public BootTemplate Read(string templateName) { BootTemplate template = new BootTemplate(); try { using (NpgsqlConnection conn = new NpgsqlConnection(Utility.DBString)) { NpgsqlCommand cmd = new NpgsqlCommand("boottemplates_read", conn); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; cmd.Parameters.Add(new NpgsqlParameter("@templateName", templateName)); conn.Open(); NpgsqlDataReader rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); while (rdr.Read()) { template.templateName = (string)rdr["templatename"]; template.templateContent = (string)rdr["templatecontent"]; } } } catch (Exception ex) { Utility.Message = "Could Not Read Boot Menu. Check The Exception Log For More Info"; Logger.Log(ex.ToString()); } return(template); }
protected void btnUpdateTemplate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { BootTemplate template = new BootTemplate(); template.templateName = txtModifyTemplate.Text; template.templateContent = txtAreaModifyTemplate.Text; template.Update(template); Master.Msgbox(Utility.Message); }
protected void btnDeleteTemplate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { BootTemplate template = new BootTemplate(); template.Delete(txtModifyTemplate.Text); Master.Msgbox(Utility.Message); modifyTemplate.Visible = false; showTemplates_Click(sender, e); }
protected void ddlTemplate_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { Utility settings = new Utility(); string path = null; string mode = settings.GetSettings("PXE Mode"); string proxyDHCP = settings.GetSettings("Proxy Dhcp"); if (ddlTemplate.Text == "default") { if (proxyDHCP == "Yes") { string biosFile = settings.GetSettings("Proxy Bios File"); if (biosFile.Contains("ipxe")) { path = settings.GetSettings("Tftp Path") + "proxy" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + ddlEditProxyType.Text + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "pxelinux.cfg" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "default.ipxe"; } else { path = settings.GetSettings("Tftp Path") + "proxy" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + ddlEditProxyType.Text + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "pxelinux.cfg" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "default"; } } else { if (mode.Contains("ipxe")) { path = settings.GetSettings("Tftp Path") + "pxelinux.cfg" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "default.ipxe"; } else { path = settings.GetSettings("Tftp Path") + "pxelinux.cfg" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "default"; } } try { txtCustomBootMenu.Text = File.ReadAllText(path); } catch (Exception ex) { Master.Msgbox("Could Not Read Default Boot Menu. Check The Exception Log For More Info"); Logger.Log(ex.Message); } } else if (ddlTemplate.Text == "select template") { txtCustomBootMenu.Text = ""; } else { BootTemplate template = new BootTemplate().Read(ddlTemplate.Text); txtCustomBootMenu.Text = template.templateContent; } }
public void btnNewTemplate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Utility.NoSpaceNotEmpty(txtNewTemplate.Text)) { BootTemplate template = new BootTemplate(); template.templateName = txtNewTemplate.Text; template.templateContent = txtAreaNewTemplate.Text; template.Create(template); showTemplates_Click(sender, e); Master.Msgbox(Utility.Message); } else Master.Msgbox("Template Name Cannot Be Empty Or Contain Spaces"); }
