAMICS_AGENT_TIER_NAME']");
             * if (null == appNameElement)
             * {
             *  // value does not exist, let's create it
             *  appsettingsNode.AppendChild(CreateNewElement("key", "APPDYNAMICS_AGENT_APPLICATION_NAME", "value", appName, xmlDoc, appsettingsNode));
             * }
             * else
             * {
             *  // modify an existing value
             *  appNameElement.Attributes["value"].Value = appName;
             * }
             * if (null == tierNameElement)
             * {
             *  // value does not exist, let's create it
             *  appsettingsNode.AppendChild(CreateNewElement("key", "APPDYNAMICS_AGENT_TIER_NAME", "value", "Web Sites", xmlDoc, appsettingsNode));
             * }
             * else
             * {
             *  // modify an existing value
             *  tierNameElement.Attributes["value"].Value = "Web Sites";
             * }