public void btnNewTemplate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Utility.NoSpaceNotEmpty(txtNewTemplate.Text)) { BootTemplate template = new BootTemplate(); template.templateName = txtNewTemplate.Text; template.templateContent = txtAreaNewTemplate.Text; template.Create(template); showTemplates_Click(sender, e); Master.Msgbox(Utility.Message); } else { Master.Msgbox("Template Name Cannot Be Empty Or Contain Spaces"); } }
public void Update(BootTemplate template) { try { using (NpgsqlConnection conn = new NpgsqlConnection(Utility.DBString)) { NpgsqlCommand cmd = new NpgsqlCommand("boottemplates_update", conn); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; cmd.Parameters.Add(new NpgsqlParameter("@templateName", template.templateName)); cmd.Parameters.Add(new NpgsqlParameter("@templateContent", template.templateContent)); conn.Open(); Utility.Message = cmd.ExecuteScalar() as string; } } catch (Exception ex) { Utility.Message = "Could Not Update Template. Check The Exception Log For More Info"; Logger.Log(ex.ToString()); } }
public void Create(BootTemplate template) { try { using (NpgsqlConnection conn = new NpgsqlConnection(Utility.DBString)) { NpgsqlCommand cmd = new NpgsqlCommand("boottemplates_create", conn); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; cmd.Parameters.Add(new NpgsqlParameter("@templateName", template.templateName)); cmd.Parameters.Add(new NpgsqlParameter("@templatecontent", template.templateContent)); conn.Open(); Utility.Message = cmd.ExecuteScalar() as string; } } catch (Exception ex) { Utility.Message = "Could Not Create Template. Check The Exception Log For More Info"; Logger.Log(ex.ToString()); } }
protected void ddlTemplate_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { Utility utility = new Utility(); if (ddlTemplate.Text == "default") { createNewTemplate.Visible = false; modifyTemplate.Visible = false; string proxyDHCP = utility.GetSettings("Proxy Dhcp"); if (proxyDHCP == "Yes") { divProxyDHCP.Visible = true; string biosFile = utility.GetSettings("Proxy Bios File"); string efi32File = utility.GetSettings("Proxy Efi32 File"); string efi64File = utility.GetSettings("Proxy Efi64 File"); if (biosFile.Contains("linux") || efi32File.Contains("linux") || efi64File.Contains("linux")) { proxyPassBoxes.Visible = true; } try { ddlBiosKernel.DataSource = Utility.GetKernels(); ddlBiosKernel.DataBind(); ddlEfi32Kernel.DataSource = Utility.GetKernels(); ddlEfi32Kernel.DataBind(); ddlEfi64Kernel.DataSource = Utility.GetKernels(); ddlEfi64Kernel.DataBind(); ListItem itemKernel = ddlBiosKernel.Items.FindByText("3.18.1-WDS"); if (itemKernel != null) { ddlBiosKernel.SelectedValue = "3.18.1-WDS"; ddlEfi32Kernel.SelectedValue = "3.18.1-WDS"; } else { ddlBiosKernel.Items.Insert(0, "Select Kernel"); ddlEfi32Kernel.Items.Insert(0, "Select Kernel"); } ListItem itemKernel64 = ddlEfi64Kernel.Items.FindByText("3.18.1x64-WDS"); if(itemKernel64 != null) ddlEfi64Kernel.SelectedValue = "3.18.1x64-WDS"; else ddlEfi64Kernel.Items.Insert(0, "Select Kernel"); ddlBiosBootImage.DataSource = Utility.GetBootImages(); ddlBiosBootImage.DataBind(); ddlEfi32BootImage.DataSource = Utility.GetBootImages(); ddlEfi32BootImage.DataBind(); ddlEfi64BootImage.DataSource = Utility.GetBootImages(); ddlEfi64BootImage.DataBind(); ListItem itemBootImage = ddlBiosBootImage.Items.FindByText("initrd.gz"); if (itemBootImage != null) { ddlBiosBootImage.SelectedValue = "initrd.gz"; ddlEfi32BootImage.SelectedValue = "initrd.gz"; } else { ddlBiosBootImage.Items.Insert(0, "Select Boot Image"); ddlEfi32BootImage.Items.Insert(0, "Select Boot Image"); } ListItem itemBootImage64 = ddlEfi64BootImage.Items.FindByText("initrd64.gz"); if (itemBootImage != null) ddlEfi64BootImage.SelectedValue = "initrd64.gz"; else ddlEfi64BootImage.Items.Insert(0, "Select Boot Image"); } catch { } } else { bootPasswords.Visible = true; divPXEMode.Visible = true; string pxeMode = utility.GetSettings("PXE Mode"); if (pxeMode.Contains("ipxe")) { passboxes.Visible = false; btnSubmitDefault.Visible = false; btnSubmitIPXE.Visible = true; } try { ddlHostKernel.DataSource = Utility.GetKernels(); ddlHostKernel.DataBind(); ListItem itemKernel = ddlHostKernel.Items.FindByText("3.18.1-WDS"); if (itemKernel != null) ddlHostKernel.SelectedValue = "3.18.1-WDS"; else ddlHostKernel.Items.Insert(0, "Select Kernel"); } catch { } try { ddlHostBootImage.DataSource = Utility.GetBootImages(); ddlHostBootImage.DataBind(); ListItem itemBootImage = ddlHostBootImage.Items.FindByText("initrd.gz"); if (itemBootImage != null) ddlHostBootImage.SelectedValue = "initrd.gz"; else ddlHostBootImage.Items.Insert(0, "Select Boot Image"); } catch { } } } else if (ddlTemplate.Text == "new template") { createNewTemplate.Visible = true; bootPasswords.Visible = false; modifyTemplate.Visible = false; } else if (ddlTemplate.Text == "select template") { createNewTemplate.Visible = false; bootPasswords.Visible = false; modifyTemplate.Visible = false; } else if (ddlTemplate.Text == "---------------") { //do nothing } else { modifyTemplate.Visible = true; createNewTemplate.Visible = false; bootPasswords.Visible = false; txtModifyTemplate.ReadOnly = true; BootTemplate template = new BootTemplate().Read(ddlTemplate.Text); txtModifyTemplate.Text = template.templateName; txtAreaModifyTemplate.Text = template.templateContent; } }
protected void ddlTemplate_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { Utility settings = new Utility(); string path = null; string mode = settings.GetSettings("PXE Mode"); if (ddlTemplate.Text == "default") { if (mode.Contains("ipxe")) path = settings.GetSettings("Tftp Path") + "pxelinux.cfg" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "default.ipxe"; else path = settings.GetSettings("Tftp Path") + "pxelinux.cfg" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "default"; try { txtCustomBootMenu.Text = File.ReadAllText(path); } catch (Exception ex) { Master.Msgbox("Could Not Read Default Boot Menu. Check The Exception Log For More Info"); Logger.Log(ex.Message); } } else if (ddlTemplate.Text == "select template") { txtCustomBootMenu.Text = ""; } else { BootTemplate template = new BootTemplate().Read(ddlTemplate.Text); txtCustomBootMenu.Text = template.templateContent; } }
protected void ddlTemplate_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { Utility utility = new Utility(); if (ddlTemplate.Text == "default") { createNewTemplate.Visible = false; modifyTemplate.Visible = false; string proxyDHCP = utility.GetSettings("Proxy Dhcp"); if (proxyDHCP == "Yes") { divProxyDHCP.Visible = true; string biosFile = utility.GetSettings("Proxy Bios File"); string efi32File = utility.GetSettings("Proxy Efi32 File"); string efi64File = utility.GetSettings("Proxy Efi64 File"); if (biosFile.Contains("linux") || efi32File.Contains("linux") || efi64File.Contains("linux")) { proxyPassBoxes.Visible = true; } try { ddlBiosKernel.DataSource = Utility.GetKernels(); ddlBiosKernel.DataBind(); ddlEfi32Kernel.DataSource = Utility.GetKernels(); ddlEfi32Kernel.DataBind(); ddlEfi64Kernel.DataSource = Utility.GetKernels(); ddlEfi64Kernel.DataBind(); ListItem itemKernel = ddlBiosKernel.Items.FindByText("3.18.1-WDS"); if (itemKernel != null) { ddlBiosKernel.SelectedValue = "3.18.1-WDS"; ddlEfi32Kernel.SelectedValue = "3.18.1-WDS"; } else { ddlBiosKernel.Items.Insert(0, "Select Kernel"); ddlEfi32Kernel.Items.Insert(0, "Select Kernel"); } ListItem itemKernel64 = ddlEfi64Kernel.Items.FindByText("3.18.1x64-WDS"); if (itemKernel64 != null) { ddlEfi64Kernel.SelectedValue = "3.18.1x64-WDS"; } else { ddlEfi64Kernel.Items.Insert(0, "Select Kernel"); } ddlBiosBootImage.DataSource = Utility.GetBootImages(); ddlBiosBootImage.DataBind(); ddlEfi32BootImage.DataSource = Utility.GetBootImages(); ddlEfi32BootImage.DataBind(); ddlEfi64BootImage.DataSource = Utility.GetBootImages(); ddlEfi64BootImage.DataBind(); ListItem itemBootImage = ddlBiosBootImage.Items.FindByText("initrd.gz"); if (itemBootImage != null) { ddlBiosBootImage.SelectedValue = "initrd.gz"; ddlEfi32BootImage.SelectedValue = "initrd.gz"; } else { ddlBiosBootImage.Items.Insert(0, "Select Boot Image"); ddlEfi32BootImage.Items.Insert(0, "Select Boot Image"); } ListItem itemBootImage64 = ddlEfi64BootImage.Items.FindByText("initrd64.gz"); if (itemBootImage != null) { ddlEfi64BootImage.SelectedValue = "initrd64.gz"; } else { ddlEfi64BootImage.Items.Insert(0, "Select Boot Image"); } } catch { } } else { bootPasswords.Visible = true; divPXEMode.Visible = true; string pxeMode = utility.GetSettings("PXE Mode"); if (pxeMode.Contains("ipxe")) { passboxes.Visible = false; btnSubmitDefault.Visible = false; btnSubmitIPXE.Visible = true; } try { ddlHostKernel.DataSource = Utility.GetKernels(); ddlHostKernel.DataBind(); ListItem itemKernel = ddlHostKernel.Items.FindByText("3.18.1-WDS"); if (itemKernel != null) { ddlHostKernel.SelectedValue = "3.18.1-WDS"; } else { ddlHostKernel.Items.Insert(0, "Select Kernel"); } } catch { } try { ddlHostBootImage.DataSource = Utility.GetBootImages(); ddlHostBootImage.DataBind(); ListItem itemBootImage = ddlHostBootImage.Items.FindByText("initrd.gz"); if (itemBootImage != null) { ddlHostBootImage.SelectedValue = "initrd.gz"; } else { ddlHostBootImage.Items.Insert(0, "Select Boot Image"); } } catch { } } } else if (ddlTemplate.Text == "new template") { createNewTemplate.Visible = true; bootPasswords.Visible = false; modifyTemplate.Visible = false; } else if (ddlTemplate.Text == "select template") { createNewTemplate.Visible = false; bootPasswords.Visible = false; modifyTemplate.Visible = false; } else if (ddlTemplate.Text == "---------------") { //do nothing } else { modifyTemplate.Visible = true; createNewTemplate.Visible = false; bootPasswords.Visible = false; txtModifyTemplate.ReadOnly = true; BootTemplate template = new BootTemplate().Read(ddlTemplate.Text); txtModifyTemplate.Text = template.templateName; txtAreaModifyTemplate.Text = template.templateContent; } }
public BootTemplate Read(string templateName) { BootTemplate template = new BootTemplate(); try { using (NpgsqlConnection conn = new NpgsqlConnection(Utility.DBString)) { NpgsqlCommand cmd = new NpgsqlCommand("boottemplates_read", conn); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; cmd.Parameters.Add(new NpgsqlParameter("@templateName", templateName)); conn.Open(); NpgsqlDataReader rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); while (rdr.Read()) { template.templateName = (string)rdr["templatename"]; template.templateContent = (string)rdr["templatecontent"]; } } } catch (Exception ex) { Utility.Message = "Could Not Read Boot Menu. Check The Exception Log For More Info"; Logger.Log(ex.ToString()); } return template; }